The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1402: first intimate contact

At the beginning, the strong orcs, including the war chief "Destruction Horn", did not take the earthlings to heart.

Although these guys with dark hair and black eyes look mysterious and eccentric.

However, there are many strange races living in this world, with different appearances and customs.

The Lich who always guards the tomb in the desert of death.

Frost barbarians who can eat ice and snow and breathe storms in the extreme northern tundra.

A two-headed troll with two heads and three arms.

The abyss demons who live in the abyss of the eternal night and are omnipotent in the dark, but will be burned or even killed by the sun.

Turan orcs have dealt with too many aliens.

With most of them, it is quite pleasant to get along with.

In case of encounters in the wild, in order to seize survival resources, small-scale conflicts are inevitable.

But there has never been a protracted large-scale war.

On the one hand, because their habitats are far from each other, it is not easy to attack each other by wading through mountains and rivers.

What's more, all the alien races living in the poor and resource-poor places have a common enemy.

Temple of the Holy Light.

They also have a common dream.

Capture the land of holy light and become the master of this world.

There is also a common bottom line.

Survive the "Purification War" that the Holy Light faction keeps launching.

And the black hair and black eyes of the earthlings, at first glance, it is impossible to be a member of the Holy Light camp.

Therefore, the Turan orcs, who are preparing for the battle with all their strength and preparing to go north, really didn't plan to fight the Dragon City and the Earthlings at first.

Although they don't look down on Earthlings.

Measured by the standards of orc warriors, the Earthlings are too short, too thin, too slender, and too sparsely haired—sparser than the Holy Light people, they have no body odor at all, and they look weak at first glance.

The force value of the Earthlings seems to be so-so - most of the Earthlings like to hide in trenches, fortresses, or a moving iron shell called a "tank", and shoot their guns from a distance.

Such cowardly tactics have no glory of the strong at all.

I heard that except for a very small number of strong people, most people on earth rely on a power called "technology" to survive.

Turan orcs generally know what "technology" means.

It seems that a long, long time ago, the very few ancestors of the Turan orcs also walked the devious path of "technology".

Fortunately, the great ancestors realized the true meaning of totem power, and invented the totem armor, which replaced all the tricks called "technology".

As for what "tanks", what "train guns" and what "armored airships" are the people on earth are proud of.

A similar structure is complicated, the failure rate is high, it requires a lot of manpower to control, and the power can only be described as a mediocre thing. The Turan orcs have long been seen in the hands of the dwarves of the Holy Light camp.

Even if you put on a more delicate shell and paint a few layers of colorful paint, how can you resist the strong orcs wearing totem armor, an iron fist full of ancestral blessings?

Of course, bullying weak earthlings is not a big deal.

The Holy Light camp is the fateful enemy of the Turan orcs.

The war chief "Destruction Horn" showed great mercy and sent messengers to convey Turanze's will to the earthlings:

As long as Longcheng is willing to become a vassal of Turanze, the earthlings can form a servant army and follow the army of Turan into the Land of Holy Light.

Then, the Turan people can endure the weakness of the earth people, and are willing to share the spoils and the glory of victory with the earth people.

The supreme commander of Turanze promised that after the Holy Light camp was completely defeated, there would also be a place for earthlings in the future Holy Light Land.

After all, putting aside their weak bodies and slender nerves, the people of the earth are, to a certain extent, ingenious, and some of the gadgets they make are still somewhat ghostly.

Compared with the frost barbarians and the two-headed trolls, which are rougher than the Turan orcs, the handicrafts and entertainment products of the earthlings are not only bloody, but also a good adjustment.

This envoy was filled with the kindness and tolerance that Turanze had never seen before.

On the way up the Turan River and going deep into the Fangshan Mountains, I happened to bump into the envoy from Longcheng.

The envoys on the opposite side brought the "goodwill and tolerance" of the people of the earth.

The Earth's version of "kindness and tolerance," translated into Turan, goes something like this:

"We know that the Turan orcs are a group of well-developed, simple-minded, savage, stinky guys.

"And your civilization is so rough, clumsy, and low-level.

"Originally, we Earthlings should spend the effort of turning our hands over to conquer and destroy all of you.

"But considering that the earthlings are peace-loving, and you came to this land a little earlier than the earthlings.

"So, as long as the Turan orcs are willing to become the vassals of Dragon City, provide Dragon City with a large number of troops and markets, and hand over the mining rights of the underground resources of Turanze.

"Then, not only do we not mind letting you continue to live in Turanze, but in the near future, we can also let you follow us to conquer and rule the entire world as a servant legion."

