The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1435: big empty cake

The bloated man, like a tumbleweed caught in a storm, tumbled and crawled away from the super mining truck.

Shen Yulin's anger did not subside, and he paced back and forth on the top of the mining truck with a gloomy face.

Looking at the super-giant wheeled bucket with a diameter of more than 50 meters, it is like the **** mouth of dozens of giant beasts, constantly tearing and swallowing the ore. .

A prospector with a thin body and gray temples climbed onto the roof of the car.

Judging from the leather of the beasts of **** and the protective clothing carefully refined with scales, and the bones of the beasts of doom and the safety helmets made of super alloys, which are enough to withstand the bombardment of heavy artillery, this prospector has extremely strong ability and extreme high status.

But he frowned like a crumpled mass of newspapers.

The prospector stalled on the edge of Shen Yulin's anger. .

It seemed that Shen Yulin was a more terrifying monster than a monster. Once he stepped into this circle, he would be devoured completely by the monster.

Shen Yulin's out-of-the-way light glanced at the prospector.

He waved his hand and backed away.

It also ordered the output power of the super mining vehicle to increase by one level.

The speed of the wheeled bucket suddenly accelerated, making a deafening roar.

Even with the stability of hundreds of tracks and support arms, the roof still jolted violently like an earthquake.

Now, only Shen Yulin and the prospector are left on the roof.

Both of them are masters of the level or above.

Even the sound of mining ore was as loud as a volcanic eruption.

They can precisely control the tremor of the throat muscles, condense the sound waves into lines, and send them to the eardrum of the other party, which will never be heard by a third party.

"Xue Gong, I've said many times, the sky is falling and there is a tall man on it. If you want to die, everyone will die together. Don't act like you're in a panic and you don't have any masters. You're afraid that others won't see it. Do you have a ghost in your heart? ?"

Shen Yulin looked at "Engineer Xue" in disgust.

Engineer Xue had a ghost in his heart.

When Shen Yulin said this, he jumped up in fright.

Shen Yulin stepped forward in a hurry, held his shoulders, pressed his feet back to the roof of the car, and pressed his heart back into his chest.

"Don't worry, Lao Xue, this is not your business. Believe me, no matter what happens, there are countless big people with hands and eyes that will help us withstand it."

Shen Yulin knew that Engineer Xue couldn't stand the intimidation, so he changed his face, softened his tone a little, and asked, "How is it, what's the latest result?"

Engineer Xue swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva in a row, but still couldn't wipe away the sullen look on his face. He handed over a report tremblingly, as if handing over his own death sentence.

Shen Yulin took the report and found that the handwriting on it was all messed up by Engineer Xue's cold sweat and out-of-control psionic energy.

He frowned slightly, squeezed the report in his hand, and stared at Engineer Xue without saying a word.

Engineer Xue also realized his gaffe, wiped his face, closed his eyes, and said in despair: "We secretly drilled three more exploration holes on the edge of Hongxi Valley, and the deepest hit is 2,770 underground. m, the result, the result is still the same.

"About 700 meters underground, there are indeed very rich red pyroxenite veins. The development of the ore layers and the quality of the red pyroxene crystal clusters are very good. From the past experience, this is indeed a potential breakthrough in reserves. 100 million tons or even 200 million tons of super rich ore.


"The average thickness of the mine is less than fifty meters.

"At about 800 meters underground, the ore veins become fragmented, sparse, and eroded by various worthless associated minerals.

"The grade of the red jade crystal cluster has also dropped sharply. It has changed from a top-quality spar that can be directly burned or cultivated without smelting. It has become an inferior spar that even stuffed into a bus will cause the engine to be scrapped. .

"When it is below 1,000 meters underground, even the reserves of inferior spar have a cliff-like plunge, and there are holes, faults, folds and magma erosion around the ore veins. cluster!"

"Have you searched every rock formation in every direction?" Shen Yulin's face was expressionless, but his fists turned white.

"All, we have searched. We almost turned the entire Hongxi ditch upside down. Even if there is an embroidery needle hidden in the ground, we should find it out."

Engineer Xue groaned, "But those **** red jade crystal clusters just disappeared, disappeared."


Shen Yulin said, "Let's come to a conclusion. Compared with the Honghui jade vein under the Nutao Mountains, the development value of our Hongxigou project is roughly how much is the other party's?"

"one third."

Engineer Xue opened his eyes, and a look of "stretching the head is also a knife, shrinking the head is also a knife, early death and early rebirth", "The most optimistic estimate is only one-third of the other party's."

