The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1641: Cut through the mess

Chapter 1641 Cut the mess with a quick knife

"But I have to say that Shen Laogui played very beautifully. No matter whether the Mingguang explosion was planned or not, now the nine super enterprises are grasshoppers on a rope. We must share the blessings and share the difficulties. when!"

Another spiritual powerhouse "Zuo Tianling" from "Qiankun Pharmaceutical" said solemnly, "Today, these lunatics dare to attack the headquarters of the Universal Group; The foundation built after decades of hard work has all been burned to the ground.

"This is something we absolutely cannot stand!"

Qiankun Pharmaceutical is one of the nine super enterprises, specializing in the research and development, production and sales of genetic medicines.

The number of patents obtained and the number of new drugs launched each year is more than the other eight super companies combined.

Recently, the shady underground black market that happened in Xinhui Commercial Building has the greatest impact on Qiankun Pharmaceutical.

For the other eight super-enterprises, they have other main businesses anyway, and this matter is really out of control. The big deal is that the strong man breaks his wrist and gives up all the profits from the production and sale of genetic medicines.

But for Qiankun Pharmaceutical, if all the profits are to be given up, it is not the strong man's wrist, but the strong man's head.

Therefore, Qiankun Pharmaceutical is most worried about the scandal fermenting, and the hidden twists and turns in the genetic pharmaceutical industry are completely exposed to the world.

Although the Mingguang suffered an explosion on the way to investigate the Hongxigou project.

But as the so-called "pull out the radish and bring out the mud", who knows how much this matter will be involved when it ferments?

The heads of several other super enterprises have the same concerns.

On the one hand, they expressed great indignation at the bad behavior of Shen Yuanbao, a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, wants everyone to die together, and deliberately turns the nine super enterprises into a chain of chains.

But on the other hand, they also expressed great fear of the fanatical crowd instigated by the Azure Alliance.

"These lunatics dare to attack the headquarters of the Universal Group. They can no longer be regarded as ordinary citizens. They are all remnants of monsters, monsters in human skins!"

Lei Tianming slammed his fist again, and said murderously, "Old Zuo is right, now is not the time to hold Shen Laogui accountable, the nine super-enterprises should be united in their anger and hatred, and use thunder and thunder-like means to destroy The remnants of the monsters aimed at the rampant attack inside the Dragon City, and they fought hard to return the peace and tranquility to the Dragon City!

"I suggest that the nine super-enterprises should all enter a state of emergency, all operations outside the Monster Mountains are frozen, they are training in secret bases, and the armed forces prepared for the 'Northward Project' should be mobilized immediately. All armored airships, Also fill up with fuel and ammo, and keep it ready for launch at any time.

"If the remnants of those monsters really dare to rush into the headquarters of the Huanyu Group and destroy them, our men and horses must be able to appear around the headquarters of the Huanyu Group within half an hour by air transportation. Heavy punch, defend the order of Dragon City!"

"Yes, the supreme order is worth sacrificing everything to defend!"

Zuo Tianling also gritted his teeth and said, "In the past few decades, we extraordinary people have gone through fire and water, and we have no idea what a terrible price we have to pay to win the monster war and build Longcheng into the peaceful and peaceful appearance it is today. .

"It is with our efforts that ordinary people can live and work here in peace and contentment.

"Every sober ordinary person should be full of gratitude to the extraordinary, and should also have a high degree of trust in the moral character and professional ethics of the extraordinary. They should know that only under the rule of the extraordinary, Longcheng has a bright future!

"The Transcendent is the sword of human civilization! Anyone who dares to question or even attack this sword is either an enemy or a puppet who is bewitched and controlled by the enemy, and there is no third answer!

"For the long-term stability of Longcheng, we must find out all these monsters sneaking into the crowd, and kill them as an example, in order to deter those guys who are still dormant in the dark and ready to move!"

Lei Tianming and Zuo Tianling, whose names sound like half-brothers.

The two have similar tastes, and they have often fought side by side in the past, and they are comrades in life and death.

Faced with the explosion of the Mingguang and the farce at the entrance of the headquarters of the Universal Group, their way of handling it is also consistent.

In a word, five words, cut the mess with a quick knife!

Such a resolute attitude has aroused the discussion of the rest of the powerhouses.

They naturally have no doubts about their own strength.

I'm just worried, if the conflict intensifies, I don't know how this matter should end.

"We've been fooled by the monster mastermind!"

Someone lamented, "Now think about it, a year and a half ago, the campaign to attack the ultimate lair of monster civilization was full of doubts - our progress was so smooth, to the point of stepping into a trap.

"You must know that at that time, although the monster civilization shifted from strategic offensive to strategic defense, the overwhelming beast tide was still raging in the wilderness and jungle. If it was determined to fight us to the end, it was not impossible for the monster civilization to launch a few counterattacks.

"But after the monster mastermind fell slightly behind, he seemed to realize that his own destruction was inevitable, and as a result, he surrendered directly.

"The hordes of beasts that were originally active on the outskirts of the Hidden Misty Territory have all disappeared, and the ultimate lair of the entire monster civilization has become an undefended city, attracting those of us who want to end the war as soon as possible. Against the king's way, he went deep into the treacherous lair and launched an earth-shattering decisive battle with the monster mastermind.

"At that time, we thought that we had paid a untold hardship and a tragic price, and finally achieved the most complete and complete victory.

"But thinking about it now, this victory is too suspicious, and it leaves too many sequelae!

"First, all of us who are strong in the realm of the gods were severely injured by the monster masters in the decisive battle. Even if we are not as reckless as Shen Laogui, so that he was unconscious for several months, but we fought for the Dragon City for decades. The dark injuries of the superimposed, and finally erupted, still hurt everyone's vitality!

"You must know that the absolute force of our extraordinary sanctification, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, was originally the Dinghaishenzhen to defend the order of the Dragon City.

"Now, Dinghaishenzhen was blasted out of criss-crossing cracks by the monster's master brain, and it was about to fall apart. This is called those who have ulterior motives and ambitions, how can they not make a move?"

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