Of course, the original words of the earthlings are certainly not so simple and crude.

In the official documents, the people of the earth used a lot of words with stubborn teeth, beautiful flowers, and parallels.

It was so gorgeous that the orc envoys couldn't understand it at all.

However, the Turan orcs have no brains.

but has eyes.

They will watch.

As early as the ultimatum that the earth people asked the Turan orcs to surrender at the foot of the Dragon City and become a vassal civilization had not yet been issued.

Armored airships, short-distance teleportation formations, super-large shield machines and various construction machinery from the nine major families of Longcheng have gathered into a surging steel torrent that rushed down the Fangshan Mountains.

Many small and medium-sized towns and rat villages whose habitats are close to the Fangshan Mountains have been occupied by Earthlings.

All the orcs - warriors with glorious blood, or rat people with vile blood, all of them have been ruled by the nine great families of Dragon City and can't wait to get them into their family businesses to serve as the cheapest labor force. Day and night went mining, fortification and pioneering.

However, because the Earthlings attacked too quickly and paid special attention to intelligence blocking operations, the area in the south of Turanze, near the Fangshan Mountains, has the least resources, and is the farthest from Black Horn City and Chijin City. A barren land that no clan despises.

Therefore, the top five clans who gathered in Chijin City and were discussing the Battle of Glory, as well as the dozens of heavy-armed battle groups all wearing totem armors deployed on the northern front, did not receive the battle report for the time being.

With the violent temper of the Turan orcs, how could they endure such a shame?

The envoys of the two sides did not even see the face of the leader of the opposite side, and the negotiation broke down before it even started.

The orc envoys attacked the Longcheng envoys at night and killed seven or eight out of ten Longcheng envoys.

The aerial firepower from armored airships and armed drones, and on the way of the orc envoys returning to Chijin City to report the news, bombarded them indiscriminately, almost slaughtering the orc envoys.

The war between the Dragon City Civilization and the Turan Civilization broke out just like that.

At the beginning of the war, neither side took the other side to heart.

For the Turan orcs, war is commonplace, and who is it to fight or not to fight?

Besides, to ensure the loyalty of vassals, the sword is always better than the tip of the pen.

Even within the five clans, the method of "five clans fighting for the front" is used to decide who is qualified to become the war chief and command all the Turan warriors through a small-scale civil war.

If the earthlings are disobedient, they will be honest with a beating.

After all, I heard that they only have one city.

A mere city, no matter how big it is, how big can it go, no matter how large the population can go, and no matter how advanced the so-called “technology” is, how advanced can it go?

To Earthlings, the Turan orcs are nothing more than a bunch of simple-minded muscle sticks.

Even, the monsters that have not been solved just now are powerful and terrifying.

Presumably, the process and result of this war will only be more smooth and one-sided than the colonists of the earth era conquering the new continent, right?

No, this is not a real war at all.

Just a hunt, or even an armed tour.

Holding the same thoughts, the two sides collided casually.

Then, the first-line troops who exchanged fire first greeted each other and the mothers of the leaders who decided to go to war in the most brutal, vicious, and obscene language of this civilization.

Turan orcs stunned and said, what the **** is the armor thickness and firepower intensity, this kind of no warning, more terrifying and lasting firepower coverage than holy light magic, how long will it last, and how many people on earth are there? Magician, how can you just shoot a cannon for a day and a night?

Even if it lasts for a long time, the power is beyond the knowledge of the orc warriors.

If this kind of ghost thing that is enough to destroy a radius of three or five miles is a cannon, then what are the dwarves forging, a fire stick?

The earthlings were stunned to find that these Turan orcs in front of them, and the "orcs" in their stereotypes-those who drink blood, are ignorant, only foolishly use flesh and blood to attack the steel defense line, and then die like mowing grass. Barbarians are completely different.

On the surface, the Turan civilization still stopped in the age of cold weapons.

But what the **** is totem power, and what the **** is totem armor?

Why does this seemingly primitive and backward civilization have so many superpowers that are comparable to the extraordinary realm of gods? And the ordinary orc warriors are so fierce and not afraid of death, they even dare to dance into the hot barrel of the train cannon. At the moment when the train cannon fires, they blast out a tyrannical totem force, activating the explosion of the cannonball, and Train guns die together?

Both sides realize that they have greatly underestimated the war will and potential of the other side.

What appeared in front of them was a ruthless character they had never seen before.

Each other's body is so big that the other can't swallow it in one mouthful, and the stomach will be rotten to the extent that they barely swallow it.

It's really not a good idea to start a war rashly.

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