The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1521: same breath

Elle's voice did not fall.

The hairs on the back of Meng Chao's neck stood up one by one.

Something is not right.

In the past half minute, his heartbeat has accelerated by 15%.

Respiratory rate also increased by 7%.

Adrenaline secretion rate is increased by 11%.

And all of this is an unconscious instinctive reaction.

Before his brain could detect it, his body had already smelled a dangerous breath.

Meng Chao's pupils instantly contracted into two needlepoints.

In Alley's stunned mouth, he seemed to disappear from the room like a puff of smoke.

Three seconds later, Meng Chao appeared on the rooftop.

The life magnetic field is like a shock wave blasted by a heavy bomb, spreading in all directions at an alarming speed, instantly covering a radius of 100 meters.

In the area of ​​100 meters and even further away, there was silence.

Even the idlers who talked in the dumpling restaurant just now were full and went home to sleep.

Meng Chao held his breath and listened, only to hear the even sound of heartbeat and breathing coming from far and near.

All the voices, all stay on the bed honestly.

But the feeling of the thorn on the back never went away.

It's like a predator with an extremely keen sense of smell, dormant in the depths of the jungle, when studying the footprints of its prey, it smells the breath of the same kind.

Meng Chao's eyes flickered with brilliance.

The virtual area structure map just constructed in his mind burst into a crystal clear light.

Among them, seven coordinates stand out.

"If I were a snoop or an attacker and wanted to ambush near the koala's residence and wait for the rabbit, I would definitely choose one of these seven coordinates!"

In the dark night, Meng Chao looked like a highly poisonous lizard, shooting away at seven coordinates.

In the first three coordinates, he found nothing.

When he was still fifty meters away from the fourth coordinate, his breathing and heartbeat suddenly accelerated further.

This is the seventh floor of a building diagonally opposite Rainbow Apartments.

Condescendingly, through the gap between the two buildings, you can see the window of the kosher monkey's hideout.

Meng Chao is like an army that lifts the cannon jacket, locks the target, and removes the insurance.

Get ready for full fire.

But he still got nothing.

Judging from the traces left on the dusty ground, someone once stopped here for a long time.

But judging from the cigarette butts in the corner, it was originally the "smoking corner" of the building. During the day, some people are bored. It is normal to smoke here while enjoying the scenery opposite.

The same is true for the next three coordinates.

Meng Chao did not find any people, shadows or suspicious clues.

So, is he nervous?

To be able to arouse such a strong reaction from him, the opponent's strength will never be much inferior to him.

In other words, if the snoopers really exist.

At least he is also a **** realm powerhouse.

The question is, what kind of secret is hidden in the residence of the kosher monkey, which is worthy of being guarded by a strong man in the realm of the gods?

Under many doubts, Meng Chao did not return to Room 316 of Rainbow Apartment.

Instead, he chose a condescending location where he could monitor the audience, and sent a message to Alley: "It's not safe here, come out and talk about it!"

It is undoubtedly a very tricky thing to be targeted by a god-realm powerhouse whose friend or foe is unknown.

For the sake of safety, Meng Chao did not look for a fixed foothold.

Instead, using fake documents, he rented an off-road vehicle with a tattered appearance, as if it had been turned 17 or 8 times, but after strengthening and refitting, the car was in good condition.

With the victory of the monster war, the wilderness and jungle, which were once regarded as restricted areas of life, have become the paradise of more and more adventurers.

In order to meet the needs of ordinary citizens working in the wilderness, this kind of off-road vehicle that is easy to operate, strong and durable, modular in design, has strong passability and refitability, and can be equipped with tracks, crawling feet and even rock crushers at will.

The off-road vehicle rented by Meng Chao also comes with a fully enclosed compartment with a huge freezer inside.

It was originally used to freeze monster materials to ensure the freshness of flesh and blood.

But it is also quite suitable to use it to isolate sound and heat, so that the life magnetic field of the strong cannot penetrate in, and to scan the existence of him and Alley.

"Senior, what happened just now?"

On the newly built ring road, Meng Chao let Ailei speed up to 130 kilometers per hour, which was a little relieved.

Ellie finally couldn't help it and asked curiously.

Meng Chao shook his head.

Until now, he still hadn't figured out whether he was suspicious just now, or whether he really smelled the breath of the same kind.

If it is really another strong man in the realm of the gods, what does the other party want from the koala monkey, and has he discovered his existence?

This question has not yet been answered.

But one thing is certain.

The value of the koala monkey and the clues he left has greatly increased.

"Horizon Biotechnology Co., Ltd., what kind of company is it?"

Meng Chao carefully studied the information found by Ailei.

