The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1500: old friend

Meng Chao held the giant-toothed crocodile in his hand as if it were life, and it is very likely to trigger the core transaction data of the nine major cultivating families and even the entire circle of supernatural beings.

But his focus was not on the bag of documents.

But on the face of the Megalodon.

He recognized the face.

"Gao Chuang, how could it be you?"

Meng Chao, like the other party, was shocked.

This black market tycoon nicknamed "The Megatooth Crocodile" used to be a ruthless man with outstanding military exploits in the hunter's circle. He has also saved thousands of ordinary citizens in the street battles of hand-to-hand combat when the beast tides attacked many times. 's life.

He debuted very early, and he had already gained fame more than ten years ago.

Meng Chao had heard his name when he was in junior high school - at that time, Meng Chao's middle school specially invited him to come to the school to give a report.

Maybe Meng Chao was still young at that time.

You have to stand on tiptoe and raise your head high in order to see Gao Chuang's silhouette from the crowd of people.

At that time, he really felt that this was a superhero with a halo all over his body.

After his debut, Meng Chao also dealt with Gao Chuang several times.

Once when they were practicing in the wilderness, the two met by chance.

It happened that Lu Siya had a mission in the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau, and Meng Chao and Gao Chuang fought side by side. Together, the two destroyed seven monster dens, killing them thoroughly.

Because of the good impression of each other, Meng Chao invited Gao Chuang to shoot a commercial for his own brand of war knives.

He also invited Gao Chuang to the Remnant Star Society to give two special reports on how the extraordinary person can recover from serious injuries and sequelae.

Gao Chuang is known in the circle as a tough guy who is covered in bruises and wounds.

In the wilderness, the jungle and the surging beast tide, he may have suffered more injuries than ten remnant stars combined.

So far, Gao Chuang's spinal cord and central nervous system are still inlaid with fragments of several monster minions, which are extremely difficult to remove by surgery.

Whenever the weather changes and the spiritual magnetic interference increases, he will be dripping with cold sweat, and the pain is unbearable.

His experience in treatment and rehabilitation, as well as how to adjust his mentality in the face of incurable sequelae, and his experience of facing optimistically, will be of great benefit to the members of the Remnant Star Society.

By the way, Meng Chao remembers his college days, and he also read a popular science monograph "Monster Footprints" written by Gao Chuang, which is humorous and simple.

From this, it can be seen that even if Gao Chuang did not have too deep academic accumulation, he was not a well-developed and simple-minded martial artist.

In short, Meng Chao has a very good impression of Gao Chuang.

The most important point is that Gao Chuang, like him, also came from a poor family.

Without a background and backing, I could not get astronomical cultivation resources from my mother’s womb and personal guidance from peerless experts. After the first appearance, I have no connections or connections, and I can only rely on my own like a fly without a head. He was hot-blooded, rampaged, and smashed a **** path among thousands of troops.

The same background makes Meng Chao vaguely regard Gao Chuang as his "person".

He also invited Gao Chuang to be the advisor of the Remnant Star Society, and introduced Gao Chuang's thoughts on joining the Blue Homeland.

It was only because he fell into the Hu Nu River and ended up in Turanze that this matter was temporarily delayed.

Unexpectedly, the brave steel tough guy in the past, in order to save ordinary citizens, dared to stab the fist from the throat of the monster all the way to the sphincter. guy.

Meng Chao's mood was extremely complicated.

His goal was not Gao Chuang originally.

I just want to find the "Tailless Monkey" through the "megatooth crocodile", and then find the whistleblower against Shen Yulin, and finally, the blood alliance will be uprooted.

However, what he saw in the monster market and the underground black market made him change his mind.

Longcheng is sick.

The blood guild is just a festering pustule when the disease strikes.

If you can't find the lesion and remove it completely, what's the use of just plucking out the pustules on the surface?

"A mid-to-low-level extraordinary person from a poor family can't get a genetic medicine necessary for cultivation.

"The children of the wealthy family have not even killed a monster, but they can use the treasures worth dozens of boxes of genetic medicine as a toy for Bomei people to smile.

"Even, even a hero like Gao Chuang with outstanding military exploits has transformed into a black market tycoon who is obsessed with profit.

"If, this is the 'real circle of supernatural beings'.

"How can Dragon City, which is guarded by such an extraordinary person, defeat the Holy Light camp and avoid the doomsday?"

Meng Chao clutched the knuckles of the document bag, turning white every inch, and making the sound of "click, click, click, click, click".

His extremely sad expression made Gao Chuang realize something.

In the next short second, the face of the black market boss flashed successively astonished, dazed, ruthless, extremely ashamed, all kinds of complicated and even tit-for-tat expressions.