Shen Yulin was silent for a whole minute.

A minute later, he sighed and put his arms around Engineer Xue's shoulders and said, "Then, old Xue, as the top prospector of the Universal Group, can you tell me why, such a building has no development value at all. The poor mines in the mine were actually considered by you as 'an amazing reserves, great development value, and will completely change the future of Longcheng', so much so that even I was convinced that I would bet everything? "

Engineer Xue trembled again.

Not because of the murderous aura that Shen Yulin unleashed, sharper than a scalpel.

Instead, he was angry because Shen Yulin questioned his professional ability.

"Because this was originally a bonanza, an unprecedented and immeasurable bonanza!"

Engineer Xue had dozens of thick blue veins protruding from the cheeks of the sharp-billed monkey, and he argued with a red face, "From all the specimens, all the data, and all the samples we have explored, we will analyze the development of the spar veins in the Monster Mountains, here. It is a super-rich mine with a prospective reserve of more than 100 million tons, unless I am blind, no, even if I am blind, I can smell the smell of the red jade crystal clusters, they are there!"

"Then what?"

Shen Yulin said, "Hundreds of millions of tons of red jade crystal clusters buried deep in the ground disappeared?"

Engineer Xue had a strange expression on his face.

It was a little dazed at first, and then it became very firm.

"Yes, they disappeared, or more precisely, someone, well, certainly not a person, but there must be something that stole them all!"

Engineer Xue exclaimed, "We found a lot of very strange pores in the rock formation about 2,000 meters below the ground of Hongxigou, and also found a lot of plant fibers in it, like the roots of a certain plant, deep Pierced into the spar veins, sucked up all our red jade crystal clusters, and stole them!"

"The roots of plants?"

Shen Yulin looked at Engineer Xue with strange eyes, "Without the roots of a plant, it can penetrate two kilometers deep into the ground, not even the artificial plants prepared by Longcheng Agricultural University."

"I'm not a botanist."

Engineer Xue said, "But the samples I collected can only support such absurd conclusions."

"That is to say—"

Shen Yulin thought for a while and said, "The 'Hongxigou Project' was originally a sweet and tempting big cake, but when we really spared the expense and grabbed this cake, we found that the inside of the cake was the best The cream and fruit eaten have been secretly hollowed out from the bottom long ago, leaving only the top, thin shell?"

Engineer Xue nodded with a heavy heart.

"So, where do these thieves who hollow out the cake, the 'plant' in your mouth, grow?"

Shen Yulin narrowed his eyes and asked, "Where did the roots of this plant come from?"

"This phenomenon of erosion and sucking should have occurred slowly over tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. When it devoured all the essence of the spar vein, it retracted the roots. Only very few fibers and traces of pores remain."

Engineer Xue said, "Judging from the direction of the Kong Dao, if such a plant really exists, they should grow in the north along the Hunu River."

Following the direction he pointed, Shen Yulin saw the vast land of Turan under the vast night.

Shen Yulin looked very intently.

It was as if every grass and every tree in Turanze would be deeply imprinted in his eyes.

After a long time, he slowly retracted his gaze, and said nonchalantly: "Okay, I already know the situation, Lao Xue, don't be so nervous, there are always more solutions than difficulties, now is the time to solve the problem, not someone to be responsible for Or when it comes to punishing someone—besides, even if you chop off the heads of you and me, you won't be able to fill that hole, right?

"In this way, put this report with me first, and you can go back and issue a new exploration report, a beautiful report, you know."

Engineer Xue widened his eyes and took three steps back, his face full of shock.

"No, this, this won't work, I can't do anything on the exploration report!" he blurted out.

"You can do it."

Shen Yulin said indifferently, "You are the top prospector of our Huanyu Group, your nose is as sensitive as that of Lu Siya, you are respected and trusted by so many people in the prospector association, and the authority you have issued is Who would dare to question the report?"

"Even if no one doubts it for the time being, as the project continues to develop, it will definitely be discovered, and then I will be finished!"

Engineer Xue groaned, "There has never been a prospector in Longcheng who dares to tell such an exaggerated lie on such a large-scale development project! Once the matter is exposed, I will definitely be ruined and ruined!"

"Do you think you won't be ruined now?"

Shen Yulin said coldly, "You've already faked it. You've turned a poor mine with no development and utilization value into a super rich mine with an amazing return on investment!"

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