The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1423: take command

Half a day later, at the foot of the holy mountain, in front of Meng Chao and Kanus, a towering wall of mist appeared.

The two looked at each other and strode forward, stirring up the magnetic field of life, slashing waves in the foggy wall.

The fog split apart like waves torn apart by battleships, and the surrounding world became clearer and wider.

Soon, the eyes of the two of them suddenly became clear, and they returned to Turanze, where the sky was high and the clouds were boundless!

The two slowly floated to an altitude of several hundred meters.

Breathing in the fresh air, overlooking the winding banks of the Turan River, there are endless resources and potentials that need to be explored and constructed.

Imagine how wonderful this land will become in another future.

When looking back, the towering Turan Holy Mountain has been hidden in the folds of space, only revealing the looming tip of the iceberg, like an unremarkable hill.

Beyond this "hill", the gaze continues to project towards the horizon, and the Tulanze Mountains can be seen vaguely standing on the southern edge of Turanze.

Looking from this distance and angle, the natural danger blocking Turan civilization and Longcheng civilization is like a low threshold.

As long as you want, you can cross the past with a single step.

This situation made both of them excited.

Just like two smug painters, facing a blank picture scroll of amazing size, they can't wait, wanting to splash ink and write their own legend.

The wolf king told Meng Chao that because there is no industrial pollution and artificial light sources, the air visibility in Turanze is excellent.

With two people breaking through the extraordinary realm of the peak of life, looking from here to the north, there is a high probability that you will be able to see the resplendent city of red gold.

I don't know, after so long, who lost the lion king, tiger king and wolf king, and the headless red gold city, who was in charge, and what did it look like?

"I hope these idiots haven't made too much trouble yet!"

The wolf king narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

But in the next second, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Following his confused and solemn gaze, Meng Chao also saw the red gold city on the horizon.

Although the distance is too far, with his supernatural vision, he can only see a vague outline the size of a finger.

But you can still see clearly the long-lasting wolf smoke rising from the red gold city.

Canus is the lord of the wolf clan.

Nature is also an expert in making and using wolf smoke.

He told Meng Chao that due to the continuous decline of technical power, the current Turan orcs are very lacking in long-distance instantaneous communication.

Carrier pigeons and wolf smoke have become the most common way of communication and coordination between towns and clans.

According to the different secret medicine mixed into the burning material, it can release wolf smoke of different colors, shapes and heights, conveying as many as hundreds of kinds of information, not just the meaning of "emergency, ask for help".

Like this one emerging from Chijin City now, it is like an iron fist, surrounded by a red smoke, it is not a distress signal.

Instead, it represents the meaning of the army going on an expedition, telling the Quartet, and praying to the ancestors for victory.

Such a grand wolf smoke, not just any cat or dog is eligible to be released.

At least the chief of the five major clans, that is, the old lion king "horn of destruction", is qualified to light it himself.

Once they see this wolf smoke, all the surrounding towns must actively prepare food and grass, prepare camps, mobilize labor and servants, and provide all support within their ability for the upcoming army.

Those who are a little slack, but must be engaged in military law!

"Strange, the lion king, tiger king and wolf king are not in the city of red gold, who is qualified to send out such a grand expedition signal?

"Could it be that the Golden Clan has elected a new Chieftain?

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't. Before we went deep into the holy mountain, the two ligers and tigers just had a fight in Chijin City.

"All the masters were either brought into the holy mountain by the Lion King and the Tiger King, and the entire army was annihilated, or they were caught in the fire of Chijin City, dead and wounded, no one should have such strength and prestige. Integrate the scattered sand in Chijin City!

"Besides, will it be too hasty to go to the Land of Holy Light now? The 'Era of Glory' has just begun, and the cannon fodder has not been exhausted or even started to be consumed. It is so soon to mobilize the main force of the Golden Clan?"

The wolf king muttered to himself, accelerated, and flew towards Chijincheng.

Meng Chao and him kept pace.

The biggest difference between the realm of the gods and the realm of the sky is that the latter can only be suspended in mid-air like a hot air balloon.

The former, however, can zip through the sky at speeds no less than armored airships and even piston-propeller fighter jets.

If you can find a place to borrow strength, you will be able to break through the speed of sound in an instant, even at the expense of psychic energy!

The two flew for only ten minutes.

Just in the northeast direction, a mighty army was captured.

Although there are no heavy war machines like tanks and armored vehicles.

The iron hooves of tens of thousands of orc warriors bombarded the earth at the same time, and still blasted the billowing smoke and dust, covering the sky and the sun, and reaching the sky.

The problem is that both Meng Chao and Wolf King noticed that the marching direction of this army was not to the north, but to the south!

The two looked at each other.

There was a vague sense of unease.

