The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1549: Get into action now!

Until the multi-functional mechanical arms of the two rune chariots stretched out more probes, gently pierced the body of the undead tiger, tested hundreds of life parameters, and determined that the other party really fell into a hibernation state.

The experimenters left the observation room one after another and walked into the test field.

Of course, the vast majority of experimenters are still trembling and walking on thin ice.

Even if he was wearing a sealed protective suit with three layers inside and three layers outside, he wouldn't want to step on the flesh and blood that remained after half a sword and halberd demon pig was torn apart.

Only "Dr. Monster" Fei Qingyun went straight to the undead tiger Jiao, which turned into a "blue artwork", with both hands on his back, bowed his waist, widened his eyes, and carefully admired the pimples and the exposed deep wounds. , and the internal organs that are fully entangled with the blood striae fungus cluster.

He sighed contentedly.

Adam's apple rolled up and down, as if to stick out his tongue and lick it.

"The effect of God Change 9.0 is really unexpected!"

The chief researcher who brought Meng Chao here stood behind Fei Qingyun and said excitedly, "Directly injecting Divine Transformation 9.0 into the body of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig has already transformed the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig. I didn't expect that in actual combat. , when fully infiltrated the blood-striped fungus cluster of Divine Transformation 9.0, spread from the sword-halberd demon pig to the tiger-jaw, and the ability to stimulate cell activity has increased by at least 200%!

"If this undead tiger dragon continues to spray the acid and poisonous mist containing blood-patterned flower spores and continues to spread, I really don't know what kind of terrifying 'undead army' it will create!"

"That's right, this is why I repeatedly asked you to treat every experiment as if it were an actual battle."

Fei Qingyun didn't look back, and said in a sharp and sharp voice, "These monsters are all little clever ghosts, they are very aware of their situation and know that what awaits them will be endless experiments and tests. , Only death can free them, so they are never willing to do everything possible in the experiment to let human beings see their potential clearly.

"Only in an extraordinary period like today, when some small accidents occur, and the monsters see the hope of escaping, or at least dying together with humans, will they show the kung fu at the bottom of the pressure box and surprise us!"

"As expected of a doctor, the minds of these monsters are completely grasped by you!"

The lead researcher hastily touted it.

Immediately afterwards, for some unknown reason, his expression became visibly stiff.

Meng Chao's mind shifted, thinking of what other researchers had said when the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig lost control just now.

Then think of "Dr. Monster" Fei Qingyun's bad deeds.

He pondered that the chief researcher might also be beating drums in his heart—this blood pattern laboratory has had so many accidents in the past, and I heard that many people have been damaged.

How many accidents are real accidents, and how many accidents are Fei Qingyun's good plays directed by Fei Qingyun in order to test the potential of monsters?

While thinking about it, I heard Fei Qingyun say again: "How many God Transformation 9.0 are there in your laboratory?"

The chief researcher said: "It has just been prepared and can be injected into the monster at any time. There are 50,000 units, unprepared stock solution, and 0.75 tons. If the air purification system and sewage treatment system return to normal, the spiritual magnetism brought by the earthquake will The interference has also completely subsided, and I can prepare another 100,000 units of Divine Transformation 9.0 within 12 hours, which is enough for the next stage of testing.

"What, doctor, this test has just been completed, is it about to enter the next stage?"

Fei Qingyun was noncommittal and continued to ask: "How is the condition of the experimental body?"

"We still have 20 biochemically prepared sword halberd demon pigs, 12 six-armed golden apes, and 22 blood moon demon wolves. Because they have been immersed in the hibernation potion, their conditions are very stable and they have not suffered any damage. The effects of psychic interference."

The chief researcher said, "In addition to this, there are also a group of insect monsters with higher levels, the winners of the 'gu raising experiment', the ghost-faced spider, the eight-winged gray butterfly, the hundred-eyed giant toad, and so on. There are twenty-eight.

"It's just that we haven't had time to make any adjustments to the insect monsters. I don't know whether the effect of God Change 9.0 on insect monsters is as good as that of mammalian monsters."


Fei Qingyun raised his wrist to look at his watch, tapped the surface again and said, "From now on, you have an hour and a half to turn 50,000 units of gods into 9.0, all the monsters mentioned just now, as well as this undead tiger, are all installed. Transporter, making sure all monsters are in top shape and ready to activate and go into battle."

"What, what?"

The chief researcher's face changed greatly, and he stammered, "Doctor, what are you doing, the final test of Divine Transformation 9.0 has not yet been completed. According to the different modulation techniques, the stimulation of each batch of Divine Transformation 9.0 to monsters is subtle. The difference, this biochemical weapon is not ready for actual combat.

"Shouldn't it be safer for us to conduct a few more experiments here?

"This is, this is to pull all the gods 9.0, and the monsters dedicated to experiments, where are they going?"

Fei Qingyun's face still had a dazzling smile.

But the temperature in the test field suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.

Just now, after being burned by the raging flames of the undead tiger, the test field was as hot as a steel furnace.

At this moment, it was frozen into a shuddering ice cave.

Fei Qingyun leaned on the shoulder of the chief researcher, stared intently at the depths of each other's pupils, and said with a smile, "Are you sure, really want to know?"

Even Meng Chao, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked by the maliciousness behind Fei Qingyun's smile.

The chief researcher even felt that the blood all over his body froze instantly, and he shook his head in a hurry, and nodded in a hurry: "No no no, my subordinates don't want to know anything, my subordinates will do it now, do it now!"

Fei Qingyun nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the undead tiger demon reluctantly, and stepped into the dark corridor.

What was left to Meng Chao was an increasingly intricate mystery.

The chief researcher is right. For safety reasons, it is no exaggeration to repeat the biochemical experiments involving the blood striped flower cluster.

How can there be a reason to rush into actual combat after only one test?

If nothing else, just say the infrasound wave that can suppress the blood stripe fungus cluster, acting on insect undead creatures, must have the same effect as mammalian undead creatures?

"Fei Qingyun is a biochemical expert, it is impossible not to know such a simple truth.

"Judging from his performance, he is also not ready to put 'God Transformation 9.0' into actual combat so soon.

"So, what happened, forcing 'Dr. Monster' Fei Qingyun to be in a hurry, so he could only take the risk?"

Meng Chao faintly felt that Fei Qingyun's unreasonable requirements were closely related to the explosion of the spar warehouse in the Hongxigou project outside the Monster Mountains, as well as the series of waves he set off in the Monster Market and Xinhui Commercial Building in the south of the city. .

It seems that because of his return, there are more than one undercurrent that was surging in the darkness, all of which have accelerated to the limit, and are about to set off a stormy sea! (To be continued)

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