The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1491: touch his bottom

Chapter 1491 touch his bottom

Meng Chao seemed to be stunned by the momentum of the senior reaper.

After a while, he said unwillingly, "Fifty boxes are too few, so we can't go up any further?"

Senior Reaper laughed.

"I knew that friends are smart people, and we can trade for a long time."

The senior reaper said, "If you want to convert this dragon egg into a dragon elephant bone strengthening injection, you will need so much stock at one time, which will cause market volatility, and of course the number will not be able to rise.

"However, if you replace some of the Dragon Elephant Bone Strengthening Injections with other cultivation resources, of course it is hard currency of the same value, then the quantity and variety are not non-negotiable.

"To be honest, I don't recommend that you exchange all of them for Dragon Elephant Bone Strengthening Injections - fifty boxes are too many, too large, and easy to be targeted.

"In case someone finds out, you have kept so many dragon-elephant-strengthening bone injections at home, and no one will believe you if you say that you are not hoarding them, do you?

"So, I suggest that you exchange at least thirty boxes for 'Dragon's Blood Essence', which is smaller in size and higher in concentration and value. According to the current market price, you can exchange ten boxes. What do you think?"

"Dragon Blood Essence" is different from "Dragon Egg", it is a high-energy substance extracted from the blood of dragon monsters.

Flood dragon monsters are born powerful, even the weakest beings in the group are often **** beasts.

And the leader of the clan can easily enter the ranks of the doomsday beasts.

Using dragon's blood essence to cultivate can help the strong in the realm, greatly increase the possibility of breaking through to the realm of heaven, and the scope of application is quite wide.

Therefore, the Transcendent Tower is also out of stock every day, and the price on the black market remains high.

"In other words, this dragon egg can be exchanged for twenty boxes of Dragon Elephant Strengthening Bone Injection and ten boxes of Dragon Blood Essence?"

Meng Chao was a little moved.

The senior reaper nodded with a smile.

"I, I also want five bottles of 'Lanling Nerve Repair Fluid'!"

Meng Chao showed the scar on his right arm to the senior reaper, as if he was not greedy enough for a snake to swallow an elephant, "Twenty boxes of Dragon Elephant Bone Strengthening Injection, ten boxes of Dragon's Blood Essence, and five bottles of Lanling Nerve Repair Fluid, This dragon egg is yours!

"Otherwise, I'd rather try my luck elsewhere. If it's a big deal, I'll use a substitute made of low-grade materials and treat it conservatively. I won't practice for ten days and a half months!"

The scar on his right arm is very deep.

It hurts a nerve at a glance.

And "Lanling Nerve Repair Fluid" is the most effective nerve repair medicine that middle and low-level extraordinary people can access.

Such an offer did not exceed the expectations of the senior reapers.

But he still looked embarrassed.

He took the dragon egg and studied it carefully for a long time.

He took out the calculator, crackled, and walked to the corner, put his palms to his mouth, and made two calls in a low voice, as if asking for instructions and reporting to the big boss "The Megatooth Crocodile".

Finally, he hung up the phone respectfully, then heaved a sigh of relief, and walked back with a fresh face: "Okay, today, I'll be your friend on behalf of Megalodon!"

Although Meng Chao used the super hearing ability of the gods to find out that none of the two calls just now were to the Megalodon.

But he still looked happy.

The next second, he asked nervously, "When can I get the goods?"


The senior reaper smiled slightly, "In five minutes, the goods will be delivered to you."

"So soon, no, it won't be a problem, will it?"

Meng Chao was suspicious, "Make sure it's the original, right?"

"There are anti-counterfeiting labels and QR codes on it. You can take it to the original counter for inspection."

The senior reaper said, "It's the same sentence, the gene medicine thing, no matter how hype, it won't work, in the end it depends on the word of mouth and the effect.

"Go outside and ask, whether the golden signboard of the giant toothed crocodile is bright or not, and whether it is hard or not.

"Yes, there are many people who say that our price increase is too harsh, but when did you hear people say that our goods are not good enough, and we are shoddy?

"To put it harshly, black market trading is originally a shameful business. If we made and sold fakes and disrupted the market, we would have been smashed to pieces by the super enterprises behind the major pharmaceutical manufacturers, and their bones will be turned to ashes!"

In fact, it didn't take five minutes.

Four minutes and thirty-six seconds later, on the wall of the box, from the box next door, there were three long and two short, light tapping sounds.

Under the advice of the senior reaper, Meng Chao walked into the box next door alone.

There was no one in the box.

The table was full of leftovers.

In the corner, two bulging camouflage tactical rucksacks stood quietly.

At first glance, it looks like it was pulled down by the diners at the previous table.

Even if it is discovered, this private restaurant and the senior harvester can completely distance themselves from each other.

Meng Chao stepped forward and opened the zipper.

