The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1555: This is a trap!

Before the flames swept the sky and the earth, the overwhelming air waves had already blown the towering trees within a radius of 100 meters, uprooted them, and tore and ground them into the finest pieces of wood chips and fibers.

The elite snipers hidden in the jungle were forced out by the palm wind from the celestial flowers scattered in the wood fiber, and they were rolled back like a kite with a broken string, vomiting blood and internal organs that turned into pus and blood. The bones all over his body were shattered, and the burly man who was eight feet tall was compressed into **** of mushy flesh, reminiscent of a soda can that was crushed by crawlers.

Only the ace among the very few trump cards barely escaped the destructive power released by the "white-haired ghost" who forcibly overdrafted his life regardless of his own injuries.

They even left the firearms that looked like life behind them.

Amid the screams of his comrades, he ran in a direction where the jungle was relatively sparse, without looking back.

And the direction in which they "frightened" was exactly the direction Meng Chao was hiding.

That is to say, seven monster transport vehicles are parked in secret, and the "God Transformation 9.0" is injected into the compartment. The monsters who have awakened and mutated are shaking violently, and they can break out of the cage at any time!

"It's a trap!"

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly contracted into two needlepoints.

He realized that no matter whether it is a heavenly powerhouse wearing a "fire unicorn" or an elite sniper equipped with a "doomsday bullet", it is not the opponent's trump card.

It's just a bait to attract "white-haired ghosts".

These monsters injected with "God Transformation 9.0" and their bodies filled with blood patterned flower spores are the trump cards for a sword to seal their throats!

"This god-level powerhouse should be an old senior who has fought for Longcheng for decades. He is already scarred, and although the life magnetic field is strong, it is extremely unstable.

"I don't know how, the other party injected a large amount of biochemical poison, and the blood of the whole body almost turned into a highly corrosive venom.

"Subsequently, he also forcibly suppressed injuries and toxic attacks, and killed two-digit heavenly powerhouses and elite snipers—although he was invincible like a hungry tiger rushing to a sheep, but this kind of forcibly burning life and trying to get a quick solution. Law, the consumption of him is too great to be added.

"Seeing that he was chasing the remaining assassins all the way, he was about to crash into an ambush circle formed by seven monster transport vehicles, and was surrounded by nearly three-digit undead creatures.

"At that time, these undead creatures don't need to kill at all, they just need to surround this senior and explode themselves, allowing the extremely thick blood mist to penetrate the body of this senior along the seven orifices and pores.

"Even if you don't die, it's enough for this senior to drink a pot!"

Meng Chao thought of this, and was about to rush out before the monsters broke out of the cage.

By doing this, although it is impossible to prevent the monsters from appearing, at least three or five seconds in advance can be used as a warning to this white-haired but aura-filled senior.

Three or five seconds is enough for a god-level powerhouse to change the outcome and decide life and death!

However, in the next second, a faint breath came from a seemingly unremarkable thorn bush on the edge of the jungle, but Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and changed his mind.

"There are people there!

"Someone could hide quietly under my nose for so long, until the target got closer and closer and entered his range, and his heartbeat accelerated by three percentage points, revealing his existence.

"This is a master!

"It's not the top assassin in Longcheng, or the top sniper in Longcheng. In his own field, he can definitely rank among the top ten in Longcheng!"

Meng Chao's mind switched.

Realizing that this mysterious master who had been hiding here for an unknown period of time before the monster transport convoy arrived, it is very likely that he was the on-site commander of this "God Killing" operation.

In other words, this guy is very likely to know a lot of key information.

Including "who, why, and how dare to kill a powerful person in the divine realm"!

And where did they recruit so many daring assassins who dared to "kill the gods"?

"This guy must be caught alive!"

It's not easy to do this.

At the site of the Hongxigou project of the Huanyu Group, the members of the Blood Alliance burned themselves into a fireball if they disagreed, and in just a few seconds, they were utterly ruthless, which left a very deep impression on Meng Chao.

If the other party is really from the Blood Alliance.

There must be something like a self-igniting or even self-exploding chip implanted in the body.

Regardless of whether top assassins or top snipers, their perception of the surrounding environment is extremely acute.

Even if a grasshopper leaps lightly over the tip of the grass, the air disturbance caused by it will make them more vigilant.

Meng Chao has thirty-seven ways to kill this guy in 2.95 seconds.

Neither let him shed a drop of blood, nor let him let out a half scream.

But he is not confident that he can instantly control all the physiological activities of the other party, freeze and destroy the self-exploding chip, and create an opportunity to torture this guy!

Meng Chao hesitated for a while.

The four or five assassins and the mad white-haired ghosts were already one after the other. You chased me and ran into the ambush circle formed by the monster transporter.


An ace sniper rushed too fast and tripped over a tree root hidden in the humus beneath his feet.

Although he didn't fall, he wasted half a second trying to regain his balance.

It was the half-second that decided his life and death, and he was overtaken by the white-haired ghost.

The white-haired ghost spread his fingers, and his palms pierced directly from the back of the ace sniper and pierced through his chest.

The blood dripping palm is holding a "bubu" beating heart!

This ace sniper, or his companion, is also a ruthless person.

Seeing that he had no reason to survive, he even remotely detonated the spar bomb hanging from his waist.

The flames, shock waves, and magnetic storm surge, like a giant beast with its teeth and claws, opened its **** mouth and bit down on the head of the white-haired ghost.

The white-haired ghost snorted coldly, and the flames around his body expanded, naturally forming a layer of psychic shield, which absorbed and offset the explosive power that was close at hand.

However, the raging flames and smoke from the explosion, coupled with the interference of the biochemical poison on the central nervous system, finally caused the white-haired ghost's vision to shrink and blur for a short time.

At this moment, it was accompanied by a metal tearing sound that caused a headache, and a howl that seemed to come from the deepest part of hell.

Seven monster transport vehicles that were as strong as steel battle fortresses broke apart one after another.

Dozens of undead creatures dripping with blood, three heads and six arms, and their bodies are covered with deformed tumors, with giant eyeballs embedded in the tumors, jumping out from the wreckage of the monster transporter! (To be continued)

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