The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1445: confusing

In just a short glance, Meng Chao could already see that this team of "Elite Turan Warriors" had a neat formation and a reasonable position. Even when there were mudslides pouring down on the rugged mountain road at any time, they still maintained a high degree of vigilance. , can form extremely powerful crossfire in all directions at any time.

Moreover, when the lightning was annihilated and the earth returned to darkness, they also completely merged into the darkness like shadows and disappeared without a trace.

Rao was Meng Chao, a powerful man in the divine realm. They were hundreds of meters apart, so they couldn't hear their breathing, heartbeat, and the peristalsis of their internal organs.

Among the five major clans in Turanze, the Darkmoon clan, which has the bloodline of reptile vicious beasts, has quite a few masters who are good at sneaking, assassinating, and poisoning.

But in front of these guys, in addition to the scales of the Darkmoon Clan, they also carry a lot of characteristics of the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan.

Whether it is the wolves, tigers and leopards of the Golden Clan, or the bullheads and wild boars of the Bloodhoof Clan, in Meng Chao's cognition, they are not very fond of lurking existences.

"The vast majority of the elites in Turanze should be concentrated on the northern front, around Chijincheng, ready to launch a war against the Holy Light camp.

"On the southern border, there is no main force or elite at all!

"Just relying on a few rat people whose grandma doesn't love and uncle doesn't care, how could it be possible to organize such an elite special operations team to sneak into the spar mine of the Longcheng people under the cover of drones?"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

He smelled a dangerous breath.

His eyes swept to the right rear of the team of "Elite Turan Warriors".

It was a dark hill.

It doesn't seem to scan anything.

But Meng Chao closed his eyes, but he was able to draw a blurry figure in his mind, and a pair of eagle-like eyes.


Meng Chao said to himself in his heart, "In addition to drones, this group of people also deployed at least one or two snipers. When the group was advancing, the snipers were dormant in the depths of the mud and motionless, even if someone noticed If a large army wants to go forward to investigate or attack, snipers can easily solve the 'trouble' from the rear."

Here comes the problem.

Turan orcs, do you have the concept of "sniper"?

Even the most powerful archers in Turanze, the centaurs, seem to be better at and like the feeling of firing all arrows at once, rather than those who hide in the dark and secretly shoot cold arrows, right?

Thinking of this, Meng Chao's curiosity about these uninvited guests increased to the extreme.

Now that the presence of drones and snipers has been discovered.

Of course, he will not be easily discovered by the other party.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Chao suppressed his breathing, heartbeat and blood flow to the limit.

The body temperature is also adjusted to the same level as the surrounding rainstorms, flash floods and mud.

He was like a mudslide with life, mixed in the mud washed down from the ridge, quietly sneaking towards the uninvited guests.

The lightning that was enough to light up the world never appeared again.

But when he ventured closer to the opponent within 50 meters, even if there was no light at all, Meng Chao could accurately capture the opponent's silhouette and movements by scanning the life magnetic field.

It is very close to the spar mine of the Universal Group.

From time to time there are searchlights sweeping ahead.

In order to defend against the invasion of monsters and otherworldly natives, a large number of security measures are likely to be deployed on the periphery of the mining area.

Despite these precautions, in nine out of ten cases, they are washed away by torrential rains and flash floods.

The footsteps of the uninvited guests are still very cautious.

From time to time, it will stop and make some arrangements for the surrounding environment.

"What are they doing?"

Meng Chao saw that the uninvited guests seemed to have taken something out of their pockets and sprinkled it into the surrounding mud.

I also found a few sharp rocks and squeezed something similar to blood plasma.

Similar movements are repeated every ten or twenty meters.

When they were getting farther away, Meng Chao sneaked to the place they had just passed and found what they had left behind.

It was some hair, a half-broken nail, and a few stinky drops of blood.

Meng Chao twisted the hair between his fingertips and rubbed it lightly.

Put the broken nail in the palm of your hand and study it carefully.

The odor emanating from the hair and the shape of the nails are analyzed.

All of them are genuine, dropped from the Turan orcs.

Of course, the owners of these hairs and nails are not peerless powerhouses.

Just the rat people.

But Meng Chao was very doubtful that ordinary Longcheng citizens could tell the difference between elite Turan warriors and ordinary rat people.

"These guys deliberately sprinkled a lot of hair, dander, nails and blood from the Turan orcs on their tracks."

Meng Chao looked at the way the uninvited guests came, and imagined that he did not catch these guys on the spot, but only discovered the "clues" they deliberately left after the incident.