It was found that the seal was complete, the QR code was clear, the packaging was extremely exquisite, and there were faint traces of genetic medicine with a strange fragrance.

Tear off the plastic film and take out the genetic medicine with its own syringe. Not only the details are revealed on it, but also the trademark like a laser relief, and the signature of a god-level strong dragon flying phoenix dance.

Because of the particularity of genetic medicine, even if it is an original product, it is difficult to guarantee that everyone will have the same effect after taking it.

Therefore, the quality and authenticity of genetic medicines have become a problem that plagues consumers and manufacturers at the same time.

In order to enhance the brand image, many pharmaceutical manufacturers will hire powerful people in the realm to act as image spokespersons.

It is equivalent to using the reputation of the strong in the realm to guarantee a certain genetic medicine.

This kind of brand image spokesperson, and the brand image spokesperson on the earth, are completely different things.

Once there is a problem with the genetic medicine, the strong in the realm of the gods will really get angry, rush into the office of the general manager and chairman of the pharmaceutical manufacturer, and spray the other party with blood.

In the same way, no one dared to sign the name of a god-level powerhouse on a counterfeit and shoddy genetic medicine.

Otherwise, even if they fled to the ends of the earth, they would be caught by the gods and their disciples.

Meng Chao finally felt relieved when he saw the signature of the powerhouse in the divine realm.

He fastened the two camouflage marching rucksacks, one behind the other, and tied them to his body.

His original rucksack was on his waist.

He patted the three rucksacks with a blushing face, and was about to return with a full load.

The senior reaper couldn't hold his breath, and said with a smile on his face: "Wait, friend, I think you brought more than one dragon egg?"

"Not for sale for now!"

Meng Chao did not hide it, and said carelessly, "These genetic medicines are enough for me to practice for a while. When the limelight is not so tight, and the black markets are reopened everywhere, I will trade again!"

The senior reaper's eyes rolled: "This..."


Meng Chao's face turned gloomy, his murderous aura erupted like a flash flood, "Can't you, do you still want to forcefully buy and forcefully sell?"

"No no no, of course not, don't get me wrong, friend."

The senior reaper hurriedly said, "Of course you can, but once you are born and cooked twice, next time you need to cultivate resources, you don't have to trouble your friends to go to the monster market, you can contact me directly, and the price is absolutely favorable. "

The senior reaper gave Meng Chao a card that was beautifully crafted and fragrant, and seemed to have been soaked in genetic medicine.

There is only one number on it.

Meng Chao put the card under the tip of his nose, sniffed it lightly, and a playful light flashed in his eyes.

He randomly stuffed the card into his pocket, wiped his mouth, and strode out of the private restaurant.

The senior reaper stood by the fence in the atrium on the fifth floor and watched Meng Chao go all the way.

It wasn't until Meng Chao's figure disappeared into the hustle and bustle that he said to a few men who appeared silently behind him, "Follow the smell, chase after him, and feel the bottom of this kid."

Several subordinates with shrewd expressions, like hounds, nodded at the same time.

Then, he disappeared into the crowd.

The area in the south of the city is a typical old city full of fireworks.

Because Longcheng is carrying out a large-scale renovation of the old city recently, scaffolding is everywhere, pile drivers are everywhere, tower cranes are everywhere, and building materials are everywhere, like an unrecognizable, intricate, noisy The labyrinth, even if the old neighbors who have lived here for decades, stray into the construction site, it is easy to get lost in it.

The subordinates of the giant toothed crocodile are all professionals.

When they came here, they all put on work clothes, safety helmets, and even made themselves unkempt, as exhausted as they had just done a long day of hard work.

Someone was hanging behind Meng Chao not far or near.

Someone took a shortcut and went around in front of Meng Chao, pretending to sort out equipment on the construction site.

Make sure that at least two pairs of eyes are fixed on Meng Chao every time, without leaving any blind spots.

Meng Chao didn't seem to have found the stalker.

He walked unhurriedly towards the depths of the poor alley.

However, when he passed a corner with dust gauze installed, he did not come out of the next corner.

A few casual stalkers suddenly burst into cold sweat.

In the miniature earphones, there was a loud scolding from the senior reaper.

A stalker bite the bullet, disregarding his exposed identity, and stepped forward to check.

However, it was found that the dustproof gauze was intact, and even the evenly contaminated dust on it showed no signs of being damaged.

And on the card that the senior reaper gave to Meng Chao, the refreshing fragrance emanated from it, and that was the end of it.

It was as if the space at the corner suddenly tore open a crack, as if an invisible big mouth swallowed Meng Chao in one bite.

"This is impossible!"

The crowd was in incredible shock.

One of the stalkers, who was crouching behind a pile of construction waste, suddenly felt a strong wind blowing behind his head.

The breath of death instantly froze into an ice cone, and it slammed into the crevices of his bones, making the blood all over his body close to freezing, exactly the same as when he was in the depths of the jungle and was attacked by **** beasts!

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