The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1512: walking on two legs

Gu Dongcheng was like the kid who shouted that the emperor had no clothes on.

Point out the elephant in the house to the crowd.

Now, no one can turn a blind eye to the impact that peerless powerhouses may have on a civilization, whether positive or negative.

No one knows better than these mid- and low-level superhumans how terrifying a person from the peak of the heavens or even the powerhouse of the gods can be when the firepower is full.

And such a strong person in the divine realm, as long as he is willing, can completely converge the magnetic field of life to the limit, change his face and temperament at will, and hide in the depths of the crowd like water droplets disappearing into the sea.

Even in a highly industrialized and informatized modern society full of surveillance probes, there is almost nothing that can be done about such a peerless powerhouse.

This also means that this peerless powerhouse can do almost anything he wants, which can neither be stopped nor punished.

For a long time, the interests of the peerless powerhouses of Longcheng and ordinary citizens are the same.

Therefore, there is no question of stopping or even punishing the peerless powerhouse.

As a result, many people never thought about what to do if the interests of the peerless powerhouse and the interests of ordinary citizens parted ways?

"Many of the powerhouses in the divine realm already possess absolute military power comparable to that of a super army. On this basis, they have also mastered the amazing financial power of an enemy country, and in a super enterprise completely controlled by them, they have absolute financial power and personnel rights."

With the stubbornness of an engineer, Gu Dongcheng continued to tear up the king's new clothes regardless, "And using their absolute power, they have firmly controlled everything from spar mines to monster breeding bases, a large number of which are extremely scarce and non-renewable. , which is related to Longcheng's future cultivation resources.

"We all know that the cultivation resources consumed by the spiritual powerhouses every day are originally astronomical figures.

"And the powerhouses in the divine realm still have brothers, children, disciples, vassals, families and businesses. Surrounding the powerhouses in the realm of gods is an incomparably huge interest group.

"The daily consumption of cultivation resources by this interest group is ten times, a hundred times more than the daily consumption of the gods themselves!

"Let such an interest group control all the cultivation resources is like letting a hungry tiger take care of the sheep. As the tiger gets stronger and stronger, the lambs become less and less, so why is it strange?

"Humanity cannot stand the test.

"We can't hang a fish in front of the cat all day and ask the cat to watch over it strictly. After the fish disappears, we can blame the cat for being greedy and stealing.

"If you want cats not to eat fish, you shouldn't put fish within reach of cats in the first place!

"This is why our Blue Alliance has always insisted that absolute military power and absolute financial power must be separated, and the peerless powerhouse cannot own a super enterprise, so that the warriors belong to the warriors, and the merchants belong to the businessmen.

"At the same time, the supervision and use rights of cultivation resources must also be clearly separated. A 'Cultivation Resources Supervision Committee' composed entirely of ordinary people must be established to supervise the daily consumption of the vast majority of extraordinary people, including the supernatural powerhouse. The case of spar and monster material.

"This is not to say that we cannot trust the integrity and personality of the peerless powerhouse.

"All Longcheng citizens believe from the bottom of their hearts that most of the peerless superheroes, those superheroes who have fought **** battles for the life and death of Longcheng in the past few decades, are all brilliant in character and impeccable conduct. nice guy.

"In that **** era when viruses, zombies, monsters, and evil supernatural beings attacked in turn, the peerless powerhouses who adhered to the right path had to firmly control their absolute force, absolute financial power and absolute resource use authority. In your hands, you can fight to the end with all kinds of enemies that threaten the Dragon City civilization.

"But we are more aware that the continuation and development of a modern civilization cannot be based on the personality and conduct of the peerless powerhouses, and we cannot naively hope that all peerless powerhouses are and will always be good people, even if they are After their death, the children and grandchildren who inherited their huge inheritance will be good people forever and ever.

"Only a system that checks and balances each other and is constantly improved can our civilization stand for thousands of years, ten thousand years, in the world of crisis, treacherous and unpredictable, and the strong prey on the weak!"

Gu Dongcheng's sonorous and powerful speech was greeted with bursts of applause and applause.

To be honest, the vast majority of middle- and low-level extraordinary people, and even all ordinary citizens, don't have much opinion on the powerhouse of the gods, only deep gratitude and worship.

First, the powerhouses in the realm of the gods are all existences with outstanding military exploits. They have made great contributions to the Longcheng civilization, and every piece of it can withstand the picks of the highest multiples of psionic microscopes.

Besides, the powerhouses in the divine realm are too far away from the middle- and low-level supernatural beings and ordinary citizens.

Ordinary people don't even know what kind of life the powerhouses of the gods live, so naturally they have no complaints.

