The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1457: side of couch

Meng Chao coughed loudly.

"Ah, ahh"

His face was flushed, and there was a meaningless sound in his throat.

"It seems that after Lu Siya betrayed the Lu family, you, the new generation of Lu's children, were not less affected by her."

Shen Yulin said, "Otherwise, why would you be so excited when I mentioned Lu Siya's name?"

"Yes, yes!"

Meng Chao said, "Recently, the Chaoxing Group is really arrogant?"

"Who said no?"

Shen Yulin snorted coldly, "Originally, when Meng Chao was still alive, he served as a model of 'grassroots rise' and won the support of a large number of ordinary citizens and middle- and low-level extraordinary people from poor families.

"Since Meng Chao was in the 'Battle of Wushen Mountain', in order to eliminate the residual power of the monster civilization, he did not hesitate to burn all jade and stone, fell into the Hu Nu River with the enemy, and was buried in the surging waves of psychic energy, it has become impossible to replicate. Legend, in the eyes of many ordinary citizens and middle and low-level extraordinary people from poor families, is about to be consecrated.

"Lu Siya, an ambitious woman, who considers herself the successor of Meng Chao, has skillfully harvested the trust and support of these ordinary citizens and extraordinary people from the poor family, plus her brains, methods, and knowledge of the nine major enterprises, in just a short period of time. Within a year, we have continuously seized the key points and solved the pain points, which has made the Chaoxing Group grow more than ten times, and indeed caused a lot of trouble for our nine major enterprises.

"However, no matter how cunning and cunning Lu Siya is, and she doesn't have three heads and six arms, how could she possibly compete with our deep-rooted 'Ninth University' just by her own strength?

"Behind Lu Siya, there is the Remnant Star Society, the Martial God Temple, the Blue Homeland, and even the Red Dragon Army. Except for our nine major corporations and nine major cultivation families, all middle- and low-level extraordinary people from poor families. . .

"These people want to seize the dominance of Dragon City from our nine major enterprises, and want to replace our nine major cultivation families and become the rulers of Dragon City - this is how Lu Siya can make waves and Chaoxing Group can rise strongly. , The real reason why there are so many ups and downs in Longcheng!"

Meng Chao was silent for a moment, then said, "Now, what are we going to do on the side of the 'Nine University'?"

"It's hard to do!"

Shen Yulin sighed, "If the opponent is a monster with fangs and claws, it's easy, as long as the bayonet sees red, the blood-bath fights, simply and neatly, and the winner is divided between life and death.

"But now, these guys headed by Lu Siya and the Chaoxing Group have coerced public opinion, trying to use the petty profits in front of them to deceive ordinary citizens, slander the rule of our nine major enterprises over Longcheng, and lead Longcheng into a doomsday. abyss.

"It's not something that can be solved simply by force to these people with ulterior motives.

"Besides, everyone is human after all, and they are comrades who once fought side by side. Unless we have to, we don't want to fight in the same room and blood flow into rivers.

"That's why I said that Dragon City urgently needs a brand new war, to divert everyone's attention from these constant and chaotic problems inside Dragon City to the outside, the incomparably vast otherworldly continent. .

"A brand new war that can reunite the various classes of Dragon City that are gradually cracking.

"A brand new war can give those warriors, swordsmiths, gunmen and hunters who have a sense of loss and even anti-social tendencies to find a stage to show their talents again.

"A brand-new war means brand-new resources, brand-new positions, and brand-new room for advancement, so that those extraordinary people from humble backgrounds can see the hope of making achievements, and they won't always be cranky and want to **** us veterans. Cultivation family, cake in a bowl.

"Of course, a brand new war will also allow millions of ordinary citizens to see the power and usefulness of our superhumans once again - presumably, when we continue to capture new land and resources for them, they will again Return us flowers, cheers and hugs, as in the past, and we will again be honored and worshipped as patron saints and even saviors!"

Shen Yulin is right.

If not in the memory of the end, the result of this war was foreseen.

In reality, he also witnessed the tyranny of the Turan civilization with his own eyes.

Meng Chao was about to be persuaded by Shen Yulin.

The only problem is-

"Are you so confident that you will definitely be able to achieve new victories?"

Meng Chao frowned and asked.

"Of course, our enemies are just a group of otherworldly natives who are ruthless and drinking blood!"

Shen Yulin laughed dumbly, as if Meng Chao asked a question that a three-year-old child knew the answer to, "It's not like you haven't seen the appearance of this group of indigenous people - deformed and ugly, bony, neither the fangs and claws of monsters, nor the earthlings. The advanced technology, even lacking the most basic organization and the courage to fight in blood, is simply a natural slave!

