The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1354: Close to the truth

The Wolf King keenly sensed Meng Chao's hesitation.

He was half proud and half smiled helplessly.

"It seems that you have also realized that we have no choice."

The Wolf King waved his big hand and waved a scarlet bloodstain in the void. Suddenly thick, suddenly sharp voice, full of indomitable courage, "Now we are like in an unprecedented decisive battle, rushing to the top The vanguard in front.

"Whether it is the rumble of artillery fire in front of it, it is a trench that is bottomless and full of spikes, it is the enemy's dense spear stings, it is the frost, flames and lightning sung by the magician, it is the seemingly indestructible copper wall and iron wall, we too No choice but to close your eyes and move forward!

"Go ahead courageously, there is still one in ten thousand chance of surviving and winning the final victory.

"If you hesitate or even run away, you will not only die, but you will also be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, and you will always be slandered and ridiculed by the victors!

"Reaper, I know what you are worrying about.

"I also know that some power has invaded my brain and is interfering with my thinking.

"Trust me, although my appearance looks a little crazy, my mind has never been so clear at the moment.

"I even know that the power that invades my brain and interferes with my thinking does not necessarily originate from my great, brave, and glorious ancestors, but, as you say, the magic of the nine rings three thousand years ago. What the teacher said was some kind of mysterious power that was deliberately unpredictable, even a'horror devil'.

"But what then?

"It doesn't matter whether the ancestor spirit or the horror demon king, the important thing is that it can give me unparalleled power and give me the possibility to change the future!

"Even if what it provides is not a ‘free lunch’, I am willing to pay or even overdraft everything for this possibility!

"After all, for a gladiator who is about to set foot on the arena to fight an invincible enemy desperately, but he is hungry, he doesn't care how much he pays for a good meal.

"And for a gambler who has lost everything, or even the future, what else can he fear, what else can he hesitate, and what else can he lose?

"If someone is willing to lend him a large sum of money to fight back in Jedi, even if that person is a so-called demon, even if it needs to be mortgaged with the soul of a gambler, what does it matter?"

The sudden sharpness of the wolf king made Meng Chao realize that he was not lying.

The brain of the wolf king was indeed invaded, and the spirit was interfered by some mysterious force.

But at the same time, his brain was sober to the extreme, and he even actively opened his brain to accept the interference and transformation of mysterious forces.

Such a determination made Meng Chao not know where to start.

What's more, Meng Chao hasn't thought of a way to stop the Wolf King, Lion King and Tiger King at the same time.

You know, even if the brain is invaded by mysterious forces, the wolf king still maintains basic rational and logical thinking, and is able and willing to start a dialogue with Meng Chao.

Judging from the impression in the memory fragments of Meng Chao's previous life, the wolf king who has transformed into a "doomsday magic wolf" is not a complete lunatic.

It is true that he is a war madman, but the war he waged still followed the basic laws and rules of all wars.

This shows that the wolf king can control the mysterious power that invades his brain to a certain extent.

But the Lion King and Tiger King are not necessarily so.

Just from the two names "Horn of Destruction" and "Blade of Fury", you can hear their style.

If the lion king and tiger king get the power and destiny of the previous wolf king...

Meng Chao didn't think that Dragon City and Turanze would have a better ending than their previous lives.

"Could it be that this is the destiny that cannot be changed?

"'Jackal' Kanus' is destined to become'Doomsday Demon Wolf', Dragon City and Turanze are destined to usher in destruction?

"Wait, I seem to have overlooked something, I have overlooked something that is incompatible with the Holy Mountain Temple, calm down, think about it..."

A flash of lightning flashed across Meng Chao's mind.

Lightning illuminates a face with a completely different painting style from the environment of the Holy Mountain Temple.

"Human face spider." Meng Chao muttered to himself.

His voice is very soft.

The Wolf King's reaction was fierce.

"What did you say?"

The Wolf King roared, "Don't waste time, now let us listen to the call of the ancestor spirit, get ahead of the'Horn of Destruction' and the'Blade of Fury', and enter the deepest part of the Holy Mountain Temple!"

"No, don't interrupt my thoughts. I'm thinking about what happened to the human face spider we saw when we first entered the Holy Mountain Temple?"

Meng Chao glanced at the overly excited Wolf King, and Gu Zi analyzed, "On the surface, it seems that it was sent out by a mysterious force hibernating in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple to attract us into the trap, because we are just catching up. In its process, it stepped on the air and fell into the pipe, which triggered a series of "coincidences".

