The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1545: undead battle

"undead creatures"

Meng Chao's conditioned reflex gave him a faint headache.

The undead are the most terrifying creatures humans don't want to encounter on the battlefield.

They can no longer be regarded as monsters in essence, but the **** flower clusters gather and manipulate the corpses of the monsters to form a killing machine that is more terrifying than the monsters.

Their power is not limited to the speed and strength that are superior to monsters, their extremely cunning attack methods, and their mysterious characteristics that they can't be killed no matter how much they fight.

More importantly, they carry a large number of blood spores in their bodies, which are spread freely like bacteria and viruses. When humans infiltrate them for a long time, they breathe in the air full of blood spores in the fierce battle, or accidentally let the blood flow. The spores enter the body along the wound.

Even if the undead are completely killed and the corpses are burned to ashes, the infected humans are very likely to become dehumanized zombies in just a few minutes, leaving only appetite.

"Fei Qingyun's nickname of 'Monster Doctor' is not wrong. This guy is really a monster in human skin. The blood patterned flower spores that ordinary people can't avoid, but in his hands, it has become the raw material for making biochemical weapons. I am afraid it is the first time that humans have 'created' undead creatures with their own hands, right?"

Meng Chao seemed to see that Pandora's box was slowly opening.

This magic box is like a monster again, with its **** mouth open, it is devouring the future of Dragon City.

Even if it is majestic, like the tiger Jiao that the king has descended, seeing the corpse of the sword and halberd demon pig, it has been reorganized into an extremely terrifying appearance, as if it has just crawled out from the deepest, steaming blood pool of hell.

The instinct deep in the gene also caused a hint of hesitation and even fear on its face.

But as a beast of hell, the pride that once strangled the tyrant Mammoth made it instantly ignite a more vigorous flame of war, shattering all hesitation and fear, and actively launched an attack on the four undead creatures.

It can be seen that Tiger Jiao's attack has obviously become much more cautious.

It is quite afraid of the clusters and flagella waving around the undead creature, but it is only agitated by the golden claws in the distance, trying to tear the undead creature in half at a distance of more than ten meters.

However, after the "stitching" of the blood pattern flower cluster, the strength of the flesh and blood of the undead is ten times higher than when it was alive as a sword-halberd demon pig.

And even if a piece of flesh and blood is really torn apart by the tiger scorpion, it is often connected to the body.

The four undead creatures made strange laughter sounds of "squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak".

The head of the undead creature with two heads, with criss-crossing golden claws, flew towards the tiger.

In an instant, hundreds of criss-crossing wounds appeared on its body without any accident, with deep visible bone wounds.

But in the depths of each wound, it was like a fountain, spewing out a lot of granulation and tentacle-like intestines.

The seam between its two heads was firmly hit by the tiger Jiao's claw, splitting all the way from the shoulder to the waist, and the entire upper body was completely split in half.

However, the two halves of the blood-soaked body have independent lives, and under the control of the two heads, they are still desperately biting towards the Tiger Jiao's vital point.

Before waiting for the tiger Jiao to jump like thunder, he ripped the stalking two-headed monster off his body.

The second sword and halberd demon pig had already touched it from behind.

It has a strange tail mutated from an entire spine.

This strange tail with countless bone spurs and bone blades also seems to condense all its attack power.

The pounce with claws and claws was just a bluff.

Its real purpose is to send this strange tail, along the wound on the tiger's skin, into the tiger's body, and entangle it with the tiger's vertebrae.

When Tiger Jiao discovered its intentions, it was too late.

This undead creature has already pierced seven or eight vertebrae.

And it was wrapped around the vertebrae of the tiger Jiao.

A snake has seven inches.

Jiaolong also has seven inches.

The tiger Jiao with the "tiger head and python body and snake tail" also has its own seven inches, that is, the extremely strong tiger body and the python body with the thickness of the bucket, connected together, the most vulnerable place.

The vertebrae of the second undead creature happened to wrap around the "seven inches" of the tiger Jiao.

Bone spurs covered with barbs all got stuck between the vertebrae of the tiger Jiao.

Let Tiger Jiao deeply taste the taste of "lumbar disc herniation".

