The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1483: precious reason

"Of course, the black market price of 'Dragon Elephant Strengthening Bone Injection' is not too exaggerated. After all, there are substitutes for the venom of ordinary snake monsters and the spinal fluid of the sword and halberd demon pig king. No matter what the effect of the substitutes is, Anyway, talk is better than nothing, and you can't eat people!"

Ai Lei said, "There are several more advanced genetic medicines that can't be artificially synthesized, and there are no substitutes, and the price will rise sharply. It is more than ten times more expensive than the official retail price. blood!"


Meng Chao's eyebrows were wrinkled, and he could almost twist out the genetic medicine, "The price is upside down, how can it be so powerful?"

"No way, the official retail price is only a theoretical price. After all, the Transcendent Tower has to serve all the transcendents, and then serve all the citizens. It is impossible to set the price so high that the poor children lose their hope of cultivation."

Ai Lei pouted, "But there are people who do the beheading business, and no one does the money-losing business, and there is no money to make, or they can make ten times the profit on the black market. How can the manufacturer supply the Transcendent Tower?"

"How come there is no money to make?"

Meng Chao said, "Didn't we win the monster war, control the entire monster mountain range, and inherit the legacy of monster civilization?

"It stands to reason that raw materials and modulation techniques should not be a problem.

"I see the sword and halberd demon pork, iron armored rhino beef, and all kinds of ordinary monster flesh and blood that are supplied to the general public on the first floor. Isn't the price very cheap, and the supply is stable and abundant?"

"How can the sword-halberd demon pig and the tyrant mammoth be compared? The former can be artificially domesticated and farmed on a large scale, while the latter is a wild beast of hell, with a brutal temperament, unruly, and would rather die than yield, and it is difficult to concoct poultry and livestock! "

Ai Lei told Meng Chao that it was precisely because Longcheng won the monster war that many cultivation resources involving middle and high-level wild monsters were so scarce.

In the beginning, Meng Chao hadn't turned the corner yet.

Ailei snapped her fingers and spoke in a straightforward manner.

First of all, during the War of Monsters, the dragon city was surrounded by an overwhelming tide of beasts. Needless to say, nightmare beasts such as sword-halberd demon pigs and iron-clad rhinoceros, even **** beasts such as golden-crowned monitor lizards and tyrant mammoths, are also proliferating in large numbers. Growing freely, no matter how the steel torrent of human beings is crushed, it is difficult to drive them out.

The existence of **** beasts and doomsday beasts certainly poses a serious threat to Longcheng.

But on the other hand, they also provided an endless stream of cultivation resources for the extraordinary people in Longcheng, especially the superpowers who were interested in pushing the limits of life.

As long as the fist is hard enough, the courage is strong enough, and the luck is good enough, there is no need to spend money at all, one person, one knife, proud of the wilderness, the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of all **** beasts are all waiting for the strong to harvest!

At that time, there was only the problem of not only killing the beasts of **** and the beasts of doomsday.

There is absolutely no problem that **** beasts and doomsday beasts cannot be found.

Today is different from the past.

As human beings completely occupied the fog-hidden realm.

The former ultimate lair of monster civilization has been transformed into the second ancient relic research base for humans.

The mastermind of the monster, at least on the surface, was in ashes and died cleanly.

Without the remote control of the monster's master brain, even the doomsday beasts that destroy the world will soon fall under the roar of human cannons and the wheel battle of peerless powerhouses.

Not to mention **** beasts like tyrant mammoths.

As a result, the people of Longcheng, who had been slaughtering the rise, did not suddenly realize a very serious problem until the surrounding area of ​​Longcheng was cleaned up.

Earthlings are too ferocious.

The wild monsters were almost all killed by the earthlings.

Well, this is not accurate.

There are wild mutant cockroaches, mutant mice, and mutant mosquitoes.

But that's a jerk!

Wild golden-crowned lizards, **** beasts such as tyrant mammoths, and doomsday beasts such as diamond nine-headed dragons are all dead and fleeing, and there is not one out of ten.

Even if they were lucky enough to escape the blade of the earthlings, the habitats of these high-level monsters were all occupied by the earthlings, and the food chain that maintained their survival was cut off by the earthlings.

Even if they could escape to the nooks and crannies of the Monster Mountains, they wouldn't be able to survive for long.

There are no wild beasts of hell.

Many genetic medicines cannot be modulated.

Different from the nightmare beasts such as swords and halberds, human beings have not yet mastered the method of breeding **** beasts or even doomsday beasts on a large scale.

Barely in the iron cage with high voltage electricity, the beasts of **** were artificially cultivated. They have not experienced the cruel competition in the depths of the wilderness, they have not been crawling and rolling in the heavenly and blessed land with rich spiritual energy, and there is no such thing as sweeping everything and tearing them apart. Everything, the ferocity and domineering that devours everything.

The quality of raw materials extracted from this farmed monster is far inferior to that of wild, real **** beasts.

You must know that humans cannot directly use spar to cultivate.

