The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1514: true crime

This is of course impossible.

Touching interests has always been harder than touching souls.

No one will willingly divide interests and power from others.

When the old and the new alternate, conflicts break out, which is a normal thing.

Once a conflict breaks out, it is easy to be used by people with ulterior motives - such as those evil spirits of the Blood Alliance.

Therefore, Meng Chaocai needs to uproot the Blood Alliance before the conflict between the Azure Alliance and the nine super enterprises intensifies.

At the same time, firmly control the power of change in your own hands.

At this moment, the commotion of the crowd suddenly became intense.

It was like dozens of undercurrents that converged in one place, setting off a stormy sea.

When he looked up, Meng Chao found that the picture on the big screen had changed again.

This time, there appeared dozens of faces that were half terrified, half angry, sweating profusely, and extremely distorted.

It was the children of the wealthy who participated in the underground auction, and was also discovered by the monster hunters.

Nobody is a fool.

From the furnishings of the underground auction, the meals that were too late to be removed, and the tea in Yu Wen, it can be seen that when the monster hunters rushed into the Xinhui Commercial Building, a high-end party was being held here.

And the members of the party must not have time to escape the Xinhui Commercial Building, which was surrounded by water.

Monster hunters can spend three days and three nights in the depths of the jungle, tracking monster hair, footprints and feces, right down to the most secretive lair.

It is naturally easy to find out these wealthy children hidden in high-end restaurants and private training clubs.

At the beginning, the children of the rich and powerful were still righteous and plausible.

After all, they were not stolen in the underground black market.

What's the problem with gathering together in a legitimately run high-end restaurant and a private training center, and at most a slightly larger gathering?

Stepping back 10,000 steps, even if they really participated in the underground auction, so what?

They are not the organizers of the auction. When they were invited, they didn't even know that the organizers didn't have a legal business license. Strictly speaking, they were also victims.

As for the genetic medicine hoarding in the giant tooth crocodile's lair, what is the relationship between the entire warehouse and their parents who are the management of the genetic medicine factory? How do they know!

These wealthy children feel that they are legally impeccable, innocent and aggrieved to the extreme.

Even if they stand on the court of the Transcendent Tower, they are not afraid.

But they forgot, or in other words, they came from a wealthy family, and they were loved and sheltered by their fathers and grandparents who were peerless powerhouses since childhood, and they took this protection as a matter of course. There are two kinds of courts.

A kind of court that needs to talk about evidence, procedures, and reason.

No matter how much you talk about it, the bottom line is that you are polite and gentle. Many times, you can neither touch the body nor the soul.

Another, more ancient court, which has existed between heaven and earth since the birth of human beings, does not need evidence at all, no procedures, no arrogance, and only needs to condense the most simple and intense feelings in the hearts of countless people. .

The judgment of such a court may not be 100% correct.

It may not be able to touch the soul.

It's not even that fair.

But it can absolutely destroy a "sinner" 100% from the body.

The ignorant and ignorant children of wealthy families did not realize that for the lawyers, jurors, judges, bailiffs, and executioners of this court, the worst crimes they committed were not in underground auctions, using genetic medicines As a unit, what priceless treasures were purchased.

But, when the lawyers, jurors, judges, bailiffs, and executioners in this court couldn't even afford a dragon-elephant bone-strengthening injection, they were even tired of eating the tyrant mammoth's elephant-pulling sashimi. !

And this crime does not require evidence, or in other words, the evidence has been conclusive.

When the anger of countless people turned into a flaming storm, it slammed into the glass curtain wall of Xinhui Commercial Building, smashing the tempered glass out of countless cobweb-like cracks, the fear of the children of the wealthy was finally complete. Overwhelmed with anger.

They finally realized that in addition to their fathers and ancestors who are peerless powerhouses, there is another unparalleled power in Longcheng.

This force can not only overwhelm mountains or even open up the world, but also ruthlessly suppress the overwhelming beast tide.

Once they are hitting the muzzle of this force.

Even the strong in the **** realm may not be able to keep them.

The faces of the wealthy children were pale, and they could see the nerves and blood vessels between the slightly twitching muscles.

They no longer had the stance they had when they participated in the underground auction just now, talking loudly and scolding Fang Qiu, as if Longcheng was in control.

At the beginning, there were still people choking their necks, wanting to discuss with the monster hunters who rushed into the private club, "I have money, I like to spend it, can you **** control it?"

But the monster hunters who fought in blood on the battlefield and ate the entrails of monsters in the depths of the wilderness had their own **** smell that crawled out of Shura's hell.

Even the theoretical realm and paper combat parameters of the giants are higher than those of monster hunters.

Being stared at by the monster hunters, they are often like a throat and a back door, and two lumps of ice are stuffed in at the same time, and it is cold from head to toe, how can they say a word?

