The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1502: different tomorrow

Meng Chao moved in his heart and said, "Since you have seen your problem clearly, why can't you turn around?

"If you really do as you say, 'only for money, not for death', and if you don't do things absolutely, turn back now, it's still too late!"

Gao Chuang narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "Old friend, are you implying me to join the Blue Alliance?"

"I just hope you, and all superhumans, can do the right thing."

Meng Chao said, "I'm not sure whether the Azure Alliance is on the right side, and I don't know how wrong the nine super enterprises are, but from what I've seen and heard, it is certain that the nine major cultivation A small part of the aristocratic family has long been on the wrong path.

"Let them go farther and farther, get deeper and deeper, and if there are more mistakes, in the end, not only will they all burn themselves to death, but they will also drag down the entire Dragon City and bury their ambitions, greed and stupidity.

"Even if it's just for yourself and for your family, you shouldn't continue to accompany these guys who have written the word 'death' on their foreheads and make mistakes together."

Every muscle on Gao Chuang's face was twitching, every expression was struggling, and every gaze was tangled.

"You will not succeed."

Gao Chuang shook his head and said, "No matter how big your recent momentum is, how many people you have won on the surface, and how many seats you occupy on the survival committee, you always have one of the most fatal flaws.

"Compared with the nine major cultivators who have worked hard to manage the Dragon City for 30 years and have the first-mover advantage, your Azure Alliance has too few spiritual powerhouses, and lacks the absolute force that is enough to make a final decision.

"In normal times, everyone abides by the rules, preaches morality, and fights for gentlemen. Of course, you can take advantage of the number of people and public opinion to attract everyone's attention on the surface and steal the limelight of the nine major cultivation families.

"However, once the contradiction between each other is so acute that it can't be added, it even rises to the level of 'breaking people's fortunes, such as killing their parents', or Longcheng encounters a powerful enemy of the level of the doomsday beast again, and the Azure Alliance lacks gods. defects, it will be magnified beyond the point of addition.

"Without the support of absolute force, just relying on the so-called 'public opinion pressure', how can it be possible to force those supreme powers who have never retreated half a step in the face of the hail of bullets and surging beasts to bow their heads and spit out the cake that has been swallowed?

"Without the final decision of the gods, who can believe that when Longcheng encounters a crisis of life and death, the Azure Alliance can defend the interests of the vast majority of people?"

"Absolute force?"

Meng Chao grinned.

It sensed the amount of violent violence that was enough to make the doomsday beast shiver, and the spiritual magnet that could shape an entire war fortress in just a few seconds, rushing between the blood vessels, nerves and spiritual veins.

In the depths of his eyes, there was an extremely strong confidence.

Thirty-six thousand pores all over the body also exudes scorching pressure.

Gao Chuang gave birth to the illusion that he was in the crater, almost suffocating.

Gao Chuang was surprised.

Staring at Meng Chao for a long time, he didn't remember who this "old friend" was.

Thinking about it just now, the other party only used two straight paper clips to shoot down his weapon, almost abolishing his own hands.

Gao Chuang was even more shocked.

"The world is as black as a crow."

Gao Chuang gritted his teeth and said, "Even if the Azure Alliance can seize the dominance of Longcheng from the hands of the nine major cultivating families, can you solve the problems of Longcheng and ensure that you are always on the right path?"

"No one can guarantee that they will always be right."

Meng Chao said, "But I think that most of the members of the Azure Alliance are middle- and low-level extraordinary people from poor families. We originally came from thousands of ordinary citizens' families, and we are naturally more powerful than the wealthy children from nine major cultivating families. It is more clear where the problem of Longcheng is."

"so what?"

Gao Chuang sneered, "When the nine great families have not yet risen, today's wealthy families are not all the poor families of the past, and today's high-ranking bigwigs are not all from 'thousands of ordinary citizen families'?

"In the dark era when the Blood Alliance ruled Dragon City, the nine major gangs were not under the banner of 'eliminate the tyranny of the Blood Alliance, and the Dragon City belonged to all the citizens of Longcheng', so they could mobilize everyone to work together to seize supreme power?

