The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1418: The most critical change

"I think I see what you mean."

The wolf king thoughtfully said, "No one can accurately predict the future, but many people can throw some opinions on the future based on the information they have. These opinions may be correct or wrong, but as long as the information is rich enough, the calculation If the power is strong enough, these views can at least roughly conform to the objective laws of the development of things, and can they guide the real future to some extent?”

"That's right, just like the strategic planning departments of the major forces in Longcheng, when predicting the future, they often don't just throw out a set of plans, but according to the most ideal state, the general situation and the worst situation. Come up with three to five sets of forecasts and solutions or more.”

Meng Chao said, "A more appropriate example might be a lottery ticket—you know what a lottery ticket is, right?

"Among thousands of lottery tickets, only one can win a prize of hundreds of millions of yuan, but this does not mean that other lottery tickets are fake.

"Before the lottery is drawn, all lotteries have a one in ten million chance of winning, all lotteries are real, and all the futures that come to our minds are real.

"The more tickets you buy, the higher your odds of winning the jackpot.

"As long as we continue to explore more possibilities in the future, carefully analyze the similarities and differences of these futures, sort out the main factors that lead to destruction, and find ways to change and avoid them, then we will definitely be able to 'hit the jackpot', that is, Find that one, completely smash the doomsday, and stop the future road of destruction!"

"Makes sense."

The wolf king said coldly, "But in this way, it is very likely that the mind of the existence that sends the 'future information' to our brains.

"According to your thinking, these 'future messages' are very likely to be 'chaos', at least the 'eggs of chaos' sent to our brains.

"The purpose is to make us believe that Longcheng and Turanze are destined to be destroyed by the hands of 'Holy Light'. If we want to survive, we must do our best to help 'Chaos' eliminate 'Holy Light'.

"In the end, we are still just a handful of insignificant cannon fodder and a few insignificant chess pieces in the tens of millions of years of war between Chaos and Holy Light."

"Indeed, like you, I don't like the feeling of being used or even manipulated and reduced to chess pieces and cannon fodder."

Meng Chaodao, "However, think about it from another angle, if you don't use your identities as chess pieces and cannon fodder to invest in this magnificent, thrilling, and unimaginable war, how can we lead our civilization to rise continuously and complete the transformation from soldier to soldier. What about the general's counterattack, and even kill those who are trying to use and manipulate us, high above the gods and demons?

"Think carefully, when an extremely cruel war comes, do you want to play an unarmed civilian who will be oppressed, ravaged and killed, or be forcibly kidnapped into a party's army and become a charging cannon fodder. With his blood, courage, teeth and fists, to gain incomparable hope, to constantly evolve, upgrade, and become stronger, until he has the power to destroy the world, kill gods and demons, and completely control his own destiny?

"Very easy multiple choice, isn't it?"

"It makes sense. I now completely believe that you are the 'Doomsday Blade'. Only the Doomsday Blade can say such things."

The wolf king grinned and said, "That's right, it's meaningless to look ahead and look at the future, worry about gains and losses, and wonder if you are a cannon fodder and a chess piece.

"Our most important task now is to lead our civilization to continuously evolve, upgrade and become stronger, until we have the power to destroy the world, kill gods and demons, and completely control our destiny.

"At that time, we will surely make the existence that thinks it can predict the future and use us - whether it is 'Chaos' or 'Light', 'True God' or 'Demon', to pay a terrible price.

"No one can predict my future, and no one can control my destiny except myself, no, absolutely not!"

The wolf king's killing intent was like magma overflowing from a volcanic crater, overflowing from the 36,000 pores all over his body.

The cooled work surface was raised again to a temperature close to that of the steelmaking furnace.

Even the indestructible rock formations around it couldn't bear his killing intent, and made a cracking sound of "click, click, click".

Except for Meng Chao, there are very few people who can stay beside the "Doomsday Devil Wolf" in anger.

Fortunately, the wolf king quickly controlled his emotions.

With a cold snort, the killing intent like a volcanic eruption disappeared in an instant.

"Next, what are your plans?"

The wolf king asked, "Do you want to continue to practice underground for three to five months or even a year and a half? I believe that with each other's help and stimulation, we will definitely become stronger than we are now, until we are close to the end of the future. Blade' and 'Doomsday Wolf'!"

Meng Chao was lost in thought.

After a while, he slowly shook his head.

"I don't think the problem is our strength. At least, the strength of a certain supreme power is not the most critical factor in determining 'survival or destruction'."

