The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1480: New order

Of course, victory in the war is definitely a good thing.

The overall appearance of Longcheng today is many times more prosperous, bright, and powerful than what Meng Chao saw in Doomsday Nightmare.

However, it is also a fact that some extraordinary people who cannot keep up with the trend of the times, but possess lethal force, suffer from loss, complaints, pain and even resentment.

I heard Elle say that in recent forums where many middle- and low-level extraordinary people gather, they like to tell the story of the earth era and the Song Dynasty.

Of course, these extraordinary people did not suddenly have a strong interest in "Iron Blood Strong Song".

It's just that he used the Song Dynasty's Chongwen to suppress martial arts, "A good man is a good man when he is called outside the Donghua Gate", and finally in a very humiliating way, it fell apart and vanished, to borrow the past and satirize the present.

The decades-long monster war has also left indelible double wounds on the bodies and minds of these martial arts superhumans.

Even the authorities cover most of the medical bills.

But after all, they have to bear the pain themselves.

In the dead of night, in every scar that criss-crosses the body, the pain of the ten thousand ants piercing the heart.

There is also a picture of a comrade-in-arms who is sympathetic to his brothers and sisters being torn to shreds by monsters as soon as he closes his eyes.

Everything reminds them that they can never return to normal society, to the turbulent life of ordinary people.

In fact, similar social phenomena are not uncommon after all the wars on earth.

The war was over, and a large number of veterans who were proficient in killing skills and suffered from post-traumatic syndrome returned to normal society.

It's like a wild boar that has grown fangs and bristles in the forest, and has even tasted the taste of flesh and blood. How can it be adapted to being locked in the pigpen again?

Coupled with the transition from a wartime economic system to a peaceful one, there are bound to be various problems.

Some people will sharpen their heads to exploit various loopholes and use their power to plunder the war dividends.

Someone can get overwhelmed and find themselves superfluous, out of place, or even unpopular.

Some people's jobs will be knocked to pieces overnight.

There are also people who will dig gold and silver mountains inexplicably, and in a way no one knows, they will rise miraculously and become the hegemon of a party.

Therefore, after the end of the previous wars, the order was the most chaotic and the security was the worst.

The problems of Longcheng are more serious than those encountered by any victorious country on earth after the war.

After all, Dragon City is not like a victorious country on the earth. For the time being, it cannot find a vast external market and almost unlimited cheap labor to export excess force and productivity.

The stealth and destructiveness of a martial arts superhuman is far better than that of an ordinary veteran who is proficient in killing techniques, but has no firearms, and is abolished by 90% of his combat effectiveness.

There are very few successful people who can successfully transform from a master of beheading a sword and halberd demon pig to a pig king.

If everyone can be transformed into a pig king, who should sell so many domesticated sword and halberd demon pigs, and how can they eat them all?

The vast majority of martial arts superhumans who are not high enough to succeed, prefer to return to their old careers, use swords and iron fists, and exchange a bowl of money, dignity, and freedom than company employees, heavy manual laborers, or pig kings. meal to eat.

Fortunately, in this era of drastic changes, the alternation of the old and the new, and the mind-blowing era, there are opportunities and contradictions in Longcheng.

When there is a conflict, there needs to be someone who resolves the conflict.

The most direct and effective way to resolve conflicts has always been absolute violence.

Only low-end business wars do you play hacking, commercial espionage, option traps, and shareholder coercion.

High-end business warfare has always been a one-shot deal in the literal sense.

"The war between man and monster is over, and now it's a war between man and man."

Ai Lei told Meng Chao that in order to compete for the war bonus, the new post-war order of Longcheng was re-ordered, and the competition between the poor and the rich, between the rich and the rich, and even among the various factions within the rich, was higher than before. One order of magnitude.

This bad thing about the Hongxigou project is likely to be a manifestation of the intensification of the internal struggle of the Huanyu Group.

In this case, the tumor of Chaocheng was removed, but the depth and breadth of the underground world of Longcheng seemed to expand tenfold overnight. The so-called "underground order" has a completely different meaning from the past.

A large number of them have been stationed in the wilderness and the jungle for a long time, spending every day between the fangs and claws of the monsters, they can eat the internal organs of the monsters without changing their faces, even sleep with one eye open, and can cut the throats of the monsters while sleepwalking. The martial arts superhumans poured into the underground world of Longcheng one after another.

They are unknown in the underworld.

The shot is a hundred times more professional and ruthless than the former Chaocheng gang.

If it is said that in the Chaocheng gang, except for a very small number of strong people such as the golden tooth boss, most of the gang members are thieves who eat and eat.

These martial arts superhumans are definitely a group of well-trained bandits.

In order to control the new order after the war, the penetration of the major giants into the underground world has also become more direct.

Many of the big men who call for wind and rain in the underground world are likely to come from the nine major cultivating families.

