The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1510: Mainstay

Until the middle and late stages of the Monster War, the Dragon City Civilization changed from strategic defense to strategic offensive, and the Chilong Army was finally free to implement a comprehensive reorganization and combat power upgrade plan.

Meng Chao learned privately that the core point of the plan is to "remove the gods and become stronger".

Specifically, it is to build a real army that still has strong combat power and can complete tasks independently without the blessing of the gods, especially those without the background of the nine super enterprises.

Instead of becoming a vassal of a powerful person in the realm of the gods, like the ancient "homeworkers".

On the other hand, when it comes to the choice of logistics suppliers and military contractors, Chilong Army is also trying its best to get rid of the influence of the nine super-enterprises, support its own small and medium-sized enterprises, and build an independent military industry chain.

Led by "Train Cannon" Long Feijun, the young and vigorous officers even shouted the slogan "Dragon City should be guarded by the Red Dragon Army, not by the nine super enterprises".

Chilongjun's attitude towards super enterprises is evident.

With this as a background, Chaoxing Group can be selected as one of the first batch of the most important logistics contractors after the comprehensive reorganization and upgrade of the Red Dragon Army.

Otherwise, just by virtue of Meng Chao's fame and his relationship with "Train Cannon" Long Feijun, both members of the Martial God Temple and disciple of "Martial God" Lei Zongchao, it is impossible for his own company to undertake more than 50% of the military use of the Chilong Army. The big order of canned food is on the rise.

In the same way, when the extreme flow was widely spread in the Chilong Army and became the martial arts style preferred by many recruits and disabled veterans, the Chilong Army considered purchasing a large number of special training cabins for the extreme flow as military supplies.

Although several manufacturers of training equipment under the super-enterprise have launched competitive products with high quality and low price, the Chilong Army still has not been able to make a decision.

Until Meng Chao introduced Gu Dongcheng to Long Feijun.

At first, Gu Dongcheng was still a little uneasy.

I think that my own company is nothing more than an inconspicuous small workshop compared to those big factories.

And because of the problems of lawsuits and vicious competition, it can only barely survive and survive.

He even thought about whether he should take another loan in order to accept the order of the Chilong Army, update the production equipment, and then make the factory look glorious, so that he can't lag behind others in terms of momentum.

At that time, Meng Chao had already vaguely figured out the thoughts of the Chilong Army.

Tell Gu Dongcheng, don't make excuses, let's tell the truth, the grievances suffered over the years, the contradictions between the old club, and the difficulties encountered in business operations are all one by one. The group made it clear.

Only the more difficult it is to say and the sharper the conflict with the old club, the more likely it is to become a supplier of the Red Dragon Army.

What happened later was as expected by Meng Chao.

Gu Dongcheng didn't prepare anything. In his own factory, which was more like a garbage recycling station than a small workshop, he received a delegation of young military officers such as "train gun" Long Feijun.

It is said that some of the members of the inspection team even put on makeup to become ordinary customers. On another day, they came to visit without saying hello.

I happened to meet a few domineering representatives of the old club, and they came to Gu Dongcheng again to discuss the issue of out-of-court settlement and forced acquisition.

At that time, Gu Dongcheng also had a fierce conflict with the representatives of his old club.

The movement was so loud that even the secret police came to the door.

Before the secret police came to the door, the members of the delegation disguised as ordinary customers left silently.

It didn't take long for Gu Dongcheng to become confused and became the designated supplier of the Red Dragon Army.

In the first year alone, the Chilong Army ordered a thousand full-scale training cabins for extreme flow from him.

As for the limited equipment, tight space, capital and raw materials are stuck, resulting in insufficient production capacity and other problems.

With the strong support of the Chilong Army, everything is not a problem.

This is not to mention, the resulting brand effect, and the benefits of the lawsuit.

As a result, Gu Dongcheng, like the Chaoxing Group, was firmly tied to the chariot of the Chilong Army.

It was a big deal at the time.

Meng Chao heard that there were several major cultivation equipment factories, and many people were very unhappy.

But at that time it was a critical moment when all Longcheng people made concerted efforts to fight against the monster civilization.

The glory and joy of the great victory overshadowed many contradictions.

When Meng Chao left Longcheng, Gu Dongcheng's enterprise was like a rocket spewing out a lot of smoke and flames, and it was in the countdown stage of soaring into the sky.

Look at Gu Dongcheng at the moment, although his clothes are as simple as in the past.

The whole body is full of extremely confident, and there is a real aura.

His eyes are sharp and his expression is firm. In addition to the engineer's temperament who was originally addicted to technology, there is a bit of a strongman color of perseverance.

It seems that in the past year or so, his business must have developed well!

