The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1379: last hope

Those researchers determined to fight back against the mother were given a precious respite.

However, they also had huge differences on how to treat the Temple of Light.

At the beginning, the vast majority of researchers agreed with the Temple of Light, believing that the original mother was the "Egg of Chaos", which would only bring chaos, disorder, ignorance, savagery and killing.

Some people were even ecstatic about the arrival of the Holy Light Army.

They risked their lives to escape from the Hope, trying to contact the Temple of Holy Light, and with the help of the latter's power, they could "purify" Turanze - only in this way can the Turan civilization be saved.

However, they soon learned what the so-called "purification" really meant in the context of the Temple of Light.

Purification is death.

Regardless of gender, age, or age, soldiers or civilians, whether they are corroded by spiritual magnets or not, they are controlled by the original mother.

As long as it is the "demon and evil" who are illuminated by the Holy Light, death is the highest kindness, the greatest luck, and the eternal tranquility that the Holy Light Temple can bestow upon them.

As the towns of Turan fell to ashes under the light of the Holy Light.

Countless old and weak women and children let out heart-piercing screams in the raging flames.

The researchers' perceptions have changed 180 degrees.

If it is said, the original mother regarded the Turan orcs as puppets and ghosts.

But puppets and ghosts can survive anyway.

Even if it is to perish, it will be thousands or even tens of thousands of years later.

The result of cooperating with the Temple of Holy Light, or more precisely, surrendering to the Temple of Holy Light, is that the Turan civilization is now going to bury the original mother.

Killing the original mother is only a means.

Saving the Turan civilization is the ultimate goal of the researchers.

In the face of the helpless and desperate reality that the Turan civilization has been firmly bound to the original mother.

The Temple of Holy Light was unwilling to listen to the explanations of the researchers, and was unwilling to think about the possibility of how to separate the Turan orcs from the original mother.

After struggling for a long time, the researchers could only choose to temporarily die.

They no longer seek to kill the original mother outright.

Instead, he wants to find a way to control the original mother—inhibit the original mother’s intelligence and consciousness, so that the original mother can be used by the Turan orcs obediently, and help the Turan orcs fight against the army of light.

There is no doubt that to do this is a hundred times more difficult than simply killing the original mother.

For thousands of years thereafter, the rebels seemed to disappear from the history of the Turan civilization.

The transformation of the Turan civilization accelerated in famines and harvests again and again.

In the constant friction with the Holy Light camp, he slowly created a new spirit, belief, clan structure, military organization and customs, developed a racial character that advocates glory and is not afraid of death, and a whole set of Holy Light. Temple **** for tat myths and legends.

Scientific researchers, including experts in spirit magnets, gradually withered away, turning into priests and witch doctors who knew it but didn't know why.

Ancient colony points, shelters, and forward bases have been turned into temples full of mystery.

The Hope became the largest and most venerable holy mountain temple, a burial place for heroes and warriors.

However, no one knows that among the priests responsible for guarding the Temple of the Holy Mountain, the fire of hope is still being passed down in the form of "Haka".

In every generation of priests, there are always very few people who will awaken their ancient memories, vaguely remembering the old Turan people, what kind of life they lived, and what power turned them into the half-human, half-beast appearance they are today.

They silently shoulder the mission of inheritance for thousands of years.

In the secret base next to the Nozomi, the research and control of the original mother is still being carried out in secret.

It was like a ray of candle flame that burned in the dark for thousands of years, although it was weak, it continued.

Three thousand years ago, when the Holy Light Army launched the largest "purification war" in ten thousand years, trying to completely destroy the Hope and the original mother.

There are still a group of heirs of ancient researchers who are stranded in the "Holy Mountain Temple" as witch doctors and priests.

Originally, they had the opportunity to escape the desperate situation.

With their status, no matter which clan they fled to, they can enjoy favorable treatment and high status.

For their mission, they resolutely stayed.

