The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1540: The experiment must continue

Because monsters carry various bacteria and viruses in their bodies.

Even if there is no visible damage to the protective clothing.

There is no absolute guarantee that the deadly germs have not penetrated the skin, invaded the human body, and after twenty-four to forty-eight hours, turned humans into zombies or even more terrifying monsters.

Even if there are no symptoms of poisoning and mutation for the time being.

All researchers still have to stay here for further observation and testing.

The researchers who came to the rescue couldn't help but complain.

In particular, those who complained about the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig did not tell everyone in advance that they actually added the trait of "spraying venom" to the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig.

So caught off guard, he was brutally murdered.

"We don't even know that this sword-halberd demon pig has the ability to spray venom!"

The concocters of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig are also amazed, "We have not taken the initiative to conduct genetic modulation in this regard, and this Sword and Halberd Demon Pig has never been exposed in daily experiments. It actually possesses poison glands. And the fact of jetting ability.

"The Sword and Halberd Demon Pig was originally one of the dumbest and most violent monsters.

"It's incredible that this sword and halberd demon pig can endure to such an extent!"

"God change 9.0" seems to be the core project in this underground laboratory.

The researcher in charge of "God Change 9.0" also has the power over everyone.

Serious injuries and even death are commonplace in this underground laboratory.

Although the researchers kept complaining, they got a reasonable explanation, and were promised high subsidies and rare experimental raw materials, so they could only be honest and obey orders.

Meng Chao, on the other hand, concentrated 90% of his perception ability on the chief researcher who led the "God Transformation 9.0" project team and seemed to have the highest status.

Through the negative pressure helmet, you can see that this gentleman has white temples, gentle and gentle, and has the temperament of a superior.

Since he is qualified to preside over the "Divine Change 9.0" project, he may have outstanding talents in the academic field.

But after all, he is not a warrior who spends all day in the depths of the jungle, fighting with monsters in blood.

In the face of Meng Chao, a powerful man in the divine realm, the pervasive monitoring was almost unaware and had the power to fight back.

After comforting everyone a little, the chief researcher walked to the corner and reported to the real host of the underground laboratory through the built-in communicator of the protective suit.

Meng Chao's ear canal was infiltrated with real spiritual energy.

The eardrum trembled slightly, and the extremely fine sound waves were reassembled to analyze the effective fragments.

The chief researcher was only slightly surprised, and said to the communicator: "The situation is so bad, the experiment should continue?"

On the other side of the communicator, there was an intermittent voice: "The earthquake has passed its peak, and the intensity of the magnetic interference released is getting lower and lower. This is just an occasional and short-lived aftershock, and there is nothing to fear.

"The top is very pressing. We must produce more results and data in the shortest possible time to prove the value of 'God Transformation 9.0' in order to obtain more research funds and resources.

"Although the accident just now was unfortunate, it also proved from another aspect that the survivability and hunting wisdom of this batch of sword-halberd demon pigs have far exceeded those of the same kind as nightmare beasts.

"After so many high-voltage electric shocks, so many armor-piercing bullets, and even their entire limbs were torn off, but the physiological parameters of these sword-halberd demon pigs are still maintained above the level, and then give them a certain amount of Stimulation, they can still wake up from nightmares, and all living things within the field of vision are immortal and perish together.

"Not to mention, there have also emerged mutants that are good at hiding their abilities, which is literally 'playing a pig and eating a tiger'.

"If it weren't for this accident, we still don't know how long we would be deceived by these sword-halberd demon pigs.

"Only further actual combat, in the face of the threat and stimulation of death, can we fully understand the characteristics of these sword-halberd demon pigs and the potential of 'God Transformation 9.0'.

"After all, there are often strong magnetic interference in actual combat. What we are concocting is not the flowers in the greenhouse, but the ultimate weapon that can shred all enemies in any environment, isn't it?

"So, hurry up and send our protagonists to the No. 1 test field. The guests are all looking forward to it and can't wait!"

The Principal Investigator can only do what he is told.

On the east side of the No. 1 research room, no matter how the mad sword-halberd demon pig collided, a wall with steel plates embedded in it stretched slowly with the faint sound of mechanical operation. Get up, revealing an underground passage large enough to accommodate the parallel main battle tanks.

A row of crawler transport vehicles slowly drove into the No. 1 research room.

Dozens of robotic arms are mounted on both sides of the transporter.

With his hands and feet, he hoisted the cultivation tank with the sword and halberd demon pigs sealed onto the transport vehicle.

Meng Chao's mind switched.

The person who spoke with the chief researcher just now was obviously the host of the underground laboratory.

What they are about to do is also the most important test of the core project in this laboratory.

