The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1517: aggressive style

It was late at night.

The number of people gathered around the Xinhui Commercial Building continued to increase.

Under the supervision of the Azure Alliance, the staff of the Transcendent Tower finally took stock of the unknown genetic medicine and monster materials in the underground black market.

Because the shelf life of genetic medicine and monster materials is quite limited, many materials are not easy to transport over long distances.

And many middle- and low-level superhumans are waiting to be fed, their eyes are congested, and they are waiting for the genetic medicine to go home for healing and cultivation.

Therefore, on behalf of the vast number of extraordinary people, the Azure Alliance negotiated with the extraordinary tower with a very tough attitude, and finally forced the latter to make concessions.

After all genetic medicines are registered, there is no need to send them to the warehouse of the Transcendent Tower.

It is sold at a low price and distributed on the spot, and strives to make most of the extraordinary people meet the needs of three to five days of cultivation. During these three to five days, the Azure Alliance, on behalf of the vast number of extraordinary people, "checked it out" for the extraordinary tower. the term.

When the genetic medicine with the original manufacturer's logo is sent to the middle and low-level extraordinary people at a "suggested retail price" several times lower than the black market price, many people still seem to be dreaming, and they can't believe this is true. .

Until they touched and touched, smelled and smelled, and even took it on the spot, they felt the magma-like power flowing through the whole body, causing the blood in the whole body to boil along with the soul.

Only then did thunderous cheers and applause erupt from the crowd, which could not be subdued for a long time.

At this time, a genetic medicine factory under the banner of the nine super enterprises, which ranks among the top three in the industry, also held a press conference overnight.

The CEO of the company, a peak powerhouse in the realm of heaven, and a son of the realm of gods with outstanding military exploits, announced that he would deal with the problems of poor management, chaotic supervision, and lax control of raw materials and finished products within the company. Take full responsibility and resign.

In everyone's impression, this seems to be the first time in the history of Longcheng that there is a son of a powerful person in the divine realm who resigned due to management problems and public opinion pressure.

For many middle- and low-level extraordinary people from humble backgrounds, when they got together on impulse, they just wanted to seek justice, and they didn't even need justice, but their life after the war was so aggrieved, they wanted to vent. That's it.

It was only at this moment that they realized in confusion that there was such a powerful force in themselves, so powerful that hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of middle and low-level superhumans united, and they could make the powerhouses in the **** realm do the same thing. make concessions.

During the monster war, many people have witnessed the scene of the heavens and the earth being shattered, lightning and thunder when the powerhouse of the gods takes action.

Compared with them who can only rub fireballs, the powerhouses in the divine realm seem to be above civilization, and another species that has reproductive isolation from them is an out-and-out "superman".

But now, when thousands of middle and low-level superhumans adjust the life magnetic field to a similar frequency, stirring up the stormy waves.

They all sensed endless power from the depths of each other's blood, marrow and soul.

It seems that even the real gods and demons can be suppressed.

"Superman", what is it?

As the genetic medicine continues to be distributed.

The fire dragon with its teeth and claws finally calmed down.

Only then did the blue sleeve hoops join hands and open a special passage to let the wealthy children who were blocked in the Xinhui Commercial Building leave in disgrace.

Thanks to the powerful control of the Azure Alliance.

The wealthy disciples from the nine major cultivating families have not been knocked off half a hair.

But their bewildered and frightened faces have been stripped cleanly online, along with their true identities.

These humiliating things, even the faces of their fathers and grandparents have been lost.

When you return home, you will inevitably have to be "served by the family law", or even be put into the cold palace forever.

After sending away all the rich and powerful children with undisguised ridicule and boos, the middle and low-level supernatural beings are still unfinished.

They hooked their shoulders and sang loudly.

They sang the most simple, rude, and most impassioned battle songs written by the fighting men during the monster war.

The singing is centered on Xinhui Commercial Building and spreads around the whole Longcheng.

It is like an undersea mountain range rising from the depths of the ocean under the impetus of rolling magma.

The entire Dragon City was shaking.

I don't know how many children of wealthy families and peerless powerhouses have been shaken by the singing and sleepless all night.