He could only stare at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking forward to the rescue from the company and the family.

In fact, the armored airship painted with the logos of the nine super enterprises has already arrived in the airspace near the Xinhui Commercial Building.

But the surging, angered crowd below made them afraid to land at all.

In fact, let alone the armored airships of the nine super-enterprises.

Even the staff of the Transcendent Tower could not squeeze past the crowd of people condensed into an iron wall.

People don't believe in transcendent towers at all.

I don't believe that the tribunal, which specializes in dealing with the crimes of superhuman beings, can handle this matter fairly.

After all, many of the secret police officers and adjudicators of the Tribunal were from the Nine Great Cultivation Family, and they belonged to the children of the wealthy who were trapped inside.

The angry crowd even wanted to rush into the Xinhui Commercial Building.

Use the most primitive and most effective way to deal with the children of the wealthy.

In the end, it was the blue armbands of the Azure Alliance who temporarily controlled the furious middle- and low-level supernatural beings.

A large number of blue cuffs rushed into Xinhui Commercial Building.

Protect the children of the rich and powerful.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, the blue armbands are very considerate to protect the children of the rich and powerful in the highest and safest place in the Xinhui Commercial Building.

In the secret warehouse of the underground black market.

They are properly "protected" together with the genetic medicines produced by their parents.

And in order to show everyone that the personal safety of these wealthy children has been guaranteed at the highest level, not even a single hair has been touched.

The blue armbands videotaped the whole process and broadcast it live.

Multi-angle, multi-camera, 360 degrees without dead ends, the faces of these rich and powerful children are clearly photographed.

Now, there are no colorful masks that can hide their identities.

No matter "Macaw" or "Peacock Kaiping", their names, the names of their parents, the names of their ancestors or grandfathers who are strong in the divine realm, all spread throughout the entire Dragon City within five minutes.

At this point, neither the Transcendent Tower nor the nine super enterprises can do anything.

We can only accept the proposal put forward by Mr. Gu Tung-shing.

Together with the Blue Alliance and representatives of ordinary citizens, a "joint investigation team" was formed to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Once there was a temporary intermission in the splendid drama, Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that he was already sweating profusely.

However, Meng Chao still has a lot of things he doesn't understand about the rapids of Longcheng.

"I found that many ordinary citizens seem to be very supportive of the National Cultivation Act. When everyone expressed their demands just now, a thorough investigation of the underground black market was only one aspect. More often, they are asking the survival committee to pass the National Cultivation Act as soon as possible, right? "

At the revolving restaurant on the top floor of a skyscraper about two kilometers away from Xinhui Commercial Building, near the window, at a dining table overlooking the scene without being disturbed, Meng Chao asked Ailei.

"Of course."

Alley said, "Who doesn't want to get guidance from famous teachers, who doesn't want to buy cheap training resources, and who doesn't want their children to have a higher chance of becoming extraordinary?"

"If that's the case, then I don't understand."

Meng Chao said, "Since it's a good thing for Longcheng, why do many senior executives of the nine super enterprises seem to not support the National Cultivation Act?

"Let's not talk about the big truth, just say that they oppose the National Cultivation Act like this, making ordinary people unhappy, and they all stand on the side of the Blue Alliance. It's not good for them!"

"It's not that I don't support it, it's that I can't support it."

Ai Lei explained, "It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the National Cultivation Act is so hype, of course it sounds beautiful, but if it is really going to be implemented, where will the astronomical resources needed come from?

"Whether the Transcendent Tower or the Survival Committee itself does not produce cultivation resources, it is just a porter of cultivation resources.

"If we really want to comprehensively promote the National Cultivation Act, we can only use the nine super enterprises and the powerhouses in the realm to greatly increase their tax rates, and consider imposing a 'special inheritance tax' on the powerhouses in the realm of power.

"But just raising taxes doesn't solve the problem. What comes from taxation is money. Money is just a blank piece of paper or even a string of numbers. When money can't buy cultivation resources, white paper and numbers can Can it be used for training?

"The result of the constant increase in taxes is nothing more than to continue to push up the price of cultivation resources and breed more black markets.

"If we really want to solve this problem at the root, the Transcendent Tower and the Survival Committee must firmly control the vast majority of the cultivation resources, that is, the spar ore veins and the blessed land that is suitable for the mass breeding of monsters.

"Now, most of the spar ore veins around Longcheng, as well as the breeding grounds for monsters with strong spiritual energy, are in the hands of the nine super enterprises.

"The essence of the National Cultivation Act is to seize the spar mines and the breeding grounds of monsters from the nine super enterprises and the powerhouses who control the enterprises.

"How could they possibly be happy, you say?"

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