The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1381: Courage for Humans

"Real Turans never believe in gods.

"In other words, the memory, wisdom, and courage of our ancestors that we have passed down through the 'Haka' are our gods and our ancestors.

"However, the moment you reappeared, I felt from the bottom of my heart that there was a god, an incarnation of the real existence of the Turan civilization, who blesses and guides me in the dark, guarding the last hope.

"There is no other person who is more suitable to help the Turan civilization complete its mission than an outsider who does not belong to the Holy Light camp, save us and save himself.

"That's why I didn't hesitate to expose, bring you here, tell and give you everything I have.

"This is the story of the Turan civilization, and it is also of us - all the rebels who are unwilling to submit, unwilling to enslave, unwilling to perpetually fall into ignorance and slaughter.

"I hope that after listening to this story, you can understand that the original mother is not only a threat to the Turan civilization, but also a deadly threat to all civilizations living on this planet. The 'brain' uses the spiritual magnet to create enough powerful and numerous 'limbs'. If it rushes out of the ground, the entire planet will be reduced to a meal in its belly, and all intelligent life on the planet will become its plaything.

"My life has come to an end.

"I can't help you any more.

"Then, bless you, stranger friend.

"I wish you a successful victory over the original mother and help the Turan civilization to get rid of the ignorance and chaos of 10,000 years.

"I wish your civilization will not repeat the mistakes of the Turan civilization and become a **** where the strong eat the weak and the winner is king.

"I hope you don't fall into the sight of the Holy Light Temple, and be 'purified' into ashes by the burning holy light.

"I wish you prosperity and prosperity on this mysterious and unpredictable planet, and find the truth behind this planet - what is the so-called transcendence, and what kind of power has made so many civilizations Gathered together, who are we, and where are we going?"

Accompanied by increasingly faint voices.

The crystal clear metal plate in front of Meng Chao's eyes gradually became dim and cloudy.

It seems to have been carved from crystal to cast in bronze.

And on this bronze, spots of patina soon grew.

Under the erosion of the patina, the metal plate is quickly torn apart.

It turned into billions of streamers and rushed into Meng Chao's brain.

Meng Chao seems to be drifting along in the surging flood.

There are many illusions in front of them, all of which are bizarre pictures and sounds.

Most of the contents are peculiar-looking researchers who are conducting long, boring and dangerous experiments, fiddling with a dazzling array of experimental equipment, as well as colorful and mysterious liquids full of radioactivity.

There are also algorithms and formulas.

Hundreds of times more than the formula engraved on the wall, dense, mysterious and complicated, like countless little bugs dancing and dancing after getting drunk, all of them got into Meng Chao's brain cells.

Meng Chao knew that this was the last researcher of the Turan Civilization, and through "Haka", he had transmitted to him experimental logs and research data for 10,000 years.

Rao is that he has cultivated to the realm of gods, and his brain is ten times stronger than ordinary earth people.

However, as a modern Homo sapiens, he naturally lacks the ability of "Haka", which still makes this kind of data transmission like a torture to the brain.

Meng Chao could only grit his teeth.

Struggling with the flood of information, trying to surface from the vortex.

I do not know how long it has been.

For so long that he was almost in a trance, thinking he was a Turan researcher born and died in a secret research base.

His consciousness finally surfaced.


Meng Chao suddenly sat up from the "dormant cabin".

Everything that happened a moment ago seemed like a dream.

However, in the depths of his brain, and indeed, added countless information-enough to make a civilization have an explosive breakthrough, information of immeasurable value.

Meng Chao took a deep breath, barely holding back the idea that his brain was about to burst through the sky like a volcanic eruption, climbed out of the dormant cabin, and stumbled to the cabin where the "human-faced spider" was.

He saw an incredible picture.

In the dormant chamber filled with nutrient solution, the last researcher of the Turan Civilization has burned out the fire of life.

He was smiling and disintegrating.

In his not too long life, he has injected various venoms, drugs, highly corrosive corrosive liquids, and spiritual magnets with different nanostructures into his body countless times to test different versions of inhibitory agents.

These venoms, potions, and liquid metal-like substances have long eroded his body to the point of being on the verge of collapse. It is only through tenacious willpower that he can persist to this day.

Until this moment, after handing over the burden, he can finally get rid of all anxiety, pain and despair, and return to the splendid and prosperous Turan civilization 10,000 years ago.

Before Meng Chao's eyes, his body disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The venom, drugs, and spiritual magnets that were accumulated in the depths of the cells exploded uncontrollably, making his flesh and blood bloom like bunches of extremely splendid flowers, blooming to the extreme.

