The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1397: A small change in fate

Ice Storm was also deeply shocked and even terrified by the power he displayed.

This fear stems from the natural resistance of the Turan orcs to the power of the Light—just as beasts resist fire.

However, the original mother was a hundred times more fearful than her.

The flood of holy light caused by the "mark" seems to have awakened the deepest cells of the original mother.

It's like a heart beating fast with fear.

Ignoring the inverted V-shaped scar on his body, he was still burning, emitting a more dazzling and fierce holy light than before.

However, from the countless criss-crossing, fold-like folds in the brain, blood-colored spores were ejected.

The spores spread quickly.

It is like a red fog with claws and claws.

The lion king and the tiger king were shrouded in the head.

The liger and tiger could have been evenly matched with the wolf king.

But as a large number of spores scattered and got into their totem armor.

The totem armors of the two have undergone strange changes.

Not only did the flames blazing out of the totem armor change its color and shape, it became more like the monstrous luster emanating from the original mother.

The totem on the surface of the armor is also like a constantly wriggling insect, which has become deformed and twisted from the original majesty.

The joints, underarms, waist and other parts that require a wide range of movement, the nano-metal that should be full of fluidity, solidifies and hardens in an instant, like a mixture of glass and steel, giving off a harsh "squeak" The scratching sound, like an indestructible shackle, locked the owner's activity space.

The Lion King and Tiger King attacked like mercury pouring down the ground, and suddenly hit an invisible copper wall.

Because of the excessive strength and the backlash, the bones of both of them made a "crack and crackle" in their bodies.

It was as if a brand new consciousness was born in their totem armor, and they were competing with them for the control of this body. The movements that made them dance were both comical and terrifying to the extreme.

The Lion King and the Tiger King never imagined that they trusted and relied the most, were blessed by thousands of ancestral spirits, and were always loyal and arm-like totem armor, but they would betray themselves at a critical moment.

Although the control of the body was not taken away by the totem armor.

However, in the desperate struggle, he was disturbed and changed the attack route.

The violent offensive that originally killed the wolf king together, all greeted each other.

The Lion King's horn of destruction devoured the Tiger King like a stormy sea.

The Tiger King's Furious Blade seemed to condense hundreds of tons of magma into a long and narrow front, smashing the Lion King's breastplate violently.

The totem armor that was supposed to play a defensive role seemed to have become completely transparent glass.

Regardless of the power of destroying the dead, he drove straight in, sweeping all the way from the master's chest to the abdomen.

The lion king and the tiger king let out a grunt of gritted teeth at the same time.

But it still failed to stop the blood from the deep throat, like a volcanic eruption.

And at the same time when their life magnetic fields collided, entangled, interfered with each other, exhausted and disordered to the limit.

"Jack" Canus, however, showed his fangs exclusively for "Doomsday Demon Wolf" under the desperate increase of his original mother.

In an instant, the scarlet wolf tooth crystals on the Six Slaughter Battle Armor were all erected, like countless blood-colored sharp knives unsheathed.

The six slaying swords presented in the form of claws, together with the two arms of the wolf king, swelled and extended several times under the wrapping of the scarlet wolf tooth crystal, as if two ghost claws from the underworld had penetrated at the same time. The chests of the Lion King and Tiger King, which destroyed their internal organs and even their spines along the way, poked out from their backs.

The Lion King and the Tiger King let out a heart-piercing scream at the same time.

Not just the pain of a burst heart and a broken spine.

It is because of the despair and shame brought by being deceived, betrayed, defeated and about to be killed by the puppets of the past.

In another time and place, even if the wolf king was reborn and reborn from the ashes, he would never be able to easily defeat either the lion king or the tiger king.

Not to mention the two supreme powerhouses who killed the golden clan at the same time.

But after stumbling into the original mother laboratory, the lion king and tiger king did not realize how terrible the original mother behind the wolf king was, and the spores sprayed by the original mother were for their totem armor. , what a deadly "venom".

It can be said that their fate dates back nearly 10,000 years ago. The ancient Turan people chose to use the original mother to strengthen nano-metals, upgraded "super magnets" to "spiritual magnets", gave up "civilization" and chose "barbarism" The moment is already doomed.

The inertia of fate is so powerful that even if Meng Chao stops it in every possible way, the Lion King and Tiger King are still irreversibly embarking on the end of their previous lives.

However, compared to the previous life, things have changed a little.

The Lion King and the Tiger King are, after all, one of the most powerful beings in the Golden Clan and even the entire Turanze.

