The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1385: Go straight to Huanglong

Meng Chao's wolf howls shook the entire Holy Mountain Temple.

Before attracting the Lion King and the Tiger King.

First, seven or eight rickety statues of killing were brought in.

Meng Chao didn't take them to heart at all.

These killing statues are not yet finished.

Not only is the movement clumsy, slow, and rigid.

The appearance is also not as well-crafted and lifelike as "Fist, No Stomach and Broken Wings".

It was like an inferior product cast in haste with molten molten iron and glass.

It seems that it is not an easy task to make icy metals, even super metals with fluid characteristics and nanostructures, have all the characteristics and capabilities of life.

The original mother spent three thousand years, and the truly successful "finished product" is only a few killing statues such as "Fist, King of No Stomach, and Broken Wing".

The three most powerful killing statues were used by the original mother as sugar-coated cannonballs and sent to Meng Chao and the wolf king's arms.

The original mother's purpose should be to use these three killing statues to strengthen the totem armor of Meng Chao and the Wolf King.

Then, using the ability of the totem armor to wrap and control the cells, Meng Chao and the wolf king were turned into its puppets.

Unexpectedly, it was only half successful.

By chance, Meng Chao obtained the "Hope Potion" from the last researcher of the Turan civilization, which completely suppressed and perfectly controlled all the spiritual magnets in the body, preventing the original hen from stealing chickens.

Now, except for the killing statues guarding the original mother laboratory.

Only these unfinished shrimp soldiers and crab generals can be dispatched by the original mother in a hurry.

In Meng Chao's hands, there is...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

On Meng Chao's two pairs of gauntlets, two fangs and claws appeared, resembling a dragon-like spirit pattern.

The spiritual pattern continued to expand and highlight, turning from the "coiled dragon" into two radiant chains.

At the end of the chain, spiritual energy and spiritual magnets continue to condense, and under the flaming flames, they form one long and one short, one heavy and one light, one thick and one thin, two chain blades, and two "skullbreakers"!

The new Skullbreaker has a more flamboyant and aggressive form than ever before.

The heavy war knife held in the right arm not only has a blade like the sharp teeth of a giant shark; it is covered with crimson spider web spirit patterns, like a criss-crossing lava, the blade is boiling and burning all the time; the thickness is thicker than a fist, comparable to the back of a heavy war hammer. .

Above the ridge of the blade, opposite the blade's edge, a piercing cone like an iron-clad rhinoceros horn protrudes violently.

Along with Meng Chao's breathing, the magma on the blade overflowed freely, the sharp-tooth-like blade and the horn-like armor-piercing cone also oscillated at a high frequency that the naked eye couldn't catch, sending out a "hum" that even the beasts of **** would be thrilled with. hum" sound.

This is still like a sword.

It is simply a mace, a meteor hammer and a heavy axe hammer, superimposed together in the simplest and most rude way.

On the other hand, the light sword on the left has become lighter and faster than before, while retaining its strength and sharpness.

The streamlined blade is covered with metal feathers as thin as cicada wings.

Each feather can be separated from the blade, and under the control of Meng Chao's life magnetic field, following its independent attack trajectory, with a gesture of breaking the speed of sound, the target is torn to pieces.

This is the ability derived from "Broken Wings".

The new Skull Crushers, like the immortal powerhouses of the Thunder Clan in the past, can turn the sky into a nightmare for all enemies and a restricted area for all living beings.

Meng Chao wielded two Skull Crushers.

The magnetic field of life is like a volcanic eruption, and the ash, magma and shock waves released by it instantly fill the entire cabin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No matter the surrounding bulkheads or the deck below the feet, they couldn't bear the overwhelming pressure, and they made a metal groan of "creak, squeak".

On the surface of the seven or eight unfinished Slaughter Statues, ripples were even blown out by his incomparably violent spirit flame.


The heavy sword in his right hand roared out like a battering ram.

The three slaughter statues fell to the ground in response, and there were shocking holes in the chests of the statues.

Swish swish swish!

The light sword in the left hand released a dazzling sword, light and sword shadow. Dozens of dead lights hit the remaining killing statues at the same time, and the surface of these spiritual magnet polymers was riddled with holes and pits, which reminded people of a storm. When it came, it was bombarded by the rain to the almost boiling lake.

The slaying statues screamed terribly.

The torn body seems to have been eroded by venom, and it cannot be restored to its original state for a long time.

"I hope the medicine really works!"

Meng Chao's spirit was lifted.