At the same time, the two were also discovered by each other.

They are not the only ones soaring in the sky.

Just around the army that was heading southward, there were several scouts hovering in the sky.

The broad and sharp wings, the falcon claws that flickered with cold light, the extremely sharp beak with barbs, and even the faint arcs around the body, all showed their identities - the falcon warriors from the Thunder Clan.

Among the five major clans, the Falcon Warriors may not be the strongest in combat.

But their eyes are definitely the best.

An ordinary falcon warrior can see and lock the mouse that flashes on the ground at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

Although Meng Chao is accustomed to the restrained breath, he is as ordinary as a college student who has just stepped into the society.

However, the wolf king likes to excite the aura of the "Doomsday Devil Wolf" to the limit, so he can't wait to arrange a whole battle group to beat gongs and drums in front of him to announce his arrival.

The undisguised astonishing momentum like a volcanic eruption in the air was naturally captured by the falcon scouts in an instant.

Falcon scouts let out a rhythmic shriek in the clouds.

Near and far, seven or eight small black dots shrouded in electric light rushed towards the two of them.

Meng Chao and the wolf king have even seen the ancestor of the hawk and falcon scouts - the former air overlord "Broken Wings".

Even got some of the power and experience of "Broken Wings".

Even their totem armors are equipped with the battle imprint from "Broken Wings".

Naturally, these falcon scouts will not be taken seriously.

The wolf king was just curious: "What's going on, this is the airspace of the Golden Clan, and it stands to reason that there should be no eagle warriors at all.

"This kind of violation of airspace is a very serious provocation. Although the wolves, tigers and leopards of the golden clan are not good at aerial combat, they have selected hundreds of warriors with great strength and shot thousands of sharp-edged rubble. In mid-air, these eagles and falcons were shot, and they had nowhere to escape. It was still possible.

"It's really not possible, we can still hit the Thunder Clan's old nest from the ground - these birdmen can fly, but their bird's nest can't be moved, right?

"After all, the Thunder Clan is only good at reconnaissance, communication and raids, and in a comprehensive confrontation on the ground, it is definitely not an opponent of the Golden Clan.

"There is only one situation in which the Falcon Warriors can reasonably and freely soar above the airspace of the Golden Clan.

"That is

"The five clans have passed the battle of the five clans, and the war chief has been elected. All Turan warriors, regardless of the golden clan or the thunder and lightning clan, must all obey, and they can only obey the orders of the war chief!"

The wolf king's face instantly became extremely gloomy.

Obviously, he didn't even pay attention to the Lion King "Horn of Destruction" and the Tiger King "Blade of Fury" who were most qualified to be the war chiefs.

Having obtained the inheritance of the Holy Mountain and evolved into the "Doomsday Demon Wolf", he will naturally not sit back and watch those idiots who are more unbearable than "Destruction Horn" and "Blade of Rage" and destroy Turanze's future.

"very good."

The wolf king laughed angrily and muttered to himself, "I want to see, when there are no tigers in the mountains, which ape, who stole the heart of the brown bear and the gall bladder of the cheetah, dared to jump out and become the king! "

The wolf king ignored the falcon scouts approaching at high speed.

He swooped straight towards the murderous army of tens of thousands of jackals, tigers and leopards on the ground.

Meng Chao was equally curious.

After all, Turanze is closely related to the future of Dragon City.

It was not easy to reach a verbal package agreement with the wolf king.

He didn't think that, except for the wolf king, who had been in contact with the earth's civilization for a long time in "Doomsday Nightmare".

Is there any war chief who can tolerate the people of Longcheng digging the "land given to the Turan people by the ancestral spirits", and using those rumbling mining machinery and whining locomotives, "disturbed the long sleep of the ancestral spirits. "- No matter how high the price Longcheng people are willing to offer.

Soon, in addition to the winding outline that stretched for several miles, more details about this army fell into the eyes of Meng Chao and the wolf king.

This army, which was drawn from Chijincheng, was mainly composed of lions, tigers and werewolves.

At first glance, the fire a few months ago did not leave too many sequelae between the Lion and the Tiger.

They are still on the same rhythm, going hand in hand.

But no matter the lion, the tiger or the werewolf, they were all silent and listless, and there was no joy and high fighting spirit of the army's first expedition, and the atmosphere was a bit strangely solemn.

Even the battle flags of the Lion Clan, Tiger Clan, and Wolf Clan at the front of the queue were all wrinkled and drooping, like a rooster that had been plucked and its head downcast.

And above the battle flag of the Golden Clan, there is a more gorgeous big scorpion fluttering high.

In the center of the scorpion were four scarlet hoof prints dazzling with blood and flames, as dazzling as if they had just been branded.

This is-

The Battle Standard of the Bloodhoof Clan!

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