Even if the totem armor is controlled, even if the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are smashed by the wolf king's claws, even if the vertebrae are fragmented, and the spinal cord is eroded by nano-metals, frozen and necrotic at lightning speed.

The two tyrannical orc chieftains still let out an earth-shattering roar, trying to tear apart the totem armor that betrayed them, and launched an attack on the wolf king.

The original mother was to control the totem armor of the Lion King and the Tiger King.

Obviously, it is also severely overdrawing the life source that it has used for three thousand years and has finally accumulated.

It releases increasingly dense spores in sharp contractions.

The size of the body is shrinking and shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The inverted V-shaped scar on his body shines even more.

The holy light is like a flood that bursts a dike, flooding it arbitrarily, flowing into criss-crossing rays of light, weaving into a huge light net, and strangling every piece of flesh and blood on its body to bulge high and crack. Come on.

For a time, the mandala tree that was dancing wildly just now became stiff and dull.

It was like a precision machine that was running smoothly and running at high speed, but suddenly got stuck due to the overload of the control system.

"Sure enough, the severely injured original mother has a limit to the control of the spiritual magnet!

"Usually, it can only control these mandala trees covered with psychic magnets, and the killing statues made of pure psychic magnets - because both are within the confines of Hope and the original mother laboratory. There is no free will, and it is impossible to rebel against its dictates.

"But the wolf king, the lion king, and the tiger king, whether righteous or evil, strong or weak, they are all flesh and blood, thought and will, living, extremely proud human beings!

"Controlling one of them is already the limit of the original mother.

"If you want to control the wolf king, the totem armor on the lion king and the tiger king at the same time, even the original mother will have to pay an exaggerated price.

"So, now is the weakest moment of the original mother.

"It's like an overloaded host computer, which greatly exceeds the limit of computing power. As long as I and Ice Storm can add another fire to it, it is very likely to collapse from the inside!"

Meng Chao and Bingfeng looked at each other.

The tacit understanding they had cultivated over the past few months made them instantly understand each other's plans.

The two rushed towards the original mother at the same time.

The original mother uttered a shriek strong enough to pierce brain cells.

The roots, vines and branches of all the mandala trees around the commander grew and waved wildly, entangled with each other, forming a wall of thorns in front of Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

Inside the wall of thorns, there are also "inlaid" the corpses of a large number of liger warriors.

Inside the fragmented corpse, hundreds of roots, vines and branches spewed out, like a humanoid monster with hundreds of tentacles.

With the scream of the original mother, these tentacle monsters rushed out from the wall of thorns, trying to hug Meng Chao and Ice Storm tightly, and dragged them into the killing jungle composed of mandala trees.

The "mark" on Ice Storm's right hand once again burst into a terrifying holy light.

The tentacle monster covered by holy light was "purified" in various inconceivable ways within half a second, completely wiped out from this space, not even a scream or even a wisp of blue smoke was left.

An unobstructed space was immediately cleared in front of the two of them.

They could clearly see the high-frequency tremors emanating from every fold in the original mother's body.

But just when they stomped the ground hard, trying to hit the original mother like a cannonball.

The ground beneath their feet suddenly cracked open, and dozens of mandala tree roots emerged from the cracks, entangling their feet!

The ice storm was shocked.

I tried to activate "Mark" again, but the high-speed rotating magic circle in front of my right hand became dark and disordered, the holy light that shot out also lost its aim, and the triangular cursor flew around like headless flies, obliquely. After slashing a mandala tree in the distance, it did not penetrate deep into the cave wall and disappeared in the rock formation.

In the end, within Ice Storm's body, only half of the blood of the Holy Light Human Race flows.

Even this half-light bloodline belongs to wizards, not magicians.

The magician has received the blessing and permission of the Holy Light Temple, and can use the power of the Holy Light in a safe and stable manner.

Wizards are sneaking, cracking and stealing the power of the Light.

Of course, it does not need to be controlled by the Temple of Holy Light.

In terms of security and stability, it is unavoidably compromised.

With the physique of half holy light and half totem, the ice storm continuously stimulates "marks", not only its own flesh and blood has been severely eroded, but the "marks" are also severely overloaded, and they are on the verge of losing control.

With the thorns of the tentacles in the ground, the chaotic ice storm can no longer control the secret weapon from the Temple of Holy Light.

After the last few rays of holy light bloomed like fireworks, the ice storm let out a painful cry, and all the inconceivable anomalies on the right arm disappeared. Like a soldering iron, it "squeaked" in her palm.

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