The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1497: Thousands of people refer to

Today is off to a very good start for the Megalodon.

Early in the morning, he received two war horns of the Golden Armor Demon Bull from a former monster hunter.

The main weapon of this sixth-level **** beast contains more than 30% high-level spar and rare metal components. It is a pure natural super alloy, which is harder than the minions of many doomsday beasts.

It is perfect for refining heavy war knives and even battle axes.

Originally, this monster hunter collected it as a family heirloom.

The giant tooth crocodile and him have been rubbing hard for more than half a month, but they have never been able to win these two top-quality materials at a suitable price.

As a result, the price of genetic medicines in Longcheng has skyrocketed recently, and many cultivation resources have been out of stock.

The main medicine that this monster hunter needed to heal his wounds was out of stock for a whole week, and he could only take the initiative to find the Megalodon.

How could the Megatooth crocodile let go of this opportunity for the fat sheep to come to the door? The purchase price was slashed again and again, and after three days and three nights of stalemate with the other party, the other party finally couldn't stand it anymore and surrendered. The price has won the battle horns of these two golden armored bulls.

"Go up, let the price increase come more violently!"

The giant-toothed crocodile rubbed the two big golden horns, smiling so much that his eyes narrowed into two slits.

Although the price of genetic medicine has skyrocketed, it may not be a good thing for the Megalodon - his cost of getting the goods has also increased a lot, and the black market price has risen, which will lead to a continuous decrease in the number of customers, and the mood of customers after being slaughtered Not good, and it is easy to make trouble.

But only in this way, can the top-quality materials that monster hunters have treasured for many years be forced out from the secret place at the bottom of their press box!

As a former monster hunter and a leader in the hunter circle, no one knows better than the Megalodon how much hunters like to collect monster materials.

Many materials are unique, and their value cannot be calculated by money.

If he hadn't caught up with this changing era, how could he have collected so many rare treasures from these miser?

Also, today's auction was quite lively, and many young masters with deep backgrounds were invited.

Although these people are not strong, they are more willing to spend money, have better face, and are easier to get ahead than their fathers, brothers and even ancestors who have been fighting for many years in the monster war.

As long as these sons and brothers are served comfortably, their channels for getting goods will be more stable, and their status in the underground trading circle in the south of the city will be even more unshakable.

Yes, there are surprises.

That perfect-looking dragon egg had an incomparably wild taste hidden in it, which was completely different from the dragon eggs the Megalodon had ever seen before.

Even if the price of three or five hundred boxes of Dragon Elephant Strengthening Bone Injection was quoted, the Megalodon felt that it was not too exaggerated.

And his subordinates only used the price equivalent to fifty boxes of Dragon Elephant Bone Strengthening Injection to take down this superb dragon egg.

This leak is big.

The only fly in the ointment is the riot on the second floor of the Monster Market, the genetic medicine and monster material trading center directly operated by the Transcendent Tower.

It stands to reason that this riot has nothing to do with the Megalodon.

He is not a manufacturer of genetic medicines, and he does not force anyone to take the monster material to him, and get slapped with a knife. It is a fair deal, if you please!

The manufacturer of genetic medicine is unwilling to supply a large amount of parity to the Transcendent Tower, what can he do?

It's a pity that in this world, not everything is reasonable.

Those who are qualified to open a pharmaceutical company are all super enterprises with huge wealth and power.

Even if the riots escalate and cause a storm, it will be difficult to shake these super enterprises with deep roots and powerhouses in the realm of the gods.

However, if you can't move a super enterprise, can't you still move him, a black market tycoon who is obsessed with profit, manipulates the market, hoards strange things, and arouses public anger?

In order to quell public anger, wouldn't it be the most cost-effective choice to use his head to sacrifice the flag?

Megalodon rubbed his neck.

With a sigh, he grabbed the phone decorated with the skull of **** beasts and high-grade spar with a purity of 98%.

The giant toothed crocodile made a dozen or twenty phone calls in one go.

In a few phone calls, he was smiling all over his face, and a large morning glory bloomed from every pore on his greasy face.

Although the other party couldn't see him, he still nodded and bowed, his forehead almost touching his toes.

In a few phone calls, his face was sullen, his tone was fierce, and his bloodshot eyes were more terrifying than the protruding eyeballs on the specimen of the monster head hanging on the opposite wall.

In a few phone calls, he let out a hearty laugh, slapped his chest loudly, and on the huge desk, everything was jumping around, as if using this gesture to tell the person on the other end of the phone, Although you can rest assured, looking at the entire Dragon City, there is no such thing as his giant-toothed crocodile.

In the other few phone calls, he seemed to have changed his face again, becoming the calmest and most savvy accountant, and negotiated with the other party to clear a certain link and the amount needed to spend.

