The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1504: weak warrior

"What about these guys themselves?"

From Gao Chuang's mouth, Meng Chao heard several loud names, all of whom are heavyweights of the nine super-enterprises.

Several of them, Meng Chao had dealt with before, felt that they were not short-sighted and greedy.

He really didn't understand, "Don't they realize that what they have done has stepped far beyond the red line.

"Once these scandals are exposed, they will all fall into the hands of thousands of people, and they will be ruined?

"They are already standing on the top of Dragon City, why don't they know how to stop?"

"People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves. Do you think that these big people who seem to be calling for wind and rain have a choice?"

Gao Chuangdao said, "In Longcheng, only the strong with outstanding combat power can occupy important positions in all walks of life.

"The problem is that there are inherently irreconcilable contradictions between combat power and important positions.

"The stronger a person's combat effectiveness is, the more time he needs to spend on training and actual combat.

"Even if a first-class expert who has experienced hundreds of battles is pampered for ten days and a half months, his sense of smell and nerve reaction speed to danger will drop sharply, and his combat effectiveness will plummet by 20 to 30 percent, which is normal.

"And managing the nine super enterprises also requires a lot of time and energy.

"Even if you are a talented martial arts genius, it is difficult to achieve the highest level of excellence in the two conflicting fields of business management and martial arts cultivation.

"Unfortunately, the internal competition among the nine major cultivating families is fierce.

"There are so many illegitimate sons, adopted sons, and their children. Every year, a family competition is held. Every quarter, a small competition is held for each house and branch. The results of the assessment will determine the allocation of cultivation resources for the next quarter.

"Although, as the senior managers of the nine super enterprises, there must be various preferential treatment and exemption clauses within the family.

"But as a 'director', 'general manager' and even a 'CEO', you are considered a powerful prince from the outside. If you lose to a fledgling junior in a battle within the family, it will be prestige. Sweep away, nothing to be ashamed of.

"Not to mention, the commercial competition among the nine super-enterprises often relies on the absolute force of the 'director', 'general manager' and even the 'CEO' to finalize the decision.

"Only the low-level business wars in fairy tales are childish tricks such as hacking, equity lawsuits, and exchange of commercial spies.

"In reality, high-end business battles are always a one-shot deal in the literal sense. Whoever has the bigger fist will own the business.

"Under such circumstances, the senior management of the nine super-enterprises must do everything they can to increase their combat effectiveness, at least maintain the current state, and must not have the problem of combat effectiveness decline.

"I don't have time to practice, and I don't have the opportunity to go deep into the wilderness, to fight the vicious monsters, use the Shura Hell as the arena, and carry out a thrilling death-defying fight. If these bigwigs in the business world want to maintain or even improve their combat effectiveness, in addition to tenfolding Even a hundred times the cultivation resources are poured into the body crazily, what other options are there?

"By the way, I haven't mentioned the issue of honoring the old man.

"As the patriarch of the nine major cultivating families, the spiritual powerhouse naturally needs ten times or even a hundred times more resources than the adopted sons in order to always maintain the invincible combat power in the world.

"The problem is that the status of the big parents makes it impossible for these 'old men' to go out and hunt monsters in the wilderness.

"Besides, with their amazing appetite, it is difficult to meet the needs of daily cultivation by hunting monsters by themselves.

"Convert the profits of the nine super enterprises into your own cultivation resources?

"This kind of non-discrimination between public and private can neither pass financial audits, nor get the permission of small and medium shareholders, and it will even set off stormy waves in the financial market, leading to the avalanche of the entire super enterprise.

"So, as a master of the spiritual realm, the daily cultivation needs mainly depend on the filial piety of the children.

"Especially in the past year and a half, because the vast majority of the powerhouses in the divine realm have been seriously injured in the battle against the mastermind of monsters, and urgently need ten times more resources than daily practice, so that they have a first-line opportunity to recover as before. Looking forward to the respect of the children.

"How much filial piety depends on one's own intentions and means, the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

"With less filial piety, the old man may not be angry. At most, he thinks that this child has mediocre aptitudes and is embarrassed to take a big job.

