The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1404: Rise of the Bloodblade

All fronts are collapsing.

More and more Orc Chapters and Dragon City Armored Forces were destroyed by the organic system.

No data points, fortresses and towns, all submerged in a magical storm of tsunami.

Many strong men have fallen.

However, there are also some active-minded powerhouses who began to look for a way out.

Either they collect resources secretly, try to leave the tens of millions of rat people in Tulanze, and tens of millions of ordinary citizens in Longcheng, build large ships, set sail, and escape into the unpredictable depths of the ocean.

Or, dyed his hair yellow, dyed his eyes green, tried to change from black hair and black eyes to blonde and blue eyes, and lowered his once noble head to the Temple of Holy Light.

Of course, changes in appearance alone are not enough to prove their loyalty.

In order to get the "purification" and "forgiveness" of the Holy Light, they must also offer enough sacrifices.

For example, the blood and life of former compatriots.

Against such a background, Turanze and Longcheng, which were on the verge of destruction, both presented a frightening doomsday scene.

The strong are like monkeys when the tree is about to collapse, jumping up and down, struggling to the death.

The weak are like snakes, worms, rats and ants perched on the trees, overwhelmed and waiting to die.

Those warriors who fought for civilization with all their hearts died on the front lines.

The surviving strong people have long been away from "how to defeat the Holy Light Temple", but racked their brains, unscrupulously, thinking about how to survive, protect themselves, and their businesses and families.

The Blood Alliance was not an upright organization that fought for all mankind.

From the first day of its birth, it has only been manipulated in the hands of very few people, and it has only served the interests of very few people.

When the front is defeated like a mountain.

The Blood Blade Squad was urgently transferred back from the Land of Light by the Blood Alliance high-level officials.

Embark on a brand new mission - clearing the obstacles within the Dragon City.

Remove those obstacles that prevent a very small number of people from "concentrating resources, building fleets, abandoning citizens, and setting sail."

But the high-level members of the Blood Alliance, who were obsessed with running away, didn't find a thing.

Doom's Edge isn't brainwashed.


He was never controlled by a tiny chip implanted in the back of his brain.

And never was, at least not just a ruthless killing machine.

Hidden beneath that silver-colored mask that will never be taken off is an emotion stronger than volcanic lava.

And 90% of this emotion is the unforgettable hatred of the blood alliance high-level.

The high-level hatred of the blood alliance turned him into an experimental body.

He hated the enslavement of him by the senior leaders of the Blood Alliance.

The high-level hatred of the Blood Alliance brainwashed him, and even implanted a control chip with a micro-explosive capsule in the back of his head, which changed him too much and lost too much.

Hate the blood alliance high-level...killed his sister.

When the high-level members of the Blood Alliance, who knew nothing about it, invested a lot of resources with confidence and boldness, and made the Bloodblade Squad into the sharpest butcher knife within the organization.

The handle of this butcher's knife was firmly in the hands of Doomsday Blade.

Including me, most of the members of the blood blade team are only willing to fight side by side with the doomsday blade, and are not willing to obey the command of the blood alliance.

Finally, the construction of the ocean-going fleet that the senior leaders of the Blood Alliance had been dreaming about was completed.

And these guys have also scavenged a lot of resources inside and outside the Dragon City, ready to take advantage of the great opportunity created by the cannon fodder's desperate resistance on the front line to escape.

Unexpectedly, the Doomsday Blade, who was in charge of the **** work, suddenly attacked at the last moment and led us to wipe out the top level of the Blood Alliance.

Doom Blade personally avenged himself and his sister.

The Bloodblade Squad is also mainly anti-customer, inheriting all the technologies, materials and facilities left over from the various secret experiments of the Blood Alliance for decades.

Of course, there is also the massive amount of resources that the Blood Alliance will frantically search for during the last period.

However, we did not set sail and flee.

The members of the Blood Blade Squad were originally all drifting with the current, drifting with the wind, and involuntarily rat hair and weeds.

Biao ah, float ah, float for decades, we are all tired.

I really don't want to go to the depths of the turbulent, treacherous ocean and continue to sway.

Even dead.

We also want to die on land.

The corpse was buried.

Stay with our family, friends, and comrades.

Taking advantage of the huge legacy left by the Blood Alliance, Doomsday Blade upgraded the "Blood Blade Squad" to the "Blood Blade Organization".

We went back to our old business and dived into the Land of Light again, making waves and wreaking havoc.

At that time, none of us thought about whether this infiltration and destruction could turn the tide of the battle and bring victory.

It's just, sneaking in the dark, sneaking close to a powerful high-level magician who can wipe out an armored force with a wave of his hand, and silently slitting his throat with a sharp blade as thin as a cicada's wings—this is It's just what we do best and love to do.

Unexpectedly, the blood blade organization gradually became famous.

