The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1414: The end of the saint

Chapter 1414 The ending of the saint

For a moment, the ice storm had hallucinations.

It seems that under the Holy Mountain Temple, a gap leading to the endless abyss is cracked.

And from the depths of the gap, an unprecedented beast appeared.

Neither Holy Light nor Turan could fully describe the horror of this beast.

It's like superimposing all the powerful enemies and powerful beings she has encountered and heard of.

She didn't dare to look directly at the beast.

Can't even breathe.

Of course, he didn't dare to summon the totem armor and put on any resistance.

Every cell in his body screamed hysterically.

Accompanied by screams, from the depths of the nerves, wisps of bioelectricity were released.

Every bundle of her muscle fibers was paralyzed.

This is the most primitive biological instinct that is not controlled by the mind.

Many creatures will paralyze their muscles, stop breathing, and pretend to be dead when they encounter a strong enemy that is absolutely unstoppable, hoping that the strong enemy can spare a poor corpse.

But in the next second, the terror and pressure that could not be described with pen and ink disappeared without a trace.

There is no abyss, no beasts, and of course there is no such thing as a terrifying demon king.

Bingfeng blinked desperately, only to see the old friend with black hair and black eyes, standing between the collapsed rocks, looking at himself with a smile.

Meng Chao at this moment...

The spirit flames and killing intent all over his body have been restrained to the point of no leakage.

Even the psychic fluctuations that are easily leaked by the superhuman inadvertently are perfectly controlled by him.

His actual age was in his early twenties.

In Longcheng, it is the age of just graduating from university.

Now, he is also like a college student who has just stepped into the society and is still a bit young, ordinary and unremarkable.

When placed in the crowd, it is like a drop of water that melts into the sea.

He will never be noticeable until anything happens.

Even if something appalling like an "assassination" happened, he wouldn't leave any impression on anyone.

If you have to give Meng Chao a title like this.

No matter "Night Demon", "Reaper", "Ghost Assassin" or even "Doomsday Blade" are all inappropriate.

Only the title of "ordinary citizen" fits his mood and appearance at the moment.

Such a shape, in the eyes of Ice Storm, naturally felt that the "reaper" was much thinner or even weaker than in the past.

It even gave her the illusion that "the reaper was seriously injured, left sequelae, and lost all his strength".

Bingfeng carefully observed and thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out the origin of the feeling that she initially had frozen her brain, penetrated deep into her bone marrow, and penetrated her heart, making her afraid to breathe.

Where did the ancient beast that seemed to have emerged from the endless abyss hide?

Could it be that he was so tired and exhausted these days that he had an illusion?

"Reaper, you finally woke up!"

Ice Storm settled down and greeted Meng Chao.

"Yes, after sleeping for so long, it's time to get active."

Meng Chao stretched, "It seems that a lot of things must have happened while I was asleep. What time is it now, what were you doing just now to make yourself so exhausted and bruised?"

His voice was not loud.

There is not the slightest psionic energy or spiritual power mixed in the sound waves.

But naturally, he took over the dominance of the topic.

Ice Storm replied subconsciously: "I don't know, it has been a full month or two since I woke up.

"Back and forth, we've probably been stuck here for hundreds of days.

"We also want to dig a road that leads directly to the Holy Mountain Temple as soon as possible, and return to the original road to escape the Holy Mountain.

"But the vertical shaft that went straight up and down had completely collapsed in the earlier fierce battle, and was nowhere to be found.

"We have been digging upward for more than a month, and although there has been some progress, it is still a long way from digging all the way to the Temple of the Holy Mountain.

"Fortunately, we found a lot of mandala fruit.

"There are still many mandala tree roots, although broken and withered, they also contain very rich nutrients and sweet sap.

"Following the cracks in the rock formations, there is a lot of fresh air, which is continuously delivered.

"For the time being, I haven't encountered a survival problem."

Ice Storm told Meng Chao that when the "Egg of Chaos" first contracted violently, and then exploded violently.

From the depths of the body of the "Egg of Chaos", a large number of nano-metal frenzy composed of spiritual magnets spewed out.

It was like surging mercury, which first swept through Meng Chao and the wolf king who were close at hand.

Wrap both in a giant "bud" or "pupa."

Afterwards, he rushed towards Ice Storm, her biological father, and the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams, wrapping the three of them tightly.

Ice Storm's eyes were dark, and he felt that he would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, it was like falling into an extremely long and bizarre dream.

In the dream, I saw countless fragmented and mottled pictures, which seemed to be a large-scale, thrilling war that affected the whole world.

