The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1449: unlucky fool

Meng Chao was filled with psychic cells, and he immediately surrounded the medicine that had invaded his body like a warrior in a helmet.

The hardness is comparable to the flesh and blood of steel, and even if the pressure of the liquid injection is increased by a hundred times, it is impossible to penetrate.

However, Meng Chao still extracted 1% of the medicine and put it into his blood to observe its effect.

This should not be a simple nerve agent.

It is a medical drug that is really used to relieve pain, heal, and stimulate brain activity.

But its healing effect comes from stimulating mitochondria, overdrawing vitality, and increasing the speed of metabolism to an incomparable level. It is an uncompromising medicine.

Meng Chao has no doubts that even if a normal level of Heavenly Realm powerhouse is injected with this tiger-wolf medicine, even if he can get a moment of stability and sobriety, the forcibly suppressed injuries will definitely intensify and make a comeback after the effect of the medicine wears off. . .

At that time, there was really no cure.

Sure enough, the other party didn't really care about his injury.

I just want him to return to a state where he can barely answer questions.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao pretended to be attacking the drug, his two eyeballs trembled slightly, and his breathing became heavier.

Seeing this, the female doctor put her hands on Meng Chao's temples and gently rubbed them, and said softly, "Don't worry, you are already saved."

Her voice was like a feather, touching Meng Chao's eardrums, full of addictive charm.

Meng Chao felt goosebumps all over his cerebral cortex.

It seems that in addition to being a doctor who is proficient in the use of genetic poisons, the other party is also a psychiatrist who is good at mental manipulation.

It's a pity that this "mind expert" met Meng Chao, who was once in the raging flames that destroyed everything, and had a wonderful laugh with the doomsday demon wolf. Her tricks suddenly became more naive than that of a three-year-old child.

Meng Chao precisely controls every brain cell in the brain.

It almost perfectly simulates the brain waves that should be released when a seriously injured Heavenly Realm powerhouse is mentally hijacked.

He opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes were blank.

Confused and scared.

Limb muscles subconsciously tense.

It seemed that he was still immersed in that, rainy, treacherous valley.

The female doctor was keenly aware of his "fear", and slightly increased the intensity of stroking his temples.

"Don't be afraid, it's very safe here, we'll cure you, it's alright, it's alright."

The female doctor attached herself to Meng Chao's ear and said in the most trustworthy voice, "However, in order to save you, we must first find out what happened to you - that valley belongs to our Huanyu Group, you Why did you run in?"

Meng Chao's face was still blank, and he was not in a hurry to answer the female doctor's question.

Until the other person's fingertips released a weak bioelectric current, which continued to penetrate and stimulate his brain nerves.

His eyes rolled faster and faster, as if he was carefully retrieving the memory information in a nightmare. After searching for a long time, he said in a weak and vague voice like a drowning person: "Rain, heavy rain, I am patrolling, ridge, danger, landslide"


The female doctor pondered for a moment and said, "Because the rainstorm is too violent, you are worried that landslides and debris flows may rush into the mining area of ​​Qingtian Group, so I sent you to patrol the ridge, right?"


Meng Chao continued weakly, "The ridge is very dangerous, there are rockfalls and landslides everywhere, there is a possibility of causing mudslides, there is a big rock, a big rock, the bottom is hollowed out, loose, avalanche, I want to stop, stop, I want to block it."

"You found a boulder that was hollowed out by the rain below. Once it rolled down, it was very likely to set off an avalanche-like chain reaction and trigger a larger-scale landslide, so you want to block it?"

The female doctor's eyes flashed with a strange light, and she smiled and encouraged, "Good job, you are a hero, what happened later?"

"Later, I don't know, it hurts, my head hurts!"

Meng Chao's face showed pain, "I heard the sound of the sky and the earth cracking, the mudslide really broke out, it seemed that I rolled down with the boulder and passed out at the bottom of the valley.

"I only feel, I only feel that there is silt everywhere, all black and sour things, I can't breathe, I can't move my hands and feet, I'm going to die, I'm going to drown!"

Meng Chao's hands and feet struggled violently.

Perfectly simulates the stance of a drowning man in a swamp.

The female doctor hurried to appease him.

He was given another sedative with muscle-relaxing effects.

"What's the matter with your waist injury?"

The female doctor continued to ask, "It's not like being surrounded by mudslides and hitting the rocks?"

