The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1468: Open the bow without turning back the arrow

Chapter 1468 Open the bow without turning back the arrow

Director Wang first sent Miss Ai to the medical room for a comprehensive examination.

After confirming that she only suffered from skin trauma and a slight concussion caused by the shock wave, she was a little relieved.

After all, he is a reporter from "Light of the Dragon City". If there is something in this sensitive period, no one can stand the pressure of public opinion.

While receiving the bandage, Miss Ai scanned the surroundings with her two eyeballs that rolled around.

When she saw the chaotic scene, many rescuers ran around like headless flies, and some even disagreed and quarreled, and suddenly said, "What's the matter, is Mr. Shen not here?"

Director Wang was startled, and both eyebrows were raised.

"I see you as a group of dragons without a leader."

Miss Ai stared at him, "Intuition tells me that President Shen doesn't seem to be in the spar mine."

The fat on Director Wang's face trembled slightly, and he increased his tone and said with his first and last name: "Miss Alley, this is none of your business, you should worry more about yourself, you are in big trouble!"

Director Wang waved, and the two strong men took the female reporter named "Ai Lei" down and locked them away from the explosion site, in a container on the other side of the spar mine, so that she could neither see nor hear anything. information.

Naturally, the vast majority of people are concentrated in the vicinity of the explosion site.

Apart from the two strong men guarding the container, there are not many guards here.

The scanning range and frequency of searchlights and drones are also quite limited, often resulting in forgotten dead spots.

After Director Wang left, there was a knocking sound of "dong dong dong, dong dong dong" from the container.

The two strong men guarding the container didn't pay attention at first.

However, Ailei patiently "dong dong dong, dong dong dong, dong dong dong", knocking on the two strong men is very annoying.


One of the strong men asked in a rough voice.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Alley said sullenly inside, "I can't hold back!"

The two strong men looked at each other.

"Director Wang didn't say, you can't let me go to the bathroom, can you?"

Alley continued, "Even if the prisoner is escorted, the prisoner has the right to go to the bathroom!"

The two strong men hesitated.

"I beg you."

Ai Lei's voice was filled with tears, pleading like a little girl, "Big brother, two big brothers, I know that you are all under orders, but I am only a part-time worker, and it was my boss who asked me to come to Hongxigou. , dig some more news materials, I, I know I'm causing trouble for you, but I really just want to go to the toilet!"

The two strong men bowed their heads to discuss for a while.

One of the strong men walked three steps away, firmly pressing the electric shocker on his waist with his right hand, and holding the walkie-talkie with his left.

Another strong man pulled the latch on the container door and let Ellie out.

"Thank you, thank you two big brothers."

Ailei seemed to be being honest in a dark container, her eyes were red, and her face was full of panic. The innocence of "I have rights, I have freedom" just now disappeared completely. not see.

She bowed respectfully to the two strong men, and scanned the surrounding environment with her peripheral vision.

Everything else happened in three seconds.

Ai Lei jumped up like a lynx, her seemingly slender but steel-embedded arms, wrapped around the neck of the brawny man beside her, slammed her hard, and pushed her knees hard. The strong man's lower abdomen was touched, and with just one tip, the strong man trembled, his eyes burst out, and he couldn't even utter a scream.

Afterwards, Ai Lei, like carrying a huge battle shield, carried the brawny man on his back, and rushed towards the other brawny man who pressed the electric shocker in his hand.

The second strong man did not expect that the seemingly harmless female reporter could burst out with such fierce fighting power.

He hurriedly pulled out the electric shock and the walkie-talkie, not knowing which one to use first.

At this time, Alley had already smashed the first strong man towards him.

He casually stabbed the electric shock forward, stabbed his companion to the point of grinning and foaming at the mouth.

Ai Lei slipped a shovel, took the opportunity to get under the first strong man, and kicked the second strong man's ankle with her toes.

First, the strong man was shoveled to the ground, and then he kicked off the walkie-talkie in his left hand. Finally, he used two python-like legs to wrap around the neck of the second strong man. The famous strong man was stretched to the point where his blue veins were exposed, and he passed out.

Before the searchlight came over, Alley dragged the two strong men to a dark corner.

Tested their breath again to make sure that they were just unconscious and their hearts were still beating powerfully.

Ellie whistled softly.

Thumbs up for myself.

"Miss Alley, the sword is not old."

She praises herself.

Afterwards, Ai Lei removed two by three, and stripped off the underwear of the relatively small strong man.

The two strong men wore tough and wear-resistant camouflage combat uniforms that were easy to fight and attached to various tools.

Of course, it was full of the stench of sweat and mud that had been spent all night in the torrential rain.

Alley didn't even shake her eyelashes.

She tore off her body without hesitation, the flashy professional suit, the expression of disgust on her face, and lost it far away.

