The courage of the low-level superhumans is no less than that of the Turan orcs, which deeply moved Meng Chao.

However, the more he was deeply shocked by the spirit and will of these compatriots who were fighting on the front line.

The more you get angry at the rashness, greed and stupidity of the decision makers.

"Who is it that decided to build so many spar mines in the depths of the rift near the tributaries of Hunu River, without large-scale transformation of the surrounding environment and the construction of a complete defense and evacuation system?

"Yes, building a spar mine deep in the rift can indeed minimize the distance between the ground facilities and the spar ore vein, save a lot of costs and create high profits.

"However, once natural disasters such as earthquakes, heavy rains, mudslides, floods, and volcanic eruptions occur, the front-line workers who work day and night in the spar mine are very passive!

"Decision-makers should know how strong the spatial ripples caused by Dragon City's crossing into another world, even if the fog really dissipates, it does not mean that the entire space is absolutely stable!

"Especially the seam between Dragon City and the other world is like the junction of the two major plates on the earth, which belongs to the 'seismically active zone', and it is not surprising that any extreme weather occurs here!

"Even if you don't consider natural disasters, what about man-made disasters?

"The decision makers of Longcheng should have known for a long time that there are various natives in the other world, and since these natives have a way to seal the most vicious monsters in the Monster Mountains, they must have no less than monsters. Fighting power!

"Even without today's floods and torrential rains, this mining area will continue to be developed in such a savage way and grow disorderly, and the scale will expand to ten times or even a hundred times today's size. At that time, Longcheng will go to war with Turanze or the Holy Light camp.

"As long as the enemy sends a few high-level powerhouses to block both ends of the rift, and then launches a group attack magic like 'Meteor Fire Shower', the entire mining area, with thousands of precious lives, will be wiped out. !"

Meng Chao saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart.

That's right, Longcheng people are willing to sacrifice and sacrifice. .

During the monster war, the warriors who ran out of ammunition and food often staged the feat of rushing into the frenzy of beasts ten times more than themselves with their bare hands.

Including Meng Chao himself, in reality and in the nightmare of doomsday, he has experienced countless fierce battles with corpses scattered everywhere and rivers of blood.

But this does not mean that decision makers can use the precious lives of ordinary citizens and low-level superhumans as chess pieces that can be exchanged or even discarded at will, to pay for their rashness, greed and stupidity!

Facing the overwhelming tide of beasts, with their relatives and homes behind them, to the point where there is no way to retreat, they have to sacrifice everything and fight to the end. This is called "sacrifice".

But when the war is already over and can be completely avoided, they are so eager for quick success and insatiable greed, so that ordinary workers and low-level extraordinary people use their flesh and blood to forcibly destroy the power of nature that destroys the world.

This is not a sacrifice, it is a murder, a murder in full!

"No wonder, no matter in the doomsday nightmare that I or the Wolf King experienced, I have never heard of any large mines and industrial areas at the junction of Longcheng and Turanze.

"How can it be possible to succeed in such a fluke and fooling around?

"And if the decision-makers of Longcheng use this kind of thinking to 'conquer the other world', it is not surprising that the end will come to an end!"

The scene in front of him once again strengthened Meng Chao's belief.

The road ahead is determined by both internal and external factors.

In the nightmare between him and the wolf king, the reason why Longcheng was destroyed was because of the strength of the Holy Light camp.

However, the many chaos and chronic diseases in Longcheng and Turanze are also important reasons for pushing each other into the abyss of destruction.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

Before the final battle with the Holy Light camp.

Meng Chao must find and solve Longcheng's own problems.

As for now-

"It is impossible to force the Hunu River tributary to divert with these heavy transport vehicles alone.

"The flood is so fast that even if a transport vehicle weighing hundreds of tons falls into the river, it will instantly be involved in the whirlpool and be washed away without a trace.

"Even, the narrowing of the river channel due to the extrusion of heavy transport vehicles has increased the flow rate and impact of the flood, which will make the situation even more difficult.

"Let me, let me help you!"

Meng Chao watched from afar.

Within the horizon, rolling mountains, meandering rivers, raging winds and torrential rains, and every wave and every whirlpool in the tributaries of the Hunu River, have a panoramic view.

The whole world has turned into a mysterious and complicated huge model in his mind.

Wind direction, rain, water speed, distance between flood peaks and mines

Strings of dazzling data, like extremely gorgeous fireworks, kept bursting above his cerebral cortex.

