The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1373: Born in abundance

At this point, even if the Turan civilization has completed the first stage, the appearance has changed.

But at this time, the Turan civilization still retained a large number of spiritual cores derived from the parent star.

No matter what they look like, the Turan people still believe in civilization, believe in their fellow citizens, believe in the power of concerted efforts and common enemies, believe that the fire of civilization requires the efforts of all people to guard together, and believe that no matter when and where, how dangerous they encounter In any situation, you can rest assured to give your back to your compatriots.

When Hope crossed the sea of ​​​​stars, countless martyrs united as one, united as a city, went forward and succeeded, and the noble spirit of death was shining like a beacon, guiding the direction of the Turan people.

If only this lighthouse could shine forever.

Even if the appearance becomes a ferocious beast.

The Turan civilization may not fail to continue in a new way, as people believe, to achieve the ultimate victory in the battle for survival.


On a deeper level, the second stage of change involving the mind and spirit begins.

The Turan civilization, which has been triumphant and victorious in the monster war, was once again pushed to the edge of the cliff by the unpredictable fate.

No, not totem beasts.

At this time, the totem beast has lost the ability to attack in an all-round way and destroy the Turan civilization.

From "threat" to "trouble".

It even changed from "trouble" to the object of hunting, training, entertainment, and gathering raw materials for the Turan people.

The Monster Wars will be over in three to five years.

The Turan civilization is about to usher in a new era of great construction and great development.

All Turans at the time believed in this.

Even the most cautious pessimists simply believe that the Turanians cannot completely eliminate the totem beasts, which will coexist with the Turanians for a long time like the pesky cockroaches, fleas and mice.

But cockroaches, fleas and mice, after all, are just scabies and cannot interfere with the general direction of civilization.

This time, the deadly threat that came quietly was the mandala tree.

It is a mandala tree that flutters with the wind and spreads to the entire Turan River Basin, takes root deeply in the earth, grows arbitrarily in the mountains and plains, and is full of abundant fruits, providing sufficient nutrition and spiritual energy for the Turan people.

Suddenly one day, the mandala tree, which was originally diligent, hard-working, and able to automatically and consciously draw spiritual energy from the depths of the earth, gave birth to countless mandala fruits, so that the Turan civilization did not have to worry about food problems while the population exploded. .

All bloomed.

Turanze has turned into a splendid sea of ​​flowers.

In the beginning, the ignorant Turan people felt very happy in the face of the dreamlike scene.

They believe that this is both a symbol of victory.

It also represents the recognition of the new world to outsiders.

From this moment on, the Turan civilization has fully integrated into the ecosystem of the New World, and the Turan people have changed from outsiders to natives, and become the rightful masters of the New World.

The ecstatic Turan people sang and danced on the mandala tree full of flowers and held a grand celebration.

People enjoyed the food, drank alcohol, held hands around the mandala tree and laughed loudly.

The children dexterously climbed to the crown of the mandala tree like apes, plucked the overly bright flowers, weaved them into beautiful wreaths, and put them on their heads, as if they were wearing a crown dedicated to the "spirit of all things". .

Everything is so beautiful.

Beautiful as a ridiculous farce.

And when the farce of days and nights finally came to an end, and people gradually woke up from their hangovers, they found it unbelievably that the mandala tree after blooming did not bear fruit!

That’s right, every mandala tree in the entire Turanze—whether it grows on the banks of the fertile Turan River or the barren land in the poor mountains and bad waters.

Whether it is the "Experimental Body No. 1" that has been carefully cultivated by biochemical experts, genetically tailored, and injected with a large amount of nutrient solution, or the wild species or mutant species whose seeds are fluttering in the wind and grow wild like bamboo shoots.

It was as if some sort of mysterious command was activated by coincidence, and then the valve was tightly tightened.

Stop drawing nutrients and psionic energy from the ground, stop the results, stop sending even a little bit of resources to the ground.

The Turans were shocked.

You know, in the past few decades, because of the spirit magnets and mandala trees, despite the monster war in full swing, the population of the Turan civilization has skyrocketed exponentially.

As the space shocks from Hope's crossing wear off, Turanze's environment has become increasingly stable, with fewer earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions.

This also creates a valuable space for the Turan people to thrive.

In addition, the spiritual magnet can not only stimulate the infinite expansion of various desires, but also shorten the time for life to conceive and postpartum recovery.

