The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1367: "a piece of meat"

The ancient Turan people who had just crossed into another world faced a worse living environment than the Earth people who had just crossed.

Their advantages are cutting-edge metal smelting and super-magnet technology, as well as a stronger body compared to people on earth.

The disadvantage is that their spacecraft is deeply buried in the ground. More than 90% of the space and facilities inside the spacecraft are either integrated with the rock, or become riddled, rusty, and completely scrapped.

Suppose, when the Dragon City people face the monster with its teeth and claws, there is still a city, a homeland to defend.

The home of the ancient Turan people has become an empty tomb that will collapse at any time.

In order to survive, the ancient Turan people had to migrate to the ground and face various natural disasters and monsters without the protection of copper walls, iron walls and high-rise buildings.

In order to enhance the individual's extreme survivability and endurance combat capability in harsh environments, the ancient Turan people gambled on the last resources and technology for the research and development of individual portable combat equipment.

The final product developed is a full-coverage power armor shaped with "super magnets".

As a result, Turan civilization entered the "War Armor Era".

The ancient Turan people's dependence on power armor was much greater than that of the Dragon City people.

The power armor is their second skin, their strongest fortress, their mobile fortress, that is, they walk alone in the crisis-ridden wilderness, and when they are attacked by magma, acid rain and monsters at any time, they rely on survival and must Defend the homeland.

The "super-magnetic battle armor" shaped by super-magnet materials also has the advantages of multi-function, impact resistance, self-repair, and to a certain extent, automatic execution of simple instructions compared to ordinary metal cast individual equipment.

With the super-magnetic battle armor, the Turan civilization barely gained a foothold in this unfamiliar land.

But hypermagnetic battle armor is not omnipotent.

The ancient Turanese still had two fatal problems to be solved urgently.

The first is the ancient bacteria and viruses that are flooded in other worlds.

For outsiders without a corresponding immune mechanism, it is simply a blockbuster that directly attacks cells and even gene chains.

Just as good-looking people on Earth have crossed to another world, because of the inconsistent water and soil and the raging plague, it is easy to deform and mutate and even become zombies without humans and ghosts.

The ancient Turan people were also very susceptible to infection with otherworldly germs, and turned into all kinds of terrible and even dehumanizing appearances.

No matter how strong, changeable, and intelligent the hypermagnetic battle armor is, it will not be able to protect every cell or even every gene chain in the owner's body.

Second, there is still a problem of resources.

Because of the special environment of the Turan planet, almost all the mineral veins there are exposed to the air or buried in shallow ground.

It is often squeezed or thrown onto the ground due to geological turbulence triggered by huge tidal forces.

Turan people who still live on their home planet rarely worry about energy and raw materials.

In sharp contrast to the metal smelting technology that surpasses the level of civilization development is their relatively weak resource collection technology.

The spar and metal veins of Turanze are buried very deep underground.

The ancient Turan people, who had just crossed over, damaged a large number of people and were still in a dizzy state, were unable to survey and mine the resources hidden deep in Turanze.

Without resources, no matter how powerful the super-magnetic battle armor is, it is just a pile of scrapped copper and rotten iron.

As a result, Turan civilization fell into a very embarrassing and dangerous situation.

When a fully armed, powerful tactical team with all members in hypermagnetic battle armor walks in the wilderness of Turanze, it is almost invincible.

There are not many monsters that can compete with such a tactical team.

Even rocks caused by magma, floods, acid rain, and earthquakes can hardly completely destroy the hypermagnetic battle armor and injure the flesh and blood inside.

Even in the event of a large-scale natural disaster or a large wave of beasts, the tactical team can escape back underground in time and escape to the "Hope".

However, when the ancient Turan people tried to establish large-scale settlements and even towns on the ground, and migrate the entire population and entire civilization to the ground, the situation was completely different.

The explorer wearing a hypermagnetic armor can be flexible and maneuverable.

The settlements and towns are unable to grow hundreds of feet, fleeing when danger comes.

Once a settlement with a large amount of resources is completed, and natural disasters occur or the beast tide occurs, the ancient Turan people have no choice but to continue to invest a lot of resources, repeatedly seesaw with the natural disasters, and fights with the beast tide.

And "see-saw" and "consumption" were the things that Turan people at that time could not afford.

As a result, it finally cleared all the monsters within a radius of hundreds of miles, and invested a lot of resources to build and strengthen the settlements.

Often when the rainy season comes the following year, when everything recovers, it is washed away by surging floods and a comeback wave of beasts.

The ancient Turan people could only escape back to the ground in a desperate manner.