In the end, all the "fireworks" came together, turned into a shining golden dot, and landed on a mountain a few kilometers away, along the way of the tributary of Hunu River.

Since the Monster Mountains are also called the "Tooth Mountains" by the Turan Orcs.

Most of the mountains, of course, rise into the sky like the fangs of monsters, straight up and down.

This mountain, after thousands of years of continuous erosion and erosion by the tributaries of the Hunu River, has eaten away most of its roots by the river water. It seems like a cliff that may collapse at any time, and it is extremely dangerous.

Of course, the base of the mountain is extremely wide and deep.

No matter how much the river erodes, at most one-third of it is eroded, and it is far from reaching the critical point of collapse - as long as there is no external force to push it.

When Meng Chao galloped all the way to the top of the mountain.

The largest flood peak is only the last kilometer away from this mountain.

The roar of the torrent is like rolling thunder, as if the deafening sound waves alone are enough to destroy everything in front of it.

Meng Chao's mouth twitched slightly.

There was no turbulence on his face.

He jumped into the mighty river.

Just when it was about to be swallowed by the river.

In a posture that violated the laws of physics and was not controlled by gravity, he stepped on the steps that did not exist, and traversed to the bottom of the mountain, where a third of the depression was eroded by the river water.


Meng Chao punched the mountain without warning.

Although there is no agitation of spiritual flames, no totem armor is equipped, and there is no way to borrow strength, it is as casual and relaxed as yawning and stretching.

This punch was still on the hard as iron mountain wall, and it blasted a three-pointed into the stone, and even the pores were clearly visible.

However, this fist mark is just a "target" that Meng Chao hit for the convenience of aiming.

Meng Chao widened his eyes and took a deep breath.

This breath took more than ten seconds, and a vortex visible to the naked eye was sucked out around the face, as if to **** up all the oxygen within a radius of one kilometer.

Even the air was frozen because of him, and thousands of raindrops the size of hailstones were sealed in mid-air like specimens.

And when Meng Chao's domineering and unparalleled psychic energy spewed out with this breath—

His heart seemed to have become a super racing engine that could accelerate from a standstill to a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour in half a second.

Each of his pores spurted out hundreds of degrees of high-temperature steam, which helped the body quickly dissipate the waste heat generated by the extreme combustion of mitochondria.

The original "unremarkable" figure has not changed much in size, but it gives people a sudden expansion of a hundred times and a sense of oppression.

The two wings on the back, which were intertwined with seven-color spiritual flames, moved to the back of the shoulder blades on both sides, and the light became more condensed, as if it had become the tail flame of a rocket thruster.

The liquid metal-like spiritual magnets poured out continuously from the space gap deep in the body, evenly covering the arms, forming layers of armor.

On the first layer of armor, the blood vessels and nerves protrude high, like a dragon with its teeth and claws, furious, and like a mandala tree with intertwined roots and endless roots.

On the second layer of armor, there were gorgeous patterns similar to the scales of beasts. Along with Meng Chao's breathing, they formed an ever-changing and gorgeous totem.

The outermost layer of armor has sharp edges and corners, and is wrapped in circles of chains, and the chains are covered with tingling spikes, which simply raises the destructive power to the extreme!

Waving such a pair of iron arms that are almost thicker than the torso.

Meng Chao also thought that the power was not strong enough.

He took seven or eight steps backwards in one breath, almost stepping into the waist-deep river.

This suddenly erupted. His feet smashed to the ground like two earth-penetrating bombs, rushing out faster than the train derailed, almost rotating 360 degrees, and smashing the iron fist, which had already burned red, heavily. Into the rock wall!


There was no deafening roar from the punch.

There was no visible fireball, or even a rising mushroom cloud.

This is not because Meng Chao's strength is poor.

But his realm has been high enough to be able to subtly control every power released by himself, discarding all unnecessary sound and light effects, but turning every ounce of spiritual energy into the purest destructive power, Into the target body!

The rock wall in front of you seems to be the screen of a silent movie.

As Meng Chao gently retracted his right fist, on the rock wall that should have been as hard as iron, with his fist mark that was several meters deep as the center, there were criss-crossing lines, stretching for dozens of meters, hundreds of meters, and it continued. Extending into the distance, like cobweb-like cracks.

It was as if Meng Chao threw an overwhelming fishing net, covering the mountains hundreds of meters high.

The narrowest crack can reach a finger, and the widest can reach an arm - the arm of the Turan Orc!

Don't wait for Dashan to groan.

Meng Chao threw a second punch without changing his face.

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