But for those domineering wealthy children, the disciples and grandchildren of the powerful gods, or the pig friends and dog friends who drive luxury cars and show off all kinds of wonderful lives on the Internet, there are too many places to complain. .

"We believe that the powerhouses in the divine realm are good people and will protect the Dragon City for the rest of their lives.

"But no matter how much the powerhouse of the gods 'breaks the limit of life', one day, they will all die.

"The first generation of spiritual powerhouses have just mastered the secrets of cultivation, their ability to use psionic energy to strengthen cells is still unstable, and they have suffered too many fatal injuries in the fierce battle with monster civilization, and their lifespan and realm are not enough. In direct proportion, it won't be long before they are destined to leave the Dragon City they have guarded all their lives.

"Once the powerhouses in the divine realm have fallen, can we really believe that the descendants of the powerhouses in the realm of the gods will always be good people, and will always protect the Dragon City and us?

"Take the case of today's underground black market.

"Many genetic medicines that have been hoarded in large quantities involve non-renewable wild monster materials.

"It's understandable to say that the gods are ignorant of the whole thing.

"After all, during the decisive battle against the monster's mastermind, many of the gods were seriously injured, and they are still recuperating to this day.

"However, do the descendants of the powerful gods really know nothing about it?

"There is no descendant of a strong person in the realm of the gods, nodding in person, at least acquiescing, can the so-called 'black market boss' really get so many genetic medicines?"

With such a question, everyone turned their attention to Gu Dongcheng.

Yes, long before the child shouted, it was known that the king was not clothed.

The question is, point that out, and then what?

Then, how should the king be dressed, and what kind of clothes should he wear?

"It is certainly not an overnight thing to establish a system that will allow Dragon City to stand in another world for ten thousand years. However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We must start from today, from this moment, for our children and grandchildren. , Start working hard for the splendid Dragon City civilization ten thousand years later!"

Gu Dongcheng waved his fist as hard as a warhammer and said decisively, "And any change needs to be based on strength, without strength, nothing can be changed by relying on a three-inch tongue!

"That's why we, the Blue Alliance, insisted on advancing the National Cultivation Act.

"The Azure Alliance believes that extraordinary power must not be in the hands of very few people.

"Individuals in a civilization, the gap between strength and weakness continues to widen, very few people enter the sky, call the wind and call the rain, move mountains and overturn the sea, and are omnipotent, while the vast majority of people are still trapped in weak flesh and blood, and can only look up. The former - such a civilization, will sooner or later have problems.

"We must make every effort to narrow the gap between ordinary people and extraordinary people, narrow the gap between the children of the poor family and the children of the rich family, and narrow the gap between the middle and low-level extraordinary people and the peerless powerhouses.

"To achieve this, a large amount of cultivation resources must be invested in ordinary people, underprivileged children, and middle and low-level extraordinary people.

"First of all, it's about investing in the children.

"Children are the future and hope of Longcheng.

"If even children can't enjoy equal rights to education and cultivation, if children from wealthy families with mediocre talents can awaken extraordinary power under the crazy instillation of cultivation resources, but children from poor families with extraordinary talents are limited by economic conditions. , unable to reach the height he should have reached, what future and hope is there for such a dragon city?

"We hope that all schools and educational institutions in Longcheng, at least in primary and secondary schools, will provide all students with sufficient training resources and training equipment free of charge to ensure that all children can stand on the same starting line, and no one child, Because of economic problems, he will not be able to exert his full talent.

"We hope to strengthen the teachers of ordinary schools, so that the underprivileged children can receive the careful guidance of first-class masters.

"We hope that more affordable martial arts training camps that are certified and funded by the Transcendent Tower can be opened in the society, so that ordinary citizens who have missed the golden training period can exercise and defend their homes in their spare time. Even if he can't become a strong man, at least he won't be pulled too far by the strong man.

"We hope that the Transcendent Tower can perform its duties without compromise, effectively supervise the flow of cultivation resources, and ensure that most genetic medicines and cultivation equipment can be supplied adequately and stably at a reasonable price.

"All in all, we hope that under the protection of the National Cultivation Act, all the citizens of Longcheng can become stronger.

"There is a slogan called 'The extraordinary is the sword of human civilization', which is certainly true.

"But we believe that it is better to have a father and a mother than to have a mother, and the most reliable and trustworthy person for everyone is always himself.

"So, not only the extraordinary are the swords of human civilization, but ordinary people must continue to cultivate, strengthen themselves, and become the swords of human civilization.

"The extraordinary is one leg of the Dragon City, and the ordinary person is the other leg of the Dragon City. Only when the two legs are cultivated to be equally strong and sturdy, and the two legs walk, can the Dragon City civilization be in this place full of thorns and flames. On the journey of strife, march forward bravely, and strive for greater victory!"

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