The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1476: brand new dragon city

go home!

For some reason, when he heard this word, Meng Chao's heart beat fiercely - even in the face of the most vicious doomsday beasts, or the unfathomable egg of chaos, his heart did not beat so fast.

Looking at the wounded around him, a relieved smile appeared on his face lit by the sun, Meng Chao also seemed to be infected by their emotions, and the corners of his mouth curved up involuntarily.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suppressed his excitement, and squeezed in front of the viewing porthole that bulged out like a goldfish's eyes, overlooking the magnificent earth below.

After the rainstorm, the sky was blue, and there was not a single cloud that could obstruct his vision.

His vision was suddenly submerged by a golden ocean.

"This is"

Meng Chao was shocked.

He had never seen such a beautiful city.

In Meng Chao's memory, the main theme of Longcheng has always been gray, clumsy, crowded, messy, blood-stained ruins.

There are reinforced concrete bunkers and barricades everywhere, the sound of guns and roars of humans and monsters fighting, smoke, flames and even mushroom clouds everywhere.

In order to defend against monsters, except for the extraordinary tower, there are few high-rise buildings that go straight up and down in Longcheng.

The vast majority of buildings are constructed in the shape of terraces and pyramids, with a small top and a large bottom.

Even if it is hit by the doomsday beast, it will not collapse easily.

In the same way, the relatively fragile glass curtain wall or something, you don't even have to think about it.

Even the windows and entry and exit passages are often very small, and inside the thickened walls, there are also interlayers and steel plates to ensure that when entering a combat state, the steel plates can completely cover the windows, and the ordinary residential buildings can be completely covered. All become airtight battle fortresses.

This silly, thick and black architectural style has ensured that human civilization will stand firm in the decades-long **** battle with monster civilization.

But there must be a lot of unreasonable and anti-human places in life and residence.

With the end of the monster war, mankind's yearning for a better life suddenly burst out.

In front of the new Dragon City, there are a large number of tall buildings with elegant, light, slender and even bizarre shapes.

And these high-rise buildings, without exception, are designed with steel frame structure and glass curtain wall. The windows can be as big as they are, to ensure that the sun can shine on every corner of the building and directly into the heart of human beings.

Even the old buildings that cannot be demolished have enlarged windows and door openings and installed various humanized facilities.

It is really impossible to transform, just on the facade of the building, the graffiti is thick and colorful. At first glance, the colors are colorful and the flowers are clustered, which makes people feel extremely happy.

This situation made Meng Chao feel relieved.

At a glance, you can see that even if the undercurrent is still surging, the main theme of today's Longcheng is still positive and full of light.

Otherwise, it is impossible for people to spend their minds on beautifying their homes.

At the same time, Meng Chao also saw the landmark building standing in the center of the city - the Transcendent Tower.

The Transcendent Tower in the past was a unique existence that stood out from the crowd.

Now, around the Transcendent Tower, there are more high-rise buildings like stars holding the moon, forming a brand-new central business district. No, it should be the central training district.

According to the distance from the Transcendent Tower to the edge of the steel jungle, Meng Chao roughly calculated the main urban area of ​​Longcheng, which has expanded by at least 30% in the past year.

Because there is no need to worry about the intrusion of monsters.

The speed with which human beings build their homes can almost be described as "crazy".

The continuous increase in the size of the main urban area means that ordinary citizens have the opportunity to enjoy a larger living area.

There is no longer a need for a family of a few or even a dozen members to curl up in dark, narrow, dilapidated old communities or even slums as in the past.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and poured his spiritual energy into the space between the retina and the lens, and the cone cells instantly became crystal clear.

He pushed his extraordinary vision to the limit, looking northwest of the main city.

It could be vaguely seen that in the Nutao Mountains area far from the main city, a satellite city with high-rise buildings and row upon row had been built.

The Battle of the Nuts Mountains was the first battle that Meng Chao officially participated in.

It was there that he got acquainted with Lu Siya, and received the double baptism of the red radiance jade and the blue original mother stone, which laid the foundation for the hurricane to advance.

It seems that a few years have passed, and the strategic purpose of launching the "Battle of the Furious Waves" has been fully realized.

The wild land where monsters were rampant in the past has really been built into a brand-new development zone by human beings.

As for the west side, the ultimate lair of the monster civilization, the area of ​​the misty hidden area.