Meng Chaodao said, "On two different future paths, we have become the invincible supreme powers in the world under the names of 'Doomsday Blade' and 'Doomsday Devil Wolf' respectively.

"Even if the nine-ring magician in the Holy Light Land or even the great sacrifice of the Holy Light Temple, fighting alone, may not be our opponent.

"And at that time, Longcheng and Turanze also had no shortage of powerful people with the power to move mountains and overturn the sea, and to destroy the sky and the earth, and they vowed to follow us to the death.

"But we still failed.

"Even if we spend another year and a half in the depths of the earth, and cultivate into 70% or 80% of the 'Doomsday Blade' and 'Doomsday Demon Wolf', how can we guarantee that the future will not be terrifying in our minds. way to stage?

"Even if you and I can join forces to sweep the Land of Holy Light and destroy the Temple of Holy Light, how can we stop the 'ocean of light' tightly wrapped around the planet's periphery—thousands of synchronous orbital space stations and space-based orbital weapons Activated, blasting the ground with enough energy to destroy an entire ecosystem?"

Meng Chao threw out several terms that ordinary orcs could never understand.

But in the wolf king's mind, a lot of information about the earth's civilization was engraved.

And through the memory of the original mother, when I saw the ancient war, it was like a "Dyson sphere" that wrapped the entire planet like billions of crystal butterflies vibrating their wings.

He quickly understood what Meng Chao meant.

But couldn't find a solution.

Can only snort.

"What advice do you have?"

asked the wolf king.

Meng Chao closed his eyes.

The pieces of information from two different futures, like countless shining stardust, flashed, swirled, fluttered, collided, gathered and scattered in his mind, and performed an inexplicable Brownian motion.

Meng Chao stared for a long time.

Only vaguely, caught a few "star dust".

"When describing the future you've 'experienced', you mentioned the 'nine families'?"

Meng Chao slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at the wolf king, "Are there nine super enterprises under the banner of these nine major families?"

The wolf king shrugged.

"There are indeed many large-scale super enterprises under the nine major families, but the number is far more than nine."

The wolf king said, "As far as I know, all the super enterprises in Longcheng are owned by the nine major families. Even small and medium-sized enterprises are indirectly controlled by the nine major families. The leftovers were cold, barely maintained.

"That's why I said that they are the 'nine great families that rule Dragon City'."


Meng Chao frowned deeply, "It shouldn't develop like this in the future, and Longcheng shouldn't be ruled by the so-called 'nine great families'."


The wolf king said strangely, "In the future that I see, the nine major families have the largest number of powerhouses in the realm of the gods, and the equipment, technology and combat power of the family's private soldiers are also the most sophisticated and outstanding, especially the nine major families. The elders are completely different from the generally weak earthlings. They are all powerful people who have the ability to pierce the sky and the earth, and can summon thunder and split rocks. They have the ability to compete with the great chiefs of Turanze who rule the five clans.

"Shouldn't such a superpower rule Dragon City?"

In the face of the wolf king's natural questioning, Meng Chao didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Can only continue to ask: "What about the Chilong Army, in the future you see, will there be a Chilong Army in Longcheng?"

"Red Dragon Army"

The wolf king pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Of course, whether Longcheng or Turanze, since the battle with the Holy Light faction is all-out, the existence of cannon fodder troops is indispensable.

"In Turanze, we use rat people as cannon fodder.

"In Longcheng, you use the Red Dragon Army composed of ordinary people as cannon fodder to help the extraordinary people of the nine major families consume the magic of the Holy Light camp."

"What about the Blood Alliance?"

Meng Chao continued to ask, "Since you said that the Nine Great Families control everything in Dragon City, where did the Blood Alliance come from, the Nine Great Families would actually let such a family go and have the ability to concoct the secret of 'Doomsday Blade' Organization, exists under your own eyes?"

"The existence of the Blood Alliance is an open secret. This organization has been inextricably linked with the nine major families from the very beginning. It is specially responsible for using the most extreme methods to explore new cultivation methods for the nine major families and accumulate a large amount of cultivation data. , and send fresh blood to the private arms of the nine major families!"

The wolf king said naturally, "If it weren't for the secret support of the nine major families, how could the Blood Alliance concoct the future you - Doomsday Blade?"


Meng Chao took a deep breath and said, "The last question, in the future you see, are the people of Longcheng still willing to believe, 'The extraordinary is the sword of human civilization, and the blood of the strong must be shed for the weak'? "

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