"If you use the means of throwing the sky to honor the old man's gold and silver mountains, even if the old man knows that the source of your cultivation resources is unknown, but he doesn't reach out and hit the smiling person, is the old man still embarrassed to punish you for your filial piety?

"The environment is such that everyone has no choice.

"How can those elm heads who adhere to principles occupy important positions in the nine super-enterprises and nine major cultivation families, and become high-ranking and powerful figures?

"As for 'what thousands of people refer to, one's reputation is ruined'?

"Hehe, now the monster civilization has collapsed, and within the Monster Mountain Range, these big men are the most powerful.

"Three or five big figures join forces, and they can exert the power comparable to a quick reaction force, and have the flexibility and concealment that the quick reaction force absolutely does not have.

"If the so-called 'pointed by thousands of people', it is impossible for a main battle tank wearing reactive armor to automatically turn into a pile of broken metal.

"How can such a 'pointed by thousands of people' make the big men who are far more powerful than the main battle tank 'disintegrated'?"


Gao Chuang's remarks made Meng Chao silent for a long time before he muttered, "I understand, these people think that after the collapse of the monster civilization, the Dragon City civilization can sit back and relax, and will never meet our size or even the same size again. stronger opponent.

"So, they can do whatever they want.

"Don't these guys think that the otherworld is so big, and the land area will never be much smaller than the earth. There must be a reason why so many **** beasts and doomsday beasts are all curled up in this small basin. Is it right?

"Don't they think, maybe, it won't be long before an enemy more powerful and terrifying than the monster civilization will appear in front of us. At that time, all the citizens of Longcheng, regardless of ordinary people or extraordinary people, regardless of poor families. The son or the son of a wealthy family, regardless of whether it is the eldest son of the eldest family or the illegitimate son or the adopted son, and like the past half century, we must work together and fight side by side. Only then can we have the opportunity to let our common fire of civilization continue to burn brightly. A thousand years or even ten thousand years?"

"Have the ability to climb to the top management positions of the nine super enterprises. These big men are all the best of the best. Of course, I have thought that new enemies may have problems at any time."

On Gao Chuang's face, a half-smiling expression appeared again, "It is because of serious thinking that these big men are so impatient, looting resources frantically, regardless of their appearance and consequences.

"Because, only before the outbreak of a new war, will they plunder resources by any means and frantically increase their combat effectiveness.

"Only after a new war breaks out and even more terrifying enemies appear in front of all the citizens of Longcheng, can they stand up and become the patron saints who are admired by all people, cheered by all the people, and save Longcheng from life and death!

"The victors will not be judged and punished. One day, in a new war that is a hundred times more grand and tragic than the monster war, when these big men are stepping on the wind and clouds and holding the thunder in their hands, under the attention of everyone, beheading is better than the end of the day. When the beasts were a hundred times more terrifying and powerful enemies, who would remember that today they have misappropriated, monopolized, stolen, and robbed some cultivation resources, such a small matter of sesame and mung beans?

"Even if someone remembers, how does that sentence come out - a warrior with flaws is still a warrior!"

Meng Chao was speechless.

Gao Chuang's sarcastic, yin and yang remarks matched exactly what he saw in Doomsday Nightmare.

The Dragon City in Doomsday Nightmare is firmly in the hands of nine super enterprises, and there are not even emerging forces such as "Martial God Temple, Remnant Star Club, Chilong Army, Blue Homeland, Superstar Group", as the other side of the scale. , to balance the former.

It is not that the insightful people at that time have not thought about whether the super-enterprise's single-handedness will have more advantages than disadvantages or more disadvantages to the development and survival of Longcheng civilization.

However, all experts and scholars who think that "the harm outweighs the benefit" are unable to directly answer a question:

"In addition to the nine super enterprises, who else has the qualifications and strength to guard the Dragon City?"

Therefore, Longcheng has been under the protection of super enterprises and peerless powerhouses.

Ushered in the end.

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