The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1532: Knock the mountain and shake the tiger

"We must find a way to attract the attention of the guards, and at the same time destroy 80%, at least 50% of the monitoring equipment!"

If you can destroy half of the surveillance equipment, attract the attention of one-third of the guards, and let the battle-hardened sniper shift his sight for a few seconds.

Meng Chao was sure that in the heavily guarded Longtan Tiger Den, it was as if he was in a no-man's land.

Look at the cave full of traces from the recent earthquake.

Meng Chao thought about it and had an idea.

He dived back to the bottom of the river.

Expand the life magnetic field to the limit.

Scans surrounding high-energy matter and Aura concentrations.

Soon, the hydrology of the underground river was figured out.

Within a few miles, how many tributaries does the underground river have, and the concentration of aura in each tributary.

He used both hands and feet, like a huge loach, sneaking close to the riverbed.

After squeezing through a rock crevice no more than the thickness of the palm of his hand, he quickly found a tributary that was obviously purple in color.

The concentration of spiritual energy in this tributary is extremely high.

The river water is also mixed with a lot of shining suspended matter.

The deformed monsters and mutant plants that inhabited the riverbed looked even more ferocious, ugly, and weird, like the products of incomplete evolution after being subjected to nuclear radiation.

Even Meng Chao's totem armor made a faint alarm sound.

Warn him that in such a harsh environment for a long time, the performance parameters of the totem armor will drop sharply.

"right here!"

Meng Chao's eyes sparkled.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the dark world where the five fingers cannot be reached, but in his eyes, it has turned into a colorful picture scroll according to the concentration of aura and the intensity of radiation.

Following the lines of the picture scroll, Meng Chao quickly locked onto the left side of the riverbed, a brightly colored crevice, as if a highly poisonous centipede was wriggling and twisting.

Raising the extraordinary vision to the limit, you can clearly see that wisps of ink-like spiritual energy spewed out from the depths of the gap, forming a vortex of open teeth and claws in the river water.

"I guessed right, just relying on the biochemical sewage discharged from the blood stripe laboratory, the radiation value of this underground river and the reproduction of blood stripe spores will not become so bad.

"After all, the other party also invested the capital and added a complete set of advanced sewage treatment system, just didn't want to leak any clues.

"It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. The small-scale earthquake not long ago not only damaged the sewage treatment system, but also tore apart the relatively weak rock formations below the riverbed, leaving a large number of branches of the red pyroxite ore veins, as well as the complex composition. Seed spar staggered, relatively unstable associated minerals, all directly exposed to air and river water.

"This is the main area affected by the big explosion of the red pyrite lode a few years ago.

"Although the branch of Honghui jade and the associated minerals here did not explode directly.

"However, after being stimulated by the spiritual magnetic storm, the spiritual energy stored in the branches and associated mines, accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, has been 'awakened', which is equivalent to a dormant volcano that has been dormant for hundreds of millions of years. Black smoke has entered an active period.

"In the 'active period', a new, small-scale earthquake can be triggered by a little stimulation of the tributaries and associated minerals.

"The earthquake that caused the diversion of the underground river some time ago was probably caused by this.

"After this earthquake, the host of the Blood Pattern Laboratory has probably become a bird of fear, and is extremely sensitive to the faintest vibrations deep in the ground.

"Then, I just need to be like a little butterfly, flap its wings gently..."

The only problem is that this companion vein is hidden very deep.

There are still more than 60 meters from the bottom of the riverbed.

Moreover, the gaps are meandering, and the width of many places is less than one millimeter, and even a single strand of hair cannot be inserted.

If it is an ordinary extraordinary person, if you want to open up the associated mineral veins, you can only use a simple and rude way, bombarding indiscriminately all the way, setting off stormy waves in the underground river, and of course, the "horizon" will detect it immediately.

Meng Chao has a secret weapon.

He inserted the right hand wrapped in the totem armor into the gap at the bottom of the riverbed.

The fingers were spread apart, and with a thought, the iron-hard totem armor immediately softened, decomposed, and restored to a mercury-like liquid metal form.

The spiritual magnet composed of countless nano-robots, under the constraint of Meng Chao's life magnetic field, turned into countless strands of "mercury", like the roots that were constantly growing, and penetrated into the depths of the gap without a sound. Associated veins.

The spiritual magnet is like an extension of Meng Chao's body.

It is more closely connected with his sensory nerves.

When innumerable strands of "mercury" gently penetrated and entangled the associated ore veins buried deep in the earth, Meng Chao immediately analyzed the composition of the associated ore veins.

"Fire fluorite, sky blue color changing stone, cristobalite ore, haze crystal..."

These are common associated minerals of ruby.

As for their texture, oscillation frequency, molecular structure, and spiritual magnetic force field model, Meng Chao has long been familiar with them.

After 3.5 seconds of calculation, a series of mysterious and complicated formulas appeared in Meng Chao's mind.

In another 1.5 seconds, the criss-crossing offensive was constructed into a rigorous resonance model.

The five fingers that Meng Chao inserted into the ground seam oscillated at high frequencies according to different frequencies.

Along with the continuous oscillation, five different types of spiritual energy flowed into the associated mineral veins along the extremely mobile spiritual magnet.

The stimulated associated mineral veins are like awakened diving dragons, blooming red orange blue green in different colors.

In the beginning, Meng Chao still needed to keep burning cells, stimulate mitochondria, and release more and more powerful psychic energy to fuel the flames.

However, when the agitation of the associated mineral veins broke through the critical value, the crystal structure of many spar changed, and even produced an avalanche-like chain reaction.

Even if Meng Chao has withdrawn all his psychic energy and spiritual magnets.

Originating from the depths of the ground, the roaring sound like rolling thunder continued to reverberate and intensified.

The whole riverbed began to tremble.

Countless colorful bubbles spewed from cracks in the bottom of the riverbed.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, like a pair of invisible strange hands, tearing the river bed fiercely.

The bubbles burst in the river water, dyeing the river water into colorful, like boiling magma.

"This level of shock should be enough."

Meng Chao stayed near the gap, watching intently.

He just wanted to create a small earthquake with a bluff.

He didn't want to collapse the blood-patterned flower laboratory of "Horizon" and the evidence that might be traced to the Blood Alliance, and annihilated in the depths of the earth.

After confirming that the magnitude and trend of the earthquake were exactly the same as the model he had constructed in his mind, Meng Chao was slightly relieved and dived back to the source of the underground river, directly below the sewage treatment system. (To be continued)

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