The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1415: open and honest

Meng Chao can feel that after absorbing part of the original mother's life source, the ancient dream saintess's ability to create and transmit dreams has been greatly improved compared to the past.

In terms of brain wave intensity alone, this unremarkable Rat People girl seems to be stronger than Meng Chao and Wolf King.

But Meng Chao also knew that the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dream would not wake up, at least not now.

Perhaps, in childhood, the hometown that has not been destroyed by the plague is the best destination for this tormented soul.

"Then, sleep well."

Meng Chao smiled, with a firm flame in his eyes, "Let's leave the rest to us!"

He felt that the ancient dream saint in the dream smiled more and more sweetly and brilliantly.

He seemed to bow slightly to him, thanking her for saving her life, and helping her keep this dream of eternal peace and happiness.

And she will do her best to share this dream with all people who are full of misery and despair in real life, so that people can get a little warm comfort in the coldest night before tomorrow comes.

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

He cast his sharp eyes to the southeast corner of the original mother laboratory.

There, in the depths of the collapsed rock formation, a terrifying existence with a psychic strength comparable to his is quietly nurturing.

Stimulated by the magnetic field of his life, this terrifying existence has woken up from its deep sleep, and can't wait to break out of its shell, causing the crystal barriers around him to emit a subtle "click, click" sound.

It was "The Jackal" Canus.

No, maybe he should be called "Doom Wolf" Canus.

When the crystal cracking sound of "click", the collapsed rock formations piled up into mountains suddenly seemed to have been exerted by a mysterious anti-gravity field, and the large and small stones all floated swayingly.

When it floated in mid-air three to five meters above the ground, it was like being squeezed by a pair of invisible giant claws, crushed, and ground into dust finer than sand.

Subsequently, the dust caught fire in ultra-high-speed friction, burned, and a small-scale explosion occurred.

Under the catalysis of the spiritual energy, pieces of red flames that were as red as blood were blasted out.

Chi Yan swung his teeth and claws as if he had life, beating wildly.

The flames danced wildly, forming a jackal with vivid faces and fine details, staring straight at all the creatures in this underground ruins, without concealing, and unable to conceal their desire to conquer everything, suppress everything, The ambition to control everything.

Such a strong sense of oppression, even the Lion King's "Destruction Horn" and the Tiger King's "Blade of Rage" cannot be compared.

Rao is that the ice storm also absorbed part of the original mother's life source.

After all, he woke up so long earlier than Meng Chao and Wolf King, and he didn't immerse himself in the thrilling and magnificent immemorial battlefield for a long time. From flesh and blood to spirit, he did not withstand the highest intensity of tempering.

She let out a moan that was half pain, half fear.

Ruofei Meng Chao supported her in time, and from the palm of his hand to her back, a steady stream of warm and firm power was input.

She almost collapsed to the ground.

Attracted by the surging psionic energy fluctuations, from the working surface above the original mother's laboratory, the Leopard poet "Ferdowsi" who returned to the laboratory was even more excited with tears in his eyes, and moved towards the Red Flame Wolves. In the direction of appearance, he crawls on the ground, spreads his limbs, and completely sends his head under the opponent's minions, expressing the most thorough surrender and reverence.

"Wolf King, my Lord Wolf King, you are finally awake!"

The leopard poet said with a trembling voice in a magnificent and solemn tone of reciting heroic epics.

Under the guard of the Red Flame Wolves, the Wolf King slowly floated into the air from the ground.

It is different from Meng Chao's introverted essence and returning to the original.

The wolf king, who also absorbed a lot of the source of life from his original mother, wrote his power, fierceness, cruelty and tyranny clearly on his face, between the minions sharper than the weapon of the gods, and even written on each Clusters are raised high like red crystals, on the wolf hair that is drawn with swords.

At this moment, the wolf king seems to be more than the lion king's "Destruction Horn" and the tiger king's "Blade of Fury" tied together, and it is full of the deterrent power destined to control Turanze and even the whole world!

The wolf king's head didn't move.

His gaze was natural, scanning the entire collapsed laboratory at 360 degrees.

In the end, it fell to Meng Chao.

Ice Storm made an "ah" sound.

Although she was not stared at by the wolf king.

But only 1% of the aftermath leaked from the corner of the wolf king's eyes, it set off a storm in her mind, almost making her lose her ability to breathe and heartbeat.

In Ice Storm's cognition, the Wolf King is an enemy rather than a friend.

The two sides not only had a tit-for-tat contest over the life and death of the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams on the night when the Great Horn Legion was wiped out.

Even in the original mother's laboratory, the moment before the original mother exploded, the wolf king and Meng Chao also put on a posture of burning jade and stone and perishing together.

And the current "Reaper" seems to have lost most of its power.

How could it be that it was the opponent of the wolf king who was reborn from ashes and whose momentum had skyrocketed tenfold?

