The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1375: reinvented civilization

There is nothing new under the sun.

What happened next in Turanze was also repeated many times on Earth.

It is nothing more than "it is the drought in the south of the Yangtze River, and the people of Quzhou cannibalize people".

In fact, when Longcheng just crossed over, it also experienced such a **** era of order collapse, the lawless and lawless.

In the new world ravaged by zombies, viruses, floods and monsters, there may not be no earthlings who have become direct or indirect "cannibals".

But the lucky thing about Longcheng is that this mega city with a population of tens of millions, a complete industrial, scientific research and education system, a large storage of war preparation materials including food, and a large number of garrisoned troops, instantly traveled to a different place. boundary.

Although in an alien world.

The people of Longcheng still retain vivid memories of the earth's civilization.

The laws and morals of the earth age still have strong inertia.

Before the garrison fought against the flood beasts and the zombie virus, before the entire army was wiped out, the brilliance of humanity that bloomed was like a raging flame, which was enough to illuminate the direction of the survivors in the **** and dark age.

The most important thing is that the Longcheng people did not directly cross the "maternal fragment" like the ancient Turan people.

Instead, it maintains a not-so-close, just right distance from the parent fragment.

This prevents the parent fragment from reaching its claws directly to Earthlings.

It can only transform into the mastermind of monsters, create monster civilization, and then drive a large number of monsters to attack Dragon City from the outside.

The overwhelming tide of beasts not only failed to overwhelm the backbone of the people of Longcheng, but instead prompted the people of Longcheng to work together, unite as one, unite closely, and re-establish order, law, morality and even civilization.

The misfortune of the ancient Turan people was that they were targeted by the fragments of the mother body as early as the moment they just crossed.

The power of the parent body fragments, with the help of the spiritual magnet, invaded their bodies and even their brains.

Demons born from the depths of the soul are naturally a hundred times more difficult to deal with than monsters invading from the outside.

And when the first ancient Turan couldn't help breaking through the bottom line of law, morality and humanity, he raised a butcher's knife or even a table knife to his compatriots.

Another characteristic of spiritual magnets has also been discovered.

The spiritual magnetic armor condensed from the spiritual magnet can actually store the master's combat skills, memory and experience.

Moreover, through the fusion of two groups of spiritual magnets and the superimposition of two sets of magnetic lead armors, the old master's combat skills, memory and experience can be transferred to the new master's body and brain!

In other words-

Just kill your own countrymen.

What can be obtained is not only the food of the compatriots, the flesh and blood of the compatriots, but also the fighting power of the compatriots!

The more you kill, the stronger your fighting power.

If you kill one, you will earn one, if you kill ten, you will multiply it tenfold. If you kill one hundred, you will be able to run amok and be invincible!

Everyone is killing and killing, and whoever doesn't kill, the spirit magnet on his body will rebel, turning him into an irrational origin warrior.

Even if he can barely control his gradually crazy mind, he will become the next target of slaughter due to lack of food, psionic energy, combat skills and experience for a long time.

And just like that, a new war begins.

It is no longer a war between humans and beasts.

It's a war between man and man, all against all.

The killing storm swept the entire Turanze.

Everyone was caught in it.

Whether voluntarily or forcedly, hero or coward, humble gentleman or despicable villain, elation or despair, all the ancient Turanians struggled in the sea of ​​blood and corpses they had created, only to step on other people's heads and desperately Climb upwards to emerge from the sea and retain a glimmer of life.

In fact, the mandala tree stopped bearing fruit this time, and it only lasted for three or five years.

If all the ancient Turanians were willing to expel the spiritual magnets from their bodies and work together to overcome the difficulties together, they might not be able to survive the difficulties based on the population and land carrying capacity at that time.

But tragedy still happened.

In just three or five years, the cannibalism of the ancient Turanians was more tragic than the protracted monster war.

When the mandala flowers withered and the branches were covered with heavy fruits again, people woke up from this long, bloody, and unbearable nightmare.

People who survived the catastrophe were full of complicated feelings and dared not look into each other's eyes.

No one has counted how many people died of cannibalism.

No one has ever counted whether the dead Turan people starved to death because they were robbed of food by others, or were simply treated as food.

The impact of this incident on the Turan civilization went far beyond the sharp decline in the population.

It completely shattered the idea of ​​Turan civilization, shook the spirit of the Turan people, and reshaped the Turan people's definition of "civilization" and "humanity".

It is like living on a deserted island in a shipwreck. In order to survive, they have to kill each other. The survivors who are finally rescued can no longer face normal society and face the "normal" self in the past.

