The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1529: Skynet resumes

Meng Chao took a deep breath.

Dive into cloudy spring water.

Under the double wrap of the spiritual magnet and the psionic shield, his mass seems to become extremely large and the density becomes extremely high.

To sink into the silt deep in the spring is like a weight sinking into butter.

Soon, at the bottom of the spring more than ten meters deep, Meng Chao found the traces of the water from the underground river hidden under the silt.

Judging from the cracks above the fragmented rock that have not been weathered and eroded.

This piece of spring water should have just formed not long ago.

A few months ago, this dark river should have been located deeper in the rock formation. The river channel was wrapped by dense rock. The strong radiation and high pollutants in the river water could not penetrate the rock formation and pollute the surrounding land.

Then, when this underground river flows secretly to further places, or branches into dozens or hundreds of underground streams, so that the strong radiation and high pollution substances can be decomposed and diluted as much as possible.

Even sharp-eyed experts may not be able to see the strangeness of the upper reaches of the underground river.

However, ten days and a half ago, a small earthquake occurred here.

Back then, Meng Chao and Lu Siya teamed up to try to prevent the outbreak of the red jade ore.

Although the intensity of the instant explosion was reduced by 90%.

However, a large amount of spiritual energy was stagnant in the rock formations and soil around the ore vein, and it was slowly released in the next three to five years.

As a result, the spiritual magnetic environment is abnormal, and aftershocks of various sizes continue.

Although such aftershocks will not have much impact on humans.

It is even like "tidal energy", which can help the extraordinary to fuel the flames and improve their realm.

But if a large amount of psychic energy spews out from the weak point of the earth's crustal structure, it cuts off an underground underground river, tears the rock formations around the underground underground river, and exposes part of the channel to the ground, or after the diversion, penetrates into a larger area of ​​soil , this is an easy task.

As a result, the river water, which is rich in strong radiation and high pollutants, flows everywhere, forming this "blood-colored jungle" that is slightly dazzling from the air.

"I see!"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned and he figured out the details in an instant, "It seems that the guy hiding behind the 'horizon' has long discovered this unique underground river and used it as a pure natural sewage pipeline.

"They contracted a piece of land at the source of the underground river. On the surface, they opened a very low-key monster farm. In fact, they built a large-scale secret base at the bottom of the farm, and carried out various activities involving blood patterns. Flowers, extremely dangerous genetic modulation and biochemical experiments.

"Blood-patterned flowers are the strangest beings in the Monster Mountains.

"It is one of the main culprits that led to the birth of 'monsters' and 'zombies'.

"Of course, there are also countless intelligent and outstanding biochemical experts who are trying to tame this diabolical creature, make it serve human beings, and become the accelerant for the extraordinary to break through the limit, break the barrier of life, and soar into the sky like a rocket.

"Because of the danger and sensitivity of blood stripes.

"Biochemical experiments involving blood pattern must be subject to the strictest supervision and approval.

"Almost every step has to be exposed under the eyes of the relevant departments and even the public.

"Even a single page of experimental notes may have been repeatedly scanned by hundreds of pairs of eyes.

"Moreover, the exploration of this cutting-edge field always walks above the bottom line of law and morality. A little carelessness will not only lead to catastrophic consequences, but also bring the relevant researchers into disrepute and become blamed by thousands of people. the devil.

"If you want to legally study the blood pattern, it is inevitable that you will be constrained and difficult.

"Then, it is normal for some ambitious and eager for quick success to try to put aside the approval of the Transcendent Tower, public supervision, moral and legal bottom lines, and use the most radical and extreme means to speed up the research progress at all costs. thing.

"And in this kind of research, the clues of the blood alliance were found, and even the blood alliance was involved from the beginning, that is not surprising at all."

Meng Chao seemed to see that there was a thin, long, looming red line that would connect the spar warehouse explosion in the Hongxigou project with the blood-patterned flower research base deep in the Nutao Mountains.

He felt that he might catch a big fish this time.

"The source of this underground river must be found."

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

It is impossible to trace directly to the source.

The river channel in the depths of the blood-colored spring was only recently formed because of the earthquake tearing. It is basically a tributary of a tributary. At the narrowest point, even a loach may not be able to drill through. No matter how well Meng Chao is proficient in compressing flesh and bones, it is impossible. Compress your skull to the size of a coin.

But that didn't stop him.

All rivers must rely on the situation of mountains and rivers and obey the objective law of "water flows to lower places".

Even if the underground river is affected by the high temperature and high pressure underground, it is impossible for it to spew upwards for a long time.

In addition, because the earthquake tore through the rock formations, and the pollutant-rich river water penetrated into the surface, the "blood jungle" formed is not only in one place, but in different degrees.

Following the distribution of deformed monsters and mutated plants, Meng Chao sniffed the unique stench and sweet smell of blood striped flower spores, and quickly delineated the approximate scope of the underground river.

In the middle of the approximate range, a crack in the ground that had recently cracked was found.

The dark gap can't be seen to the end at a glance, as if it goes straight to the heart of the earth, making a "hissing" sound from time to time, and spewing out the cold air that freezes to the bone marrow.

This gap is extremely narrow and meandering.

Couldn't hold an adult, curled up the bones for a long time, and dived into it.

Meng Chao just inserted his arms deep into the gap.

Then, pour psionic energy into the joints of the arms and hands.

Accompanied by the contraction and bouncing of muscles and tendons.

His bones emit high-frequency oscillations that are unrecognizable to the naked eye and inaudible to the human ear.

Invisible and inaudible ripples, like a surging wave, penetrated deep into the mountains, triggering the resonance of the planet's magnetic field.

Within a radius of dozens of miles, every piece of soil, every rock, every root of every plant, and even the carapace and bones of every monster dormant in the ground shook together.

Objects have different densities and properties.

The oscillation frequency is also not the same.

When thousands of shock waves, like a shoving wave, roared from all directions, feeding back into Meng Chao's brain.

With his extraordinary analytical power, computing power and modeling ability, Meng Chao naturally constructed a map of the distribution of underground rock formations and water systems in the depths of the Nutao Mountains in the depths of his mind.

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