In the dormant cabin where the flowers were blooming, he used his last strength to raise his tail.

The huge scorpion tail blooms like a crab claw chrysanthemum, revealing a crystal-carved syringe with a metal coil embedded inside.

The medicine bag at the back of the syringe was filled with crystal clear green medicine that faintly exudes fluorescence.

The last researcher of the Turan civilization sent the syringe to Meng Chao.

Meng Chao looked solemn, took a half step forward, and took the syringe with both hands.

"I should remember your name."

Meng Chao spoke in ancient Turan.

Through "Haka", he roughly mastered the pronunciation characteristics of ancient Turan.

Despite the tongue-twisting and doubling of sounds, it still stumbles.

At least it is much smoother than my past self and many witch doctors and priests today.

The tail that delivered the inhibitory potion was relieved.

After curling up slightly, as if waving goodbye to Meng Chao, he slowly sank into the dormant cabin.

After a moment of silence, the researcher's last voice came from the dormant cabin:


Meng Chao knew that "Asha" was the name of the three satellites of Turan's mother star - the "three sisters", the smallest in size and the farthest from the mother star.

Because of its mass, volume, and orbit, "Asha" has always been the bleakest little sister of the "Three Sisters" on the night of the mother star of Turan.

Even a lot of twinkling stars can take away her brilliance.

However, in the coldest days of winter, when the long night is about to pass and the dawn has not yet come, "Asha" will run to a very unique orbit and angle, which can perfectly reflect the light of the stars. , became extremely bright, splendid, and brilliant, and it could illuminate the hearts of all the Turan people who were suffering in the dark and cold on the mother planet of Turan.

Whenever they saw "Asha" shining brightly, the ancient Turan people knew that the severe winter that froze all things was about to pass, and the good days when all things were revived and full of vitality were coming soon.

Therefore, in the ancient Turan language, "Asha" means "hope".

Meng Chao didn't know whether the last researcher was introducing his name, or repeating the name of the inhibitory potion to Meng Chao, or reminding Meng Chao not to forget the Temple of the Holy Mountain - the mission in the depths of the Hope.

Meng Chao only knew that it was still too late, the destruction had not yet happened, and there was still hope for everything!

He took a half step back and bowed slightly to the dormant cabin in full bloom.

Although they come from different worlds, different planets, and different civilizations.

There are bound to be different positions and different interests.

But in any case, the last researcher of the Turan civilization, and his ancestors who were unwilling to be ignorant and enslaved, in the caves deep in the underground rock formations, struggling to find the way to save the dead, are all worthy of Meng Chao's identity as an earthling. The most sincere greetings Respect.

Compared with today's high-level orcs, the so-called "courage" of bullying and killing each other.

What these researchers are showing is true courage—a courage that is reserved for "humans," not "beasts."

Meng Chao held the "Hope Potion" tightly in his hands.

Even through the crystal medicine bag, he could feel a mysterious and powerful force that penetrated into the internal organs, limbs, and eight meridians along the palm of his hand.

The totem armor, which was just about to move, immediately became silent and obedient.

Meng Chao's consciousness seems to be able to flow into the depths of the spiritual magnets that make up the totem armor, along with the mysterious power in the hope potion, to explore, suppress and control every nanostructure.

Until this moment, he was able to perfectly control this totem armor with infinite power in his own hands.

Feeling that the strength has increased geometrically, but his control has not weakened in the slightest. Instead, he feels more and more like an arm and a finger, and Meng Chao is satisfied and grins.

Start thinking about the "mission" entrusted to him by the last researcher of the Turan civilization.

Combined with Meng Chao's past life memories, and everything he found in Wuyin, the base camp of monster civilization, the last researcher was right.

Suppressing the "Original Mother" is not just the mission of the Turan civilization.

It is also the mission of Dragon City Civilization.

Because it is not only the underground of Turanze that is dormant... I don't know if it should be called "Original Mother", "Mother Fragment" or "Egg of Chaos".

Since these ghosts are all derived from the "mother body" of super carbon-based organisms in the ancient times, there must be mysterious and mysterious connections between them. A terrifying form that can stretch its tentacles above the atmosphere.

Dragon City and Turanze are within easy reach.

It's a grasshopper on a rope.

Regardless of the terrifying existence in the "Egg of Chaos", it has matured and emerged from the ground.

Before the "Egg of Chaos" completed the evolution, the Temple of Holy Light first used the means of destroying the dead to purify everything that was contaminated with the aura of chaos.

The Dragon City civilization will be the second victim of the Turan civilization.

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