The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1420: Doomsday Agreement

Meng Chao could not refute.

He thought that in the first future, his father suffered serious work-related injuries due to his dangerous work, but he failed to receive timely compensation and treatment, and even pleaded for nowhere, causing his sister Bai Jiacao to "blacken" and become a "night witch" " thing.

In the second future, what happened to her sister was even a hundred times more terrifying than turning into a night witch.

Blood Alliance, this evil organization that should have been wiped out decades ago, does it really continue to dormant in the depths of Dragon City, in a dark corner in some form?

Who and what forces are secretly supporting the blood alliance to continue to exist and operate?

In addition, Lu Siya, who was controlled by the mastermind of the monster and turned into a jungle banshee, also revealed the truth to Meng Chao under the complacency.

Although humans have won the monster war.

But monster civilization is by no means so easily wiped out.

Even if humans occupied the Hidden Misty Territory, swept away the ultimate lair of monster civilization, and suppressed and domesticated all monsters.

There are still a large number of "monster spores" that invade the human body in the way of "sneaking into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently", turning many humans into monsters in human skins.

Destroying monsters in the mountains is easy.

Destroying the monster in your heart is a hundred times more difficult.

It's easy to destroy the demonic beasts of doomsday that are visible, claws and claws.

Destroying those "monsters in human skins" who are mixed in the crowd, high-sounding, sanctimonious, and stealing high positions, is more difficult than reaching the sky.

However, if these "monsters in human skins" are allowed to lie dormant in Longcheng, steal resources and opportunities that should belong to all the citizens of Longcheng, and continue to expand and make waves.

Doomsday is simply unavoidable.

"Perhaps, you are right."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and said, "However, if the big men are not trustworthy, who should we rely on to stop the doomsday?"

"It's simple, on our own."

The wolf king smiled slightly, "Only we support each other and join hands to become Turanze and Dragon City, respectively, the biggest big man, so that all the other superpowers and big men crawl under our feet in awe.

"Only can our will be implemented into every corner of our respective civilizations, every order of ours can be implemented without compromise, and we can use the 'bad future' we foresee to create a new, bright and hopeful 'Good future'."

Meng Chao stared at the wolf king for a long time.

"Let me remind you."

Meng Chaodao said, "In the future I dreamed of, you have become Turanze's 'biggest man', whether it is jackals, tigers, leopards, pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, snakes, insects, mice, ants, all Turan orcs are under your baton. Under the shiver, no one can question your orders, and no one dares to go against your will.

"But you still failed.

"From this point of view, there seems to be no essential difference between you and the big man you despise, hate, and despise."

"That's because my side is surrounded by a group of pig teammates who can only hold back their legs. As I fight alone, it is naturally difficult to make a sound."

Wolf King said, "But it's different now, now that I have learned the lessons of two 'bad futures', and with you, a like-minded all-weather strategic partner, how could it be possible to screw it up 'again'?

"Listen, I understand what you are worried about, believe me, as long as I can become a war chief and integrate all the resources and power of Turanze, I will definitely renovate the Turan civilization as you said, and give the rat people more With more freedom and power, the potential of more than 90% of the total population of Turanze has been fully released.

"I am also a rat people, of course I would like to believe that as long as the rat people unleash their full potential, our combat power will never be inferior to those wolves and tigers and leopards that show their teeth and claws. 'key.

"Even, I am willing to represent Turanze and cooperate with Longcheng in depth - than we have seen in the two 'bad futures', which is superficial, forced by the situation, and the kind of binding relationship between face and heart. , more sincere and eager cooperation.

"I will sign a large number of agreements that may be denounced by Turan radicals as 'betrayal of the ancestors', and actively introduce earth culture, earth systems and earth commodities, from the spar mines hidden in the Tulan Ze ground to thousands of pictures The huge market of Lan people that needs to be developed can all be opened to Dragon City - as long as this is done, it will help us win the battle of doomsday.

"Anyway, based on my trust in Doomsday Blade, I can do whatever you want me to do.