Including the secret police, the staff of the Transcendent Tower can only stretch their necks and watch dumbly.

There were also people who couldn't stand it any longer, lowered their heads to the toes, and concentrated on researching whether there were any ground cracks within a radius of 300 to 500 meters that could allow them to get in.

They were perhaps the most embarrassing presence in this incident.

It is their responsibility to seal down the underground black market and investigate the ins and outs.

But no one was grateful to them for that.

Everyone gave the blue cuffs the loudest cheers and the warmest hugs.

He even took over the flag of the Azure Alliance from the blue sleeve hoop, and waved it with all his strength under the dark night and the lights that were enough to tear it apart.

But who's to blame?

All power comes from the bottom up.

The power of the Transcendent Tower does not originate from the towering, indestructible tower.

That tall tower was not built by the peerless powerhouses, brick by brick.

As the cornerstone, the extraordinary towers are built by thousands of middle and low-level extraordinary people, as well as ordinary people without extraordinary power.

Since the Transcendent Tower cannot defend the interests of the absolute majority of middle and low-level extraordinary people, as well as the interests of ordinary people ten times more numerous.

It is only natural to be replaced by emerging forces.

"It was a very long night."

Among all the people present, Meng Chao, who knew the ins and outs the most, couldn't help but sigh, "I don't know, who is the person in charge of the scene of the Blue Alliance here, and it's very tricky!"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be Lu Siya."

Alley said, "There are quite a few powerful characters with outstanding abilities in the top management of the Azure Alliance, and they are very popular.

"However, with such a keen sense of smell and such a strong aggression, you won't let go when you take the chance, and you have to tear off a large piece of blood dripping fat from your opponent. With such an aggressive style, apart from Lu Siya, there is no second place. one!"

Meng Chao's expression froze.

"Senior, believe me."

Ailei misunderstood what he meant, "I'm an expert on Lu Siya!"

"Of course."

Meng Chao rubbed his face, "The situation here is under control, let's go."

Alley nodded and asked obediently, "Next, where are we going?"

"No. 702 Yongsheng Street, Room 316 of Rainbow Apartment."

Meng Chao said, "The last place where the 'Tailless Monkey' appeared."

Yongsheng Street is a main road in the old city.

When Longcheng was still on the earth, there was also a period of high-rise buildings, busy traffic and bustling days.

However, the earthquake caused by the crossing cut Yongsheng Street into two sections.

Both sides became dead ends, and the height difference reached more than 20 meters.

There are several space gaps nearby, and monsters often pass through and fight fiercely with humans among the ruins.

Human blood stained almost every inch of the land here.

The monster's acid eroded the ruins to mottled and pitted walls.

Even after many modifications.

In the air here, there is still a strong **** smell and the smell of monsters, which may never dissipate.

With the continuous expansion of the urban area.

In particular, human beings have occupied a large number of caves and blessed places in the Monster Mountains, relying on spar ore veins to build "ten new cities" in places with abundant spiritual energy.

Like other streets in the old city, Yongsheng Street is gradually becoming lonely.

Even if it is not as smoky as the past Chaocheng.

However, compared with the past Chaocheng, it lacks a bit of vigor of mixed and savage growth.

With the victory of the monster war, the sphere of influence of the Dragon City was further expanded.

Many new industrial areas and satellite cities are tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers away from the main urban area.

Ordinary citizens who work there often relocate with their families.

So much so that the residents around Yongsheng Street are even rarer than in Meng Chao's impression.

In the middle of the night, the streets were empty, many doors and windows were covered with seals or painted with the word "demolition", far and near, and there were only a few windows behind, and the lights were still on.

No. 702 Yongsheng Street is a typical old house along the street that is about to be demolished.

Right at the end of Dead End Road, at the bottom of a dead end.

Next to No. 704, half collapsed in the monster war.

Because it is about to be demolished as a whole, it has not been repaired for a long time, but dozens of thick I-beams are used to support it horizontally.

On two steel beams, you can even see the paw prints of monsters.

It gives people a feeling of dreaming back to the **** era.

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