All aspects were managed with great ease. Rao was this tough guy who used to be in the depths of the wilderness, fighting with a hungry beast for three days and three nights, almost draining the last drop of blood, and still standing still, sweating profusely. , The heart was haggard, and the white hair on the temples came out one by one at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Megatooth crocodile slumped heavily on the leather sofa made of **** red rhino skin, and let out a breath of relief and exhaustion.

"This work is really not done by humans!"

The Megatooth crocodile wiped his face and muttered to himself, "It's really been too tight recently, get through today, take a ten-day and a half-month vacation, and take a good rest.

"By the way, let those guys who don't know the good and the bad and cause trouble see what the circle of extraordinary people without the black market looks like!"

Megalodon rubbed his belly.

The undercurrent of fat on the belly unknowingly devoured most of the iron-hard abdominal muscles.

The giant toothed crocodile frowned slightly.

"By the way, by the way, you should also practice well.

"I've been too busy recently. I'm not pretending to be a grandson every day, or I'm tired like a dog, and I don't have a lot of time to practice seriously.

"Instead of ten years ago, I was still in the depths of the wilderness, fighting stupidly with monsters, and I would never believe that ten years later, I would become this stupid look."

However, the giant tooth crocodile firmly believes that it is worth paying such a price.

"Now I have the best training facilities, the best genetic medicine, and the best monster materials.

"The astronomical amount of cultivation resources, one day of cultivation, is worth ten days of stupid cultivation in the past.

"Take advantage of this ten-day and a half-month vacation to strengthen my training. My combat power will definitely be able to rush forward and surpass the limit!"

The giant tooth crocodile opened his mouth wide at the thought of his pride, and the corners of his mouth tugged all the way to the roots of his ears.

Just then, there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

Before he could speak, the door of the office was pushed open.

One of his subordinates slammed in.

The giant toothed crocodile frowned deeply and said angrily: "Get out!"

"Boss, no, it's not good—"

The most capable subordinate on weekdays was sweating profusely at the moment, his face was pale, and he hadn't heard the Megatooth Crocodile at all.

This panic-stricken appearance made the giant toothed crocodile startled slightly, and lowered his tone: "What are you panicking, the sky can't fall down, say, what are those sons and brothers going to make trouble for?"

"No, not our VIP, yes, it's downstairs!"

The subordinate said urgently, "Man, there are a lot of people coming downstairs, all from the monster market, and they are about to surround our building, and the media, all the media we are not familiar with!"


The eyes of the giant toothed crocodile barely turned into two iron fists, and slammed into the face of his subordinates.

He jumped up from the leather sofa, and used too much force. He bounced the real sofa, which weighed several hundred kilograms, to a distance of three or five meters.

The giant toothed crocodile couldn't take care of it, so he stepped over to the floor-to-ceiling window in half a step, opened the curtain and looked down.

When choosing an office and a warehouse, the Megatodon Crocodile was carefully selected, and he chose this place specially because he was condescending and could see the Monster Market in the south of the city clearly.

At this moment, the giant toothed crocodile saw that no less than three or five hundred people had gathered at the gate of the monster market.

They are no rambunctious mob.

But under the command of the temporary leader, according to the rules of the monster war, when encountering beast tides in the wild, a battle formation with sharp edges and corners and strict laws was soon formed.

Afterwards, they turned into black squares, and they marched towards Xinhui Commercial Building without any hassle.

The huge battle has naturally attracted the attention of many ordinary citizens.

Longcheng people are the best, and they are the least afraid of causing trouble.

Even the most vicious monsters failed to scare the unarmed ordinary citizens. Even if the Xinhui Commercial Building was a dragon pond and a tiger's den, what was there to fear?

Especially the eldest sisters, sisters-in-law, aunties and home cooks who buy vegetables on the first floor of the Monster Market.

They just heard about the plight of these mid- and low-level superhumans.

After the victory in the war against monsters, the chaos in Longcheng has also been heard.

They are full of recognition and sympathy for these underprivileged children who are powerless and powerless, relying on their own hands, will, sweat and blood.

There is no need to incite, these eldest sisters, sisters-in-law, aunts, and uncles took the initiative to tell passers-by about the experiences of the middle and low-level supernatural beings.

The battle of the onlookers suddenly swelled like a snowball.

Soon, on the road that had just returned to the busy road, the flow of people and traffic all solidified.

Everyone stopped and turned their attention to the top floor of Xinhui Commercial Building not far away.

The gaze pointed by Qianfu seemed to condense into an invisible warhammer, smashing the giant-toothed crocodile through three layers of tempered glass until it was dizzy, and its head was buzzing.

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