The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1494: two worlds

Chapter 1494 Two worlds

"It's here, there are a lot of heaven and earth treasures and genetic medicines stored on it, and the aroma is richer than the monster material trading center in the Transcendent Tower!"

Meng Chao locked the target.

It's a pity that the stairs above, each floor is poked by two heavily armed security personnel.

No matter how wide the escape stairs are, they can't compare with the underground parking lot.

Meng Chao couldn't swagger through four or five floors of stairs without disturbing the Megalodon.

After pondering for a moment, he put his ear against the wall again and listened to the movements on the upper floors.

Meng Chao released the last mutant mouse.

Stimulated by his psionic energy, the mutant rat squealed loudly, which immediately attracted the attention of the security personnel deployed at the exit of the escape stairs on the thirty-third floor.

Two security guards followed the sound.

Meng Chao took the opportunity to flash to the door of the safe passage.

The door is locked and you need to swipe your card to get in.

Meng Chao took out the VIP card that the senior reaper just gave him.

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor, it's really not good, you can only force it."

Meng Chao put the uneven laser micro-engraving pattern and code on the VIP card to the code reading port of the card reader.


The green light above the safe passage flashed, and the door opened silently.

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief, and before the two security guards caught the mutant mouse, he got in through the crack of the door.

The scene behind the door made him slightly startled.

Underfoot is a fluffy and soft, hand-made carpet as if installed with springs.

In addition to the splendid decorations on both sides of the corridor, there are also a large number of head specimens of **** beasts inlaid.

The vicious monsters, with their **** mouths open, their fangs as sharp as daggers, are still shining brightly.

At first glance, it seemed that even their fierce eyes were still blinking from time to time.

As a senior reaper, Meng Chao can naturally see that these specimens are all from the hands of famous masters. They have been carefully processed by the most expensive genetic medicines to be so lifelike. They are completely different concepts from shoddy models.

The head specimens of dozens of **** beasts alone are enough to show the strength of the master here.

And this style of wildness and luxury go hand in hand, also let Meng Chao experience, the "real circle of extraordinary people" in the mouth of the senior reaper.

Before the sound of footsteps, Meng Chao flashed into the utility room next to the corridor.

Through the cracks in the door, carefully observe the "VIPs" who travel in and out of the corridor, admiring the specimens of the heads of **** beasts.

All the VIPs wore masks woven from colorful feathers of fierce beasts.

Although the masks covered most of their faces, their gestures revealed that kind of arrogant, bossy temperament, and at first glance, they were ordinary, but they were faintly radiant, and their defensive power was comparable to that of composite ceramic inserts. The film, at least carefully refined from the fur of **** beasts, is priceless high-end fashion, but deeply betrayed their identities.

The veteran reaper isn't lying.

As expected, most of the VIPs of the Megatooth Crocodile were wealthy children from the nine major cultivating families.

Of course.

If he hadn't embraced the thighs of the nine giants, it would have been impossible for the giant toothed crocodile to obtain so many scarce cultivation resources for his black market that even the Transcendent Tower could not obtain.

In addition to VIPs, Meng Chao also saw many waiters serving dishes and wine.

The waiters also wear feather masks.

Their masks are all gray-brown, and their feathers are fine and short.

If it is said, the distinguished guests are all peacocks competing for their talents.

The waiters were nothing but unremarkable sparrows.

Meng Chao has a spectrum in his heart.

Look around the utility room behind you.

He quickly found a set of black and white waiter costumes, and a gray mask like a sparrow.

Waiters serving a little bit small.

This is not difficult for Meng Chao.

Accompanied by a very subtle sound of bone friction, soon, this waiter suit was like a second layer of skin that grew out of Meng Chao's body, so obedient.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the corridor, Meng Chao imitated the attitude of the waiters and went out.

The so-called "waiter's posture" here means that even if the ox is tall and majestic, it is a head taller than the distinguished guests.

Standing beside the VIPs still gave people a feeling of shrinking their heads and being even shorter than the VIPs.

And it is clearly standing with hands down, legs slightly curled, like a pet waiting for its owner to throw a wooden stick at any time.

Passing by with several VIPs, no one noticed his strangeness.

When he followed the scent, he found the wine cabinet with ease, used the method of mixing genetic medicine, made a few glasses of cocktails, put them on the tray, and when they took them out, no one noticed his mixed eyes.

At the end of the corridor is the hall.

It is different from the smoky and sneaky black market that Meng Chao once saw in Chaocheng.

It's more like a clubhouse with the utmost luxury.

There is a long cold table in the center of the hall.

At the end of the cold table, there are dozens of layers of champagne towers in the shape of a pyramid.

At first glance, nothing special.

