The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1535: Harmless treatment

Inside the cramped and narrow ventilation ducts, the spiritual magnet continued to split into dozens of meandering mercury snakes, each of which found and drilled into an exhaust fan that was running at full power or even overloaded.

The original cadence of the exhaust fan suddenly became stumbling, even sharp and harsh, as if the internal parts fell off. Driven by the high-speed propeller, the inner wall of the exhaust fan was scratched and riddled with holes.

Accompanied by the spout of a large amount of sparks and smoke, dozens of exhaust fans distributed throughout the ventilation ducts were almost paralyzed at the same time.

Separated by a wall, in the burning and exploding sewage treatment station, the expanding flames and thick smoke immediately poured back into the underground laboratory, making the area around the tunnel so smoky that you can't see your fingers.

"Ha! Ha!"

The automatic fire-fighting and anti-virus facilities set up above the corridor were all activated, and a large amount of extremely viscous foam was sprayed downward.

The staff in the underground laboratory had originally put on chemical protective suits with three layers inside and three layers outside.

Now, their gas masks were stained with a lot of foam, and they couldn't wipe them clean. Between the dazzling flames and the dark poisonous mist, it was naturally more difficult to detect the existence of the intruder.

Moreover, when the fire fighting and anti-virus system was automatically activated, a door was quietly opened from the seemingly smooth mirror-like corridor wall. Inside was a small fire station, including fire-fighting foam spray cans, negative pressure A variety of safety equipment including airtight suits, gas masks, and first aid kits.

Originally, these equipments were prepared for staff who were suddenly exposed to high temperature and highly toxic environment and had no time to escape to a safe area.

Now, it is cheaper than Meng Chao.

He withdraws all the spirit magnets from the ventilation duct.

Make sure not to leave half a drop of "mercury".

Even if the people at Horizon checked the exhaust fan that was burnt to scrap, they would only think that the earthquake was too strong, the flames were too fierce, and the poisonous mist contained a high degree of corrosiveness, which would lead to the paralysis of the entire system.

Before a large number of staff stumbled into the corridor, Meng Chao swiftly put on a full set of equipment, and smeared a lot of firefighting foam on the gas mask, turning it into a silvery human-shaped can.

He was lying on the corner of the wall, coughing loudly, pretending to inhale a lot of poisonous mist, burning his esophagus and lung lobes.

Sure enough, those staff were most concerned about the energy level and trend of the earthquake, as well as the damage management status of the sewage treatment system, and did not care about his life or death.

Only one staff member who was quite aggressive grabbed him and asked about the situation outside.

Naturally, he was fooled by Meng Chao's superb acting skills.

When a large number of staff rushed out of the corridor.

Meng Chao went upstream and plunged straight into the heart of the underground laboratory.

He secretly poked a small hole under the gas mask.

Let outside breath and sound leak in.

Now, Meng Chao doesn't know the specific structure of this intricate labyrinth-like underground laboratory.

But that's not the problem.

As seismic waves and magnetic storm surges continue to hit the underground laboratory.

The monsters imprisoned here all became restless, emitting ferocious, shrill, fearful, and twisted howls from time to time.

And secreted a lot of very strong smell of sweat.

Following the sound and breath, Meng Chao easily pinpointed where a large number of monsters gathered.

"Monsters are the best carriers of Blood Patterns.

"Since this is the 'Blood Pattern Laboratory', the large number of monsters gathered here are naturally experimental raw materials.

"In other words, as long as you find the monster, you can follow the path and find the core area of ​​the underground laboratory!"

The first thing Meng Chao found was not a living monster.

But a large number of strangely shaped, **** monster corpses.

They are all stacked in a "harmless treatment workshop".

Most of the monsters have undergone high-intensity experiments. After they die, they are sent to the acid pool and incinerator here, decomposed into the most basic particles or even ashes, before they are discharged into the sewage treatment system and enter the next step.

"What the **** are these?"

Seeing the rows of swaying monster corpses hung in the air by huge iron hooks, Meng Chao frowned secretly.

He is quite knowledgeable.

From Dragon City to Turanze, from monsters to totem beasts, and even in the fragmented Doomsday Nightmare and mottled ancient battlefield, what strange alien creatures has he not seen?

In particular, the cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of gods.

Even if the diamond nine-headed dragon appeared in front of him, he could chat and laugh with each other.

But even if the ugliest monsters in his memory were extracted, compared with the hideous appearance of the corpses of these monsters in front of him, Meng Chao still couldn't tell which monster was more creepy.

At first glance, these monsters look like a subspecies of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig.

- There are a large number of sword halberd demon pigs, which have strong reproductive and adaptability. They have rough skin and thick flesh. They can withstand various preparations. They are the best materials for various biochemical experiments.

Agricultural University has also bred a very special sword and halberd demon pig. Using the method of gene knockout, the fangs, thick skin and mane of the sword and halberd demon pig were removed, so that the white and fat sword and halberd demon pig looked like It's more like a guinea pig magnified hundreds of times.

But the little white pigs hanging here

Meng Chao saw a sword and halberd demon pig. It was indeed knocked out, and the tusks, thick skin and bristles were removed at the embryonic stage.

However, its whole body is inlaid with hundreds of eyeballs!

Although the sword and halberd demon pig has long died.

The vast majority of these eyeballs are still bulging open, and they are covered with radial bloodshots, just like tumors that still maintain vigorous vitality.

No, it's not just a tumor.

Meng Chao sensed a few wisps of fear from these dead eyes.

Aware of these eyeballs, I just released a super high-intensity mental attack.

"These ghosts are fundamentally different from the eyeballs of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig.

"This is not the eyeball of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig at all, but it seems to have shrunk the 'Sky Splitting Demon Eye' hundreds of times and forcibly grafted it onto the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig's body.

"Could it be that the genes of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig and the genes of the Sky Splitting Demon Eye are entwined together through the stimulation of the blood pattern?

"Being able to come up with this kind of genetic modulation method, the host of this laboratory is definitely a genius, an extremely evil genius!

"However, there seems to be a small deviation in his thinking.

"The psychic attack ability of the Sky Splitting Demon Eye originates from the brain that occupies more than 90% of the body's space, not the eyeballs that float on the surface.

"Even if you use genetic modulation technology to grow more eyes on the body of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig, if you don't fundamentally transform the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig's brain, it is still impossible to release too strong a mental attack. On the contrary, in the overloaded mental attack, the brain of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig will be drained.

"This sword and halberd demon pig should have died of cerebral edema and brain failure caused by mental backlash, right?"

Meng Chao noticed that there were faint burn marks in the nose, ear canals and corners of the mouth of the sword-halberd demon pig.

It should be caused by the unbearable mental backlash, the spontaneous combustion of the brain, and the flames escaping from the seven orifices.

Although there is a problem with the idea.

But failure is the mother of success.

Meng Chao can fully imagine that as the host of this laboratory, after repeated attempts, he has overcome a series of technical difficulties, and can really make a large number of swords and halberd demon pigs with thick skin and considerable physical attack power that can be seen everywhere. He has the ability to release "fear bombs" at will.

At that time, what a terrifying "monster army" he will be able to have!

Moreover, it's just a sword-halberd demon pig.

You must know that Meng Chao just extracted a large amount of residual substances from high-level beasts that are a hundred times more powerful than the sword-halberd demon pig from the underground river!

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