The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1443: secret war

In the depths of the collapsed rock, in the waist-deep flood.

Meng Chao sat cross-legged, his eyes were slightly closed, and he breathed long.

Each of his breaths created a ripple in the flood, like the tentacles of an octopus, extending into the distance, causing the torn flood to flow in the direction it should flow according to his will.

He waited for half an hour.

Make sure there are no signs of floodwaters regrouping and rushing towards the mine.

There is no more dangerous dammed lake behind the collapsed mountain.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and stood up from the flood that had turned into mud. .

At this moment, Meng Chao heard a "buzz" sound.

Seeing that there was an inconspicuous little black spot between the dark clouds with claws and claws, it flew over low.

It's a search and rescue drone.

Meng Chao pondered for a moment, then lay down in the mud again, blending with the earth, revealing only a pair of bright eyes.

For the time being, he didn't want to return to Longcheng with much fanfare.

He still hadn't figured out what happened to Lu Siya.

What has this jungle banshee turned into?

Will it grow three heads and six arms and become a terrifying tigress?

Is there any possibility of suppressing the power of chaos in her body, awakening and healing her?

Also, does the Clan still exist?

Even if it has already fallen apart in name, will it change its face, even change the soup without changing the medicine, and continue its evil mission in another way?

Will its dirty claws stretch out to Bai Jiacao, as he and the Wolf King had foreseen, to concoct his lovely sister into a "Witch of the Night" or something even more terrifying?

Even if Xiaomei can survive the disaster by virtue of her identity as "Meng Chaosister", will there be more innocent children like Xiaomei who have fallen into the clutches of the Blood Alliance?

Also, why is Longcheng so eager to develop the world beyond the Monster Mountains, and the development methods are so simple and rude?

Without further understanding of the Turan orcs, and lack of reverence for the outside world, do you really think that if you win the monster, you will be the best in the world?

These problems made Meng Chao realize that he was facing a war that was a hundred times more terrifying than the monster war.

At least, at the time of the monster war, he and everyone knew very well who was our friend and who was our enemy.

If he wants to win the war in front of him, his identity is his biggest trump card.

Meng Chao decided to sneak back to Longcheng in secret to see what his hometown had become one year after the victory of the Monster War.

And secretly investigate the problems of Lu Siya, the Blood Alliance, and the remnants of the monster civilization, and remove all the time bombs buried in the Dragon City.

The task is of course daunting.

Well, one thing is for sure.

No matter who his enemy is, how high a position he has climbed in Dragon City, how powerful he is, how prestigious he is, and how strict and crazy he is planning.

As long as the vast majority of ordinary citizens and low-level extraordinary people are still like what Meng Chao saw just now, they work together, go forward one after another, have the courage to sacrifice, and unite as one.

Then, with the help of these cutest people, the final victory must belong to Longcheng!

Thinking of this, Meng Chao soaked his chest in the cold rain for a long time, and it became hot again.

Just as he was about to avoid the sight of the search and rescue drone, he sank into the depths of the silt and sneaked three or five kilometers away.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

A thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

There is a problem with this search and rescue drone.

Since it is to look for survivors in the storm.

Of course, search and rescue drones should circle in circles and continuously expand their search range.

If its flight path were drawn with a highlighter, it should be a shiny, growing spiral.

But this drone is cruising back and forth between two points in the northeast direction, the airspace is very narrow, and the flight trajectory is a straight line.

As a result, its search scope is naturally reduced to a very small extent.

Moreover, as a search and rescue drone, its flight altitude is too high.

Always clinging to the dark clouds, the whereabouts are very mysterious, lest others find it the same.

Flying so high, can you really see the ruins on the ground and the survivors in the rain and mud?

Meng Chao is interested.

In the depths of the eyes, the little stars continued to enlarge, turning into circles of dark golden rings, covering the pupils.

His pupils zoomed hundreds of times per second.

The line of sight is like a bullet fired by an anti-equipment sniper rifle, firmly locking the "search and rescue drone".

Exposed to the extraordinary vision of the powerhouse in the divine realm, all the secrets of this drone are exposed.

Meng Chao saw that it was a large rotorcraft with eight propellers.

The logo of the Universal Group is drawn on the fuselage. After the wind and rain, it has become mottled and covered with scratches and pits - this point is quite in line with the use conditions of large industrial and mining enterprises.

