The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1426: Who is he?

In the face of absolute numbers, the speed and power of the arrows become meaningless.

All the arrows shot out by the centaur scouts were detonated in advance by the fragments of the torrential rain, and splendid fireworks bloomed all over Meng Chao.

Instead of being able to touch his fur, it added a bit of a mysterious color to him.

The remaining fragments, driven by the shock wave generated by the explosion and the power of the totem, flew towards the centaur scouts at a speed twice as fast, and shot the leading archers of Tulanze. People turn their backs.

For a time, the nearly 100-meter range around Meng Chao became a restricted area that seemed to be able to freeze all attacks.

Any Turan orc who dared to attack him would either roll all over the floor or be paralyzed like mud, unable to make a second sound other than howling like a slaughtering pig.

Even the Turan orcs a hundred meters away, a huge army, became silent, only heavy breathing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Kasavar Bloodhoof was startled and angry.

Under the double stimulation of the unforgettable hatred and the humiliation of being robbed of the treasures of the temple, he lost his mind and personally boarded the battle drum platform under the big hood, dragged by four totem beasts.

He kicked one of the drummers away, grabbed two drumsticks made of giant beast leg bones, the thickness of the bowl mouth, and beat the thunderous drums.

"Kill him, march forward with the whole army, and crush this black dwarf for me!"

His eyes were red, steaming white smoke spewed from his nose, and he let out a hysterical howl.

Drums of war are orders.

Under the banner representing the war chief, as long as the drums of war sounded, no matter it was the abyss in front of it, or the death line of defense composed of Holy Light magicians, elf archers and dwarf artillerymen.

The Turan orcs would rush up without hesitation, filling and crushing everything with their own flesh and even their corpses.

"The war drums of the Turan people can cross the mountains, fill the deep sea, and smash every city in this world."

This is an ancient teaching that has been circulated in Turanze for nearly 10,000 years.

Meng Chao faced an entire army after all.

Even a large army composed of jackals, tigers and leopards is not very willing to obey the orders of a tauren.

However, the number of valiant personal soldiers that Kasavar brought from the Bloodhoof clan, such as the arm and the finger, reached hundreds of people.

Meng Chao just solved Pioneer.

Hundreds of savages, wild boars, giant elephants and centaurs in iron armor were left, charging at the same time, and they could still shake the earth and shake the mountains and crush all the momentum.

Meng Chao sighed.

Of course, he can defeat these orc warriors who are in a state of "madness", their eyes gradually turning red as blood, and white smoke is sprayed from every pore around the body.

But what he wanted to do was far more than just "smashing" them.

He wants to "conquer" them.

"Then there's no way."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes, put his right index finger and **** together, lightly touched his eyebrows, and fine-tuned the frequency of his brain waves, which resonated with the spiritual magnets hidden deep in his body and in the folds of space.

For a moment-

His body was like a supernova explosion, shrouded in a dazzling ball of light.

The ball of light was like a fire that had woken up from a tens of thousands of years of sleep, yawned a big yawn, and stretched out an extremely splendid flame in all directions.

When the flames condensed into a human form and the brightness decreased slightly by a few stages, Meng Chao's body had expanded by two or three times, and a set of crystal clear and domineering totem armor appeared on his body!

This totem armor

With translucent black as the main tone, it is like at five or six o'clock in the morning, the sun is already ready to go on the horizon, and it is illuminated by the sun so transparently that it is like a dark jade-like night sky.

He also used the red lines as bright as the blood that had just been shot out, and the red lines like the magma that had just spewed out to outline the outline of the muscles, making Meng Chao's "unremarkable" figure instantly become majestic, strong, and strong. Exaggerated to the extreme.

In the depths of the black armor, there are also thousands of broken lights, like stars embedded in the universe, forming a magnificent and ever-changing star sea, which makes people dare not look directly at this totem armor. Otherwise, the soul will be sucked into it.

The most amazing thing is that the stars shine and the stars flow, sketching out a pair of ever-changing totems.

The totems on ordinary armors are fixed and limited.

The so-called totem contains both the fighting experience and the memory of the near-death of the previous generation of warriors.

It also contains the endless pain of **** fighting and dying.

Controlling the totem requires an extremely strong physique and a firm will.

No matter how vigorous orc warriors are, they can often only control single-digit totems.

Once the totem power in the body is too much, too mixed, and too strong, it may be counterattacked by the totem power, and the flesh and spirit will lose control and become a half-human, half-ghost origin warrior.

Meng Chao's set was personally strengthened and upgraded by the "original mother", condensed countless spiritual magnets, and also contained a large number of "original mother" life origins. It can be said that it is one of the most powerful totem armors in Tulanze.