Meng Chao was thinking about Gu Dongcheng's current situation.

Suddenly I heard exclamations from the crowd.

When I looked up, I found that the big screens on the surrounding skyscrapers showed that the few monster hunters who took the lead in the charge had already sniffed the unique smell of Tiancaidibao and found the secret warehouse where the "megatooth crocodile" was rushing high.

When boxes, pieces, piles of genetic medicines, and unprocessed treasures that exude dazzling light, are presented to people in real time through cameras, everyone can't believe their eyes.

They blinked and blinked, squeezed and squeezed, rubbed and rubbed.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of thousands, thousands of bloodshots jumped out of everyone's eyes uncontrollably.

Before, not everyone knew about the existence of the black market.

Many middle- and low-level extraordinary people have purchased genetic medicines from the black market at high prices.

However, because the "giant crocodile" Gao Chuang is very careful, he never takes them back to their old nests for these forced and resentful consumers, but conducts sporadic transactions in the streets and alleys.

Every time, consumers see nothing more than three or five boxes, at most seven or eight boxes of genetic medicine.

When the water is clear, there are no fish. With such a small number, whether it is the defective products that have not been destroyed or the staff who secretly brought them out, they can barely explain the past.

However, filling an entire warehouse, such a huge amount of genetic medicines, are also in short supply that the flagship store of the Transcendent Tower is out of stock every day.

This is the reason for "defective products" and "sneak entrainment", which are completely inexplicable.

I just saw the empty shelves and the cold faces of the staff in the direct-sale store of the Transcendent Tower.

In the blink of an eye, I saw such a luxurious underground trade fair, and a dazzling array of genetic medicines.

Such a different visual impact is too strong.

It was so strong that everyone was so angry that they could not wait to condense their anger together and turn it into a golden flame that shot up to the sky, burning a hole in the dark night and burning it into a bright world.

The crowd was surging again.

Many people pushed forward desperately, wanting to rush into Xinhui Commercial Building to find out.

Others looked at the gene potion full of pits and valleys, their Adam's apple rolled, and they moved forward subconsciously.

More people were caught up in the waves, pushed and shoved, staggered, and couldn't help themselves.

The scene is about to get out of control.

Fortunately, there were many leaders in the crowd who wore the cuffs of the Blue Alliance like Gu Dongcheng, and played the role of Ding Hai Shen Zhen.

They shouted loudly to keep the angry crowd calm and orderly.

"Steady, think about how we fought against the overwhelming beast tide back then, stabilize your front, don't act blindly, don't attack lightly, don't do it yourself!"

The members of the Azure Alliance shouted in unison, "Now that we have unmistakable evidence, the truth is in our hands, and this is the most powerful weapon!

"Don't be impulsive and give others a handle. You must believe that the Azure Alliance will always stand on the side of all citizens, and will always fight all enemies, including monsters, in the right way for the benefit of the public!"

More and more "blue cuffs" emerged from the depths of the crowd.

They were accustomed to swinging war knives and hammers, and their strong and powerful arms surrounded each other tightly, forming an indestructible human chain.

They gritted their teeth, straightened their spines, and used human chains to divide the tumultuous crowd, like solid dams, which not only blocked the floods, but also condensed the originally short, blind, aimless floods into one. Wave after wave of clearer and fiercer waves, accumulating enough power to reshape the earth.

Meng Chao recognized many old faces in the blue cuffs.

They are all old acquaintances who met at the Aftermath Club, the Martial God Temple, and the Blue Homeland.

Compared with the wealthy children from the nine major cultivating families, they often don't have how powerful combat power, how gorgeous nirvana, and how amazing records.

Or even ordinary people who have not awakened to extraordinary powers.

But most of them, who were born in poverty, are the "hope of the whole village" in the mouth of their neighbors.

In their respective battles and work teams, they are also the mainstay who take the lead and do their part.

It is also a good partner who has lived and died together with the soldiers, and has saved each other's lives countless times, big brother.

Compared with the high-ranking, all-powerful god-realm powerhouses.

These blue armbands, whose cultivation base does not exceed the peak of the realm, have a little more unpretentious affinity, and a sense of trust worthy of life and death.

When it really comes to the critical moment of life and death, will a powerful man with a net worth of hundreds of millions die for an ordinary aunt in the slum?

No one knows the answer.

In other words, everyone knows the answer.

But an ordinary auntie in the neighborhood can always believe that the little guy who grew up under her eyelids since childhood, as if she was dragging her nose yesterday, eating cakes she made by herself, and playing games with her children, even today The eight-foot-tall man who has grown into a tiger-backed, indomitable man will still stand up without hesitation when danger comes, and stand in front of her and all the neighbors.

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