Tiger Jiao jumped up and down in pain.

The principle of "no close contact with the undead" can no longer be ignored.

The tiger's claws the size of the palm fan slapped it down fiercely.

The undead creatures that slammed the two heads on their body at once, were shot and their brains burst and shattered.

However, the blood-striped fungus clusters parasitized in the bodies of these two undead creatures took the opportunity to spread to the tigers.

Moreover, the torn tail of the second undead creature was also driven by the blood pattern flower cluster, as if it had an independent life and turned into a scarlet poisonous snake, which continued to drill into the waist of the tiger Jiao.

Not to mention that the tiger claws are not suitable for precise operations such as "lumbar spine surgery".

Even if it wanted to grab the undead's wagging tail and pull out the **** intruder.

The tail, which has been locked with its own vertebrae, is inseparable from each other, I am afraid that its lumbar vertebra will be pulled off.

At this time, the third undead creature, as if three or four swords and halberd demon pigs were connected in series, turned into a giant reptile monster, had already rushed up.


The upper body of Tiger Jiao was eroded by the clusters of blood-patterned flowers, and it was faintly out of control.

The bucket is thin, twenty or thirty meters long, and has an anaconda-like lower body, but it also possesses the power of unscrupulous destruction.

At the end of its slightly inflated tail, hundreds of bone spurs popped out, turning the tail into an extra-large meteor hammer, and at the speed of tearing the sound barrier, it swung towards the third undead creature.

This undead creature was powerless to fight back.

All of a sudden, it was smashed into a skin as thin as a cicada's wings.

But at the moment when it was smashed, with the help of the squeezing force of the opponent, a large amount of yellow-brown, dark green, dark purple and colorful mucus was ejected from the body cavity.

These pungent-smelling mucus splattered the head and torso of the tiger Jiao.

Tiger Jiao itself contains strong acid and poison.

It is not afraid of the erosion of most acids and poisonous mists.

But these colorful mucus made the tiger Jiao scream in agony.

Like falling into an invisible frying pan, struggling desperately and dancing frantically.

And for the blood striae cluster attached to it.

The colorful mucus is like a nutrient solution full of spiritual energy, which stimulates them to accelerate their growth, and soon turns into a dense layer of red hair, which spreads around the tiger's body, covering the tiger's original majestic appearance. Golden fluff and scales.

The last undead creature, the big meat ball that looked like a malignant tumor, finally rolled over.

It can be seen that Tiger Jiao is most afraid of this "malignant tumor".

It is better to let go of the crazy erosion of the other three undead creatures, and they have to wave their tiger claws wildly, releasing one after another criss-crossing golden claws, trying to sweep the "malignant tumor" away from tens of meters or hundreds of meters away. go.

But as the red hair was like a blood tide, it gradually covered its tiger head, python body and snake tail.

Its intensity and frequency also decrease at a rate visible to the naked eye.

With the help of the flagella and tentacles, the "malignant tumor" spun around, left, right, front and back, like an irregular Brownian motion, which could not be locked at all.

Finally, when the speed of Tiger Jiao's claws was reduced by one step again.

In the body of the "cancerous tumor", a piercing scream suddenly erupted.

This scream, which contained a spiritual attack, not only made Tiger Jiao shudder.

Even below the "malignant tumor", nine air holes were opened, and nine strong airflows were ejected.

With the reverse thrust of the airflow, the speed of the "malignant tumor" increased by at least 300%.

It jumped high and jumped to the top of Tiger Jiao's head.

Tiger Jiao hurriedly waved its claws.


No one would have imagined that when the tiger claws touched the surface of the rapidly expanding meat ball, the "malignant tumor" would explode next to the tiger's head.

It is like a suicide bomb, sacrificing itself, but spraying a large number of the internal organs of the sword halberd demon pig, which was contaminated with blood pattern flower clusters, as a biological weapon, spraying it onto the head and torso of the tiger Jiao.

The viscera of these monsters, which were swelled by the blood-striped flower fungus cluster, also seemed to have an extremely strange life. Crazy wriggling, spreading, spreading, and the blood-red mycelium that "landed" long ago "joined divisions in victory", Together, wrap the tiger Jiao tightly.

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