The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1507: tear the night


Before Meng Chao realized Gao Chuang's real purpose, the black market tycoon code-named "Giant-Toothed Crocodile" had already smashed through the seemingly sturdy tempered glass.

It turned out that when renovating this beautiful office on the top floor of a skyscraper, Gao Chuang carefully selected a floor-to-ceiling window and carried out very secret damage to the four corners.

Make sure that the tempered glass is indestructible when it is impacted from the outside, even the six-barrel rotating Vulcan, anti-material sniper rounds and even anti-tank rockets cannot be detonated.

But from the inside to the outside, as long as he exerts a slight force, the tempered glass can be shattered by him.

The gust of wind was like a raging wave, and it swept across the entire office suddenly, swept up the debris everywhere, forming a maelstrom that could devour everything.

Outside the tempered glass, there is a steel beam extending towards the void.

Gao Chuangzhuo stood at the end of the steel beam, with an increasingly relaxed smile on his face.

Meng Chao began to think he was going to run away.

The problem is that now the streets are full of people, and there are extremely angry middle and low-level extraordinary people everywhere.

In the air not far away, there are also armored airships belonging to different units, rushing at full speed.

There are also the powerhouses of the major forces in the sky, who can block the entire sky in minutes.

Gao Chuang has been firmly locked by many pairs of eyes.

There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth, and there is nowhere for him to escape.

It wasn't until Gao Chuang's eyes and cheeks became more and more red, and there was green smoke coming out of his nostrils and ear canals, and the smoke was about to turn into flames at any time, Meng Chao realized that Gao Chuang "escape" the method of questioning, trial and ruling. .

"Do not!"

Meng Chao shouted, "Don't do this, you can still be saved. As long as you are willing to cooperate, I promise that no one can move you, and you can live!"

"Live, and then what?"

Gao Chuang opened his arms in the hunting wind, as if stepping on a spider silk hanging in the sky above hell, staggering to maintain his balance.

He smiled and said, "Live, accept endless questioning, interrogation, and interviews, and tell everyone over and over again, how I went from a hero who saved countless citizens' lives during the monster war to a greedy man. Hoarding, a scum that is despised by everyone.

"I have to be forced to be involved in the struggle between the Azure Alliance and the nine major families, either to become a **** on your side, or to become a puppet on the side of the nine major families.

"In the end, because this matter is too big, even if I actively cooperate and make meritorious deeds, I will end up in prison for ten or eight years.

"During my imprisonment, I will definitely not get enough cultivation resources, and my cultivation will naturally plummet.

"When I was released from prison, I had no money, no status, no power, no power, and nothing but pain and regret.

"What's worse than being despised and ridiculed is that no one remembers who I am, and I'm going to be a complete little guy, a little character, an ordinary citizen who can only snort.

"Is this what you call 'live'?"

Meng Chao was silent.

All are smart people.

Naturally, he knew that every word that Gao Chuang said was the truth.

Meng Chao is confident to save Gao Chuang's life.

But it is impossible to help Gao Chuang escape a fair trial.

He must be held accountable for what he did.

"Ordinary citizens, what's wrong?"

Meng Chao can only say, "No matter how many extraordinary people there are in Longcheng, it will not exceed 5% of the population, and the remaining 95% are ordinary citizens."

"Ordinary citizens, maybe there's nothing wrong with it, but, having tasted the extraordinary power in hand, galloping, and all-powerful, I can no longer bear it, and leave my destiny to others to decide, to be protected and manipulated by others!"

Gao Chuang murmured, "Perhaps, I should have died a long time ago, in the jungle full of monsters, under the overwhelming tide of beasts, and died like a real hero.

"No, it's not just me, all superhumans deserve to die, before the end of the last war, only in this way can we accept everyone with a perfect heroic image, and be worshipped and missed forever.

"We are a group of monsters, we are monsters in human skins, we can eat half a month's food for ordinary people, our fists are stronger than anti-tank guns, we have far more vigorous energy than ordinary people , we can even make the opposite **** feel ten times more exciting in ten times the time.

"In short, we can easily decide the fate of ordinary people.

"This also means that ordinary people will never be able to live in harmony with us.

"There will always be problems, there will always be contradictions, there will always be people out of balance and transformed into unrecognizable appearances that even feel hated and afraid of themselves.

"Goodbye, old friend, no matter who you are, I wish you can always maintain the original intention when you just awakened the extraordinary power, instead of being like me, unknowingly, become a person who doesn't even know yourself-"

Before the last two words were spoken, Meng Chao had already rushed towards Gao Chuang like an arrow from a string.

