The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1558: The rising sun!

It was like a flaming meteorite breaking through the atmosphere irresistibly.

Visible psionic ripples immediately appeared around the commander's body.

The colorful, sparkling vortex formed by the collision of countless psionic energy grows, entangles, lingers, and converges, completely distorting the space around the commander, isolating all air, ripples and psychic reactions.

Not only the heart-piercing screams of the commander were perfectly sealed.

Even a series of physiological parameters such as his breathing, heartbeat, adrenaline secretion, etc., cannot be transmitted to the outside world through the monitoring chip embedded in the body.

Naturally, the instructions from the outside world that were enough to detonate the "self-exploding chip" in his body were also blocked and interrupted by Meng Chao.

After the trial of the Holy Mountain Temple, and possessing the power of psychic energy, totem, and the power of destruction from the end of the world, Meng Chao's combat power was originally not inferior to that of the vast majority of the gods in Longcheng.

The commander focused all his attention on the white-haired ghost again.

I never thought that there would be a god-level powerhouse who was not on the list at all in the oblique stab.

There was no room for him to struggle.

In an instant, Meng Chao hit Tianling Gai.

Meng Chao's seemingly thunderous attack did not shatter his skull.

The psionic energy penetrated into the cerebral cortex along the crevices of the bones, causing him to fall into a severe concussion.

The relationship between the central nervous system and the brain cells, and even the fetters between the left and right hemispheres, were all stripped and cut off by Meng Chao as precisely as a Paoding Jie.

The crest and vertebrae were also smashed into pieces by Meng Chao's beast-like force, unable to support the flesh and blood that weighed nearly 200 kilograms.

In just half a second, the commander was completely disarmed.

His brain can no longer control his limbs, and his vertebrae can no longer support his body.

Although he tried his best to widen his eyes, he couldn't control the opening and closing of his eyelids and the rotation of his eyeballs.

Although he opened his mouth as wide as he could, he could only make a faint "hissing" sound from the depths of his throat, and was unable to send even half a message to his companions and superiors outside the jungle.

In fact, he couldn't even control one of his own muscle fibers.

Every cell in his body is under Meng Chao's unbreakable control.

Meng Chao held the commander in his hand like an eagle catching a chicken.

But it didn't stop there.

Instead, it went all the way like lightning, poking all the way from the commander's shoulder to the end of his left arm.

Each merciless jab, pierced a visible pit in the commander's body, through the squeezing of muscles and the push of blood, something that had long been implanted in the commander's body was pushed towards the end of the left arm. , keep squeezing past.

In the end, this high bulging, rather hard thing was forced by Meng Chao into the commander's left hand, like an egg embedded in flesh and blood. Deep in the commander's palm, the "drops" turned and trembled.

Meng Chao didn't even blink.

The five fingers came together, forming a hand knife, the hand raised the knife and fell, and the commander's left hand was cut off cleanly!

Although the hand knife does not have a blade.

The wound on the end of the commander's left wrist was as smooth as a mirror, as if an impeccable surgical amputation had just been performed.

And just when the amputated left hand broke away from the wrist and was about to fall to the ground.


The bulge of the palm suddenly exploded in the depths of flesh and blood, blasting out a strange fire that could not be extinguished by ordinary methods.

The flames burned extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the entire left hand was burned clean.

Even the phalanx, which had been tempered and hard as iron, were burnt into the finest ashes, and not even half a fingernail-sized dregs remained.

It's completely conceivable, if it weren't for Meng Chao's quick eyes and hands.

This strange fire will definitely spread along the wrists, elbows and shoulders, all the way to the whole body of the on-site commander, burning him to ashes in just half a second.

Very typical, the method of the blood alliance.

It's a pity that the same technique cannot be used twice on a god-level powerhouse.

The commander at the scene was pale, and he was about to faint from the pain.

With a tangled expression on his face, I don't know if he was surprised by the power of the different fire, or he was afraid that he could not die cleanly.

Meng Chao had no time to take into account his emotions.

The right hand turned into a gray fog mixed with lightning, and the commander on the scene was carefully groped and scanned again from top to bottom, from inside to outside.

In total, three implants hidden in the depths of flesh, suspected suicide devices and communication systems were destroyed.

Make sure that even half a byte of information can no longer be exchanged between the Blood Alliance and the field commander.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and threw the on-site commander aside like trash.

Roar! hoo hoo hoo hoo!

squeak! Squeak squeak!

call! Huhuhuhuhu!

Behind Meng Chao, the roar of the undead creatures was a hundred times more piercing than the monsters.

These golems, stuffed with blood spores, rely more on predatory and reproductive instincts than monsters.

All attacks on living carbon-based creatures are just to implant more blood pattern spores and grow more blood pattern flowers.

One is the gray-haired ghost who is dying of old age.

One is Meng Chao, who is full of vigor and vitality.

Comparing the two, of course, the latter is a better "medium" or "soil".

Therefore, when Meng Chao recklessly released his own life magnetic field, it spread to all directions of the ambush circle.

More than two-thirds of the undead creatures invariably let go of the white-haired ghost, but turned their eyeballs, which were flowing with blood, venom and pus, like a deformed tumor, in the direction of Meng Chao.




Their flesh is divided again.

From the depths of the flesh, more, more greedy and vicious clusters of blood-striped flowers grew, swelling their bodies two or three times, and even growing new, wet, more deformed and evil limbs.

These monsters, covered with tentacles, let out a heart-wrenching roar, and at the same time rushed towards Meng Chao.

The white-haired ghost stared at Meng Chao suspiciously, like staring at a rising sun.

With Meng Chao helping him share more than two-thirds of the firepower, his pressure was greatly reduced for a while, and he could take a breath and think about what happened to this shocking assassination.

However, the incomparably flamboyant and unstoppable vitality originating from the deepest part of Meng Chao's cells made this older generation of spiritual powerhouse, who was about to reach the end of his life, feel a strong threat, loss and joy.

"Such a young **** realm..."

The white-haired ghost muttered in disbelief, "Who is he, who is he?" (To be continued)

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