Putting the dirty and smelly camouflage combat uniform on the body, the overly wide sleeves and trousers were tied with cloth strips, and the whole person looked clean and neat, like a well-built huntress.

Alley moved her hands and feet, as if she had found herself, her eyes shining in the darkness.

"Get rich."

The female reporter and huntress looked greedy, "I'm going to make a fortune this time!"

She continued to fumble on the two strong men.

I found a work permit, a powerful flashlight, a multifunctional folding saber, and more.

Putting these things away one by one, Ai Lei patted the faces of the two strong men who were sleeping soundly.

Before the light beam of the next round of searchlights came over, like a ghost, it quietly rushed out.

For the time being, no one has noticed her existence.

However, the Hongxigou project is located in a long and narrow valley, which means that the entrance and exit are only one end and one end of the valley, two very narrow passages.

It was a sleepless night.

Both the head and the tail of the valley are crowded with people.

Both entrances and exits were illuminated by searchlights and flares like daylight.

Ellie knew her camouflage combat uniform didn't fit.

No matter how much she lowered the brim of her hat and covered her face with mud.

Careful observation, still full of flaws.

Director Wang could use the walkie-talkie to contact the two strong men at any time.

Once he doesn't get a response for a long time, he will definitely find that something is wrong.

Must escape as soon as possible.

Alley looked left and right, and locked onto a small, empty maintenance workshop not far away.

In the spar mine, all kinds of rune machinery are operating at ultra-high intensity, and failure is a high probability event.

The vast majority of simple mechanical failures can be repaired on-site to ensure continuous rotation for 24 hours.

Ellie found a truck outside the small maintenance workshop.

The spar engine is intact, and the runes engraved on it are still clear, and there are not too many signs of wear and tear.

It's just that there is something wrong with the suspension and suspension. It has just been repaired in half, and it is estimated that the speed cannot be improved.

Time is running out, and Elle doesn't have many options.

There is another benefit to choosing a truck.

The chassis of the truck is high, and the tires alone are as high as half a person. She sits in the driver's seat, and it is difficult for others to see her face clearly.

Before the maintenance staff left, the car keys were removed.

This is not difficult for Alley, she pulled out a flat-blade screwdriver from the multifunctional folding saber.

Soon, the front of the truck made a rumble.

There were also bursts of yellow smoke from the exhaust pipe, and there was an insufficient response of inferior spar, and the unique smell of garlic.

At this moment, Hongxigou is already tense and murderous.

As the red alarm continued to flash, many guards and miners were all assigned powerful lethal weapons and were patrolling everywhere, searching for "orcs who destroyed the mines".

However, their angry and vigilant gazes rarely landed on Ellie's truck.

After all, it is impossible for orcs to drive human vehicles.

Ai Lei's heavy-duty truck uses an open body instead of a fully enclosed compartment design, and it can't hide people.

As for the empty lorry leaving the spar mine, it's no surprise.

Right now, the whole mining area is in turmoil, and the support of heavy trucks and various relief materials is needed everywhere. It is normal to temporarily dispatch a few empty trucks to the brother units or the banks of the tributaries of Hunu River.

Because there are too many vehicles going to and from Hongxigou.

Several checkpoints stationed at the entrance and exit of the valley simply turn on the green light, and all small vehicles with unobstructed views and large vehicles with open body design are allowed to pass.

Only when encountering closed carriages, will a slight inspection be carried out.

Seeing this scene, Allie breathed a sigh of relief.

The only problem is that the entrance and exit of the valley are too narrow, the planned second phase of the widening project has not been completed, the road has been blocked in half by the landslide caused by the heavy rain, and the traffic speed is quite slow.

Whether it is a big car or a small car, it is like a snail crawling.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

Ellie's fingers, on the steering wheel, were nervous.

She stared at the walkie-talkie on the right seat.

For fear that Director Wang would find out that she had escaped.

Whatever you are afraid of.

Just when there were only two cars left in front of Ellie.

The walkie-talkie screamed like a ghoul.

As if the seat was leaking electricity, Allie twitched all over her body.

She couldn't imitate the rough voices of two strong men with strong backs.

Can only bite the bullet and ignore it.

Another car was waved away.

There was only one last obstacle left in front of Ellie.

The walkie-talkie screamed for half a minute, then suddenly became quiet.

But Ailey noticed that the guards at the checkpoint ahead suddenly became more vigilant.

A guard tried to pull down the barrier.

Another guard jumped into a truck ahead and stuck his head in the cab to check.

Ellie snorted.

Without turning back the arrow, she slammed the accelerator hard, blasted the spar engine to the limit, and slammed it to the right, almost threw herself on the steering wheel.

The truck, like a steel behemoth that had just awakened, let out a deafening roar, scraped a large piece of sparks with the vehicle in front, and rushed out.

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