The destruction of Turanze and Dragon City did not happen overnight.

Even if the Desert of Death, the Abyss of Eternal Night, the Frost Tundra and the Plague Jungle, which have long been conquered and "purified" by the Holy Light Temple, are still active in a large number of people who are unwilling to yield, unwilling to be illuminated by the Holy Light to every corner of their hearts, unwilling Under the guidance of the Holy Light, he will always live a simple and repetitive life, a hero who is unwilling to give up fighting and thinking, and can only worship and pray.

These heroes have heard about the legend of Doomsday Blade from various channels.

In that era when the Holy Light army was invincible and the will of the Holy Light could almost dominate the entire world, the blood blade organization led by the Doomsday Blade was like a stain that could never be purified no matter how the Holy Light shone.

One, a stain formed from the blood of countless people.

Heroes from all races have gathered under the **** battle flag to accept the command of the doomsday blade.

The Blood Blade Organization quickly became the most powerful one among the endless resistance organizations after the regular combat power of all races collapsed.

It even integrated all the resistance organizations and became the only opponent of the Temple of Holy Light.

Now, we are the last hope.

Unfortunately, at this time, the general trend of the Temple of Holy Light has been completed.

Even hundreds of fully-armed orc battle groups, and nearly ten million steel torrents in Longcheng were unable to win the battle.

It is naturally even more impossible for the resisters of the Blood Blade organization to win.

When the Holy Light Temple won the final victory on the frontal battlefield, it can unscrupulously mobilize all human, material and energy to deal with the blood blade organization that is active in the interior and rear.

The noose wrapped around the throats of all the resisters became tighter and tighter.

Even at this time, Doomsday Blade is already one of the most powerful and terrifying beings on this earth.

He also couldn't stop the secret strongholds of the Blood Blade Organization scattered all over the Land of Light from being uprooted.

The tentacles placed inside the Holy Light Temple were also cut off one by one.

Many resisters couldn't bear the torture, or they were invaded by Holy Light magic, revealing a lot of secrets, making the Blood Blade organization in a state of constant blood loss and paralysis.

We are on the end.

The last fire of hope is about to go out.

Maybe forever.

Just then, we got a piece of information.

Information on "Egg of Chaos".

No one knows what "chaos" is.

Only know that "chaos" is the natural nemesis of "light".

In other words, the two are natural enemies of each other.

In the ancient books of the Holy Light Temple, it is very vaguely recorded that perhaps "Chaos" is the first creature born in this world, with profound wisdom and enormous power.

And the supreme existence that the Holy Light Temple believes in is nothing more than an intruder.

However, "Light" can only defeat "Chaos".

But it can't completely eliminate "chaos".

In the depths of the earth, there are still many "Eggs of Chaos".

They are the hope of destroying the Holy Light.

No one knows whether this information is true or not.

But it has become the blood blade organization that has fallen into extinction, the last straw that can be rescued.

In particular, when we know that there is an "Egg of Chaos" in the depths of the holy mountain of Turan, we feel that this is not a coincidence, but some kind of mysterious revelation.

The Doomsday Blade mobilized the last force of the Blood Blade organization.

On the bright side, a "Assassination of the Holy Light Sacrifice" was planned in the Land of Holy Light to attract the attention of the enemy.

Secretly, he bet all his hopes on Turan Sacred Mountain, the Egg of Chaos.

We fought back to Turanze and dived deep into the holy mountain.

There are armies of the Holy Light everywhere, apparently excavating and sabotaging.

This further confirms our judgment, no matter what the Chaos Egg is, it must be the most feared existence in the Temple of Holy Light.

Our sudden outburst disrupted the army of the Holy Light.

After a thrilling and brutal fight, the Blood Blade Organization lost 90% of its elite players.

Including the doomsday blade, the people who are still alive are also covered in bruises and wounds, relying on their last breath to support their broken spine.

But we finally rushed to the gate of the Holy Mountain Temple.

I saw the statue guarding the gate, which symbolized chaos.

There seems to be no power that can stop us from finding and awakening the Chaos Egg.

At this moment, an extremely desperate scene was staged.

I saw the entire sky instantly turn into a flaming sea of ​​light.

I saw ten thousand suns born in the sea of ​​light.

I saw them release extremely dazzling light beams that seemed to purify everything, and all the beams condensed into a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

I saw this beam of light falling from the sky, hitting the top of the holy mountain with great thunder, and hitting the gate of the holy mountain temple, as well as us standing on the gate.

I saw the doomsday blade roaring into the sky under the suppression of the beam of light.

Even at the last moment before his destruction, he was still unwilling to give in, to the Holy Light, to fate, to all the forces that tried to control him.

This scene is deeply imprinted in my brain that is about to be annihilated.

Then, I died.

We are all dead.

It all ends like this.

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