Bingfeng's heart couldn't help but reach his throat.

However, Meng Chao was not burned to ashes by the wolf king's magma-like gaze as she feared.

Not even the eyelashes twitched.

Meng Chao and the wolf king's eyes collided in mid-air.

In an instant, a large amount of information was read that escaped from the opponent's body.

Weigh out the opponent's strength.

"Looks like we need to talk."

Meng Chao, who seemed to have no power to tie a chicken, faced the growing pack of wolves roaring out of the raging flames, and said indifferently, "Officially introduce yourself to the other party."

"That's right."

Just when Bingfeng and her father thought that Meng Chao was so frightened that he was insane, otherwise, how would he dare to speak like this to this terrifying existence that is stronger than the "Blade of Destruction" and "Blade of Rage" combined.

And in the next blink of an eye, he would be torn into pieces smaller than a fingernail by the red flame wolves that filled the entire collapsed laboratory.

They didn't dare to look directly at the terrifying existence, but they showed a smile that was completely different from the fierce flames around them. Instead, they shared a like-minded smile with Meng Chao, "It's time to talk and get to know each other again."

Under the stunned gazes of Bingfeng and her father, Meng Chao and the Wolf King stepped on the steps that did not exist in the void and flew into the shaft that it took them more than a month to excavate.

The life magnetic field of the two of them penetrated into the gaps around the shaft like mercury pouring out.

In an instant, the structure of the surrounding rock formations, the hardest and most vulnerable areas, and the distance between the rock formations and the ancient Turan spacecraft "Hope" above, were clearly felt.

Even in the depths of the brain, several sets of work plans were deduced, and the workload and risk factors were calculated.

Although Ice Storm and her father have been digging around the clock for more than a month, they are still far away from escaping.

However, with the strength of Meng Chao and the Wolf King at the moment, if the two join forces, under the premise of ensuring safety, they can reopen the shaft blocked by the collapsed rock formation and return to the Holy Mountain Temple, which is the interior of the Hope.

To inherit, what the ancient Turanians left there.

The two breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

Refocus your attention on the other person.

Icestorm and her father excavated a very narrow and cramped work surface.

The eyes of the two were like two red-hot daggers, touching each other's carotid artery and heart.

There is no room for dodging, dodging and covering up.

Even if one of them is slightly stronger than the other and seizes the opportunity, it can kill the other.

The other party can also do his best to insert two daggers deeply into his heart, spine and even brain before dying.

So, they only have two options left.

Either open up, work together, and find an escape route to hope together.

Either lose both, die together, and be buried together in the depths of the bottomless earth.

The two looked back at the same time.

The undercurrent was surging, and the shaft, which could collapse at any time, regained its calm and stability.


The wolf king said, "Are you really 'Doomsday Blade' Meng Chao?"

"And you?"

Meng Chao asked back, "Should I call you 'jackal' or 'doomsday devil'?"

"I, I don't know."

The wolf king's face was full of confusion, "I originally knew very well who I really was and what I wanted to do, and I firmly believed that I would succeed - as a reborn person who can foresee the future, how could I fail?

"But you confused me.

"Obviously already possessing tyrannical power and becoming the 'Doomsday Demon Wolf' that made the entire Holy Light Temple tremble, he still couldn't stop it, and even accelerated the coming of the apocalypse. How is this possible?"

"That is to say—"

Meng Chao said, "Up until this moment, do you still believe that you are a 'reborn'?"

"I can foresee the future. Many people and things that have appeared in my mottled and fragmented dreams can correspond to reality one by one. I also rely on this mysterious ability to evolve at an incredible speed. and Rise, if this isn't 'rebirth', what is?"

The wolf king's eyes flashed, and he stared deeply at Meng Chao, "You also have the same ability as me, you have mastered the martial arts of Longcheng from the future, and you have also clearly seen Longcheng and Turanze, and Thousands of creatures living in these two homes were burned to ashes by 10,000 suns falling from the sky.

"Also, I can smell you, the breath of the 'Doomsday Blade'.

"When I first saw you, there was no such aura in you.

"And I have never seen Doomsday Blade take off his mask and reveal his true face in those dreams that seem like a lifetime.

"So, I don't know who you are.

"But now, the boundless murderous aura that flows from every pore of yours, the **** sea of ​​countless corpses, and the Shura slaughterhouse, no matter how much you hide it with the harmless appearance of humans and animals, it is impossible to hide it. my perception.

"Even if I'm strong enough that I can't believe it.

"Staying with you, every cluster of nerve endings and every muscle fiber of mine is still not under the control of my thoughts, but driven by my survival instinct, I always maintain the highest alert state.

"This feeling, even if I relive it a hundred times, I will never forget it.

"In addition to 'rebirth', what more reasonable explanation do you have?"

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