But under the fuselage, there was a small and exquisite honeycomb launcher, which was stuffed with rockets.

"Since it is a search and rescue drone, why should it carry weapons?"

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

Of course, companies in other worlds are different from companies on Earth.

In order to explore and mine spar ore veins in the wild environment full of monsters, super enterprises such as the Universal Group and the Qingtian Group have their own weapon manufacturing teams, corporate weapons and peerless powerhouses.

The unit firepower is even stronger than the Chilong Army.

Everyone came out to conquer another world, not to mention a honeycomb launcher under the drone, even if a large pod is used to hang a train gun, it is not surprising.

The rain came suddenly.

Unprepared, launching armed drones to carry out search and rescue operations is also a normal operation.

The problem is, even if you really want to launch an armed drone, it will take more than ten seconds to remove the honeycomb launcher, right?

You must know that after the weapon is equipped, not only because of the weight of the honeycomb launcher, it will greatly reduce the battery life of the drone and reduce the search and rescue range.

And, because the honeycomb transmitters protrude out of the drone, they give the drone a more irregular appearance, making it easier to lose control in a storm.

Therefore, no matter how anxious the drone operator is, it is impossible to forget to unload all the weapons before the remote control drone takes off.

"Current UAVs all adopt a modular design, unloading weapons, attaching an extra battery or a special camera for search and rescue, which takes at most ten to twenty seconds, but can double the efficiency of search and rescue.

"This armed drone, didn't do that.

"It just goes to show that it wasn't there for a search and rescue mission at all.

"Cruising back and forth between two points, the flight trajectory is in a straight line, it is performing a blockade mission!

"Yes, it is firmly monitoring the entrance and exit of the valley ahead, and anyone passing through here will be discovered by it at the first time.

"Interesting, in such a torrential rain, who does it want to monitor and block?

"And for whom is the weapon it carries?"

Meng Chao's line of sight crossed the blockade of the armed drone.

If you imagine the entire mining area as a dragon crawling on the ground, showing its teeth and dancing claws.

This valley in the northeast is the sturdy right claw that the Jiaolong stretches out.

The valley is also brightly lit, with large workshops, super mining vehicles and various strange-shaped mining, smelting and even casting equipment.

At this moment, there is a lot of people in the valley, and countless giant steel beasts are rumbling. They seize the time Meng Chao has bought for them, reinforce the **** at the mouth of the valley, dig a diversion channel that is better than nothing, and evacuate the workers in the depths of the mine. No one noticed that in the depths of the dark clouds overhead, there was still a drone dormant, perhaps far more than a drone, secretly spying on them.

Meng Chao's mind switched.

Spreading out his palm, he tried it out, and found that the rain was gradually getting smaller.

This extreme weather caused by the sudden change of the planet's magnetic field originally came and went quickly.

The biggest troublemaker, the tributary of Hunu River, was also temporarily subdued by Meng Chao.

Let him free his hands and study the secrets behind this armed drone.

Meng Chao was like a crocodile locking on its prey, disappearing into the mud without a sound.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared two kilometers away, among the weeds swirling in the big water.

The armed drone, which knew nothing about him, was still among the dark clouds, patrolling back and forth as if it were secretive.

Meng Chao did not cut straight into the valley blocked by armed drones.

If he wants to draw up an effective and reliable battle plan on a mysterious opponent, he needs to collect as much information as possible.

Ten meters to the left of Meng Chao was the target he sneaked here, a temporary building made of containers.

Judging from the small communication tower standing next to the temporary building, it is not a dormitory, but a place with a high demand for information transmission, such as an on-site office or a simple laboratory.

Because of the low terrain, the entire building was soaked in foul-smelling sewage and silt.

The container in the southeast corner has even been washed away by the flood, and even the entire building has collapsed in half.

The part that hasn't collapsed is also dark, and the people inside have already run away - I don't know if it was evacuated in time, or went to participate in the rescue everywhere.

Unfortunately, judging from the logo painted on the container, this on-site office does not belong to the Universal Group to which the drone belongs.

But the Sky Group.

Meng Chao thought for a while, but still followed the torn opening of the container and got in.

He held his breath first, pricked up his ears, and listened to the depths of the darkness for breath, heartbeat, or the faint sounds of blood flowing and internal organs squirming.

After confirming that there were neither survivors nor the bodies of the deceased, it was only then that he felt at ease, rummaged through the boxes, and searched for what he wanted.

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