The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1447: The second set of plans

"It was discovered."

Meng Chao sensed that all the uninvited guests around him had a more violent aura than the elite Turan warriors.

I am afraid that some "condiments" have been added to the blood of this vanguard just now, which can emit a very unique and unmaskable taste after the human body spontaneously combusts.

Or maybe he has a chip implanted in his body that can monitor physiological data in real time.

As soon as the heart stops beating, it immediately sends a signal to its partner.

I didn't expect these uninvited guests to be so professional.

Meng Chao can only start the second set of plans. .

"It's not a problem to kill these guys.

"The problem is that there is no way to kill five drones at the same time, and inevitably they will leave their own images.

"These drones are so cunning, one of them hovered at an altitude of hundreds of meters, ready to escape at any time.

"Also, I still don't know the identity, purpose of these guys and who is the main messenger hiding behind them.

"From the point of view of this guy who cut himself off without hesitation, the rest of the uninvited guests are all ruthless killing machines that don't put their own and other people's lives in their eyes, no matter how many people I can catch, In the end, it was only a few piles of ashes, but it was impossible to dig out the slightest clues and evidence from the ashes.

"No matter who the opponent is, the contest between us has just begun, there is no need to expose our trump cards for a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"Then it's just a gamble."

Before the uninvited guests gathered around, Meng Chao made a series of abnormal noises in his body.

Not only has his body changed, but his bones and muscle fibers have been continuously twisted, making his way of exerting force very different from his real self.

He even temporarily blocked five dragon veins, twenty-seven main veins, and more than 800 branch veins, changed his breathing habits, and switched his fighting style from "limit flow" to "superkill flow".

Just finished adjusting.

A black shadow, like a cheetah covered in spikes, lunged towards him from behind.

With Meng Chao's true level, of course, he could easily escape the attack of this uninvited guest, and even a "scorpion wagging his tail" kicked the opponent's internal organs into the air.

But he firmly controlled the neural response, the rhythm of the organs around him, and even the turbulence of the life magnetic field, to the level that a "celestial powerhouse who is good at super-killing flow" should have.

It was not until the other party silently swept two or three meters behind him that he "suddenly woke up".

It was too late to try to lift his leg and kick him violently.

Bang bang bang!

The Uninvited Guest is very good at melee combat.

His forehead, elbows, knees, and even every part of his body can be turned into an invincible lethal weapon at any time.

Meng Chao received seven or eight elbows and knees from the opponent within half a second.

He was also pushed hard against the bridge of the nose by the other party's hard head.

For Meng Chao, this level of elbow, knee and headbutt is equivalent to using a fascia gun to relax muscles after a moderate-intensity daily practice.

But now, Meng Chao is very cooperative with the opponent's attack, constantly contracting the muscles and tearing the bones, simulating the "click" sound of broken bones in the body, making the opponent feel the "fist to the flesh", thus misestimating Meng Chao combat power.

With great difficulty, he broke free from the opponent's embrace, and Meng Chao also launched a counterattack with the sharp blade he had just snatched from the vanguard.

However, just like being hit by a headbutt and breaking the bridge of the nose, the tears and snot blurring the vision and affecting the breathing, causing dizziness and loss of balance, Meng Chao's holding posture and cutting angle are not correct, the tip of the knife only cuts in The flesh of the uninvited guest is stuck in the muscles of the other party's violent contraction.

Meng Chao slammed violently, but failed to pull out the sharp blade, leaving only a shallow wound on the opponent's flesh that seemed shocking, but in fact did not affect his combat effectiveness at all.

Meng Chao believed that after the battle was over, the other party would carefully study every wound he left on them.

This is long and shallow, wastes too much power, and at the same time exposes a wound that is too large, it will definitely make the other party come to the conclusion:

I don't know how to use a knife at all.

Sure enough, the uninvited guest did not waste the flaws that Meng Chao took the initiative to expose.

The split palm slashed on Meng Chao's right wrist joint holding the knife.

Meng Chao took the initiative to disengage the wrist joint, and at the same time, a crisp "click" sound burst from the inside of the bones, pretending to be dislocated and fractured.

With the sharp blade out of his hand, he held his soft palm and let out a painful groan.

The opponent took the opportunity to take the sharp blade and stabbed him between the ribs with his backhand, trying to cut open the lobes of his lungs.

Meng Chao staggered back, but another uninvited guest appeared behind him.

The opponent was like an iron armored rhino with a spar engine installed in its body, soaring its speed to the limit and slammed into his back.

Meng Chao's vertebrae suddenly made a series of cracking sounds.

Mouth, nose, eyes and ears, and a lot of blood splattered at the same time.