After coming to the New World, the population growth rate of the Turan people far exceeded any period in the parent star era.

Before the mandala tree bloomed, no one thought it was a problem.

On the contrary, the number of Turans is still too small.

After all, their sights are not limited to the Turan River Basin.

They are a great civilization that wants to conquer the whole new world and rush to the sea of ​​stars again!

From the analysis of the gravity and oxygen content of the habitable planet underfoot, as well as the size of indigenous animals and plants, the volume and mass of the new world should be almost the same as the parent star.

Even in terms of the population size of the parent planet, the new world can at least accommodate a hundred times more Turanians.

In any case, the mandala tree will continue to bear a steady stream of fragrant fruit.

It is not only impossible for food shortages to occur.

The headache is, instead, there are too many Datura trees in the mountains and plains, and there are too many Datura fruits, many of which are rich in nutrients and so full that they can be broken by blowing a bullet. Either they rot quickly and return to the earth, or they are cheap. Totem beasts and snakes, insects and rat ants dormant in the earth.

The Turan people, who are used to drawing resources from the mandala tree, are like the children of the wealthy who spend extravagantly.

Never have the habit of saving and saving.

I have long forgotten how to reclaim, plant, fertilize, and harvest, relying on my own hard work and sweat to obtain the food needed for survival—experts who know the relevant knowledge and technology have long since died, and they have changed jobs and become better. Brave orcs.

Besides, even if they were willing to start from scratch, sowing seeds, planting crops, plowing and harvesting, it would be impossible.

In the past few decades, the mandala tree prepared by the people of Turan has an overly developed root system, which has grown wildly without knowing it.

Whether barren or fertile land, as long as you dig deep enough, you can find mandala roots like hibernating giant pythons.

The appetite of these roots is greater than that of the giant python that has just woken up from hibernation.

They greedily **** every drop of nutrients from the depths of the earth.

Only the Datura tree and its companion plants are nourished, thriving and growing.

Other plants that have been deprived of resources and living space, even if they can grow tremblingly, are like congenital deformities and acquired malnutrition, and they cannot breed enough food for all Turan people.

On the journey of driving the Hope to cross the sea of ​​stars, the people of Turan have experienced a difficult time when resources were extremely scarce.

At that time, the people of Turan knew how to break a grain of rice in half and divide it into two meals.

It can also eat synthetic food made by using its own body waste and recycling it hundreds of times without changing its face.

Such Turan people not only know the taste of hunger, but also know how to endure hunger quietly, calmly, and calmly, until the shriveled stomach loses the ability to peristalize.

When the hungry Turan people came to the new world, relying on the stimulation of the spiritual magnet, they successfully concocted a mandala tree, and for the first time they had almost endless food.

As if they were suffering from some kind of mental illness, they still carefully restrained their appetite, and secretly hid food that was no longer precious in various nooks and crannies, lest the difficult years of lack of food would come again.

However, the mandala tree is just too perfect.

Perfect to their ludicrous performance, as ridiculous as worrying about the sky collapsing.

More and more mandala fruits piled up every corner.

Just like a flood, the memory of hunger and deprivation of the Turan people was washed away.

There are even many Turan people who suffered from starvation in the difficult years and developed a strong sense of revenge.

Gobbling and profligate to avenge the unbearable "age of hunger" while still aboard the Hope.

And no matter how they retaliate, consume or even waste them wildly, there are still more and more mandala trees and mandala fruits, so much that they are like seawater that will never dry up.

Later, whether it was suffering from mental illness, the Tulan people were overly economical.

Or a revengeful, profligate Turan.

All are dead.

—Even with sufficient food, Turanze was still a place of danger and murder at that time.

Early settlers and hunters had extremely high mortality rates.

An exploration team of dozens of people spent three to five years in the wilderness. All the old people died and all were replaced by new people. This is a normal thing.

The new generation born in Turanze has no concept of hunger.

Even through "Haka", occasionally flashed in their minds the memory of their fathers starving on the Hope.

However, in the face of the mandala fruit that is readily available, the illusory and ridiculous memory was almost instantly smashed by the reality in front of him.

Just like the old saying of the earthlings:

Everything that was there when I was born was taken for granted.

If it is said, the old people will also regard more and more mandala trees and fruits as inexhaustible seawater.

The new generation that was born and grew up with the mandala tree almost regarded the mandala fruit as air.

Unless suffocated, who cares about the ubiquitous air?

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