The logo of this company is actually not a red sun, but a huge moon rising from the sea.

The horizontal line drawn by the tailless monkey on the ellipse is the sea surface.

At first, Meng Chao thought it represented "sunshine", and the wavy lines radiating in all directions were the sparkling waves of the bright moon reflected on the sea.

At first glance, there are quite a few discrepancies between the company's logo and the pattern left by the kosher monkey hastily.

But in yesterday's Monster Weekly, an article about the size of a piece of dried tofu from "Horizon Biotechnology Co., Ltd." was published.

The content is nothing surprising.

It means that the company is engaged in scientific research and innovation, and has developed a new type of monster feces degradation technology, which can turn the excrement of highly toxic monsters into nutrient-rich fertilizer, increase the per-acre yield of spiritual plants, and so on.

Also interviewed a research director at the company.

Monster Weekly is a well-known weekly magazine in the circle, combining professionalism and entertainment, and the sales volume is not small.

Published twice a week, the koala monkey period does not fall, and there are collections.

In his newspaper clippings, there are also frequent cuts and pastes from Monsters Weekly.

Including the first issue just released last Saturday, Kosuke also cut out three or four reports and pasted them in the notebook.

The problem is that an issue of Monsters Weekly is clearly over thirty pages long.

According to the habit of the tailless monkey, if only three or four reports were cut out, at least more than twenty pages would remain intact.

There is no reason for him to throw away this issue of Monster Weekly.

What is even more suspicious is that on the same page as the press release of "Horizon Biotechnology Co., Ltd. successfully developed the degradable technology of monster feces", there is also a heavyweight interview, which is an interview with a professor of Longcheng Agricultural University, in A major breakthrough in the field of synthetic monster venom.

Judging from the electronic version of the interview, once the professor's major breakthrough can be commercialized.

Monster venom can be mass-produced in a fairly cheap manner.

In industry and military, can play great value.

And before commercialization, grab the professor's patent attorney.

It belongs to the business scope of brokers such as koalas.

"From what I know about Koalas and his style of clippings, he won't miss this news."

Alley said, "It stands to reason that he will definitely cut this news and paste it into his notebook.

"But now, we don't find the clipped newspapers, this last Saturday's Monster Weekly, all gone.

"In his notebook, there is no page number pasted with this news. Why is this?"

Meng Chao's mind switched.

Immediately understood what Elle meant.

"Because the tailless monkey cut out the news of 'synthetic venom' and the news of 'horizon company's development of degradable monster feces technology' and pasted it on the same page."

Meng Chao said, "The person who captured the koala monkey had to tear off a whole page because he didn't want the Horizon Company to be exposed.

"And in order not to arouse suspicion, he could only take away the entire Monster Weekly magazine cut by the koala monkey.

"Originally, even if someone found out, it would be difficult to lock the Horizon Company through such vague clues.

"At the very least, a lockdown is unlikely in the short term.

"Unexpectedly, the tailless monkey left the logo of 'Horizon Company' on the top of the inner wall of the cabinet. Now, the other party's cover up in every possible way turned into a self-inflicted attack."

However, there is very little information about this company on the Internet.

Judging from the public information, Horizon Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s main business is the artificial reproduction of nightmare beasts, and the research and development of related technologies on how to improve the quality of monster flesh and blood while artificially breeding.

To put it simply, it is an artificially bred monster. It is best to be as docile and obedient as poultry and livestock. Sleep when you are full, and give birth when you sleep enough. Even the sword and halberd demon pig and the iron armored rhino can be like rodent monsters. A litter of more than a dozen or twenty is good!

At the same time, these artificially bred monsters must maintain the cell activity of wild monsters, so that humans can use their hormones and flesh to extract high-quality genetic medicines.

The problem is, with the victory of the monster war, and the number of wild monsters, fell off a cliff.

The technology related to "how to make artificially bred monsters maintain the cell activity of wild monsters" has entered a period of great attention and has become a sought-after target of various capitals.

Almost overnight, hundreds of "biotechnology companies" or "cutting-edge genetic laboratories" appeared in Longcheng, all boasting that they mastered core technologies and were exploring cutting-edge fields. With a starting capital of 100 million yuan, the flesh and blood of the sword-halberd demon pig can have the cellular activity of the diamond nine-headed dragon.

Most of them, of course, are leather bag companies.

Like this "Horizon", Elle has never heard of it.

Meng Chao was born in Longcheng Agricultural University and is considered a good player in the reaper circle.

Its own Chaoxing Group has also acquired the industry-leading "Lingchuang Bio".

But he was not impressed by the name "Horizon".

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