But Gao Chuang is qualified to become a black market boss, and the spokesperson for the gray interests of countless genetic medicine companies, naturally has excellent means.

Even if he is not Meng Chao's opponent.

Begging for death wholeheartedly, but it is not something Meng Chao can stop.

Before Meng Chao's life magnetic field swelled like an octopus, he touched his fingertips.

Gao Chuang had already made a slight leap, jumping down from a height of 100 meters.

If Meng Chao is not afraid of exposure, of course he can fly into the air and bring Gao Chuang back.

But it doesn't make sense.

Because before the free fall, Gao Chuang had detonated all the psionic energy he had stored.

His skin instantly became crystal clear, and the flesh and blood underneath seemed to have all turned into magma.

Every bundle of blood vessels and nerves was clearly visible, gradually evolving into cracks on the skin.

Gao Chuang's seven orifices spewed bright flames, and his limbs were entangled and swallowed by fire snakes, like two pairs of flaming wings, turning him from a "megatooth crocodile" into a huge butterfly.

No, not a butterfly.

But moths.

The "moth to the fire" moth.

Until this moment, from the depths of Gao Chuang's throat, which was continuously spraying flames, and had been burned to black, did he spit out the last two words that he had not finished just now:


Gao Chuang chose to go crazy, his body spontaneously ignited, and he ended his life.

Although it is not about dignity.

At least happy enough.

In the exclamations of countless people below, his flaming corpse fell to a height of hundreds of meters. With a "bang", it fell heavily on the glass dome of the lobby on the second floor. in neon lights.

He fell to pieces and died completely.

When Meng Chao, carrying the core transaction data that may involve the management of countless genetic medicine factories, sneaked out of the Xinhui Commercial Building and returned to the street before the investigators arrived.

He found that the four streets surrounding the building had all turned into the Hunu River and Chilong River, which were flooded with raging waves.

The price of genetic medicine remains high, the supply is in short supply, and it is even out of stock for a long time. As a result, the problems of low-level and middle-level extraordinary people with no background have become more and more difficult to cultivate and slower and slower to upgrade, which has already affected everyone's nerves.

It's just that there was no undoubted evidence in the past, and the anger of the middle and low-level extraordinary people did not know where to vent.

Until today, Meng Chao accidentally discovered the shocking and outrageous truth.

There are naturally far more than three to five hundred or one or two thousand of middle- and low-level extraordinary people who are willing to come forward and investigate to the end.

Almost all superhumans are calling for friends.

Almost all extraordinary people have the problem of lack of cultivation resources and high cultivation costs, so that they cannot make ends meet or even bear heavy debt pressure.

Almost all extraordinary people have the experience of being treated as fat sheep on the black market and slaughtered.

Almost all extraordinary people have questioned their souls when they see those rich and powerful children squandering the cultivation resources they can't ask for: "Where did the cultivation resources of these little **** come from?"

As a result, almost all the middle and low-level extraordinary people who were born in poverty and had no background or connections came from all directions of Longcheng.

With Xinhui Commercial Building as the center, they formed a mighty long dragon in the criss-crossing streets and alleys like spider webs.

The life magnetic field of all the middle and low-level superhumans oscillates at high frequency due to anger, and is constantly rubbed because of the crowds being too dense. In the dark night, colorful spiritual flames bloom, just like strips of teeth and claws, flaming burning, all the time. Ready to tear apart the fire dragon of the night.

Now is the information age.

The speed of the spread of gossip is faster than the speed of the gods.

Even if someone has to stick to an important position.

You can also monitor everything inside and outside the Xinhui Commercial Building in real time through the 360-degree ultra-high-definition images shot by thousands of cameras, and hear the roars of countless colleagues who once fought side by side. Voice.

"We want the truth!"

"We want fairness!"

"We want resources!"

"We want to practice!"

If it is said that the middle and low-level supernatural beings who gathered together because of a spur of the moment were still a little uneasy, worried about whether the news is true, whether this is the black market base camp that secretly hoarded countless cultivation resources.

Then, when Gao Chuang smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows, jumped down from the top floor of the building, and turned into an extremely dazzling fireball in mid-air, all the worries of people disappeared in an instant.

Many middle- and low-level superhumans have witnessed or even experienced the terrifying sight of going crazy.

Naturally, I know what it means when countless spiritual flames are so violently ejected from an extraordinary person.

If Xinhui Commercial Building is really no problem.

How could there be a middle-to-high-level extraordinary person with such a bright spiritual flame and quite good strength, at this juncture, jumping down from the highest point of the building and committing suicide in fear of sin?

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