"However, after they replaced the Blood Alliance, became the rulers of Dragon City, and tasted the taste of calling the wind and calling the rain, and monopolizing everything, wouldn't it be the same?

"Even if today, the Azure Alliance can replace the Nine Great Families, just like the Nine Great Gangs back then, replacing the Blood Alliance, what's the difference?

"Can you guarantee that the top management of the Azure Alliance will never transform into a new family and a wealthy family?"

"I'm sure it will be different."

Meng Chao calmly said, "No matter how unbearable the nine major cultivators are and how many problems there are in the nine super enterprises, they are a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times better than the brutal rule of the Blood Alliance.

"Similarly, of course, I can't guarantee that the Azure Alliance or anyone, after controlling the direction of Dragon City, will always be fair and correct.

"But at least we can try to make tomorrow's Dragon City a little bit more fair, a little bit brighter, and a little bit stronger than today.

"Even if tomorrow is only a little bit better than today - one percent, one thousandth or even one ten thousandth, it's worth our 100% effort, to try, to struggle, to work hard, isn't it?"

Gao Chuang looked at Meng Chao with incomprehensible eyes.

It's not that he couldn't understand the content of Meng Chao's words.

But it is incomprehensible that such an idealistic rhetoric will come from a peerless master who has experienced hundreds of battles, is covered in bruises and bruises, and should have seen all the cruel reality.

Meng Chao could see Gao Chuang's suspicion.

But he is not ready to change his philosophy.

Just calmly and Gao Chuang looked at each other.

His incomparably clear eyes were like two mirrors, allowing Gao Chuang to see his former self.

In the old days, in the wilderness, howling in the mountains and forests, in the depths of the ruins and the jungle, fighting side by side with the good brothers who showed each other's heart, and the vicious monsters, gnawing each other's flesh and blood, obviously bruised and bruised, even the bones were shattered thirty or fifty pieces, but Still smiling brightly.

"really weird."

Gao Chuang muttered to himself in his heart, "The present day is obviously a few hundred times better than the past, but it seems that I haven't laughed like I was in the depths of the jungle for a long time."

"The Gao Chuang I know should not be a coward."

Meng Chao saw his sway and hit the railroad while it was hot, "I just saw those sons and daughters of the rich and powerful, all of them so arrogant, their nostrils were almost up in the sky.

"I can't understand no matter how I think about it. How could the Gao Chuang I know serve these guys in a low voice, yet resist the urge to shove his fist into their nostrils?"

This sentence made Gao Chuang's pupils shrink into two needlepoints.

The veins on the temples were even more crowded.

Like two fists, to be smashed out of the skull.

Looking at the core transaction data in Meng Chao's hands, and hearing the increasingly noisy voices downstairs, Gao Chuang seemed to realize that even if he gritted his teeth, he would still be dead.

"What do you want to know?"

Gao Chuang sighed and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Everything about these documents."

Meng Chaodao, "I know, this is the core data of the illegal transaction between you and the supplier of the genetic medicine, with these documents, many people are doomed.

"However, I also believe that in addition to the real evidence on paper, you must have a lot of clues, a lot of clues that can't be described with ink and ink, even if it's just some rumors that are secretly circulating in your circle."

"it's useless."

Gao Chuang said, "I know, you want to follow the clues and find out the big fish hidden behind the pharmaceutical manufacturers, dormant in the depths of the nine major cultivation families, and manipulating the entire genetic medicine market."

"But that's impossible."


Meng Chao said, "Why?"

"It seems that you don't understand the relationship between the nine major cultivating families and the nine super enterprises, and you don't know how they work inside."

Gao Chuang said, "The so-called 'nine great cultivating families' are called families, but only the god-realm powerhouses who are the patriarchs, and his own children and grandchildren, plus a few distant relatives at most, can be related by blood.

"The rest of the family members were actually orphans adopted by the powerful people in the divine realm, or the 'righteous sons' or 'righteous daughters' they recruited in the **** age when the order collapsed and lawlessness 30 or 40 years ago." (To be continued)

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