Stay in the Hope, which was severely damaged by the big explosion and completely isolated from the outside world, like a tomb of the living dead.

Originally, a total of seventeen witch doctors and priests who had awakened ancient memories remained.

They are all masters of making mandala trees, shaping spiritual magnets and conducting biochemical experiments.

Using the genetically optimized mandala tree, they constructed an ecological circulatory system in the secret research base that can continuously draw spiritual energy from the underground spiritual veins to generate fresh air and nutrients.

Then, in an environment that would not be disturbed by people for thousands of years, a race against time and dedicated research was launched.

They got it right.

The Big Bang severely weakened the original mother's power.

Also exposed more characteristics and weaknesses of the original mother.

Furthermore, the tentacles of the original mother were firmly limited to the scope of the Hope, and they could not invade the secret research base that was close at hand.

Their research went very well.

It soon made a breakthrough that had not been achieved in the past few hundred years.

At this time, an almost unsolvable problem emerged in front of everyone.

To analyze how the original mother eroded and changed the principle of the Turan orcs through the spirit magnet, and reversed this process, and in turn controlled the spirit magnet and the original mother, a large number of experimental subjects were needed.

Without extensive experimentation, it is simply impossible to get valid data.

The heirs of the divine mission were forced to experiment on themselves.

They implanted various nanostructured spiritual magnets into their bodies.

Then inject the "suppressive medicine" they initially prepared to try to control the overactive spiritual magnet, which interferes with the output of the human brain.

Naturally, research on inhibitory agents cannot be accomplished overnight.

Repeatedly implanting spiritual magnets with different nanostructures is equivalent to wearing several layers of totem armor with different totem powers.

Their flesh, flesh and souls are being pulled, bitten and gnawed at different levels and of different natures from their original mother, like **** fire.

Many researchers couldn't bear the inhuman torture, and were tortured to death or exploded to death.

Even those who survived often turned into monsters beyond recognition—like the human-faced spider that led Meng Chao here.

But the inhibitory drugs they developed finally had some effect.

While their appearance became more and more deformed and uglier, they were still able to restrain the urge to kill brought by the spiritual magnet, and clearly remember their identity, origin and mission.

For the next three thousand years, this small research base has always maintained a minimum operation.

The number of researchers is decreasing.

Although they all regard reproduction as the first priority, trying to cultivate more "Awakeners", "Rebels" and "Inheritors".

He also passed on his knowledge, technology and mission through "Haka".

However, the ecological circulation system in the research base is too small to support the huge population.

They were repeatedly attacked by out-of-control spiritual magnets, and their genes became extremely fragile and unstable.

A growing number of researchers are giving birth to deformed stillbirths.

There are also many people who died of various accidents before they passed the "Haka" and passed on their wisdom and will.

Finally, in the small cave, only the last researcher was left.

And because he repeatedly experimented on himself, he also exhausted his life potential.

He was dying.

The fire of hope that has been burning for thousands of years is about to be completely extinguished.

Fortunately, he finally found the "answer" before he died.

In the past 10,000 years, countless rebels who were unwilling to be enslaved and unwilling to watch their beloved civilization move towards barbarism, ignorance, blood and darkness. Their souls seem to have gathered in the body of the last researcher at this moment.

Like a **** possessed, he concocted a "special medicine" for the original mother.

This inhibitory agent can partially destroy the nanostructure of the spiritual magnet, block the transmission path of spiritual energy in the spiritual magnet, and block the brain-like neural response of the original mother.

By injecting it into one's own body, while retaining most of the functions of the Spirit Magnetic Armor, it can inhibit the erosion and interference of the Spirit Magnetic Armor on the human body, and ensure the absolute control of human beings over the Spirit Magnetic Armor.

And according to repeated calculations, the researcher believes that as long as a large dose of highly concentrated inhibitory agent is injected into the original mother, he can firmly control this extremely mysterious primordial creature in his own hands!

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