The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1400: Soul Axe

Chapter 1400 Soul Battle Axe

The wolf king's legs were bombarding the ground like a pile driver.

But no matter how indiscriminately he bombarded, the dead Lion King and Tiger King still embedded their sharpest fangs into the Wolf King's leg bones and held on to him.

Seeing that Meng Chao was about to inject the last third of the Hope Potion into the body of the original mother.

The wolf king seemed to go straight into the abyss, or directly into the bottomless "brain groove" of the original mother, and hundreds of millions of neural arcs that were stronger than lightning bloomed.

A super-large-scale, super-intensive mental storm is rapidly being generated.

Wolf King was originally an expert in psychic attack and mind control.

The "Great Horn Rebellion" that swept Turanze was the way he used to remotely control the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams and the Great Horn Priests, and he directed it.

And realizing that his cell activity is being blocked by the inhibitory agent at lightning speed, relying on his own strength, he can no longer stop this black-haired and black-eyed human being.

The original mother was desperately shrinking, trying to put her remaining spiritual power and even the origin of life into the wolf king's brain through the tentacles connected to the wolf king.

On the wolf king's skull, thick blood vessels and nerves protruded, forming a criss-cross network.

It was like wearing a special "brain wave amplifier", and it was like a brain whose skull couldn't bear the crazy expansion, and the brain waves were surging like a stormy sea, and the pieces were cracked.

Although he has not completely released this shocking spiritual storm.

Meng Chao could already hear that his brain was sending out an unprecedented piercing alarm.

Every brain cell is as restless as a rat before the flood, trying to escape.

The strength of the spiritual attack of the wolf king, which has been increased by the original mother, far exceeds that of the most terrifying spiritual experts that Meng Chao has ever fought against - the demon **** "Devil Eye of the Abyss" and the demon **** "Wisdom Tree"!

Meng Chao himself is a spiritual expert.

His soul has been tempered by the flames of doomsday, and he has a spiritual defense line far beyond ordinary people and even ordinary extraordinary people.

But this mental defense line has been pierced by the screams from the original mother, which reached the deepest part of the brain.

And all his will was concentrated on his arms and chest, just thinking about how to break through the obstruction of the last few tentacles and inject the last third of the hope medicine into the original mother.

There is no way to distinguish the mind, to defend against the wolf king's spiritual storm.

Just when the wolf king's entire will and even his entire soul was about to turn into a flaming battle axe, falling from the sky and splitting Meng Chao's heavenly cover.

The wolf king's head suddenly shifted to the right.

Like an invisible air hammer, hitting his left temple.

Even the temples are slightly sunken.

"This is-"

Meng Chao widened his eyes.

I saw an incredible scene.

The one who attacked was someone who no one thought of, the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams!

Ever since the Great Horn Army was defeated like a mountain, the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dream has been in a state of constant fever and coma.

I don't know because she was hit by the "remote psychic assassination" of the wolf king, and her brain was severely damaged.

Or she could not accept the cruel reality, and simply indulged in a perfect dream, reluctant to wake up for a long time.

But Meng Chao couldn't leave the innocent girl of the rat people alone, and let her fall into the minions of the jackals, tigers and leopards and be torn to pieces.

She could only carry her all the way to the depths of the holy mountain.

I thought it was just a burden.

Unexpectedly, in the instant of life and death, the ancient dream saint sensed the existence of the wolf king.

She still didn't wake up.

But he closed his eyes, stood on tiptoe, and staggered, walking through the crazily twitching tentacles, the deformed and ugly puppets, and the broken limbs everywhere, as if sleepwalking.

The Holy Maiden of Ancient Dream, who was in a sleepwalking state, did not intend to have any contact with the real world.

But the spiritual storm that the wolf king is generating is too strong and too dazzling.

It was so strong that the girl in the dream felt the threat and fear, and recognized it - this is the bad guy who had deceived her and even wanted to kill her!

Once you realize this.

The Holy Maiden of Ancient Dream had to face the cruel reality that the Great Horned Legion had been wiped out.

Deep in the severely distorted brain of the Rat People girl, the protective mechanism derived from instinct began to operate.

She took the lead and released the spiritual lightning that was like retreating with the wolf king.

There was a very stable spiritual connection between the ancient dream saint and the wolf king.

In order to remotely command the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams, the Wolf King had to open some of his brain ports to the latter.

So much so that their brainwaves, and even Meng Chao's brainwaves, can easily interfere with each other, and implant something deep into each other's brains—information, viruses, and even bombs.