Stay here and wait until more staff are transferred from the sewage treatment system to conduct comprehensive testing and long-term observation of researchers who may be infected.

You will definitely expose yourself.

It's better to go all out and go straight to the chase.

Risks do exist.

But it is equally possible to get the answer you want in the simplest and most direct way.

"The big deal is to be discovered by the other party, and then the world will be turned upside down.

"If I really want to kill seven in and seven out here, who can stop me!"

At this moment, an inhuman roar sounded again in the corner of the research room.

The researcher, whose protective suit was unfortunately eroded and contaminated with a lot of monster venom, was dying like a sun-dried earthworm.

At this moment, it seems to have been injected with a powerful and mysterious vitality, jumping like a live fish that fell into a frying pan.

There were three or four researchers taking care of him just now.

At this moment, he was thrown to the ground at once.

Through the negative pressure helmet, it can be clearly seen that his face has changed from pale to blood red.

From every pore on his face, a drop of red blood seeped out.

The eyes were completely swallowed by bloodshot, and the whites of the eyes and pupils could not be distinguished.

The protective clothing wrapped around the body was originally a looser style.

At this moment, it was also propped up by the constantly protruding flesh and blood on his body, as well as the tumor that grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it would burst at any time, spraying more venom.

The researcher let out a muffled growl from the depths of his throat.

There is no trace of humanity in the eyes of the same kind, only an undisguised, incomparably strong appetite.


Three words appeared in Meng Chao's mind.

Most of the various types of genetic medicines prepared in this underground laboratory contain blood striped flower spores.

It is not the natural spores in the wild blood pattern flower, but the "super spores" that have been genetically screened and optimized by humans, which have greatly enhanced the ability to spread and stimulate mutation.

Blood pattern spores can greatly increase the combat power of monsters.

It is also one of the culprits that turned humans into zombies.

Now that this researcher has been corroded by monster venom.

Turning into a zombie is also a high probability event.

Although this laboratory has long had relevant plans for "zombification".

The researchers were still unavoidable, and they were in a hurry.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention, they were all attracted by the unfortunate zombie.

Meng Chao once again shielded his breathing, heartbeat and body temperature, minimized his presence, turned into a vague shadow, and got under the chassis of a crawler transport vehicle.

Because this transporter is only used on paved roads in the underground laboratory.

Only load capacity and stability need to be considered, not off-road capability.

Its chassis is placed extremely low.

The distance between it and the ground is almost two palms wide.

Coupled with the high-power spar engine, it makes a deafening roar all the time.

A little careless, it will be rolled in by the crawler and crushed into a pulp.

Therefore, no one has ever thought about the possibility that someone would sneak under the chassis of the crawler.

Meng Chao looks like a cross between a tree frog and a gecko and a bat.

It is firmly attached to the chassis.

He squeezed the last puff of air out of his lungs.

Compress the chest cavity to the limit to ensure that even if others are standing next to the crawler, it is impossible for the line of sight to scan his presence.

When the zombie researcher is finally under control.

The "God Transformation 9.0" was injected long ago, and the powerful anesthetic was about to be unable to suppress it. The breathing and heartbeat in the culture tank were getting faster and faster, and the sword and halberd demon pig, which might wake up again at any time, also completed the loading.

The unmanned crawler truck starts immediately.

Carrying the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig and Meng Chao, they crossed the underground highway, passed through a large elevator, and descended to a position about two or three hundred meters underground. After a total of five minutes and twenty-four seconds, they arrived at the "Test Room No. 1".

It is different from the "No. 1 Research Laboratory" which was excavated manually and carefully built.

The No. 1 test room seems to be transformed from a natural cave.

The space here is more spacious.

As far as Meng Chao could see, he reached the size of half a football field.

The rough, unpolished rock wall with a metallic luster is full of the ingenious work of nature, as well as the traces of countless beasts, tearing and colliding violently.

This place is like being subjected to the overwhelming beast tide day and night, the never-ending impact.

And similar traces, more on the ground.

Despite the end of each test, the staff must have carefully cleaned the ground.

Meng Chao still saw the dense, criss-crossing claw marks, footprints and impact marks.

And the remnants of blood, bone marrow and brain plasma that are moistened deep into the rock formations and cannot be washed away with any chemical reagents.

Taking a deep breath, an extremely stimulating and ferocious aura rushed into the nose, straight to the brain.

"This is the smell of doomsday beasts!"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

A lot of ghosts appeared in front of him.

He can be sure.

There used to be more than one doomsday beast, at least a monster containing the bloodline of the doomsday beast, and it has undergone an extremely terrifying test here!

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