In the end, it turned into self-defeating magnanimity.

"It seems that Gao has run into an old friend."

Gao Chuang said, "Unfortunately, in the monster war, my brain was eroded by venom many times, and my memory is not very good, but I can't remember the name of an old friend - you look like you don't plan to tell me your real name? "

Saying that, Gao Chuang sat on the ground with a sigh of relief, and all the tense muscles relaxed.

It's like a wanted criminal who has been on the run for many years and finally falls into the legal net, but is relieved.

All are smart people.

From just a few seconds of confrontation, the difference in strength between each other can be weighed.

There is really no need for Gao Chuang to fight to the death and take his own humiliation.

Meng Chao couldn't believe his eyes. He stared at Gao Chuang's face, trying to get the slightest camouflage marks on it. At the end, he muttered, "You should be a hero!"

"so what?"

Gao Chuang rubbed his hands whose meridians were almost cut off by Meng Chao, stared blankly at the scars on his hands that even the best genetic medicine could not heal, and laughed at himself, "There are too many heroes in Longcheng, too much of anything, It's not worth much, what's more, when the war is over and the monsters are over, what's the use of heroes?"


Meng Chao held up the document bag and shook it, "Do you want to be condescending to do such a thing?"

"Knowingly asking!"

Gao Chuang snorted, "For money, for status, for women, for brocade clothing and food, for glory and wealth, for astronomical cultivation resources, for growing stronger and breaking through the limits of the human body, and for everyone to respect me again. I'm afraid, in order to make those who hate me the most and despise me the most, they can only swallow their anger and lie down at my feet!

"Anyway, what other people do, I do what I do, it's nothing special, isn't it?"

He fumbled around in the wreckage of the desk, which had been chopped to pieces.

I actually found a box of cigars that had been cut in half.

He touched half of the crumpled cigar and held it in his arms for a long time.

Without touching the spar-carved lighter, I simply rubbed a ball of flame with my fingers and took a sip.

"You are also from a poor family."

Meng Chao's eyes ripped apart the smoke in front of Gao Chuang like a scalpel, "You should know the consequences of doing such a thing."

"Because I'm also from a poor family, I have no choice!"

Gao Chuang held the burning cigar directly in his palm, gritted his teeth and said, "The nine major cultivators and their super enterprises have dominated Longcheng for so many years, and they have already monopolized the most important positions and the highest quality resources, even if the newly emerged The Red Dragon Army, the Martial God Temple, the Remnant Star Society, the Chaoxing Group and the Blue Homeland would not be able to seize all the power and resources from the nine great families for a while.

"I didn't have such good luck, I was born in a family of nine great families and became the rightful owner of this city.

"Before I was born, my mother's throat was bitten by a zombie, and my dad cut open her belly with a dagger and pulled me out, which looked like a rat.

"As soon as my dad took me out, my mother turned into a corpse and rushed towards our father and son.

"So, on the day I was born, in the most tragic way, I became an orphan without a father or mother.

"Hehe, others are children of a noble family who are loved by thousands of people, but I am the son of zombies. I have been bullied and humiliated since I was a child.

"I also thought about taking the right path, relying on my own hands, mind and passion to work hard and get ahead.

"Every time a beast swarm strikes, I imagine myself as a flaming projectile that is thrown far into the depths of the beast swarm by the trebuchet.

"I treat every battle as my last battle. Anyway, I have a bad life, and I have nothing to lose. If I can't stand out, what's the point of living a lifeless life?

"Since you can call my name, you should know how hard I worked as a monster hunter, how many times I was seriously injured, how many times I was unconscious, and even several times, my breathing and heartbeat stopped.

"To this day, I still have a lot of monster minions embedded in my body, and the venom that lingers in my body, like gangrene attached to the bones. Whenever the dead of night is dead, it always makes me fall into a nightmare that is worse than death.

"However, after paying so much, is it useful? Can I be considered a 'getting ahead'?"

"You've got a head start."

Meng Chao said, "In the hunter circle, everyone knows your name."

"so what?"

Gao Chuang sneered, "Compared with ordinary people, of course I can be regarded as 'ahead'.

"But what am I compared to the rich, to the children of the rich, to the children of the rich's children?

"What's more, the war is over, and neither 'hero' nor 'monster hunter' can be used. Injuries and aging continue to torment me all the time, reminding me of the reality of my own weakening.

"Just to maintain my strength, the daily cost is astronomical. If this goes on, my savings will soon be completely spent, and at that time, I will be beaten back to its original shape in minutes!

"In this case, what other options do I have besides the current path?" (To be continued)

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