Even if it is as strong as Meng Chao, it is impossible to pick up a piece of spar raw ore, chew it in three or two bites, swallow it, and then perfectly integrate the spiritual energy contained in the spar into his own life magnetic field.

The raw spar ore must be combined with the genetic medicine extracted from monster materials before it can be absorbed by human cells.

The higher-level spar, the higher-level genetic medicine is needed to cooperate, pay attention to a reconciliation of yin and yang, the monarch, ministers and envoys, step by step.

No advanced genetic medicine.

Even if you have hundreds or thousands of spar veins, it is useless.

Rare is expensive.

Since wild monsters have become a scarce and non-renewable resource, the price of raw materials has risen, and the finished products have risen with the tide, so why is it strange?

This is a supply side issue.

Next, there is the question of demand.

It can't be said that it is a problem, but it should be said that it is a good thing.

Thanks to the monster war dividend and the blessing of the monster civilization heritage, in the last year, Longcheng's cultivation technology has made a rush.

The major forces have launched many entry-level cultivation methods, cultivation facilities, and various supplements required for cultivation, claiming that "you can awaken extraordinary power without being very tired and troublesome".

As Meng Chao saw on the first floor, the sword-halberd demon pig and the iron-clad rhino can be artificially bred, and the price is not much more expensive than the canned luncheon meat made from monsters in the past. Ordinary people grit their teeth and give it to growing children every day. , stewed two lumps of beef tendon to eat.

The probability of teens awakening superpowers is 30% higher than in the past, isn't it too much?

Also, fighting is killing people.

The war between the Dragon City Civilization and the Monster Civilization is dominated by the most brutal street battles or bayonet battles in the jungle.

In street fighting and jungle fighting, the death rate is the highest, neither ordinary citizens nor those who have the ability to fly and can retreat in time when the situation is bad.

Instead, they are the most numerous, and are the situational powerhouses who act as grass-roots commanders and front-line commandos.

well known.

People just die.

There is no need to consume resources.

This is hard to hear.

But also very honest.

During the monster war, it was precisely because the mortality rate of the middle and low-level superhumans remained high.

Only then can a delicate balance be formed between the cultivation needs of the extraordinary and the supply of raw materials for monsters.

Now, there are more low-level monsters that can be artificially domesticated.

The chance of ordinary people awakening super powers has increased.

Low-level superhumans no longer have to put their heads on the belts of their trousers, and in the depths of ruins and jungles, they go to death with vicious monsters, and the mortality rate is greatly reduced.

The number of low-level superhumans will naturally increase significantly.

Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.

A strong person in the realm who does not want to attack the realm of the sky or even the realm of the gods is not a qualified extraordinary person.

If you want to hit a higher realm, you need richer and higher-grade monster materials.

Sword halberd demon pork and iron armored rhino meat, even if they eat ten tons or eight tons, at most they can help ordinary people to cultivate into strong people.

The strong in the realm want to attack the realm of heaven.

Must eat tyrant mammoth meat.

The supply has been greatly reduced, and the demand has been greatly increased.

One more thing.

In the past, there were no lords around Longcheng.

Although the Survival Committee and the Transcendent Tower do not encourage citizens to organize expedition teams, harvest teams, and hunting teams without permission, go to the wilderness to explore spar mines, search for monster nests, and build forward bases.

But not strictly prohibited.

As long as they have the ability, anyone can call friends or even go to the wilderness to hunt down the tyrant mammoth.

A tyrant mammoth is so big that one person can't finish it.

After the materials are harvested and sent to the black workshops in places like Chaocheng, they can extract genetic medicines whose effects may not be stable, but are absolutely cheap.

The children of wealthy families who came from a cultivating family, of course, disdain the products of such small workshops.

The underprivileged children who pay attention to cost-effectiveness, but very much welcome such cheap and affordable "flat replacements", which are "parity substitutes".

Regardless of whether it is formal or not, the existence of a large number of small workshops objectively plays a very important role in the price stability of the entire genetic medicine market.

But now, the war has been won.

The original borderless land has become a development zone and reservation area for major forces.

Fences, walls, high-voltage power grids were erected, and drones patrolled day and night.

Powerless and powerless stragglers, it is no longer possible for them to go to the development zones of the major forces to poach monsters with one blood and two iron fists.

Besides, it's useless even if you hunt down a monster.

The past Chaocheng has been completely demolished.

The reconstructed Chaocheng has no living space for underground black workshops.

Get rid of the vicious competition of small workshops.

The major pharmaceutical groups backed by super enterprises have gradually formed a substantial monopoly.

Naturally, the quality of products has been greatly improved.

But the price has gone up, or the official retail price has remained unchanged, but it is out of stock every day. This is understandable and very consistent with economic common sense.

Finally, not the least, it is natural to hoard and hype the price.

It must be admitted that the extraordinary who first hoarded the raw materials of **** beasts and even doomsday beasts did not want to profit from it.

It's just that, realizing the scarcity of these non-renewable resources, he has to plan ahead for his future cultivation.

But, still the same.

As long as there are ten times the profit.

There is always someone who dares to charge at the doomsday beast.

Dare to trample all the morals and laws of the world.

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