The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1527: Mysterious Jungle

The hinterland of the Raging Waves Mountains.

Inside the deep black virgin jungle.

A few years ago, the massive eruption of the red sapphire ore veins originating from the ground caused a spiritual magnetic storm that swept thousands of troops and semi-permanently changed the topography here.

But the aura that sprayed out directly, while destroying the old life, gave birth to a stronger vitality.

Just a few short years.

Plants that were blown away and burned in the past have grown back in a more lush and eerie manner.

Because there are no high-level monsters, galloping through the jungle, trampling on thorns and tearing vines, the jungle appears to be more dense and deep than before, just like iron walls with spikes.

Of course, no matter how solid the walls are.

Nothing could stop Meng Chao's walking on the ground.

He is like a flying insect whose size is enlarged hundreds of times.

Feet brushed the branches without dust.

Even with a light touch on the spider web, it can quietly fly out for dozens of meters.

Meng Chao found some monster hunter campsites along the way.

Even a few hunting and training teams.

But no matter the strength or scale, it is far less than the previous years, the most intense period of the monster war.

The main reason is that it is not cost-effective to go to the Nuts Mountains to cultivate.

All the **** beasts and the doomsday beasts here were beheaded and killed in the fishing-style round-up of human beings.

There are only some nightmare beasts that are particularly good at disguising and escaping.

For the supernatural beings above the level, the nightmare beasts can't play the role of cultivation at all.

Instead, it will be like two stinky chess baskets playing chess, killing the competitive state of the middle and high-level extraordinary people.

Even such nightmare beasts are pitiful.

It often takes hours in the depths of the jungle, sweating and chopping down thorns and vines to find one.

What a waste of time.

Besides, there are better actual combat training places around Longcheng now.

Whether it is the Hidden Mist Territory or the Monster Mountain Range, the more vast other world is a stage for ambitious superhumans to show their skills.

Therefore, "Horizon" set the secret base in the Nutsao Mountains not far from the main city.

At first glance, it looks very adventurous.

Thinking about it carefully, it really feels a bit "dark under the lights".

Meng Chao walked through the depths of the jungle for half an hour.

There are fewer and fewer campsites around.

Gradually, the movement of the monster hunters became inaudible.

All around are exactly the same, like copy-pasted plants.

After observing for a long time, not only is it easy to get lost, but it can even make people feel like the world is spinning.

Meng Chao knew that this was not an illusion.

It is the aftermath of the semi-permanent change in the planet's magnetic field caused by the massive eruption of the red jade ore veins.

Just like on the earth, when the earth's magnetic field changes due to extreme geological disasters or extreme weather phenomena, it will disrupt the perception system of carrier pigeons, making it impossible for carrier pigeons to return to their homes.

"If it weren't for aerial reconnaissance, the abnormal area was locked in advance, and the clues in the depths of the jungle could never be found just by observing from the ground."

Meng Chao muttered to himself, "Even if you find it, it will be difficult to lock the precise coordinates of the abnormal range."

Of course it's different now.

The holographic map of the entire jungle has long been deeply imprinted on Meng Chao's cerebral cortex.

According to the map, he moved forward almost straight, and soon reached the abnormal coordinates.

Compared with the surrounding jungle, the root system of the plants here is more developed, like a giant python with intertwined roots.

The trunk was even more twisted, as if it had been manipulated by a demon.

On the cracked bark, there are also circles of translucent vines.

The vines seem to be hollow, with suspiciously viscous liquid flowing slowly inside, like the blood vessels or intestines of some kind of giant beast.

Even the branches and leaves of different plants exude the same scarlet red that is disgusting and even terrifying.

If you look closely, you can find that the branches and leaves are covered with a dense layer of scarlet hair.

This is not what a normal plant should look like.

The scarlet hairs all but prevent the leaves from drawing energy through normal photosynthesis.

Many leaves also showed no phototaxis at all.

This is enough to show that these plants do not need or mainly rely on photosynthesis to survive.

Their life energy comes from the ground.

from overly fertile soil.

Meng Chao squatted down, grabbed a handful of slightly reddish moist soil, rubbed it with his fingers first, then put it under the tip of his nose, sniffed carefully for a while, and finally stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked it.

He smelled a faint aura.

Also get a taste of hundreds of intricate and rare ingredients.

"In this area of ​​several hundred meters, the soil is more fertile than many caves, and the concentration of spiritual energy is an order of magnitude higher than the surrounding area, which is obviously not normal.

"However, this alone does not mean that the soil here has been artificially polluted.

"After all, this is the hardest-hit area for the eruption of the red jade ore vein. Along the way, I have seen several cracks that go straight to the ground, as well as cliffs with a drop of tens of meters.

"If some of the associated ore in the Honghui jade vein is torn apart in the spiritual magnetic storm and exposed on the surface, causing the spiritual energy to escape everywhere, it may also cause ecological anomalies in a small area.

"I have to find the place with the highest concentration of Reiki and look for more evidence."

Meng Chao opened and closed his nostrils.

Invisible and intangible aura, as if stimulated by the cells of his nasal mucosa, formed a shining band of light.

Along the light belt, he moved forward in the direction where the thorns became sharper, the bushes became denser, and the branches became more and more twisted.

Many times, there is no road ahead at all.

The mutated vines that wriggle on their own like octopus tentacles, sniff out biological heat, and emit a "hissing" sound, blocking every gap tightly.

But Meng Chao, like mercury, with an incredible gesture, penetrated through the impeccable vines, without leaving a trace.

Suddenly, Meng Chao stopped.

On top of his head, a mutated vine with the thickness of a thigh and covered with colorful patterns on its surface hung upside down from the branches that covered the sky, like an anaconda.

The tip is like a piranha, split into eight petals, each of which is full of fine and sharp serrations.

Between the teeth, there are even meat residue and bone spurs left in the food, giving off a half fishy smell, half sweet and greasy, disgusting breath.

Meng Chao was expressionless, and glanced at the mutant vine that opened its **** mouth.

He didn't make any extra moves, and he didn't release too strong murderous aura.

The mutant vines trembled slightly as if they had received a red alert from the depths of their genes.

After hesitating for a moment, the mutant vine politely closed his mouth and shrank back honestly.

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