The blood was rich in foam, mixed with a strange sound of air leaking.

Meng Chao believed that when these uninvited guests replayed the fighting process, they would definitely think that he had been hit by this impact, injuring his spine, nerves and lung lobes.

These uninvited guests would never have guessed that they were all carefully calculated pieces by Meng Chao.

Each of their attacks was within Meng Chao's expectations.

It was even inspired by Meng Chao's manipulation and guidance.

Just like this fierce and unparalleled attack, although it caused more serious damage to Meng Chao than scraping.

But it also allowed Meng Chao to take the opportunity to fly out like a broken kite.

Just flew out of the encirclement of seven or eight uninvited guests, and fell to the lowest place in the valley, where the mud was the most abundant, and it was about to turn into a swamp.

Meng Chao screamed again and again, using both hands and feet, rolling and crawling in the swamp.

As if stimulated by the desire to survive, the last vitality was stimulated.

Uninvited guests are chasing after them, but because they stick too many bits and pieces on their bodies - animal skins, horns, fangs and claws, many people even fill a lot of airbags under the camouflage to make their bodies inflate to Degree of Turan orcs.

When they carry so many burdens and fall into the mud, flexibility is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Seeing that the distance between Meng Chao and them is getting farther and farther.

In front of it is the searchlight of the spar mine, scanning the area back and forth.

The sniper, who had been dormant in the dark, finally shot.

Meng Chao gave birth to a feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake.

The strange thing is that this poisonous snake does not have the slightest taste of ferocity, fierceness, and hunger.

It's like just having a full meal of delicious food, and is about to take a nap in the warm and humid nest with a round belly, so lazy, comfortable, and restful.

Regardless of Meng Chao's sudden appearance or the failure of several uninvited guests to kill one after another, it did not affect the sniper in the slightest.

He was just calm and carried out a routine shooting training.

But now is not the time.

"Be patient, my friend, it's not your turn to 'finalize' yet!"

Meng Chao muttered to himself in his heart.

He tossed up and down in the mud, fluctuating high and low, left and right, and seemed to be in a panic, like a headless fly, but he never let the sniper know his trajectory and couldn't find the most suitable shooting angle.

It was not until he gradually climbed to the highest hill nearby that he opened his back to the sniper.

Meng Chao immediately felt that his heart was stinging like being bitten by a poisonous snake and injected with venom.

Wait, the sting seems too strong.

With the level of this sniper, he is fully capable of harvesting the target's life without releasing the slightest murderous aura.

Until the black wings of the **** of death cover the target's vision, the target will not realize that his heart has been blown up.

Therefore, the sniper deliberately released this extremely sharp murderous aura, which Meng Chao noticed.

In other words, what he really aimed at was not the heart, but the back of the head or the spine.

Meng Chao's thoughts turned, and he instantly judged the other party's intentions.

"Not the heart, but the spine.

"Just as I can't figure out the details of these uninvited guests, to them, I am the real 'uninvited guest'.

"They must be very curious as to which cloud I am a fairy from.

"One shot to the heart, and there was no way to get any information out of my mouth.

"Breaking my spine and leaving a living mouth to go back and slowly concoct it is the best choice."

If you predict the opponent's goal, it will be easy to handle.

Meng Chao didn't seem to notice, and still fled on the hill.

Hidden in the mud and clothes on the back, every single hair is open like a radar antenna, firmly monitoring the entire airspace from himself to the sniper, ensuring that every single hair can be clearly captured. Raindrops and bullet trajectories.

Not the slightest sound.

There was also almost no air torn by the bullet, emitting ripples.

Even the fluctuations of psychic energy were completely offset by the runes engraved on the bullets.

Above Meng Chao's lumbar spine, a few hairs trembled violently.

A small piece of skin facing the lumbar vertebrae instantly burst into dozens of dense goose bumps.

He could almost outline in his mind, from the sniper concentrating, pouring psionic energy, pulling the trigger, to the rune-engraved spar bullet spinning rapidly in the barrel, and then to the bullet popping out of the chamber, silent screaming, blazing And to all the screen.

In a direction that all uninvited guests could not see, Meng Chao's pupils, which were shrunk into needlepoints, burst into a light that was stronger than a searchlight.

Every cell in the body is activated in an instant.

He didn't just have to avoid the spar bullets that the snipers had already fired.

Also, "With the strength of the strong in the realm of the gods, the simulation of the strong in the heavenly realm, with the help of the excitement of survival and a little bit of luck, narrowly escaped the fatal blow, but still left enough on the body to make the opponent. Let your guard down for injuries"!

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