This happens repeatedly.

It's like an endless nightmare.

In the high-temperature and high-pressure underground environment, as well as the continuous erosion of rock formations, the Nozomi was completely paralyzed and even collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If you don’t want to solve the problem of deadly germs and lack of resources, it will not be long before the Turan civilization will lose the strength and courage to break out of the ground forever.

Perhaps, the Turan people will become poor worms who stay underground forever. In the dark environment, even their eyeballs will gradually degenerate, and they will never want to rebuild their civilization.

Of course, miracles are always performed at the moment of the last minute.

Just when civilization is on the verge of destruction.

The ancient Turan people found...a piece of meat in the deeper rock under the "Hope".


Meng Chao has been quietly receiving the massive amount of information transmitted by the voice.

Regardless of "seeing" Nozomi's thrilling journey in the vast sea of ​​stars.

It was still those horrible scenes when the Hope passed through, but overlapped with the rock formations in space.

He did not interrupt the transmission of information.

Until this moment, he finally couldn't help asking, "a piece of meat?"

"Yes, that is really a very weird thing. A similar existence has never been found on Turan's home planet. Except for'a piece of meat', there is no word in Turan that can describe it at all."

The voice said, Xiang Meng Chao's brain, input a vague picture.

In spite of the countless times of "Haka" over tens of thousands of years, the repeated transmission of images has lost a lot of information.

Meng Chao still relied on his rich imagination to reluctantly piece together the appearance of this thing.

From a distance, it looks like a rock embedded in a cavities in the ground. It is gray-white, and the surface is covered with dense and dense honeycomb-like small holes. The small holes are permeated with a turbid and viscous liquid, like a cannibal. Condensed dew on the flower.

Only by careful observation can it be found that its surface is still covered with criss-cross and winding folds, and deep in the folds, it seems that there are hidden gullies that are a hundred times larger than the surface area.

At first, it was like a pile of lifeless inorganic matter.

But soon, it realized that the recorder of the picture was watching it.

It is also possible that it was stimulated by the arrival of the ancient Turan people.

The viscous liquid all over its surface vibrated one after another, turning into something that was indistinguishable as a halo or a mist, which was ethereal and as thin as a veil.

No, Meng Chao suddenly realized that it was neither halo nor mist.

It's breathing.

The look of this tuft of objects being awakened by people and breathing quietly, activated Meng Chaofeng's deepest sense of storage in the memory bank, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Meng Chao felt that he had seen something similar.

Come to think of it, it is the No. 2 Archaean Relic in the Hidden Fog, which is the depths of the ultimate lair of monster civilization.

That is the "master mind" of monster civilization.

It is also in the Primordial Era that once wreaked havoc on the sky and the "ancient" all the torso into the starry sky, and even completely destroyed the "mother body" after being bombarded by space-based orbital weapons, leaving behind fragments!

"The monster master didn't lie!

"After the former'matrix' was torn apart by space-based orbital weapons, it really left more than one fragment!

"The fragment buried deep in the monster mountain range and the misty extinct region, after hundreds of millions of years of dormancy and recovery, re-emerged as a'monster mastermind' posture.

"This fragment located under Turanze's underground has been discovered by Turan people who don't know the truth thousands of years ago!

"From the picture, this fragment seems to have not recovered the ability and form of the former mother's body. It is still in a long period of dormancy and recovery. It is just a group of trembling cells. Even the cell structure cannot be maintained. It is just a certain kind of It's just a polymer of organic substances.

"But no matter how harmless it looks, even if it becomes a lifeless fossil, it is a part of the'mother body', even the seed of the'mother body', and is one of the most dangerous existences in the entire alien world!"

Sure enough, the voice told Meng Chao that the ancient Turan people discovered "this piece of meat" during a routine exploration.

Because of the passage of Nozomi, a large area of ​​space ripples and criss-cross space folds.

A large number of cavitations and crevices leading to spatial folds appeared in the originally strong and dense rock formations under Turanze.

A large amount of the Wreckage of Nozomi is scattered in these underground cavities and spatial folds.

When the rainy season came on the surface, floods and animal tides raged, it was difficult for the ancient Turan people to gain a foothold on the ground.

Organizing an "underground exploration team" to find mineral veins, spacecraft wreckage, and sources of thermal energy has become one of the main tasks of the traversers.

They found all kinds of weird things in the underground of the alien world.

However, when "this piece of meat" appeared in front of the exploration team members, it still greatly exceeded their expectations and imagination.

No matter in the home planet or in another world, they have never seen something like this...indescribable.

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