Originally, the most troublesome thing about spiritual magnets was the fluidity of a viscous liquid, which brought a stronger self-healing ability than all living things.

No matter how many times the totem armor or slaughter statue formed by the condensed magnets is destroyed.

As long as there is sufficient spiritual energy, the spiritual magnet will always heal automatically and return to its original state.

Now, these slaughtering statues torn apart by Meng Chao have recovered far less quickly than the "Fist, Stomachless King and Broken Wings" they encountered at first.

Meng Chao reckons it's not just because they're not finished yet.

It is not the relationship between breaking through the realm of the gods and surging forward in combat power.

But in his own totem armor, the last researcher injected a unit of "Hope Potion".

If the "Hope Potion" is regarded as a "virus" that specifically attacks the original mother and the spiritual magnet.

The totem armor of his own is the "infected person", or at least the "virus carrier".

While attacking the Slaughter Statue, naturally, a small amount of the Hope Potion was transferred into the opponent's body, weakening the original mother's control over these Slaughter Statues, and also blocking the nanostructures of the Spirit Magnet, similar to brain neurons. Reactive information travels at high speed, thereby impairing their ability to change and heal themselves.

The killing statues seemed to realize that Meng Chao had a lethal weapon to restrain them.

It was like a spooky sprite who saw the sunrise, accompanied by bursts of screams, desperately fleeing into the depths of the darkness.

Above Meng Chao's head, there were messy and dense footsteps.

At least two groups of life magnetic fields comparable to nuclear reactors are approaching at high speed.

It is the Lion King "Destruction Horn" and the Tiger King "Blade of Rage"!

It seemed that Meng Chao's wolf howls and the flames of battle he unscrupulously unleashed deeply attracted the attention of the Lion King and the Tiger King.

"now it's right."

Meng Chao muttered to himself, "Don't you want to see the 'legacy of the ancestral spirit'? Now, let me show you the true face of the so-called 'great ancestral spirit'!"

Meng Chao made another effort.

The chains dragging the two Skullbreakers stretched straight.

The two Skull Crushers were like compasses, cutting an absolutely precise circle on the deck below their feet.

No matter how sturdy and thick the deck was, it couldn't resist the infiltration, penetration, and ravages of the Skullbreaker.

Meng Chao even took the whole circular deck and fell down together.

The roar of the ventilation ducts and psionic conduits grew louder.

It was as if there was a surging tide of beasts heading towards the depths of the temple.

In the depths of the temple, colorful spots of light also flashed.

Like the roar, the light spot has the ability to interfere with brain waves, causing visual and auditory hallucinations, and then being tempted, summoned, and unconsciously controlled.

However, such a small trick of carving insects could not stop Meng Chao from making great progress in the most simple and rude way.

The Lion King and the Tiger King found that he went all the way through the deck and bulkhead, advancing in a straight line, leaving a hole with traces of high temperature burning.

These holes inspired the Lion King and the Tiger King.

Realizing that he didn't have to follow the intricate, winding, labyrinthine passages inside the temple.

Since someone is leading the way.

It must be the guidance given to them by the ancestors.

Why should we give up the near and seek the far, and give up the easy and seek the difficult?

In this way, Meng Chao firmly attracted the hatred of the Lion King and the Tiger King.

It was like a locomotive dragging hundreds of carriages, dragging a mighty army of angry lion warriors, tiger warriors and jackal warriors to the deepest part of the Temple of the Holy Mountain!

When he finally reached the bottom cabin of the Hope, he found that the surrounding environment was very different from the upper cabin.

On the bulkheads and decks here, there are a large number of mandala tree roots like poisonous snakes and vines.

There were also several mandala trees that simply tore the bulkhead and deck, and grew directly into the cabin, lying in front of Meng Chao.

The mandala tree here is not only thicker than its counterparts on the ground, but also enriched with more spiritual magnets in its body.

Even the branches, roots and bark exude a metallic luster, showing the characteristics of crystallization and mineralization.

At first glance, these things that are intertwined, spread and even cover the entire corridor are not like normal plants at all, but like wildly growing fungi, or even the entrails of some kind of giant beast - cast in metal and glass. The guts come out.

The branches of many mandala trees are also covered with heavy fruits.

However, the mandala fruit here does not have the characteristics of golden color, fragrant smell, and the index finger is moved.

The surface is covered with ugly folds, and it is constantly wriggling with the transmission of psionic energy. It is like the heart that the original mother prepared for the killing statue, which contains a strong killing intent, and the eyeballs of the devil that will open at any time.

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