It's a pity that when she woke up leisurely, this vast and grand dream, like an ordinary dream, was annihilated in the deepest part of her brain, and she could only capture flashbacks of scales and claws.

Although I can't remember the full picture and details of the dream.

Ice Storm was pleasantly surprised to find that his injuries had healed without medicine.

Not only was it caused by the capture of the Lion King's "Destruction Horn" and the Tiger King's "Blade of Rage", the serious injuries affecting his internal organs were all gone, and not even the slightest sequelae were left.

The price paid for forcibly activating the secret weapon "Mark" of the Temple of Light at all costs—the right arm that was almost burned to charcoal, also grew a brand-new skeleton, delicate flesh like jade, and skin that could be broken by bullets.

Even the totem power in the body seems to have become more vigorous and condensed with the amazing changes in the flesh and blood, making the snow leopard female warrior who bears double bloodlines and double curses, the combat power is even higher.

As for the bruises and scratches on his body now, they are all left by the frantic excavation of rock formations these days. It looks shocking, but they are actually skin injuries, which are not worth mentioning at all.

On the third day after the ice storm woke up, her father also woke up from the spiritual magnet that had turned into ashes.

Although there is still no "family affection" between the two fathers and daughters.

But there is no inexorable contradiction.

Especially after experiencing such a thrilling and **** battle, seeing the legendary terrifying existence of the "Egg of Chaos", and witnessing the wolf king killing the lion and tiger kings, it heralds a brand new era, after the curtain has been drawn.

The two fathers and daughters are even more unwilling to die quietly in the darkness deep underground before the tide of the times sends them to a higher place in this world.

So, they quickly reached the only consensus.


It's a pity that Ice Storm's father, the leopard poet "Ferdowsi", has always played a role similar to a dog-headed military advisor beside the wolf king.

Although he has explored dozens of lost temples, he is not good at soil work.

Not to mention that they have neither the ability to survey rock formations nor the tools at hand.

After the mandala tree supporting the rock formation withered in large numbers, the inside of the collapsed rock formation is full of crumbling uncertainty, and a second collapse may occur at any time.

Therefore, the progress of the two is extremely slow.

They dug day and night in the dark for more than a month, to the extent that they couldn't clearly perceive and record the time, and still couldn't see a ray of light above their heads.

Fortunately, Meng Chao, the wolf king and the ancient dream saint were all tightly wrapped by the spiritual magnets that spewed out of the original mother's explosion, and were not injured by the collapse of the rock formations.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the spiritual magnets, which were originally opaque like mercury, gradually showed a crystal clear texture, revealing their appearance like a fetus curled up in the depths of the mother's body, like a small inlaid in amber. Like bugs.

Through thick and sturdy crystal.

Ice Storm could feel that Meng Chao and Saintess Gu Meng were still alive.

The leopard poet was also surprised and delighted to discover that the "Jack" Canus, who he had high hopes for and believed to be the only hope to save Turanze, also came from the depths of the crystal flower buds. More and more violent life fluctuations.

This point supports the two fathers and daughters to keep digging upwards.

Although there is no way to escape.

At least, the air that permeated from above became fresher and stronger, and the airflow became stronger and stronger.

This is enough to prove that they are not far from the finish line of victory.

"The Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams is still alive?"

It was a pleasant surprise.

Under the guidance of the ice storm, Meng Chao found the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams under the triangular space formed by several collapsed rocks in the southwest corner of the original mother laboratory.

Sure enough, as described by the ice storm, the clumps of liquid metal-like substances that were originally shimmering with silver light had changed their properties because of the death of the original mother, and they became crystal clear, sparkling and crystal clear.

The Holy Maiden of Ancient Dream was curled up in the depths of the crystal.

She slept so sweetly, not only did she have a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, but she kept sucking her thumb in her mouth, as if she had dreamed one after another, incomparably moving dreams.

Meng Chao noticed that in the depths of the crystal, the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams, whose head was originally deformed and swelled like a tumor was about to explode, seemed to shrink by a round.

With the temple as the center, it bulges high like an earthworm, and spreads all around like a spider web, calming down her blood vessels and nerves that have become extremely ugly, making her look a little girly.

Because of excessive overdraft of mental power, cerebral hemorrhage and hydrocephalus caused by the phenomenon, all of which are cured without medicine, and even the infiltrated fluid is re-digested and absorbed by the body.

When Meng Chao gently placed his palm on the outer wall of the crystal.

There seems to be a peaceful and peaceful rat village like a paradise in front of you.

The 5-year-old Saint Maiden of Ancient Dream, one left and one right, held the hands of her father and mother, and there was still unwiped mandala pulp on the corners of her mouth, and she showed Meng Chao the brightest smile.

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