Meng Chao saw at a glance that on the cold table, what he had just tasted in a private restaurant was used as a signature dish, known as a "tyrant mammoth sashimi" that no rich person could eat anywhere else. One of the meals taken.

There are at least dozens of delicious delicacies worth more than the tyrant mammoth sashimi, which is literally the level of dragon liver and phoenix marrow.

In the champagne tower, in addition to being filled with fine wine, Meng Chao also smelled a very strong "blood of hell".

The blood of **** is a top-quality genetic medicine made from the blood of dozens of **** beasts.

Putting it outside, a blood of **** is enough to attract countless extraordinary people from the cold family to put their heads on the belts of their trousers, and fight against the overwhelming beast tide for three days and three nights.

Here, these nectars and delicacies, which are worth more than the same weight of spar, are delicious and do not arouse the interest of the distinguished guests.

All the VIPs displayed a commonplace, slightly lazy sense of burnout.

At most, two or three pieces of dragon liver and phoenix marrow are slightly sandwiched, and the wine glass is shaken gently, as if the flesh and blood of these top-quality beasts can fall into their stomachs, which is a blessing for the beasts.

Meng Chao blinked.

The scene in front of him that seemed like heaven and earth overlapped with the scene in the cultivation resource trading center directly operated by the Transcendent Tower, which was more lively, noisy and chaotic than the vegetable market, which made him feel absurd. .

He couldn't tell which scene was the real Dragon City and the real "circle of supernatural beings".

At this moment, the words "Dragon Elephant Strengthening Bone Injection" entered his ear canal.

Meng Chao looked around and found that on the left side of the hall, there was a more splendid exclusive area for VIPs, where a unique auction was being held.

At the entrance of the auction, there were also several security guards with big arms and round waists.

Even the waiter didn't let go of those sharp-edged eyes.

Meng Chao did not venture in.

Anyway, with his extraordinary vision and hearing ability to break through the realm of the gods, as long as the target is locked, even if he stands tens of meters away, he can see all the details at a glance.

At this moment, the bidding is for an "exquisite heart".

The so-called "exquisite heart" means that the high-level beasts absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, kill each other, and continue to evolve to the extreme.

Even after death, the flesh and blood rot and annihilate, and some of the organs are still crystal clear, just like a crystal craftsmanship.

Like the dragon egg, the Linglong Heart is also a treasure that can be found but cannot be found.

For the children of wealthy families, it is naturally much more attractive than "tyrant mammoth pulling sashimi".

When Meng Chao noticed it, the bidding had reached a fever pitch.

The two sons and daughters of wealthy families seemed to be a little angry, and they turned their heads to make a bid.

"Fifty boxes of Dragon Elephant Bone Strengthening Injections, according to the latest market prices, can be exchanged for 3,000 coupons for the Megatooth Crocodile!"

The feathers on the mask on the left are particularly exaggerated, and he looks like a wealthy child of a macaw. He smiled and said, "Young Master Jun, what do you say?"

"Jun Shao" on the right did not give in too much, like a peacock opening the screen, and snorted coldly, "I have twenty boxes of 'Blue Blood Capsules' on hand, which can be exchanged for 3,200 coupons!"

"Macaw" laughed and made a gesture: "Sixty boxes, I will send sixty boxes of Dragon Elephant Strengthening Bone Injection!"

It can be seen that although these rich and powerful children wear masks, they do not hide their identities, nor do they feel that there is any need to hide their identities within the scope of Longcheng.

Wearing a mask just adds some fun.

The two young masters clearly knew each other for a long time.

Perhaps, there have been many confrontations at similar auctions.

When confronted again, the two of you will naturally chase after me without giving in.

They called for seven or eight rounds of prices, and when the "Macaw" reported the price to 100 boxes of Dragon Elephant Strong Bone Injection, the "Jun Shao" who looked like a peacock was defeated and squeezed out of the crowd angrily. .

And when the "Macaw" got the "Exquisite Heart" amid the applause of many wealthy children, he didn't even look at it.

The female partner was overjoyed, like a boneless vine, softly clinging to the "Macaw", and with her ready chest, she made the "Macaw" laugh.

The harsh smile made Meng Chao frown deeply.

He only glanced at it, and found that this "exquisite heart" was covered with cracks, and a lot of impurities were impregnated in the cracks, and a corner was missing, and the appearance was not good.

It is far from reaching the level of "Seven Apertures Golden Pattern Exquisite Heart" among the same type of monster materials.

And his dragon egg with perfect appearance can only be sold for fifty boxes of Dragon Elephant Bone Strengthening Injection.

A full 100 boxes of Dragon Elephant Strengthening Bone Injection can almost perfectly solve the farce happening in the monster market today.

At such a price, to buy such an "exquisite heart" with an imperfect appearance, it really doesn't hurt to sell Ye Tian!

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