"There's only one small problem here."

Meng Chao said, "What's the problem?"

"I don't believe those big men who rule Dragon City now."

The wolf king said, "Based on what I know about them in 'Doomsday Nightmare', they will definitely regard my sincerity as stupidity, my kindness as weakness, and the olive branch I threw as the Turan people's intimidation of the earth people. Promiscuous, willing to kneel and surrender and become a symbol of the vassals of Longcheng, in the end, these guys who are too greedy and cravings will definitely screw up everything."

"Not to mention, in the 'bad future' I dreamed of, many Dragon City bigwigs chose to surrender to the Holy Light Temple, and some chose to flee.

"You said, how can I become an 'all-weather strategic partner' with these guys who are usually righteous and treachery at critical moments?

"Yes, this is not necessarily the real future, it is just a 'possibility of the future'.

"But from my standpoint, with the fate and future of thousands of Turans on my shoulders, I can't ignore this possibility, can I?"


Meng Chao said, "So what?"

"So, I will not sign any agreement with the big man who now rules Dragon City."

The wolf king stared at Meng Chaodao, "If, on behalf of Tulanze, I have to make a blood alliance with Longcheng, sign a mutually beneficial agreement, join hands to face the doomsday and create the future, I hope that the representative of Longcheng will It's you - I only trust you.

"The problem is, at that time, my identity will be the war chief of Turanze, the supreme commander of Turan civilization, and the most revered and feared existence of all Turan orcs.

"What about you, in what capacity and qualifications will you sign this agreement with me on behalf of Longcheng?

"How can I believe that you have enough strength to ensure that every clause of the agreement can be implemented without compromise. Those guys who screwed everything up will not jump out and screw everything up again?"


Meng Chao pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said, "Dragon City and Turanze have different systems. We believe in balance, restriction and supervision. In the survival committee, there is no such thing as a 'war chief' who can be authoritarian and control everything. exist.

"However, what you said makes sense. When I return to Dragon City, I will find out the truth behind the 'Blood Alliance', eradicate all the worms, squirrels and 'monsters in human skin', and get enough and The identity, status, power and strength of the 'War Chief of Turanze' who are allied with blood!"

"I have no doubt that you can do it."

The wolf king grinned, "However, I still have to remind you that your time is running out.

"The Temple of Light may launch a 'purification war' against the Eastern, Western and Northern Fronts at any time.

"Once the Holy Light army has swept away the desert of death, the abyss of eternal night, the frost tundra and the plague jungle, and defeated the tomb undead, the abyss demons, the frost barbarians and the two-headed trolls, there is no need to worry about the future, and they can calmly gather all their forces and attack If you go out and go south in a big way, it will be too late to say anything.

"So, no matter what you want to do, please use the thunderbolt method to cut through the mess.

"I won't wait too long for you.

"If I have completed the full integration of Turanze and combat readiness, you haven't finished Dragon City yet.

"Even if I know that the chances are slim, I can only bite the bullet and use my own strength to send my teacher north to fight the Holy Light Temple to the death!"

"Of course."

Meng Chao's eyes were firm and decisive.

The figure of Lu Siya, the jungle banshee controlled by the master brain of the monster, reappeared in his mind.

Without the wolf king's reminder, he couldn't wait, he wanted to kill Longcheng and make a break with her.

I just hope that the "Hope Potion" that can inhibit the activity of the "proto-mother" cells can also have an equally strong inhibitory effect on the mysterious power originating from the monster's master brain that invades Lu Siya's body!

The wolf king stretched out his hand: "So, we have reached a preliminary agreement?"

Meng Chao pondered for a moment, then tightly held the wolf king's furry palm: "I hope this is an agreement that is valid forever."

"Facing the end, what about forever?"

The wolf king said, "But I believe that at least until the Temple of Holy Light is defeated, the 'ocean of light' covering this planet is dispersed, and the end of the day is completely shattered, this agreement should not be broken, right?"

"This is enough."

Meng Chao said, "That's enough."

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