Then, through these "evidences", it is not difficult to infer what happened on the dark, windy and rainy night of this month, and outline the identity of the "true murderer" - hideous, ghost-like, unreasonable, and endlessly dead the otherworldly natives

Can't wait any longer.

Although Meng Chao can always lurk beside these uninvited guests, observe their every move up close, until they complete all the conspiracy.

But in the brightly lit spar mine ahead, I don't know how many innocent guards and workers there are.

Judging from the nondescript dress and ulterior motives of these uninvited guests, no matter what they are doing in the spar mine in this "moon night killing night, wind and high winds".

Certainly not on behalf of Turanze, who came to have a party with the people of Longcheng.

Meng Chao smelled a strong smell of blood.

He could already imagine what would happen after these people sneaked into the spar mine.

They must be stopped.

With Meng Chao's realm, if he burst out with all his strength, killing at least one-third of the uninvited guests, and then catching one or two jobs, is not an impossible task.

But he wasn't sure he could do it without being photographed by an overhead drone.

Besides, these uninvited guests are only at the executive level and may not know too many secrets.

If behind them, there is a huge and well-structured organization.

His own actions will make the organization more vigilant and make things more difficult.

Therefore, the key is how to hide one's own strength, at least partially hide it, quietly and catch a live.

And within three or five minutes of torture, he should stabilize the other party, or at least destroy the other party's retreat, forcing them to leave more evidence—real evidence.

Meng Chao closed his eyes, and once again analyzed the positions of the uninvited guests, the flight trajectories of the drones overhead, and the shooting circle of the sniper who had been hibernating in the mud, staring coldly and blocking the entire valley.

It only took him half a second to deny the idea of ​​attacking the sniper.

This sniper is most likely the strongest of the uninvited guests.

Moreover, his ambush position is very good. It is in a valley halfway up the mountain. The shooting field is clear, and there are rocks on all sides. He can just block most of the valley without any worries.

No matter which direction you approach him from, it's hard to avoid him and the drone's scans.

Just from the choice of the sniper position, you can see the strength of this sniper.

And such a well-trained sniper usually does not act alone.

Beside him or behind him, there must be an observer whose strength is not comparable to him, at most not even close to him.

Even if Meng Chao can really solve the snipers in his breath, find the observers, and cut off the communication between them and their companions in time.

But snipers and observers are most likely also responsible for outputting more observational information to the main force.

Once ten or twenty seconds, or at most one or two minutes, if you don't contact your companions, your companions will definitely become suspicious.

"If you can't choose a sniper"

Meng Chao muttered to himself, his hands deep into the mud.

The spiritual energy gushing out from the palm of the hand, like two giant pythons dormant in the ground, swam towards the ridge where the uninvited guests passed.

Suddenly, the "giant python" seemed to wake up from a long hibernation, and violently tossed inside the ridge, destroying the already brittle rock structure, causing large pieces of broken rock to be wrapped in mud, turning into a surging mudslide, heading towards uninvited guests. They poured down.

Uninvited guests were caught off guard.

No matter how strict the formation was, there was a moment of confusion.

Although mudslides can't help these well-trained masters.

However, everyone's attention, including the snipers and observers, was temporarily attracted by the rolling roar.

They are more worried that the movement of the debris flow will trigger a chain reaction in the spar mine.

Dare not to stir up psionic energy, smash rocks, block mud.

It can only be spread out around to avoid the spread of debris flow as much as possible.

Meng Chao waited patiently in the dark.

His goal is not at the end of the line.

From a human point of view, once they recover from the chaos, the opponent will definitely pay attention to the end of the team first to see if they have damaged their manpower.

Besides, the tail of the team is often very strong and too close to snipers and observers.

Meng Chao's eyes were firmly locked on the middle and front of the team, the uninvited guests who acted as vanguards.

These guys who are closest to the spar mine most need to be in a hurry and hide in the sudden mudslide.

They were the most distracted and the least alert.

Meng Chao did not move.

Even closed his eyes.

However, the magnetic field of life continued to spread, so that every ripple in the debris flow turned into an extension of his will.

Affected by his psionic energy, several mudslides seemed to have life, rushing towards the leading soldiers, splitting them in an instant.

In order to avoid the engulfment of the debris flow without making too much noise, several vanguard soldiers had to concentrate and move around without noticing that they and the large army were drifting away.

And behind him, there was a dark shadow, slowly opening his eyes.

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