"Megatooth crocodile" is one of the best.

This black market boss has several secret and undisclosed channels.

Today, when there are fewer and fewer wild high-level monsters, only he can get hundreds of rare materials.

In addition, he supports a group of desperadoes, and he has the support of some giants.

The giant toothed crocodile quickly emerged, and in the past six months, it has become prosperous, accounting for almost 10% of the transaction volume of the Longcheng black market.

Meng Chao was born as a reaper, and of course he is no stranger to the black market.

In theory, both monster materials and spar ore are strategic resources and belong to all citizens.

Even if an extraordinary person hunts monsters in the wild, explores spar ore veins, and obtains a lot of cultivation resources, they must register and declare to the extraordinary tower and pay the corresponding resource tax before they can legally use these materials and spar for cultivation.

This resource tax will be used for the public construction of Longcheng and the welfare of ordinary citizens, helping the descendants of ordinary people to awaken extraordinary power and realize the sustainable development of Longcheng.

If an extraordinary person needs certain exercises, materials, medicines, training equipment, and the guidance of famous teachers.

It is also possible to purchase one-stop at the Transcendent Tower to meet all needs.

But in practice, there are several problems in the transcendent tower transaction.

First, the high resource tax greatly increases transaction costs.

If a **** beast heart worth tens of millions is registered in the Transcendent Tower for legal transactions, it is very likely that a resource tax of nearly 10 million will be added, which will directly double the transaction price.

Even an extraordinary person who regards money as dung is not always willing to be this big head, taking out real money and silver from his own pockets, "for the benefit of all citizens".

Second, the origin of many materials is unknown. The person who holds these materials does not want to be known by the Transcendent Tower. How did he get these materials-whether he hunted them himself, or picked them from the corpses of other transcendents. ?

This kind of material with a pungent and **** smell, naturally no one is stupid enough to declare to the Transcendent Tower, let alone put it in the Transcendent Tower for trading.

Third, the source of the materials is clean, but the source of the purchaser's large assets is unknown, and it is impossible to explain where the astronomical funds for purchasing materials come from.

Fourth, many rare materials cannot be bought with money, and are often limited by "contribution points".

Only after completing the tasks posted by the Transcendent Tower and obtaining enough contribution points can the exchange be made.

The tasks of the Transcendent Tower are often dangerous and cumbersome.

For many big people who have accumulated huge wealth, are high in power, and have a lot of daily management, they would rather spend a little more money, spend several times more money, than do the same tasks as the fledgling low-level extraordinary people. Work hard and accumulate contribution points.

Fifth, many genetic medicines are very effective, but their side effects are also very strong. It is impossible to pass the review of the Drug Administration, and it cannot be listed on the Transcendent Tower.

Those martial arts superhumans who are obsessed with strength and don't care about side effects can only find another way.

It is precisely because there are many restrictions on trading in the Transcendent Tower.

Many extraordinary people like to bypass the supervision of the extraordinary tower and directly trade monster materials, spar ore and genetic medicine on the black market.

This is a well-known secret in the circle of supernatural beings.

And qualified to host a large-scale black market.

Of course, they are all characters with hands and eyes, and they are inextricably linked with the major giants.

Otherwise, where do so many sources of goods that even the Transcendent Tower can't get come from?

This is an immeasurably large market.

According to Ailei, this "megatooth crocodile" can actually monopolize 10% of the transaction volume of the Longcheng black market.

Not to be underestimated.

Meng Chao became interested in the Megalodon.

He believed that the Blood Alliance would definitely have a strong interest in the underground order of Dragon City and in this giant-toothed crocodile.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao glanced at Ai Lei: "You know a lot about the underground world of Longcheng, what 'tailless monkey', what 'megatooth crocodile'?"

"Of course!"

Ai Lei suddenly regained her spirits, "I said, I'm very useful to senior, although I can't help you much in battle, senior wants to know what family grievances, what the secrets of wealthy families, what corporate scandals, what The situation in the underground world is changing, just ask me!"

"You're so good. It's too wasteful to make up lace news all day long, and write about 'Meng Chao and Lu Siya's seven days and seven nights in the depths of the jungle, a story that can't be told'." Meng Chao said blankly.

"No way, I don't want to!"

Allie said confidently, "Who doesn't want to expose a few shocking fraud cases, break up a few explosive scandals, and make some really big news in our business?

"The problem is that, without strength and backing, rushing into the minefield, before discovering the 'truth and justice', and being bombed to pieces, isn't that stupid?

"So, you can only make up, no, interview some lace news and dig out the love-hate relationship between Meng Chao and Lu Siya, in order to maintain the appearance of life.

"However, it's different now. Now I have this 4K pure gold invincible super thick leg from my predecessor, so what should I be afraid of? In front of my predecessors, of course, I know everything and say everything!" (To be continued)

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