Although the spiritual attack of the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams, and the spiritual storm that the wolf king is brewing, cannot be compared at all, it is a whole order of magnitude worse.

But disrupted the rhythm of the wolf king.

The wolf king's brain started to spin out of control and turned into a blazing fireworks factory.

His memory, his will, his resentment, his ambition, his fear, his hatred, the future he experienced and looked forward to... all bloomed like the most splendid fireworks.

The only thing the wolf king can do is to release the mental storm that has not yet condensed to its limit in advance.

He turned his memory, will, ambition, fear, hatred, and expectation into an unstoppable torrent that slammed into Meng Chao's brain.

"Reaper, since you want to know everything so much, then come and see a future that is extremely cruel and desperate, there is no future at all!"


"Jack" Canus' "Soul Battle Axe" smashed into Meng Chao's spiritual defense line.

For a moment, Meng Chao only felt that the information flow of the mountain and tsunami was madly pouring into his brain.

It is very similar to the daigo initiation from the human-faced spider that I just received in the secret research base.

It's just more specific and clearer, and the perspective is completely focused on the wolf king.

It's like he passed through "Haka" and as "Jack" Canus, he has spent an unbelievably long life with ups and downs!

Where to start?

My name is Canus, which means "the darkest half hour before dawn".

I was probably born around that time, I'm not sure, because my parents are long dead and I don't even remember what they looked like.

However, few people call me this tongue-in-cheek name.

The owner calls me "corpse dog".

As long as I can remember, under the leadership of the master, I walked through the ancient battlefields shrouded in cloudy clouds and the ruins of ancient tombs deep in the ground, searching for things with useful value on various corpses, Feed off the corpses.

I don't really like this name.

Although I'm just a little rat.

But friends say I look like a real wolf—just ignore my shovel-like shovel teeth.

I used to dream that one day, if I get lucky, I can make great achievements in the battle of glory, get rid of the identity of the rat people, and become a real warrior, and I can also have a rather majestic like "Jack". name.

But this can only be imagined in a dream.

Once I woke up, I had very few choices.

Including his own name, including his own destiny, including his own life and death.

Whether cleaning ancient battlefields, exploring ancient ruins or excavating lost temples, it is very dangerous.

And the rat people like me, who have humble blood flowing in their bodies, are even more disgusted and rejected by the ancestors.

There have been countless companions and friends who were haunted by the ghosts left on the ancient battlefield, or stepped into the traps in the lost temple. In the end, they were all bruised, deformed and twisted, and died tragically in my arms.

I wasn't particularly scared, sad, or angry.

If a person is like me, who has been going through all this since he just became sensible and had memories, pain and death are as natural as drinking water and breathing.

Nor does he know what fear, sadness or anger is.

What's more, compared to struggling to survive under the hands of the masters of the wolf clan, maybe, stepping into a trap, hurting so suddenly, you can sleep comfortably forever, is this a more cost-effective deal?

I'm not afraid of dying at all.

I even look forward to the day when I can, like my friends, run into a murderous spirit and step into a trap.

Too bad I seem to be stuck with bad luck.

Or maybe the ancestors thought that I was too weak, so weak that I didn't even have the right to die.

Old friends and new friends, old buddies and new buddies, are all dead, I'm not dead, I'm not dead.

Even when I was going deep into the lost temple or the ancient ruins, I deliberately rushed to the front, but every time I was able to escape the most dangerous traps without any danger and unscathed.

I waited, waited, and waited anxiously - neither let me live comfortably, nor let me die happily, when would such a day be over?

Finally, perhaps the ancestors heard my complaint.

My destiny finally ushered in a change.

The master said that the incomparably long era of prosperity has passed, mandala flowers are blooming, and the long-awaited era of glory for all Turan warriors has finally arrived!

The master said, but now there are some rat people—of course, they are not good rat people like me, who are self-disciplined and obedient, but bad rat people who love leisure and hate labor, are rebellious, but are extremely cowardly. They are not willing to take on the role of labor in the battle of glory. And the servants, turned into a surging rat tide, rushing towards the glorious mission of the Land of Light.

Under the banner of the "Great Horned Legion", they tried to rebel against the natural, sacred, unquestionable and unshakable rule of their masters over Turanze.

The master said that these lowly, dirty, humble, and weak clowns are not qualified to let the ligers of the golden clan take action.

Even a few heavy-armed battle groups from the wolf clan didn't have time to pay attention to these little thieves who were jumping up and down.

So, here's our chance for the "good rat people" who belong to the wolf clan!

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