"God doesn't take it, but it's the fault of it, letting such a vast and fertile land in front of you be occupied by such a weak otherworldly aborigines is a crime against civilization!

"Believe me, this war will never be as protracted, bloody, and costly as the monster war.

"In fact, I don't think there is any need to mobilize the power from Longcheng, and even the Chilong Army does not need to mobilize a soldier or a soldier. With the strength of our nine major enterprises, it is enough to win this 'corporate war'.

"No, maybe, there will be no real battle at all. As long as the armored airships of our nine major companies drop from the sky and implement a round of fire coverage on the orc's lair, the panic-stricken natives of the alien world will completely collapse, thurse. Trembling, he knelt on the ground and bowed down to us.

"The victor will never need to be judged. Do you think that when the armored airships of the nine major enterprises, carrying a lot of loot and the news of the complete surrender of the orcs, swaggered back to Longcheng, there would be anyone who would kill us first and then make a statement, Are you making irresponsible remarks?"

Meng Chao sighed.

Shen Yulin was right.

Up to now, the Turan orcs encountered by the Dragon City people other than him are indeed like vulnerable slaves.

No, it's not "like", they were originally slaves, the rat people who had been enslaved by the five major clans for thousands of years, or the old, weak, sick and disabled among the rat people.

Based on the combat strength of the old, weak, sick and disabled among the rat people, the overall combat strength of the Turan orcs was calculated.

This will be the most serious strategic misjudgment made by Longcheng Civilization.

"Mr. Shen, you, and 'you', have you ever thought about such a question?"

Meng Chao stared at Shen Yulin and said word by word, "If the otherworldly natives are really so vulnerable, why do so many monsters choose to inhabit monsters with relatively poor resources, relatively small space and no development potential? In the mountains, instead of going to the two banks of the middle and lower reaches of Hunu River, that piece of land rich in resources and boundless, to be king and hegemony?

"You must know that many doomsday beasts have the ability to move mountains and seas, comparable to train cannons filled with nuclear warheads, and they are extremely terrifying killers.

"Even such doomsday beasts don't dare to take half a step, don't you think that there is a slight possibility that there are still many more terrifying than doomsday beasts on this mysterious and unpredictable continent in front of us. Existence, is it very likely that the war we have rashly launched will not develop according to our imagination at all?"

"Of course we have thought about this issue."

Shen Yulin showed an expected expression and said lightly, "But the result is still the same - even if the middle and lower reaches of Hunu River really live in existences that are more terrifying than doomsday beasts, we still have to fight this battle. !"


Meng Chao widened his eyes.

"The reason is very simple. Humans are harmless and tigers have intentions, but tigers eat people's hearts!"

Shen Yulin's eyes were fierce and he said coldly, "Suppose we really live next door to something more terrifying than doomsday beasts, let's not talk about the problem that we can't tolerate each other, do you think that the other party might tolerate it? Can you drop us?

"If you are this existence that is 'more terrifying than the doomsday beast', you may watch behind you and emerge a behemoth like 'Dragon City' that cannot be explained and bound by the laws of another world, but believe that Can each other's well water not commit river water?

"The other side of the couch allows others to sleep soundly, we understand this principle, and the other party must also understand.

"The first strike is stronger, and the second strike suffers. Since there must be a war between each other, it is better to take the initiative to attack instead of turning the dragon city into a battlefield and making the war that was finally extinguished in the streets and alleys of the dragon city again. , set the battlefield near the opponent's lair - only by pushing the front line to the opponent's lair as much as possible, we don't have to worry about smashing our own bottles and cans, and we can take advantage of the overwhelming and continuous heavy firepower of scientific and technological civilization. Extreme!

"Also, it is very important that launching a modern war is by no means easy, and requires long-term preparation and large-scale mobilization.

"Now, Longcheng has not completely come out of the decades-long monster war. We still have many experienced veterans, and a large number of weapon production lines that can operate normally, as well as workers with skilled manufacturing skills. People He is also used to the negative effects of war, and neither extraordinary nor ordinary people are afraid of war.

"But if peace continues, a large number of veterans will wither one after another, a large number of weapon production lines will be sealed, rusted, and scrapped due to insufficient demand, and a large number of weapon R&D and manufacturing teams will lose their usefulness, turning to civilian use or even disbanding altogether.

"You know, it's easy to scrap a weapons production line and disband a weapons R&D team, but rebuilding the entire military industry and war system, and reshaping the will of the people to fight, is more difficult than reaching the sky.

"If we are really paralyzed by the peace in front of us, we will wait until the swords and guns are put into storage, and after a few years after the horse has been released to Nanshan, we will find that our immediate neighbors are more terrifying than the doomsday beasts. Then we will rush to restart the war machine, you Do you think it's too late?"

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