Not only is the speed of colonization three or five times faster than that of ordinary armor.

The number of totems that appear and change on the surface of the armor is also several times that of ordinary armor.

Moreover, unlike ordinary armor, in theory, only the totem of a certain clan can be engraved.

On his totem armor, at least three clan totems are mixed.

Integrating so many totems of different natures into one, without causing conflicts, let alone being backlashed, and maintaining a stable output of the highest strength, in addition to Meng Chao's soul strength far exceeding ordinary people, it must be said that it is also "hope". Medicines".

However, the hundreds of bloodhoof warriors who were about to charge were all stunned, and even under the urging of the war drum, they dared not step forward, but it was not Meng Chao's totem armor, how gorgeous and powerful.

Instead, they can clearly perceive that the totem armor is burning like a raging flame, from the founder of the Bloodhoof clan, the legendary hero among the tauren, who is still worshipped by countless people today, "Fist" the power of!

The body of Meng Chao's totem armor comes from the "Skullbreaker armor" worn by the legendary gladiator "249" in the Temple of Bloodskull guarded by Kasava.

It can be said that it is the original blood hoof style.

In the depths of the Temple of the Holy Mountain, the "Slaughter Statue" has been strengthened and upgraded, and the totems, skills and combat experience of the blood hoof hero "Fist", the bear warrior "Stomachless King" and the falcon legend "Broken Wing" , all integrated into one.

Waiting for Meng Chao to be wrapped in the source of life of the "original mother", after a long period of sleep, repair, birth and rebirth.

These totems, skills and combat experience have long been perfectly integrated into his soul and become a part of his life.

Meng Chao closed his eyes.

Immediately in my mind, the "fist" fought **** battles on the battlefield, especially the picture of him and the legendary beast "The Triangle of Death" fighting an epic battle.

Of course, they all start from the eyes of the "fist", and the main perspective of the scene is immersive.

Meng Chao's eyes immediately became as red as fire when he saw a bull with red cloth.

In the crystal clear black jade armor, the stars continued to shine and beat, quickly forming a pair of totems with a strong blood hoof style.

The power that erupted from these totems has the same bravery, anger, and rage as the bloodhoof warriors.

The intensity is more than ten times that of the Bloodhoof Warrior!

In an instant, all the Bloodhoof warriors had hallucinations in a trance.

It was as if to see the founder of the Bloodhoof Clan, the first Bloodhoof Great Chief "Fist", waving his iconic Death Hammer, cast from the skull of the "Triangle of Death", standing in front of them.

These bloodhoof warriors are all heartbroken.

"This, this is impossible!"

"It's 'fist', this is the totem of 'fist', this is the power of 'fist'!"

"It's our Bloodhoof clan, the greatest warchief!"

"What's going on? You know, even today's Bloodhoof Great Chief may not be able to inherit all the totems and powers of the 'Fist', why, a black dwarf, can actually wear the totem armor of our Bloodhoof clan , blasting such a powerful force?"

"He, he got the recognition of 'Fist'? He actually got the recognition of 'Fist'!"

Totem armor is not something that can be worn on the body casually.

Even the fragments of battle armor that are peeled off from the enemy must be soaked in secret medicine, prayed by priests, recast by craftsmen, and repeatedly cultivated by themselves, and only after they have been recognized by the power contained in the fragments of battle armor can they be perfectly integrated into their own flesh and blood. among.

Without the approval of the ancient heroic spirit hidden in the totem armor, rashly put it on the body, there is only one result.

Backlashed by the power of the totem, the flesh and blood were devoured by the totem armor, and it became a hideous, ugly and crazy monster.

In the past thousands of years, countless bloodhoof warriors have been frantically searching for the weapons and armor fragments used by "Fist", trying to get the recognition of "Fist" and inherit even one percent of their power.

Unexpectedly, a "black dwarf" who does not belong to Turanze at all can be so unscrupulous and display the power from "fist", and his totem armor, there is no sign of backlash.

In such a scene that subverts the three views, how can we not call all the blood hoof warriors, all of them are like nails smashed into the ground by the thunder warhammer, stabbing in the same place, even the tomahawk and warhammer in their hands are almost held. I can't hold it!

Meng Chao's performance is not over yet.

To be more precise, his performance has not yet begun.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Chao's will was implemented into every piece of armor condensed by the spiritual magnet.

The breastplate immediately bulged high, showing a majestic bull head according to the outline of the totem, glaring at all the bloodhoof warriors, as if to scold them for their lax practice in the past few thousand years, so much so that they changed their minds. so weak.

On both sides of his helmet, two large horns that were raised high and pierced into the sky gradually extended.

Thicker, bigger, and more majestic than the horns of Kasava's Bloodhoof.

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