"However, when you think about it, the style of this human-faced spider is completely different from the fossils of beasts and heroes we saw later.

"The bones of those fierce beasts have been dead for thousands of years. The surface is moisturized by psychic energy and crystal clear, as if a layer of fine jade-like patina has grown, although the fierce soul of totem beasts is inside. There is no sign of vitality.

"The hero statue is even more condensed from a liquid metal-like substance. Although every detail is engraved vividly and lifelike, because the surface is full of metal texture, even the skin, hair and eyeballs are shiny with metallic luster, which makes it difficult. Treat them as living creatures of flesh and blood.

"They are all part of the Holy Mountain Temple, and they are also the mysterious powers that lie deep in the temple, the mechanisms and puppets that can be manipulated.

"Although the human-faced spider looks weird and ugly, the carapace that covers the body is also faintly shining with a metallic texture, and it must be wrapped in a liquid metal substance similar to a totem armor.

"But it looks like a human face, and it is indeed a living thing.

"Including the look of expectation and anxiety when it tries to convey information to us, it also resembles a carbon-based intelligent life full of vitality and free will, not just a puppet.

"It stands to reason that the Holy Mountain Temple has been sealed for three thousand years.

"For three thousand years, even if there are viruses, bacteria, algae, and low-level plants that can grow silently in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple, large, flesh-and-blood creatures like human face spiders will certainly not survive.

"So, where did this guy come from, where does he want to lead us, what does he want to tell us-don't you think it is necessary for us to figure out this problem?"


The reaction of the Wolf King was more intense than Meng Chao had imagined.

He wielded the claw blade indiscriminately, trying to stop Meng Chao from saying, "That's just a bait. It's just to lure us to step through the pipeline. Don't waste time on a bait!"

"If it's really just a bait, why are you so excited?"

Meng Chao took a deep look at the Wolf King, and felt more and more that he unintentionally grasped the key to changing the future. "The more I ponder, the more certain it is. The human face spider can't be as simple as a bait.

"If the mysterious power dormant in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple just wants to lure us here for trials, it has a hundred more straightforward ways to achieve its goals.

"For example, it can arrange reliefs extending all the way on the ground, just like what we see on the outer shell of a temple.

"It can also place hundreds of beast fossils or hero statues along the way. Will we go against the guidance of the legendary heroes?

"Even, it only needs to ignite a few flames in the dark, and the flames condense into shiny arrows. We will definitely move in the direction pointed by the arrows.

"In fact, I very much doubt that the mysterious power hung in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple was originally arranged in this way.

"It has carefully arranged everything, and it is just waiting for the Turan warriors three thousand years later to open the seal and step into its embrace.

"However, its elaborate arrangement was disturbed by the human-faced spider.

"Yes, the human face spider is not to lure us into a trap, but to do everything possible to keep us away from the trap.

"Didn’t you notice that under the leadership of the human face spider, we gradually ran towards the edge of the Holy Mountain Temple, and as long as we jumped over the huge rift deep in the rock formation, we could completely escape the control area of ​​the Holy Mountain Temple. Is it?

"However, at the last moment, the pipe under our feet suddenly cracked.

"The way the pipe splits is so simple and rude—it’s clear that we are all masters above the level, and we can precisely control the pressure that we exert on the outer wall of the pipe, and the pipe does not appear to have been damaged or corroded. The outer wall is extremely strong. .

"But we still stepped through the pipe and fell in.

"It’s not so much a well-designed trap, it’s better to say that there is a certain mysterious power that does not want us to follow the human face spider out of the control area of ​​the holy mountain temple, let alone us and the human face spider hide in it. To exchange information in invisible places, so at the last moment, we were forcibly stopped.

"Wolf King, do you think there is a problem with my speculation?"

"When, of course there is a problem."

The wolf king's head was twitching nervously, and his voice was full of anxiousness that he didn't even realize, "You have said it, all this is your guess, you have no evidence at all!"

"Originally, there was no evidence. I was just talking about it and thinking about it."

Meng Chao smiled, and gradually floated to a height beyond the head of the wolf king, "But if I really didn't guess the truth, why are you so nervous and anxious?"


The first update of 2022, I wish all brothers and sisters a happy New Year's Day and all the best!

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