The confusion and fear on Meng Chao's face became more intense.

It seems that even he himself does not know whether what happened just now is a dream or reality.


Suddenly, Meng Chao's pupils shrank, and he cried out, "I saw the intruder, I was stuck in the mud, they didn't see me, they just stepped on top of my head!"

"What, you saw the orc invasion?"

The female doctor looked very shocked, "Think about it carefully, have you really seen those orcs with green faces and fangs and hairy bodies, invading our human spar mines?"

Meng Chao is only talking about "invaders".

The female doctor took the initiative to help him equate "invader" with "orc".

And help him to outline the appearance of the orcs in his mind.

"Yes, it's the blue-faced fangs, the hairy guys, I see them with sharp claws, a few intruder heads that look like angry bulls, and some people with reptile scales that exude stickiness Goofy sheen."

Meng Chao said, and became confused again, "No, no, I tried to track these intruders, but I encountered a landslide again. I was afraid of being exposed, so I could only take the initiative to pounce on an intruder.

"But when I was fighting the intruder, I saw his eyes, and he seemed to have human eyes.

"Also, my injury, hiss, my injury is so painful, like a gunshot wound, like someone shot me from a long distance!"

The female doctor was silent for a long time.

"Rest assured, we will investigate everything."

The female doctor vowed, "If the other party is really a damned orc and wants to invade our hard-built home again, or even harm our compatriots, then we will definitely make the remnants of these monster civilizations pay an extremely heavy price!

"As for you, you did a good job, you fulfilled your duties as an extraordinary person perfectly, you stopped the orcs' invasion of the spar mine, you will get a medal and become a hero.

"Next, your most important task is to take a good rest, treat with peace of mind, and carefully recall everything, think clearly, from which direction those orcs came in, and what they look like—this information is very important to Jing. The safety of the quarry and even the entire Dragon City is of paramount importance.

"But first, you need to get some sleep, hero, you need to get a good night's sleep."

The female doctor covered Meng Chao's eyes with both hands.

A slack nerve was input into his brain, reducing the activity of brain cells, causing a drowsy psionic ripple.

Meng Chao was injected with a large dose of tranquilizer.

At her mercy, Meng Chao quickly fell asleep.

He twitched slightly in his sleep, as if he was once again caught in the scene of heroically fighting the invaders.

The female doctor clasped his wrist and monitored for half a minute to make sure that his physiological parameters were not abnormal. Then she walked to the corner and turned on the spar communicator on her wrist.

"Got it, just an idiot who doesn't know anything.

"It was a landslide, it fell into the valley - it rained all night and there were landslides everywhere.

"Yes, just bad luck, his bad luck, our bad luck.

"It should be fine, I didn't find anything unusual on this guy.

"If there is really a problem, he shouldn't take action at that time-after we sneak into the spar mine and do what the orcs should do, he and the people behind him will fall from the sky, won't it make us more passive? ?

"So, that's a hapless fool.

"However, this fool is not sure what he saw.

"I'm 90% sure that I can turn him into a very good witness, and make him believe that what he sees is a vicious orc.

"People are always willing to believe what is best for them.

"If what he sees is the vicious orcs, then he is a hero who resists the orcs, and can get cheers, flowers, glory, medals, and real gold and silver benefits.

"If he sees not orcs but humans, he will get into endless trouble and even lose his own little life.

"Which 'fact' do you think he is willing to believe?

"What, 90% sure, isn't that enough?

"alright, I got it.

"Well, um, I'll take care of it.

"With serious injuries like his, heart failure is normal.

"The medicine I prepared with my own hands will decompose perfectly in less than 12 hours, and will never leave the slightest evidence. Even if it is sent back to the Qingtian Group for pathological autopsy, it will not reveal the slightest flaw.

"Okay, I'll take care of everything in half an hour at most."

Female doctor cuts off communication.

The fourth potion was drawn from his waist.

This is a medicine that does not emit any light in the darkness where you can't see five fingers.

It only exudes a dangerous aura like an abyss.

However, the female doctor just turned around and wanted to gently push the medicine into that "unlucky fool".

She was horrified to find that the "unlucky fool" was gone.

The stretcher was empty, leaving only a large area of ​​blood that was soaked in sewage and gradually fainted.

Immediately afterwards, a ghostly breath came from the back of her neck.

The female doctor's pupils contracted suddenly.

But it only shrinks to half, and it is completely, perhaps forever, solidified!

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