What's more, the failure of the mandala tree is a high-probability event that repeats periodically.

Although the mandala tree has regrown with a fragrant aroma, it seems that the fruit can never be eaten.

Who knows when the next time the mandala tree will stop bearing fruit, and for how long?

This time it's three or five years.

What if the next time is seven or eight years, ten years, or decades?

The ancient Turanians with the sword of Damocles hanging above their heads could not even deceive themselves and pretend that nothing happened.

They must face the harsh reality and find a way to survive.

The ancient Turanians made one last effort.

They concentrated all their strength and resources, and launched a mighty expedition toward the north of the Turan River Basin, in the direction of the Land of Light, and were ready to turn this expedition into a desperate expedition at any time.

When irreconcilable contradictions arise within a civilization, finding an external enemy or prey and transferring all contradictions is one of the best answers to resolve the contradictions.

Thousands of years later, the Turan people did exactly this.

But at the time, the ripples in space caused by the Hope crossing and bombarding the subterranean rock formations in Turanze had not dissipated.

The entire area around Tulanze is the same as the surrounding area of ​​Longcheng, filled with a mist that covers the sky and the sun.

Anyone who tries to pass through the fog will be completely lost in the fog that can't see the five fingers, and does not know how high, how thick, how deep is the fog.

Those who are lucky, after stumbled and groped for ten days and a half months, will go back to Turanze from another incredible direction.

Those who are unlucky will disappear forever into the depths of the fog.

No one knew that they were swallowed by the beasts and plunged into endless swamps and abyss.

Or simply be torn into pieces or even particles by innumerable space gaps.

The ancient Turanians called space ripples "mysterious walls".

The entire Tulanze was blocked in all directions by "mysterious walls".

Ancient Turans are like bacteria trapped in a petri dish, from which no one can escape.

As for persuading all the clansmen to give up the spiritual magnet together, it is even more whimsical and childish.

A double-edged sword is also a sword.

It's better to hold a double-edged sword that can cut you at any moment than to walk into the cruel wilderness with empty hands.

When realizing the danger and side effects of the spiritual magnet, the Turan civilization has gone too far and is bound too deeply with the spiritual magnet.

To give up the spiritual magnet is to give up the power to open mountains and rocks; to give up the immune system that protects the flesh and blood from being eroded by germs from other worlds; to give up the precision machinery with sophisticated structure and infinite changes; pleasure.

It's not called "a strong man breaking his wrist".

It's "a strong man beheaded".

Besides, there are totem beasts!

With the fruit of the mandala tree, the number of totem beasts also increased geometrically.

These muddled beasts don't care about "double-edged swords" or "double-edged swords", they only know how to devour wildly, reproduce wildly, fight wildly, and vent out the excessive vitality brought by the underground spiritual energy.

The number of totem beasts seems to have skyrocketed tenfold overnight.

The Turan civilization has not yet decided how to solve a series of problems such as "the original mother, the mandala tree, the spiritual magnet and the famine".

The overwhelming tide of beasts once again invaded the city.

Then there's no way.

Travelers who travel long distances in the desert and will die of thirst in the next second have no choice but to drink it even if they know that there is a glass of poisonous wine in front of them.

The ancient Turans gave up thinking.

Once again absorbed and activated more spiritual magnets, condensed into more powerful magical weapons and spiritual magnetic armor, with the most primitive, brutal, brutal, and **** posture, accompanied by a louder battle cry than the beasts, pounced on A torrent of beasts.

But this time, many people have changed.

In the past, the Turans fought for civilization and were willing to sacrifice everything for the continuation and rise of civilization.

Now, Turan is as brave and fearless as ever, but before diving into the surging tide of beasts, he always thinks carefully about how much this battle can benefit him.

In the past, the Turanians could safely hand over their flanks and backs to any Turanians they didn't know each other, because they firmly believed that they had a common name for each other, called "compatriots"!

Now, the Turan people only believe in their blood relatives, and the very few people who have broken through the bottom line with themselves during the famine and have been "tested", and only these people are their "similars".

In the past, the strong in the Turan civilization were very willing to help and teach the weak, because they believed that every time a weak person became a strong one, the overall combat effectiveness of the Turan civilization would increase a little, and the accumulation of sand would become a tower. Only civilization can become the master of the new world.

Now, whenever the strong see the talented weak, before helping and teaching each other, they will subconsciously murmur in their hearts, whether their kindness or stupidity will cultivate the most dangerous for themselves in the next era of famine. enemy?

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