Humans have occupied the place for a short period of time, and the jungle is the most unsuitable place for civilization to colonize. For the time being, Meng Chao has not seen the rolling city skyline.

But he saw hundreds of tiny black dots.

It should be hundreds of armored airships, gathered in the sky above the misty and hidden area.

It seems that the development of the Hidden Misty Realm by human beings is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

As the armored airship they boarded got closer and closer to the city and its height gradually decreased, Meng Chao noticed more interesting details.

The first is the colorful, gleaming neon lights.

Almost every building in the city is covered.

Even in broad daylight, it shone dazzlingly.

It's like human beings have a serious rebellious mentality towards the monotonous, bleak, and depressing life of the past few decades, and they want to release all the colors of life when they have the opportunity.

In addition, there is a huge display screen that occupies the entire glass curtain wall, and various advertisements are played.

In the past, Dragon City did not have similar super-giant display technology.

However, because the glass curtain wall and super-giant display screen are too fragile, they are easily damaged by monsters.

The overly gorgeous sound and light effects will also stimulate the monsters and inspire more violent ferocity.

Therefore, Longcheng talents rarely use similar facilities.

Even if it is used, it is often for military purposes, such as broadcasting advertisements of powerful gods to boost morale, or broadcasting the latest information on monster activities, so that all citizens are prepared for prevention and support, and so on.

But now, according to Meng Chao's rough statistics, 70% of the advertisements projected on the glass curtain wall are civilian goods.

Such as psionic-driven smart toilets, so that the sphincter muscles of earth people can enjoy the nourishment of spiritual energy.

very good.

This shows that psionic technology has entered thousands of households.

And human beings are gradually getting rid of their existential threats and begin to meet higher-level needs.

Also, Meng Chao was very surprised.

Needless to say, more than half of the advertisements are from nine super companies such as Universal and DynaSky.

And he also saw advertisements of his own company, Chaoxing Group, on many glass curtain walls.

For example, the one just now, the sphincter that allows all Earth traversers to step into the extraordinary era, is the product of the Chaoxing Group.

What kind of compound feed is used in the monster breeding industry, to ensure that the monster eats it, can quickly increase and gain weight, and has a docile personality, never hurt or bite, it is a good helper for the majority of small and medium monster farmers.

In addition, there were endless traffic lines between the Nutao Mountains, the Hidden Fog and the Longcheng District, and most of the armored airships were of course painted with the logos of the Chilong Army and the nine super-enterprises.

But Meng Chao also saw several armored airships painted with the Chaoxing Group logo.

The latest version of the logo was originally researched by him and Lu Siya together.

Several armored airships painted with their own logos are huge, graceful and powerful.

In the past, it was absolutely qualified to serve as the flagship of a certain air **** formation.

Just three or five years ago, even a private car was something Meng Chao couldn't even think about.

Unexpectedly, now they have armored airships.

This is really, extremely luxurious!

"It seems that during the period of my retreat and cultivation, the Chaoxing Group has developed well!"

Meng Chao sighed.

He didn't think that his attention to the Chaoxing Group would arouse Alley's suspicion.

Since the existence of the Survival Committee, the nine corporations have been high above the ground, with aloof status, and few can challenge their authority.

It is incredible that the Chaoxing Group can rise miraculously and have the strength to compete with the nine major enterprises in just a few years.

According to Meng Chao's character, if you don't tut your tongue, it will be a strange thing.

"If you go back to the senior, the current leader of the Chaoxing Group is Lu Siya, who was born in the Qingtian Group."

Ai Lei was not surprised, she said obediently, "This lady Lu has amazing abilities and ambitions, and she has seized the opportunity of the times to help the Chaoxing Group and the Remnant Star Society, the Martial God Temple, the Blue Homeland and the Chilong. The army reached a strategic cooperation agreement and became the spokesperson of these organizations and forces in the business world.

"At the same time, Meng Chao fell in the fierce battle with the monster's mastermind, which also made him a **** in the first battle, and received the support of countless ordinary citizens, and the relationship between Lu Siya and Meng Chao is as I described in The Nightmare Horror. Yes, it's a well-known thing.

"So, as long as there is room for choice, the general public is willing to try Chaoxing Group's products and services.

"Many people believe that only the Chaoxing Group is a company that truly belongs to ordinary citizens, and belongs to the superstars of the residual star and the middle and low-level extraordinary, unlike the super enterprises such as Qingtian and Huanyu, which only belong to the cultivation family and belong to the gods. of the strong."

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